West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 13 Jul 1905, p. 4

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About three months ago the Royal Templars decided on a contest in the lodge. in which Miss Mamie Sullivan and Mr. Emerson Bellamy were elect- ed captains of the competing sides, who were to furnish programmes at the meetings alternately and be credited with marks for points of merit in the same. Marks were also given for new members. for pay- ment of dues, for attendance, etc. A deep interest was taken .in the contest which closed last week. Mr. Bellany’s side winning with a majority of 200 marks Editor Thurston, J. A. Felstead and Mrs. Crossley were the judges. According to agreement the losing side will entertain the lodge to social evening to be given soon. The months ego the lodge was resuscitsted with seven members on the roll and at present shout 140 members are enrolled. Mr. and Mrs J. C. Adams, south of the village. who three weeks ago were called to mourn the death of their son-inolow. Mr. E. E. Turner, near Eugenia. have met with further sore bereav ement by the loss of their young son, Thomas 7years and 11 nonths of age. who died early on Sunday morning. after ashort illness. Interment was made in the public cemetery here, Rev. Mr. Thorn con- ducting the burial service Mr. -Adams and fsmily have the sympathy of many iriends in their bereavement. SURHAM CHRONICLE The Union Sunday School on the 4th line. held their annual picnic on Thursday last. On Friday afternoon the Presbyterian Sabbath School here were gathering for their annual picnic when the rain came on and nailed the outing. Durham. July I3 , l905 A: preparatory service in the Presbyterun Church. on Thursday owning lust baptism um: udminister. ad to Mr. god Mrs. John Stewut’s MIA-on. John Fruflin, and to Mr. MarFarlane dz Go. W. IRWIN. Editor and Proprietor w}: will sell inIstock at ihirdyii'ohl [ii'x'icesvthiit~ Vac already low. It means that you get these new. stylish E This is a reduction of one- or less. We Want You To See These Papers SIZE. 1mm we is a great. adval an entire new year, so to cle mainrler of! ‘hi Even if you are not going to paper until late Fall you --'.D~..' at... ‘."0’-.‘ hadfibetter buy the paper m now while the saving can be made. Sale Begins Thnrs- day, June 15th. Druggists Booksellers. ,John FLESHERTON. T is is largely due to t that practically our stock was new paper Meet 1905 styles. It 0 ‘0 clean up the re- r of; this year’s line .sell all papers now a Magistrates trial conducted by Mr. A. A. Van Dusen, before whom Mr. Joseph Irwin. of Feversham. was charged by Mr. H. J. Hutman. of the same place. with using profane and insultlng language. The deiend~ ant was found guilty and was fined 35 and costs, in all over $11.00. Lawyers McArdle and McKay were counsel. the former for plaintiff and the latter for defendant. Messrs. Cecil and Rupert Edmunds of Whitechurch, have been the Trimble. Miss Nellie Henderson, of Rochester, N. Y., formerly of this place. visited the past few days with Mrs Jos. Cornfield and other old friends here. Mr. and Mrs. George, Moore. of Normanby. visited over Saturday and Sunday with their son William and wife here. Preparations are already being made for the Orange celebration here on Wednesday. Reeve Boyd has had a handsome flagstafi erected at his residence. A large number from Feversham were in the town hall on Monday__at 81.000 REWARD For a Case of Incundle Constipetion. - 1‘o s person who can’t be cured of constipation by Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. the above reward be paid. No cathartic medicine gives each lasting anfgagfififgnn an annh mas-val. Hickling brothers of the 8th con, hsve been nnfortnnete in losing enimels of lete. Their lest loss occnred a. few days ego when e velneble horse so injured itself by running saninst 3 stone fence thet it died soon sfter. Mrs. John Bradbury and children, of Thessalon. are visiting the former’s mother’s. Mrs. George Rutledge. Mrs. W. Trimblé gue 3n enjoyable tbimble party to 1 number of her friends on Friday efternoon