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Durham Chronicle (1867), 29 Jun 1905, p. 8

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during the Spanish war know what this disease is, and that ordinary a mild attack of cholera. There is one remedy, however, than can al- ways be depended upon as will be seen by the following certificate from Mrs. Minnie Jacobs of Houston. Tex as. “I hereby certify that Chamber- ,lain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea 'Remedv cured my husband of a severe attack of Cuban diarrhoea. which he brought home from Cuba. We had several doctors but they did him no good. One bottle of this rem- edv cured him, as our neighbors will testify. I thank God for so valuable a medicine.” For sale at Parker’s I time. It is. indeed. a wonde ul hair tonic. rin health hai a 1 nd at l drug store. ‘ to th r an sea 1). a . . {ligame‘tlmmprovinogaaplendid dreaain .” 'ly tha' there 18 no Saturday being the lst of J uly, and therefore a Public Holiday, this store Will be closed all ”we a.- r-vm.» day. But will bezopen‘ latchâ€"“on, Friday .eve. heavy, smooth hair? Of course you do. T hen why flair Vigor not be pleased? Ayer’s Hair Vigor makes beautiful heads. of hair, that’s the whole story. Sold for 60 years. “ I have need Ayer’a Hair Vi for a long sport. ...... .. « always keeps a bot lain’s Colic. Cholera Remedv at hand re use. a . Do Not Hold Your Wool 5; Sell Now Whilenthe. mes is Good 1 Da. J. W. Tartar. mu. '1‘. l 51.00 a bottle. ' “1 d111,... I". v .... .-â€"H ... ...â€"g._~_â€". J. 0. am 00.. Ian. Mr Blrber says: --I have Chamberlain’s Colin, Lowell for Edge Hill. Let us show you the very latest, nattest styles in Ladies Neckwear. ever shown outside the 5 City. They are exclusively our 0WD. You cannot purchase the same goods anywhere else. in town. Look'stylish by wearing one the lst. Mr. Geo. Firth, of Melancthon. vis- ited friends and neighbors here for a few days last Week. r-u_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€"_â€"' â€".â€"â€"~- » __.,- - '3 Market Report. I t Mr. Herb. Greenwood. accompani- icine I ever used.” ed by his two sisters. Winnie and Drug Store. Ethel. visited friends near Maple. Hill. the beginning of the week. t l DURHAM. May 21. 190?». Mrs. C. Williams has returned home i tween the married and single men.‘ The game was interesting throughout” All The married men led at the first ole., G. the game but. they did not keep it up i quired Sprained Ankle. Stifi‘ Neck. Lame Shoulder. ...- which Chamberlain’s Pain Balm 18 score 0f the” opponents. Mr. 9°35 eSpecially valuable If promply ap- Firth kept tally and. Mr. Dan Edge! plied it will save you time, money acted as. umpire girlug the best of, and suflering when troubled with satisfaction. l our Solicitor for collection. For sale ers and their positions. with perhaps; Dated May 8th 1905. some few changes. during the game. 3' Alex. Russell THE BIG STORE. meaaaasaeetaaaaeaeaaae l purpose of settling Following are the play- ' ‘ any: one of these ailtmnts. ' at Parker’s drul.y store is _"i O a sasssaaaaasaaaaaasaauauasasaaaaaaaaaa . THIS STORE CLOSES AT 7 P. M. OPENS AT ‘l 1.. . * r , â€" l .t‘tlmement is the keynote at Burnett s Dress Goods Department. A look Milli our selection reveals a perfect wealth of ideas that you