‘ . DURHAM CHRONICLE Durham. July 6 . 1905 Soon, now, the festive psthmsster will hsng his hsmmer on the outer wsll. snd, summoning his thrsll shoot him. will sslly forth to mske the side ï¬lo snd concession worse thsn they '39 before, if thst were: possible. Since the time whereof the memory of mn runneth not to the contrary, ye psthmsster has been piling mud on the middle of the rosd, which the fall sud spring rain gleefully wssh back into the ditch. With a pstience and 8 persistence worthy of s. better cause yo psthmsster puts it beck again the following June ; sud this see ssw businses hss been going on ever since Columbus discovered Americs. Cc- cssionslly the psthmsster will dump s grest land of rock in the middle of the highway, but the husky fsrmers slid the “ trsnsisnt public†csrefully drive around this primitive piece of mscsdsm if they have to tske to the ï¬elds for it. Bv wsy of smusing the grest Unwsshed the psthmsster some times undertskes to mske water run up hill. but he hss never made at real success of it. Should he ever win out he will tske his plsce on the scroll of Psme with Marconi. Edison. McComb Westinghouse. snd the lste lamented Ir. Russell, of Russell fence fame. You will never tumble into the path. msster’s ditch. All you’ve got to do is to stsy in his ruts. sud nothing but s cyclone or s stesm shovel will lift you out of them. The sversge fsrmer hath few joys. The fsll fair, the cir- cus. sn cccssionsl funersl or sn elec- tion furnish him with en outing oc- cssionslly, but “ rosd work†is 3 ï¬x- tire. Doico for niento. Had all the “note lohor in Ontario during the past. ï¬fty years been intelligently â€plied. ovary highway in Canada â€old be a smooth .9 o hiiliord tohle the rural bridges would he works of en, and every cross road would be a _ Earl Mead; while sweet singing we; now delight. As n rule, the evernge ! done by Miss Edine Limin, 3dr. T91. turner know: as much about road 1 ford and the School under the eflici. building end engineering as my dog ; ent trnininz of our teacher, Miss knows ebont the autonomy bills. It’e% Limin. who presided at the organ. t sport when some conceited end g The home team defected Varney boys noting jay get. appointed peth- in e use 0! font bell, the nu. Hr. “In Then there are are“ doin'a. Bicearekroed the“. "the .1 "when then nee-iv “another gnyei‘epot‘gn of $50me w MacFarlane 00. ny prevxous rgely due to the fact that socially our we will sell all pnpers now in stock u. V. IRWIN. Editor and Proprietor. you, .0 to clean Bl Evan if you nro not going to pnpor until Into Fnll yon hnd hotter buy the pnpor now while the «wing on be Draggists Booksellets. STATUTE LABOR. Want You To These Papers '-Third Off ing, the electric lights at the same time going out and leaving the build. ing in darkness. The transformer on the electric light post at the front of the church had been struck and burn. ed out, the switches in the church and a number of lamps also being burned out. The wiring in the tower was also badly wrecked and some plaster shook ed in the tower. The ï¬rst thought was that the building had been struck, and a panic was narrow- ly averted. Thanks, however, to the presence of mind of the pastor and others the more nervous ones were reassured, and in a few minutes the service was being gone on with ap- parently as though nothing unusual had happened, except that an oil lamp: had taken the place of the electric lights. Despite the exciting occur- rence, Mr. Watch delivered amost able discourse. He has been an inde- fatigable worker since assuming the pastorate of this church four years ago. and we trust that he will not celebrate his ï¬rst Sunday in his new char at Huntsville with quite so muc vigor as his farewell service here had to its credit. Mr. and Mrs. and Miss Watch leave for Huntsville to-day (Thursday).â€"Shelburne Econ- omist. bo ordered oround. sad the sooner the pothmutor goes to join the dodo in oblivion the better for all bondsâ€" Sunday last was the last Sunday of Rev. C. W. Watch’s pastorate in Shel- burne Methodist Church, and that gentleman preached his farewell ser- mon Sunday evening. It was the most exciting farewell service ever held in Shelburne church. There was no service in either Anglican or Presbyterian churches that evening, and as a consequence. despite the ex- tremely threatening appearance of the weather. a large congregation assembled, chairs being placed in the aisles. After the singing of a hymn, followed by prayer, Mr. J. N. Tribble sang a solo to an accompniment of lightning and thunder that