West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 13 Jul 1905, p. 3

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ACRE AXBY. pmva {Wire Fencing. 1 Durban " am his “uh" Albert Mme: t'pnor *9 "'0 time '0 on than“. I... information ’31 to max E “185115 “The Doylot Jn! Length W orks Owen Sound. “fore u3ing elsewhere no out lsigns and samples. W. Pal I |you money. I JOHN CLARK The Deering’ Implo ments manufactured b} the International Bar \cstol‘ (.0. of Hamilton lead the world. 1 ' SEED DRILLS, CU] Blnders, muons, ms IARROWS. DIAMOND SMOUI‘ NG HARROWS, SOUP NAGONS. WILKINSON PLO L\'D LAN D ROLLERS. 3 ACRES. «,u 18”: Concession of N05 manna Well im rovod and wellhead )fi'ered chea p. “gill rent it not told. DACRE ’ark. heap. DNEY '1‘ O LOAN at lowest at... faunasczs PLACED in No. 1 o roan. Good farm Nil] sell cheap. .. RICK ()1: FRAMEâ€"APPLY '1" .l w. rnAWI-‘ORD. A complete line of the Pull!!! stou Buggy COX: Boggiu. iaymoml Sewing Machinu, DO Iell Wasbem. Thoma BM. WI! rrs, MuClary moves, Elwin I Londvns. J. l. Cm Thu.“ Machines. 0 ACRES, FIVE MILES ”mg; Eu: of Durham. Firltehu C.‘ :k farm, in first class shape. stables, good frame house. we“ v.3 Bred cheap. nap pm {NIKE-5 I”.\" utimz‘mom my, N THE GARAFRAXA 30 about six miles from Dubai. title. l’unesslon at. once. Good land. be sold. For particulars apply to IBTS COL' ECTED. ISINESS DIFI“ 10 L LTIES a! P. R. TICKETS for 3310 mm punk. anion st low rates Jan Feb. and lab --tf‘ 11 miles first glass (n running St For further mnlemems _ACRE§: B‘EN‘TINCthur Rye!) g“ ‘ru 1:). 1‘“." ti. Orchardville. First cla- good buildings. Owner R" \M RE~IDENCE bolonxim tony 1;.Hfawne phdogupbor, OM“ NEW ADVERTISEMENT. . H. Miller . arming uggies. ACRES 1N Bnmmcx, 10. N_ THE CEX'J‘m Alwsys Ptolnpt-chcr W. Houses for Sal; The Dillon Wire Fen“! CO- Owen Sound 0603: prifl from $150 down to 8100 to] sons putting up the (up! number of rods 0! their. [and \\ e sell the win. Good Farm for Sale. Farms For Sale. HAN OVER CON VEYANCER Ton-“r? Lois era] buildin \\ wuth-west 0f Varnoy, in 260.. An extra gqod {am and '03 cmner anxnous toga WUL‘. .l's EST I NC_K, up"! OLA“ umhtnun, (£091! Nil ream. (-nnvemont b particular: and? I. DI'HALD D. '01.“ improved 5nd 0503;! '0', 'ors th H. H. MILLE MacKu Dmuv \' endor s W '. P. TELFORD. 0 -- 15663 3.7mm ”00d *‘m-'vith; n. u- I- .__.A_ _ t‘ P r icovilb. with good tin-5.; )llowinfl: Sideroud Take Care of Your Horses Feet ..... DURHAM. Custom Carding WANT For which we will pay the highest price in Cash or Trade. We keep on hand a large' assort- ment of Blankets, Tweeds, Yarns, etc, and a full stock of Groceries. 0 MORE GUESS WORK, in levelling and beleno~ in: your horse’s foot. I beve the Scientific Hone Foot Leveller which is the latent and best contrivence {or that purpose and will gaunt“ satisfaction. S. SCOTT W. GUTHRIE. and Spinning. The “Royal Household” Flour Bran in bread is just so much wood fibreâ€"so much extra work for the fibmachâ€"there is no nourishment in it for nature has given them a fermenting plant and double chew- ing facilities. But man masticates once and digests once. F or that reason he gets nothing whatever out of anything but the gluten portion of wheatâ€"the inside of the grainâ€"the part which yields" protein. " And he gets more out of Royal Household Flour because more of the branny and waste portions are removed in making it than from any other flour. The Royal Household Mills eliminate more bran and snort: than any other milLâ€"theteloxe Royal Household Flour is the most nourishing flour in the world. No flour in the world is so nourishing, so vitalizing, so rich in all the elements of body, bone and brain building as pure, well-balanced, white flour. ONTARIO. end sey: "Thet is 'my meltâ€"e,” “Thet is my customer.” "That is e product of my hrend." A Ber! Well nemed. well put, short,.pithy end to the point, hoe-r. Ber to e position of trust, to en increeee of power to the fuller confidence of the employe‘r end e better using of time. A her to good, to the white life. to the strong life end well rounded oherecter . A Ber ! Yes see it, the bottles behind the reil in front, end the row of worship- pers oflering themselves sonl end body et the shrine. You, a bar to decency, to right judgment. A. Bar 3 Yes, well