lest. Mr. Robert Trimbie is hcving the exterior of his residence and the fence surrounding repainted. The job, which is being done by Mr. Tryon, is nearing completion ad is making a. very marked improvement on the property. Mr. W. A. Armstrong has been making additions and approvements. A handsome new Gerard Heintzman piano has been added to the furnish- ings of his residence, and the adjoin. ing grounds have been improved with a neat stone fence. Miss Maggie Caswell is holidaying with her parents on the Toronto line. Miss Hannah Stafford was success- ful at the recent. Normal School examinations at London and we join her many friends in congratulations. Mrs Aikenhead and family have returned to the city after an enjoy- able visit here. When you want a pleasant laxat- ive that is easy to take and certain to act, use Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. For sale at Park- ers Drug Store. Miss Fl-orrie Richardson is home from Toronto to holiday with her parents here. While visiting at Mr. J, Teeter’s on the west back line, last week. Mrs. )IcMullen, of this place, was seized with a paraiytic stroke and has since been in a critical condition. At the time of writing she is reported alittle improved. but unable to be brought home. "Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liv- er Tablets have done me a great deal of good, ” says C. Towns of Rat Port- age. Ontario. Canada. “Being a mild physio and the after effects are not unpleasant, and I can recommend them to all who suffer from stomach disorder.” For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. Mrs. D. Hopkins is visiting at Pro ton. Mr. and Allan Park on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Quigg, who are re- tiring from the farm on the west back line. are moving into their new- ly fitted up residence in the village this week. 61999.19"... Stomach Trouble and Constipation. A number from here attended the Artemesia Sunday School Con- vention at Vandeleur on Monday. Mrs. \V. D. Mills. of Durham, vis ited at the old homestead recently. Mrs. George Adlamis visiting her daughter, Mrs. Harry Rosy at pres. em. Anumber of people from around here were at Niagara Falls Friday Born. to Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Hum, a son. She is in society. in business, at home, everywhere you see her. but always worn and fatigued. She hasn’t heard of Ferrozone or she would be perfectly well. How quickly it strengthens-what an uppetite it givesâ€"what a glow it brings to pallid cheeks! The nutri- ment contained in Fen-ozone puts strength into anybody L'enghi'ng egos. rosy lips. bright nick move. more :11 tell of ,1 virility Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Livingston are visiting at the parental home. THAT PALE. TIRED GIRL. M13. Wm. Pearson. of , visited the Hunt family Vickers. .-~â€". a .. .â€"-¢ Durham. .. . . Neustadc . . . . Teeswater . .. Mildmay. . . .. Palmerston. . Wiarton . . .. Meatord . . . .. Tara... .. Arthur ...... Priceville. . Lion’s Head. Kemble THIS MEDICINE IS BREATHED That’s why it is sure to cure Catarrh. You see it goes direct to the source of the diseaseâ€"its healing vapor repairs the damage caused by catarrhal inflammation. “ Catarrh- ozone” always cures because it goes into those tiny cells and passages thnt ordinary remedies can’t reach, goes where the disease actully is. Impossible for ” Catarrhozone ” to fail as any, doctor will tell you. Don’t be misled into thinking there is anything as good a Catarrhozone, â€"â€"use it and you’ll soon say good- bye to catarrh. To a person who can’t be cured of constipation by Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. the above reward be paid. No cathartic medicine gives each lasting satisfaction or eflects such marvel- lous cnres as Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. Relief immediately follows for head- ache. billionsness and stomach dis- orders. No gripping pains. no burn- ing sensations, nothing but the most pleasant relief attends the use of Dr. Hamilton’s Pillsâ€"others not so good. Price 256. a box, at all