will see nowhere -- lli‘n’ where you may, we think you will be thoroughly satisfied The «.H": of materials and the beautiful new shades make our exposition of new iforts of former seasons. elm tor summer gowns far surpass the best e '__-â€"â€"5 it!» -L.i:'RY . . . The Epworth League of the Durham Methodist Church have arranged an Excursion tolliagata lat Friday, July 7th A special excursion train will leave Durham at «m'vw-w- "mm-we l.» time when pe )ple mill; into the hoisery liesiles The Burnett Clothing Stands for all‘that is absolutely correct in wearing apparel for men and boys, and at the same time the prices are kept down to the level and in some cases below the level of the sorts that iind a place in many stores. Comparison first and then the wear test are the levers which we expect will con- tinue to lift our clothing highe‘ and higher in public esteem. ll "l. wanting ) xvi-at well. you want " fast black,” and that where wâ€": can meet .__.â€"_____._.___.__â€"__‘____- â€"â€". ..fi ...â€".- -..._â€"â€"â€" .- l 7 a. m., arriving at the Falls about noon. and leaving on the return trip about 7 p. m. 4%.} SUMMER snla'rs FOR YOUNG MEN . , 33 This will be the best . ‘ ' . . a shipment of Shll‘tS that are the essence of style. 3. eaculswn Of the season, and . Medium and DarkSoft, stiff and pleated fronts. ii those who never saw the great cataract and f5 the enormous power works now under construe ’3 should not fail to attend. Wamaaaaamauaaaaaamaaantittaaaaaaaa DURHAM ....... ' ...... {23.2285 ............. (57%??? but because of the prime Eggfigyfi ............... 22.1150 ................... 1.10. value, we a... 0%,”. 0m. shoes make the met glad m.Fonsas::::::::::::32:05:111111111111111332: as they are not only good lockers but are good wear... gilifiasiofiffffffff.152.323I.'II'.'.'.I :1::::::::'l‘.£-? June Weather For Shirtwaists goé'gél'léfiigifi ............ .‘ (I) . .. figgeweeggg gaziynwithfi‘e finest range (if choice waists we fit}; .......... ........ :8:- ................. ”1.35): .. the prim . 6 styles mll please you,- also Eleni.-. .. '.'.'.'.;::::.:la°:::.::::.'::::::::::::23: Tickets will be good going only] on one train, , - “lid ‘30. return following day, - except Durham. ,,,,,,,,,, "5““. '2‘ ,4 ‘ ",a m-'v-“,c‘;h-Twrmm“a- We HAW. C, H. Mofiat pitcher John lioflat Thos. Firth catcher Geo. Ritch’e U. S. soldiers who served in Cuba Arthur weir shortstop Wm. Ritch e w. J. Ritchie lat base Thos. Ritchie Jno. Firth 2nd base J. H. McFaydcn Edgar Ritchie centre Joe. Atkinscng After the game the crowd returnl dl to the swings and kept them in Opoâ€"r l ation until dark when all went home 5 well satisfied with the afternoon's l Just What Everyor 3 Should Do Mr. 7. TBarberof iv'winville, G3,; -‘ Of Chamber ‘ ind Diarrhoel y for instant Attacks of colic cholera mor- bus arll diarrhoea cc. 3 on so sudden ? "£118 to hunt doctor or go to the st 'e for medicine ll'li ll ' Cholera amll Diarrhoea Remedy which is one oil the best medicines I ever saw, keep a bottle of it in my room as Ihave had several attacks of ("toilet and it has proved to be the best {lic'l l Sold at Parker’s-l tate of the late Neil HcKechnie: persons indebted to the firm o: J. McKechnie are hereby reâ€" . to call and settle their accounts and the result of seven innings play ' With the said firm, “the? by note 0" was a decisive victor for the sin [mother-wise, within the space 0f one 'v g ilnonth from the date hereof, for the u the affairs oi l the Estate of the late l’eil McKechnie. Any outstanding accounts after till- above named date, will be placed with l y N.. G, A; J. M(‘KE(‘H.