named. a bar to happi. ness. for what happiness is there in a mind that is distorted, and a face that is bloody ? ABar! Yes. to goodsociety, for who wants a drunken man? He is not welcome at the theatre. club or concert. He is a nuisance as he reels the street ; he is a trouble at home. A Bar! Yes. drunken man. there is a bar against you in the very hotel where you bought the liquor and not full. You are not wanted there, for you are a had advertisement, for who is the hotel man who will point to you Chnrles Raymond a. writer in the Toronto Daily Star. who has some very terse and well put items at. times, gives the following on the I stood before a door and read upon it in gilded letters the one word. "Bar.” As I read a man pushed open the door, and, staggering out, fell upon his face on the pavement. When he rose a thin red stream trickled down his cheek. He fumbled for his handkerchief, and the blood stained it, and dyed it, and dyed his hands It was the blood of a sacri- fice oflered up at the shrine of the bar. The rent is behind, the grocer unpaid, tad-tho money is blown. t whst odds “ Hive mother.” A BAR. (of : man’s PRINCE'QFWALES A SUCCESSFUL HORSEHAN . Never sllows his horses to sufier psin. He slwsys uses Nerviline which is noted for curing stifiness, rheumatism, swellings snd strains. Nerviline is just us good inside ss outside. For cramps, colic, and internsl psiu it’s s. perfect msrvel. In the good rscing stsbles Nerviline is slwsys used,â€"becsuss it mskos better horses snd smsller veterinsry bills. Twenty-five cents buys s lsrge bottle of Nersiline ; try it. On Saturday a week ago Dr. Geo. Bingham, of Toronto, Dr. Stewart, of Chesley, and Dr. Mearns, of this place, removed a large cyst from the liver of Mrs. Charles Stoldt, Hano- ver. The quantity of cystic material removed exceeded two quarts and the cavity remaining about equal in size to an ordinary foot ball. Hy- datids is the scientific name given to this remarkable disease. It is ex- tremely rare in Canada but much more prevalent in Iceland and Aus tralia. owing no doubt to the closer association of man in those countries with the canine species. It appears in order to have a case of Hydatids the primary cause must be first de- veIOped in the dog. One phase of its existence must have this animal as its environment. Accidentally reach- ing the human body the minute em- bryo develops into an immense cyst in time, and this mother cyst may contain hundreds of daughter cysts. Dr. Mearns withdrew some of the fluid in the tumor several weeks ago and had it examined microscopically in Toronto, thereby establishing the nature of the disease. The operation was well borne but at time of writ. ing it is impossible to say what the ultimate of the case may be. We hape Hrs. Stoldt may speedily re- cover.â€"Hanover Post. Is one of the meanest things in the world. To prevent billiousness use Dr. Hamilton’s Pills which keep the system clean and pure. regulate the bowels, give tone to the kidneys and liver. You’ll never never have a headache, you’ll never have a sour stomach. but you will have a vigor- ous bracing health by taking Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. Your druggist sells Dr. Hamilton’s Pills, 25c. per box or five boxes for one dollar. A Very Remarkable Disease. FRUIT CROP REPORT. A Billions Headache. (tom our data of I John H. R056 Reliance Grocery Another young lady well known in eociety circles of Springfield. who derived exceptional benefit from Ferrozone. eeyezâ€"“I feel it my duty to meke known the value of Ferrozone. My trouble} was poor, week blood. end as econsequence my lips were pellid. und my cheeks had no color. I ween’t at all strong and required a bracing tonic. Ferrozone eoon brought color to :my cheeks, improved my eppetite and made me .strcngerthun Ihuve been in yours? I favor Ferrozone because it is so simple to take and works so quickly. Just one Ferrozone tablet at meals â€"that’s all. Easy to take. sure to cure. and not expensive. Better use Ferrozone and be beautiful and strong like others that employ this splendid tonic. Price 50 cents per box or six boxes for $2.50 at all druggists or by mail from The Fer- rozone Company. Kingston, Ont. Don’t fail to get a supply of Ferro- zone today. Miss Evelyn