was most disconcerting. Rev. Mr. Clark (who had preached in the Presbyterian church in the morning) was in the midst of reading the scripture lesson when there was a blinding flash fol. lowed instantaneously by a deafening crash of thunder that shock the build- and the roads! Miu Lily Cd‘diner. of Mt. Forest, visited ut Mr. Dan Greenwood’a over Sundy. Mater Horace Moï¬st gnd sister, of Greenock, no visitmg their grand- parents, Mr. and Mr. Bobt. Ector. Mr. Robert Moï¬et, son George and donghter Roby. of Toronto. spent the lot of July with friends in thin neighborhood. Mr. Robert Edge he: added much to the appeennce end comfort of his house by putting in a gothic end erecting a handsome verandeh. The old barn on Wm. McCrackan’s farm has been straightened up lovol again. Will Wright had the contract. Mr. Donald McFaydon has also jack- ed up his old barn and intends build- ing a stone wall under it. Miss Sarah Brown was so unfortu- nate as to break her arm on Thurs- day at the Holstein picnic through the breaking of a swing rope. We are pleased to see her able to go around and enjoy herself again al- though it will be a few weeks before she can resume work. A public examination was held in our school on Friday to show how the little ones were progressing with their studies. They acquitted them. selves very nicely in the presence of the School Board anda number of other visitors. Miss Amy Edge has resigned her position us teacher in the Rocky School where she has taught for the past two end s hslf yesrs. On leav- ing the school her pupils presented her with s fsnoy toilet csse es s mark of their esteem for her. After holi- days Miss Edge will go to Owen Sound in order to pursue her studies and better qualify herself for her profession. Our picnic on Thursday was one of the best ever held in this place. The new grounds are most suitable for the purpose and the day was all that could be desired. The tea and eat- ables maintained the good reputation our ladies have long enjoyed of being the best and most generous cooks in the country. The programme was short but elevating and the following were the entertainers: Chairman, “’m. Allan ; Speeches were made by Rev. Mr. Bice and County Commis sioner Allan ; recitations were given by Mabel Mead. Aggie Marshall, Sara Allan. Ella Baird, Esther Tucker and Em M0245 While “39‘ wells 39° Mrs. Henry Brandon. of Belgrsve, spent a few days at the ï¬rst. of the week visiting her sisters, Mrs. Tuck- er and Mrs. J. Grssby. The muons are building the base- ment of our new school this week. AN EXCITING IABBWELL. Corner Concerns. Edge Hill. who er, is spending a few weeks with his kinsfolks. the Beird family. He in- tends going West in a couple of months to learn the art of forming, but is at present taking a few lessons here where we do light work on a small scale. The abilities of the Chronicle’s Men- agerie is beginning to be appreciated by the legislative councils of our fair Dominion. In the last Traverston budget we noticed that your repre- sentative of that place had been call- ed by the Glenelg Council to preside at the loafers annual midsummer pic- “I! vuv â€"v- .. nic held on the roadside of his best. We were elevated by the Egremont Council to the same eminent position and will also go as far as to say that good work and lots of it was done, but we wouldn’t swear to it or sign an aflidavit to that eï¬ect same as he did in his last week’s news. To go so far in a case of roadwork is acting down right reckless. Mr. Wm. Allan. Superintendent of our S. 8., attended the International Sunday School Convention held in Toronto last week and thought it surpassed anything he had ever at- tended. and certainly the collection of $66.000 in a few minutes time must have been surprising to Presbyterians who have seen church funds raised cent by cent. Mr. Allan seems much inspired by his visit. Mr. Joe. Tucker is engaged putting in posts for a wire fence which will add much to the nppzvrance of his farm which is now one of the best in the township and it will be quite in keeping with his ï¬ne house and barn. Mr. Archie Hartley, 3 young Scotch- mm fresh from the land of_ the bath- ’-‘_ L9- The Rev. Mr Bice conducted eer- vicea in Lawrence Hall last Sunday after the one ct Allen’s School. He seems to be of the common belief tbet it takes short smart sermons to catch sinners end that the goody-goods don’t believe they need long ones. While there are many charming pictures of the marriage morn. one of the prettiest weddings ever witness- ed in the evening wee that of last Wedneedey