\IE. Q U remedies have little more efiect than will Firth 3rd base Wm. Edge l so much water. Cuban diarrhoea J. w. Firth right field Archie Ectcr!’ Do you like your thin, rough, is 31m“ ‘9 9""8 80d dancerons as Sam Edge left field Wm. Weir: MISS HELEN F. MEARS. short hair? Of course you don’t. Do you like thick, 1 Talented Woun- Who Baa Earl... Far-e .- a Sculptor. Miss Helen Farnswortll Mears, tn. sculptor of Frances Willard’s status ! which the state of Illinois commig. ; stoned her to make for statuary hall at g the capitol at “'nshington, was ltOrn in Oshkosh, Wis, and began to mode! things out of putty that she tough about the house when but a mere child, Before she was nine years old she had modeled a head of Apollo. which wgp exhibited at the county fair. and et- ery year after she modeled something for exhibition, her designs l‘f‘Dl‘t-sogx. } ing allegorical figures. as Hope, Re- i pentance and similar ideas. Later, wh Miss Mears began attending: the N mal college. she continued her model. ing at home, with her father to milk; I l suggestions and criticisms. I Although the statue of Miss Willa is not the first work of importan a fully for them. The Mil\v:lul~:vo W0- man's club having offered a itl‘ff'o' of for the best work or art by :l Wis- naln woman that should be cxllglllt- Id at the Chicago exposition sill» was fortunate enough to win it with her Wisconsin figure. which, after the fall. .was put in marble and placed in the rotunda of the capitol at Madison. Op to this point the only professional lnatructlon Miss Meats had recoil-ed Mas confined to about six weeks at the 'Art institute in Chicago, but she went to New York, where she studied for :l year and a half under Augustus St. Gaudens at the Art Students' league before going abroad to spend a year lll i Paris ateliers, working under Puewh ‘ in Julien's studio. in Collin's class and With Merson and Charpentier. Duang i the latter part of the time she wllrlwl for St. Gaudens. helping to mode“. in General Logan and other statues. After nine or ten months in it..2_" Miss Mears returned to New Yer-i. ;.:. l set up for herself as a sculptorâ€"l? troit News'l‘ribunc. after a lengthened visit with friends i ‘Mm‘vmm ‘ .... d lp l W} 8 9 $1 00 in Toronto and Hamilton. 9 . Sh d e o - ' . . t .......... 5 to _ l R F - {é QM. ‘15: 9, t 1.00 we must congratulate Mr. w. J., epalr 0p 0‘ r1 3 ’ argal nS 7’ 45 "mm: a“ """" j o M Firth on his success in passing with 70 ’ 3’3 vOats dl to at honors his third year examination in ‘5 Just Opened, m.“ (1mm north 5 F Th . W k ”' ; Peas. .. . . . . . . . 69 to 69 Arts at Teronto University. of Chief Carson's, when: I .4 or is ee ' * Barley -------------- - 40 to 42 Our beef ring killed their first beef . . . .fi Hay ................ 7 00 to 7 00 last Wednesday. The farmersin this Blt‘."‘3lf‘8.s¢‘“'lllg MHChlnes. Lawn d 9% Butter 16 to 16 part could not be per~uaded to do vaers. Lock (inns Umbrellas. ¢ 4% l Eggs . 15 to 5 without the beef ring. ‘0 ’ ’ ’ 2 pks .