M. Gaetz of Kingston’,I writes; “I had an attack of bowel disorder which broke out in horrid looking pimples. They were ugly red disfiguring blotches that ruined the appearance of my face. I tried all sorts af medicine, but the pimples didn’t leave. I was recommended Ferrozone and gave it a trial. I noticed an improvement after the second box, and kept up the treat- ment which: finally cleared my skin. At»: the result of Ferrozone I have a clear healthy complexion and can recommend it to all other young women similarly efiected. A Society Belle of Kington Cured of Pimple: and Blotches by Using It is reported in nearly every dis- trict that more spraying has been done this vear than ever before. FOREIGN COUNTRIES. Late advices from Englanb report that the apple crap there will bea short one. J. A. Runmcx. Commissioner. A. MCNEILL, Chief of Fruit Div. lent. Early fruit sufiered in some districts from late frosts. APPLES. The bloom, on the whole, was very heavy. The period of setting was not yet over when most of the reports Iwere received from the Maritime L Provinces, but every indication points to a medium to full crap except for early varieties, which do not prom- ise more than a light crop. The prospects are for a medium to full crop in most sections of Ontario. Puss. Indications point to full crop. ‘ PLUMS. There are excellent prospects for1 plums in almost every section. 1 Persons. . l Allowing for the winter killing of‘ 1899 and: 1904 the prospects for‘ peaches are very promising. Omna Famrs. Indications are that cherries and bush fruits will be an abundant crap in nearly every district. Some losses occurred to the strawberry crop from the late frosts. Pimples Spoiled Her Beauty Full stock of . . . Staple 6’ Fancy Grocer- ies and Confecionery. At the Reliance Grocery“ you are always sure of 1} getting the highest class goods at lowest prices. . THEOBALD'S OLD STAND errozone. SPRAYING. @" Pure Honey and Fresh Breakfast Foods. Groceries always on hand' Crnckad WhanhCl-m Heavy Twilied Cotton Sheeting, 72-in wide. 23c 11 yard. White Bedspreada, large size, 1.40 each. Table Linen at 25c and 50¢ a yard} Floor Oilcloth. 1 and 2 yards wide. as 25c a square yard. Stair Oilcloth at 15c a yard. Japanese Matting at me a yard. MISCELLANEOUS. LADIES’ SKIRTS, ETC. All our Curtains except the 25c and 400 ones have worked edges. LACE CURTAINS. CALDER _ BLOCK _ DURHAM He 86118 Cheap STANDARD .na WHITE Sewing MHOhiIIBS Malone Separators 2 yards long. 26in wide, 25c a pair. . 12 2; yards long, 26-in wide. 40¢ a pair.l OPP- Mrddaugh House Stables. 2§ yards long, 30-in wide. 50¢ a pair. 3 yards long, 37-in wide. 70¢ a pair. 35 yards long, 54in wide. 81.0011 pair. The Sherlock Organs The Big 4 D. CAMPBELL, Agent. w DURHAM, ONT. â€" â€"â€" Any old Worn silver? If so, I am prepared to re- plate it. Bring it in now while I have the time. All work guaranteed. Prices Moderate, and Strictly Cash. HAVE YOU? Implements Frost 6: Wood Ladies' Overskirts at 32. $3.50 and $4.50. Ladies’ Black Sateen Underekirts at 81. Ladies’ Black Sateen Waists at 85c and $1 Lndies’ White Waists nt 50c and 75c. White Night Gowns at 75c and $1. Coreet Covers :t 25c and 50c. m can A com) m on DAY I Highest Price f0! Produce. W. H. BEAN of all kinds for the Farm, the Home and the Dairy. AGENCY. Geo. Yiirs. Rolled 0043' Mid Cereals of all kinda. Tout them. F’BB.AN. SHORTS. GRAIN and all ; kinds of FEED in stock nlwnyu. Fruits in Season. Is PULL of the GOODS you used. Manitoba Flour. The People’s Grocery The 001100qu n1‘nmppedk‘for full Junior Lam work. under the folio allowing :3! of competent taohon for flat dam: T308. ALLAN. 1“ Chan Certificate. PHI. KISS L. It. FORFAR. Chutes at! “an. Pumps. Choice Bread . . and Confections A. W. WATSON Other High Grnde Manitobn I 85.60 3nd 85.75 per bcml. McGowm’s anily Flour st dud prices. The Fumoua Five Roses. $6.00 per Ogilvie’l Royal Household 86.00 per burl-e1. DURHAM SCHOOL New Fresh Groceries ALL THE YEAR 'ROUND. 9110de What. Crenm of What. The Celebntod “ Keewntin Fin Roses.” the very best mode by The Luke of the Woods Milling Co. from No. 1 Manitoba When. Conotnntly on hand nod deliv- ered to all part: of town dtily. STAFF um mumm‘ PROPRI ETO R. c. nuuax.

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