at six p. m. on the lawn of Mr. Wm. Allen when his second daughter, Miss Belle, wee united to the men of her choice, Mr. Robert Rewleton Watson, in the holy bonds of matrimony by the Rev. Mr. Cemp- bell, B. A. B. D., Dromore, in the presence of about 130 invited guests. The bride epproeched the alter on the‘ arm of her fetber as Miss Edith wee playing the wedding march. Little .Mise May Allen, the flower girl, cer- ried'pink roses, while the bride had a bouquet of ferns end snow bells and looked most charming in e dress of cream silk voile trimmed with ellover ilece, chidon and ribbon end her trev- gelling suit wee of blue mohair with gcreem silk Waist. The groom looked hie very best, both happy and con- tented. After congratulations the compeny repaired to the diningroom where a wedding supper was prepar- ed right to the pink of perfection with everything that was pleasing to the eye end tempting to the pelete every thing from the big three storey wed- ding cake down to the most delicate fruits of the seeeon quite ï¬tted to each other. The presents to the bride were very handsome, useful and vel- ueble, the best one wee the groom’! present of $50. The company spent the evening in gemes, songs end chit chet. The happy couple left for e visit in Toronto next morning taking with them the best wishes of their many friends. Those present from e distance were Mr. and Mrs. Dickieon, of Guelph ; Mr. and Mrs. Reid, Flesh- erton ; and Mr. and Mrs. Thoe. Cook. Merkdele. '- Miss Katie and Master Willie Dodds, of Berkeley. will spend the holidays at Grandpa Firth’s at Zion’s Corner. Mr. Jake Cook, of Berkeley, spent Dominion Day “the old homestead here. Our Sunday School picnic on Sat- urday afternoon was a most happy and successful one. It was "Chil- dren’s Day†and they were right royally feasted. Ten gallons of ice cream was made away with and it was of ï¬rst class quality. The races were an attractive feature and were well contested, but that by a quar- Some have commenced haying. This is hoe and scuffler week. Miss Spsrling. ot Hesthcote, was the guest of Miss Florence Hunt for a. few days. Forgotten :--The Gift for the Bride. A REMINDER ! ! vnon'lmnnn'sncmu'n L US Hair Renewe Makes the hair grow long and heavy, and keeps it soft and glossy. Stops falling hair and cures dandruff. And it always restores color to gray hair. Sold for ï¬fty ears. â€mamaâ€.- It will cost you nothing but a few iminutes ti we can’t satisfy. you, there is no harm done. GORDON, Traverston. -~â€".-C.o “ The House of Quality.†'vvw v- ._.__-___ _ ,- , others. Messrs. W. J. Edwards. W. J. Greenwood, Thos. E. Blair and James Nelson were the chaps that made a new time record. Fun ga- lore ! After races, a short. bright programme was given. Rev. '1‘. Colling making a capital speech in a few brief minutes. A supper of choice cooking followed the pregram and Mrs. John McNally and Mrs. J. J. Peart “ biled the tea to the pink of perfection.†The concert in Zion at night was well attended. The pro- gram had been Well prepared, had plenty of variety and was of a most entertaining nature. Misses Olive; Cook and Katie McNally had trained! the little folks in song, and Miss E.‘ Scott in recital and it told in their: favor. Miss May Robson recited one of Jean Ingelow’s masterpieces in a most able manner, bringing out the melody of the poem ; Mr. Sam Scott. of the Corners, made his ï¬rst appear- ance on a Zion program and upheld his reputation as a reciter ; the dia« logues were specially well acted, those gifted ones taking partâ€"Misses Olive Cook, Stella Jack. Myrtle Hunt, Katie McNally and Miss E. Scott, as- sisted by Ernest Cook and Beecher Jack. A duet. “ In the Shadow of the Old Apple Tree †was sweetly sung by Mrs. Will Jack and Mrs T. Glencross. The proceeds of ice cream and admission to concert amounted to $20.30. Everybody went home happy and heart glad. totto of mnrriod_gh3ps_t_>ent 911 2'.“ “Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liv- er stlets have done me a. great den] of good, " says 0. Towns of Rat Port- age. Ontsrio. Csnsde. “Being s mild physio end the after eï¬sots are not unpleasant, and I on recommend them to :11 who suï¬er from stomsch disorder.