‘lCIull‘Pn S Jelly tOl‘... . ................ 2;)(3 % Potatoes per bat? ...... 50 to 5;) Th6 Edge Iii“ Union Sunday SChOOl ’ 9t?" (‘tfi'u ‘ .) , - . ,» , ,_ 1 7 : H held its annual picnic in Mr. Wm. .' ..OC Olaf .‘Idl‘llldlddt ............................... 100 ‘6 Apple- .............. l 0? to l) 09 Edge”! bush on Saturday last. Thei A \‘xilllle repaired (ll) shortest notice 9' “K? till SIOVB PUllSll .............................. DC * Flour per CW: """" 2 ‘0 to '9’ 09 weather was all that could be desiredf ? at I‘eitsmlill’lellPlCi’S- Huntaround ’ \WVlSS‘ FOOtl and “11,1 Vll‘l 100 * Oatmeal per 9391‘ 2 40 t0 9 40 and a nice crowd gathered together.; the woodshed and garrett and I '41 W” ‘ ‘ ( i ( ( ( """"""""" _ ” *lChop per cwt.... 1 10 to l 10 The car” part of the afternoon was; see if you haven't solllething , mammrmswonm 3mm, tl tans Sardines .................................... 200 *‘lee Hogs .......... 5 30 ,0 g, 30 most pleasantly 81):“ in games and you want repaired. Miss Mears has executed she is still .. . , , - . , swnngmg any ot er amusements ’ ' .l Cans Fancy Biscuit ........................... 25c *lDressed Hoes per mm 6 ..o to 7 00 Te, was served ,bcu, 4:30. and the mmxsmw young wotrxn. {Shetgubglittedoafdes‘ifi .3 (Tans Soda Biscuit ....... 9.30 3 HM“ p" lb """""" 5i ‘0 5% wants 0‘ the inner "Hm amply sun-l -....- in compe on or .e gill-f 7' l "‘ """""""""""" "‘ * - l- - . . . man for the Womans bUllii.l‘.f_' ;.i the ; .Sheepsklns.. 00 to 1 OO plied by the abundance of dellCRCIBS_ cm“ 0 ex osltion comiu' ;., third * Wool 24 to 26 whiCh the ladies generously provided, m -.-.--._....-- a. g p .’ ’ .. ' * ' ...... After tea came the special feature of “a when symbolical figures “r “ls. : Tallow ............. 4 to 4Q the picnic. the baseball match be NOTICE. In the matter of the es. cousin were wanted for the l.» ,llslo HIGHEST PRICE “to FOR PRODUCE. g Lard ............... 10 to 12 i hate building she competel. slums. -.â€" fi'indow Shades. In measuring for window Shad-cs it ' must be remembered that tile (3":il0'i‘~' } measure by the length of the l‘UII-ur‘ ;.:. 1 i not by the width of the shade itsl-il‘. as most women learn to their Sorrow if’ they take the measure for thcnlwlvw The shade has to be cut narrow-r that. l the fixtures on the ends of the l-«llfler '. . allow it to work; hence shades are t) - narrow very often if untrained pl-rwm take the measures for themselves. | In the same way designers of their , own homes draw plans and give LINN ; ures to a house builder, imagining 11:2: 5 the measures will be exactly 127ng 1 . allow the pieces of furniture to s ..: . in the spaces intended for them. '1‘ng intend the single line for inside nll- l~ ure and make no estimate fali' . ~- walls, and the builder takes it for I: .. outside and lessens the size of .‘ 1 room just that much. The writer l... .. l Visited in such a house, where it \".. ~ .l constant source of trouble to its m :l- ers, who had drawn the plan to il(_'t‘w'llâ€" mod‘Ite rugs and furniture. "1m "‘ datlons were laid and walls tip to». f‘: " to change before the matter was l. coveredâ€"Table Talk. I i Her Company \roice. “Who is that in the parlor, Nellie?" asked the little sister. “Nobody but mamma and Fred.” re- plied Nellie. " “Oh. yes. there must be some UH; else." rejoined the little girl, “for lll:ll?.