dealers. At the fall exhibitions expert judges will be at the following places in this vicinity. Horses. . . . R. D. Dundas, Springville Beef cattle 85 swine G.B. Hood Guelph Dairy cattle sheep . . John Jackson. Abingdon. All persons indebted to the firm of N ., G. J. McKechnie are hereby re- quired to call and settle their accounts with the said firm, either by note Or otherwise, within the space of one month from the date hereof, for the purpose of settling up the affairs of the Estate of the late Neil M(_-Keclinie. NOTICE. In the matter of the es- tate of the late Neil McKechnie: Any outstanding accounts after the above named date, Will be placed with our Solicitur for collection. Datml May 8th 1905. Roadwork has been completed he: The boys did fine work and quite a piece on the 2nd concession has been gravelled in fine style. The road grader has also added to the appear- ance of the road, and we hope the next time that fellow from Durham comes this way he will find his way without any difl'icultv. If brother Ostrich had been look- ing after his own stray chicks a week ago Sunday. he would not have no- ticed cracked eggs at Mull Corners. You are a little behind brother 03- trich, as this scribe is fully ieathered. Perhaps it was an ostrich egg as there seems to be an attraction round here for Aberdonians Your eyes. A little trouble, if not taken care of in time may become a great calamity. We can show you how to take proper care of your eyes, and can fit you with Glasses to suit your particular reguirements _ O The great rule of healthâ€"â€" 6? Keep8 the bowels regular. 3 And the great medicineâ€" Ayer’ s Pills. {£3.11 33." AT THE FALL EXHIBITION. \ 1l11ll law 11 M11\\91'.ll':1v11 it, glonnd by 111 11hi11111y. It will 11111 111 11111:th t1°11e,1l11 first-111mg wmk 111111 t1°.111sf111'111 \11111° eV111i111r s HARD WORK DON’T SHOVE Into an enjoyable task. Bicycles Sewing Machines. etc,\\'ringers fitted with New Rubber Rolls : Road Vehicles and Baby (Jabs fitted with New Rubber Tires. \Vm'kmauship and prices gum-- anteed satisfactory. A trial is respectfully solicited. . . SHOP IS NEXT TO POST HARRY W. BENTON. MULL CORNERS. -â€"-.-.â€" N.. G, .I.1\I(1K1v:('nxuc. ............ S (..2 judges} 6‘?“ OFFICE. 6‘ H 65 H H (l Ct 10 11 The young peeple from the Rocky Suugccn Presbyterian church have decided to hold. a. gurdcn putty on Tuesday. July mm, on Mr. Noble’s luwn. Mr. and Mrs. S. Petorbo visited their dtnghter. Mrs. Chnrles Dow- ding, of Wax-chum, last week. Misses Sero. and Mary Ceswell treated their friends to a psrty last week. About fifty were present and tripped the light fentsatic till the Wee sma’ hours -0’ the mornin’. Miss Claudio McMillan, of. Toronto, is holidaying with Miss Kate Mc- Cormack. Mr. Archie McCormack visited Mr. John McKinnon on Sunday evening. Boeing turnips is the order of the day here. Mr. Donald McCormack is holiday- ing under the parental roof. and is looking hale and hearty after six months absence. Mr. Neil McLean visited at Mr. A. McCormack’s last Week. While Duncan McLean was work- ing a team of colts the line got caught on the tongue. Duncan went out on the tongue to loosen it when the horses became frightended and ran away throwmg him under the wag- gon and dragged him a considerable distance. He 18 improving nicely. A number of the youth and beauty of our burg attended the party at Caswell’s, of Mull Corners. The weather is very uncertain for the commencement of the hay. Our teacher is enjoying earned holiday at home. Human volcanoes in eruption! Some men break out around the mouth and belch forth curses, vile language, evil names, ill abuse and all kinds of volcanic venom. We have, we are sorry to say, some of those kind not a hundred miles from here. It is a disgrace to civilization and common decency. June 14. tf. N BRUCE ST., DURHAM, NE'W brick house, 30x32: 2.1.