†For sole st Parker’s Drug Store. When you want s pleasant lsxst- ive thst is easy to take end certsin to set, use Chemherlsin’ e Stomach sud Liver Tablets. For ssle st Perk- ers Drug Store. . b to . â€" ‘ ' - o o ' Nfgï¬wï¬ggizggg $311,293; If: They are trade wmners and trade keepers and this is the quired to call and settle their accounts ' with the said ï¬rm, either by note or very klnd you want. otherwise, within the space of one month from the date hereof, for the pu se of settling u the affairs of ' the state of the late eil McKechnie. ee , S and M ade Any outstanding accounts after the above named date, will be placed with our SOliCitOl‘ for collection. annn’- 0" n-lf n'fnrfl- 9}â€: but -nlkina nhnn mad. ‘1 95 OTICI. tutu a Dated May 8th 1905. June 14, tf. W‘WM U brick house, 30x32; 2; storeys high; double cellar, cement floor in one half, furnace in the other half. Small barn with stone stable under- neath. Convenient to station, Furniture Factory' and Cream Separator Works. Will sell cheap to 1I‘lrlck purchaser. The owner is going est. For further particulars apply to mmwmm Where to get the best in Bequty and Quality. willbe repaired on shortest notice at reasonable prices. Huntaround the woodshed and garrett and see if you haven’t something you wanuepaired. Bicycles, Sewing Machines, Lawn Mowers. Lock Guns, Umbrellas, ' etc., etc., House and Lot Forsale N BRUCE s'r., DURHAM, NEW Just. opened, next door north of Chief Carson’s, where GOOD 7 ROOMED HOUSE FOR rent in Upper Town. Applyto J. M. LATIMER. rug own» We not only make shoes to order but we make to ï¬t and wear. We can demonstrate to your satisfaction that Hon. 1,. tn. mm, of m. u. we make footwear different from the ordinary run. Boots “1“ 0‘ 910R? NI 9330““: in which workmadship and materials have got supremacy. Repair Shop for Constipation. TO LET. N.. G, J. MCKECHNIE. WM. LEGGETTE. Box 92, DURHAM. Trouble and U 159 acres, 140 under cultivation. Balanpe! I‘ityber and Pgstune. Fim- CA MEETING OF THE SHARE- holders 0f the Durham Furniture Limited will be held in the Town Hill, Durham. on Monday evening, July 10th. 1905, at 8 gun. for the purpose of taking into consideration and passing a By~law for the in- creasing of the Capital Stock of said Company. A full attendance of all shareholders is requested. fection and no better can be got for any money. Give use your measure and repairing, We can satisfy you down to the ground. PEEL, the Shoeman Besides these we have always in stock footwear made 0 Veal, English and French Kip and Calf. These are pre- D. J AMIESON, President. Dated at Durham June 26th. 1905. April Nthâ€"6m. Insures farm buildings and contents, dwellings and contents in towns and vil- lages. Everything in a dwelling is covered by one sum. _ Contents of qut-buildings_in- cl’udes all the farm produce generally. Stacks and live stock from fire or lightning; the widest range of insurance gt the lowest rates. If your “189111100. expires this year it will pay you to insure m the Sydenham. CASH ONLY. Sydenham Mutual Fire Ins. Co. ' ESTABLISHED 1869. Drop a card to ESIRABLE HOMESTEAD Oj Women’s Oil Cslf Oxfords, the best wsiking shos msds. . . 61.25 “ “ .. lsosd boots. strictly ï¬rst clsss L50 sud 81.75 Missss’ “ " “ "‘ the but wssr obtsinsble. . 51.50 Boys’ “ “ “ “ the vsry thing for the boys 81.75 Men’s “ “ “ " the most comfortsbls every Ordered Footwear Orders and Repairing promptly executed. J. H. McFAYDEN. For Sale shoe nude ....... Notice DURHAM P. O. DURHAM Ann OWEN SOUND. Al “no ï¬re“ lat of July .1 W is over successfully will-ow settle down to busLn ad continue to give you simi 53:3an to what we Law I vicusly given. Do not be bothered with :1 VII“ you cnn buy Screen liq and Window Sen-ens >0 elm A from lupply just to hand. '1‘“. ll no home comglezo out on. of our hammocks. at prices no encouraging. Our chow cues are well 510‘ 'ith Silverwnre. vvry suitabh my“: All goods are sum 'W. Black. Inch :5 Spoons. F0 «0., no untamed not to «'11! in color. w. have t new line of Gra m which should be inepe â€our; womgn. _ -lgis high p?!“ dun the old line, but think worth the monev. Spa Puerving Kettles. WASHING MACHIN I. Wishing Xuchinos we lead “ht. from the simple open (chap enough {or any poor pen to tho moot up-to-dute revol‘ a... Our assortment of C101 Bingo" will Int-prise you. run in price (tom 82.25 upwards As we contemplate m extensive alterations i next two weeks We will big reductions on all Goods and sunderies ---a the lowest, but for no. weeks lower still. \ bound tp‘makp this the When you require e Churn. and no whet. we have in at Everything from the com M Churn to the leteet impn Becker and Bert-9.1 Churn. BARGAINS! BARG Head DispensingQu . For All Over I=4 Cent Experience Individually \V C Call and be The People’s Drug Hardware Bagain W. Black GRANITEWARE Leading Drug 5“) SILVERW’ARE HAMMOCKS BARGAINS SCREENS CHURNS d be convmce e are the best and cheapest- BVGI‘YI haw