~ ‘ ma has her company voice on!” It was a little squib under the lie-u. ins 0‘ “Fun" Wthh a member of i? 0 family read aloud from the paper. '1‘)..- circle about the table who heard It smiled, and one said, “That's :1 and 103cc" Bill: a more thoughtful lllt her turned it over in her millil. r” t‘ was the mother, and she Idll~3li~vl "1 herself that it was more than ~ ' ' ‘ that in many instances it vars r- ' 7‘ “g" truth. It came home to her llt"‘l‘l :;:l , " cant alanincance. for she flf‘l-ff. lwll' d to herself that “the company \ olw'" We itch to appear at our best M whose good opinions we ‘9 fill. But With those who "Matumapeakin irritable. “I". m hennaâ€"Evangelist. w" . a t} ’- '1 , g, 11:11 _ la y" L-.', . ~ol- ‘ , a l ' -. ...”. .â€"-‘ VOL. 38-440. 1999. -â€"â€"-â€"â€"- W‘â€" [)0 Local News It UATHERED OUR/Nil 7H! 1.2- ‘ 5-,. CHROA' ,‘ Iii-.1 .. .~ i l\‘- 01' ll'ilili‘. St()r(b. i" t ‘l l. \Vtmll \\ \\':. . I, fti‘l lilllg.:ll ‘ll. ll 4A}’lil]g t\ \w!‘ '1‘” lilal it. i‘l'ulllw «7 .H l; Durham. l‘g Till-z l Supplyi'll .ii‘TMl' v. ln'k *. . St‘o'llwi' en's llny track. THl-L Nun; '- Ttllls guilt: tl ., Tickets gnu-.1 ‘Y'wlr l - _ \3 Only $2.33 in: Ill‘t‘ll. Mil.“ .‘ \VIH: \\‘ \\ 'l e. \ British ('(Ollltll’lll i-l_ r , “'lslws in i‘Hl‘l- ~ll ll .: \'. ' . lfldy. ()llju '1 ill lii'liA fix \ , A. ll. Aslwn mm. 1: . ‘91‘ Flat Hitil‘l THE Misses Mi‘kt‘lllit «5 street, hall lll" ‘lull' . t it repainted :lrlll Monday lllgiil. slnlllv ill-Ml r desirous. llti lllullll. lvl Willi“: .l we haVl‘ still "lllc' llmi \\ -‘ :. 1’! in Olll' lllltlsl. 'Jlll" ”lurk . 009 (if illt‘ big \NtMNll'lI verandah. It was lll' youngsters il‘l li~ Will lw lllmlr Yll \Mllt'? " .1 lH’Jiili lllt :? llllldl \\ l h Qilt‘llt't‘s. 2.. in”, that lull-i? \‘w I» . .'\llt,‘l'tli‘i‘ll. \V.‘ ,. marlin-r. l.lâ€".: I7 .«l:.\ . '- g \V l~ It'LIl"‘l Was uni-L: l; ‘. iill‘l \l'. ”to laugh grilllllll \\ll’ l" \\ ~ lit“ ll ('l'tlslllllu l..:l . l splullllillul mil-rumb- it “71%;". u»: 'l'm l3»... -' l Mulmt‘l ‘ ‘ ' ‘ Party at 3w Mt'l.t‘.‘lll. .l lll.ll. .\ \‘lilt'tl. «'ill'l ' 'l‘lll'i‘lo'm Din‘lmm ll " tlit‘li' .12 l asstlt‘t'tl. ‘5‘ \‘lllt‘. \\ .Ailllllr'fi '« ll-lt‘t'll‘ ~. l' l'nhu'lluil ‘ f()lltl\\llli ‘1 \VI? l‘t'. 31i5\ I‘M“.‘ l titllllul .‘l ..: - J t: (lit-ll Hit .‘l ll-i lasl. 'l‘llv } years Hi .‘irfit , was in llt‘l is. Saturday sip" : Sunday sl|~ xx.” 1. an operation l-lv m: «Drilled ll)‘ in \l . l‘ and only imp.» . - ‘. termination m. \l u. I the dlSll't‘ssml [ull'l'lfi - over the ins» Hl lll -.: ‘ ed Child. "l‘llt‘ llllll-t .. .~ ', - day, \\'ctilw.~ll;ly. 1-: ll . ‘. ‘ Where she \Vlll ln- llllt'll l ‘ a it; Hit» i service in \Ull'nl‘y .\l-- MR. Hamn livuxl . fortune in lll'l\i' .‘i l. 'l! v‘ Wild Ll‘ltlll Hit \l Hill l} “d killed, iii l ll" ' . l‘-\~ it seems that m.- Wltb two others. ;.1' 'i t - come way whcntlllwp. . The Others got ni’l' ~.:i' «5} Itumbled and fvli :lu-l \\.l~ 7.: by the train, being ml? wmml W0. “'8 understand ill'ill - ”imals have been killed in il l "l i ‘l «' ill 1 'l Ol \ l V I til i" | . H‘ I l l 15%;; M ”d BOIIIC SU’pS slintllil ll ' "I: b we this place less daugcn demonstrated that the overhead :1 5; ant i" ‘ necu'ityl ”i ’4‘, ambled] .4 efill. - â€"- j is ‘ .

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