- storeys high : double cellar, cement floor in one half, furnace in the other half. Small barn with stone stable under- neath. Convenient to station, Furniture Factory and Cream Separator Works. Will sell cheap to quick purchaser. The owner is going \Vest. ‘ For further particulars apply to The Baptists are going to holda monster garden party on Duncan Mc- Lean’s lawn on July 14th. There will be a grand old timeâ€"sacks full of fun and waggon loads of pies and lemonade. A number from here attended the garden party at. the Rocky and had an enjoyable time. WO CARLOADS OF GOOD SER vicable working horses from 1150 to 1500 lbs. for Manitoba. Ap- ply Wednesdays and Saturdays to C. MCKINNON. \VIFE ‘VANTEDrnA young man of British Columbia. formerly of Glenelg wishes to correspond with some young lady. Object matrinmny. Address J A. D. ASl’t’n (:‘rl'nvv. ”- (‘qt‘ill'e ()f ()t- trr Hat Hotel. willbe repaired on shortest notice at, reasonable prices. Huntamund the woodshed and garrett and see if you haven't something you want. repaired. Bicycles, Sewing Machines, Lawn Mowers. Ltmk Guns, lhnhrellas, House and Lot Forsale Just opened, next door north of Chief Carson’s, where Repair Shop ABERDEEN. 9â€". cflo 0â€"0 WANTED etc” etc., \VM. LEGGET’I‘E, Box 92, DURHAM. F healthâ€"â€" ; regular. (1310'; cdicineâ€" 8‘ 1.0. A 00.. J “1 iI-owol . Hm. well Ives ° k and See For Yourse $?C0me QUIC l TING OF THE 8H4“. £33311 0f the Durham Furmture ' ited will be held in the Tewnf fitilflggrham. on Monday evening! July 10th. 1905. nt 8 p.m.. fur fhe purpose of taking into conslderutnen | and passing u By-lew for the 1;: . creasing of the Capital Stock of mudl C‘umpany. A fun attendance of all! shareholders is requeetrd :2 “VB I I a“ Line ( B. I. Bins-Filled Oz in Drab and White. at ALSO The Crompton straight Corset, at ' An extre good Corset I J. H. McFAYDEN. Agent, April Nthâ€"6m. DURHAM P. O. â€"â€""v‘â€"' b one sum. Contents of out-buildings in- cl’ndes all the farm produce generally. Stacks and live stock from fire or lightning; the widest range of insurance at the lowest rates. If your insurance expires this year it will pay you to mature in the Sydenham. Insures farm buildimzs. and contents, dwellings and poutpnts 1n tpwnfs and vil- gages. Everythmg xq a dnw'el[npn.n_q poverpd D. JANIESON. President. Dated at Durham June 2611:. 1905. Ladies Only Sydenham Mutual Fire Ins. Co. ESTABLISHED 1869. CASH ONLY. DURHAM AND OWEN mz'xz) Repairing and Orders Our Specialty. Drop a card to IESIRABLE 159 acres. _. Seventy Pairs . In Iadies’ STRAPPED SLIPPERS and FINE SHOES we have over T0 sell for a thing to give away prices. To get the worth of your mom-y is good buying. but to buy 1* inc Slippers and Shoes rangingat 1.50, 1.75and $2.00 fm' One Dollar Per Pair must- bc nmney invested t0 best possible advantage. . . PEEL, the Shoeman For Sale Notice 140 0F B. I. Bits-Filled Corsets. in Dub and White, at 81.00. . L. GRANT front 81.00. AS we. culltt‘lnplzm' 12m extensiw :tlh‘l'utiuw next two wwks \x.‘ will 1; big reductions 011:1” 1"; MS and sumlcrivs 41% the lowest, but ful‘ lit-V Weeks lower stiH. \\'« bound to make this IM- “In People's Drug Si BARGAINS? i Over |=4 Centu Experience Leading Drug Sturc and Head Dispensing Quarlc For All Individually pensed mow CI“ and be convim-ui 11‘ we are the lies: and cheapest. Up-tOâ€"date in H'M'yti Next week we expect a Binder Twine. Who buyer-n. Ont nsommem of ( ‘1 complete. ranging: 25c to $1.13. We huve any bill desire, and our II «methin g ex 1 r3 DO not wait mi: rigs. Buy a C! Any person Mower can 1. longer. Se prices. Got. some of our Sure Green and Bug Kili. '1“ not. be trouble pottto bugs. In Bugay Dustt':r.~‘. Buggy Mats. “Ugh; Hu'ness, we lead the some vilitou from Chesley “my .0 «Minted with the musi ~ of th Pip. had on Dominion Day 11.. they hnvo engaged than Bum. t {mick music at the Chow;- \' 13‘] ‘r. “'e Cannot arrun‘gr M pply you with gum‘. mu.» «\M‘ d.’. but we ('8!) SC“ {:00 i?“ 1 nearly six dIyR in Pun-y \\« . Why bothvr wit fire these dayz- \\ a Guoline Stonn Show me the 1 will be nested they find out U Doors and Win GASOLINE ST! 9‘3. _! used more pl‘c.’~('1'1}..ml than any other in Gm"); Bagain SCYTHES M NH Hardware. CHERRY PH"! ELL LAWN MUVVI GOOD GOODS SURE SHUT See SCRI I20 3110 BAR1 3\ 11‘

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