West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 13 Jul 1905, p. 8

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June Weather For Shirtwaists w*§*§%$fikfi§§#$¢#§§afi$§$*¢¢* ¢¢%¢ . '9‘: 74 fig .399. .1 ‘g‘ $0 eewmmww We glory in the shoes we sell, not only because of the increasing numbers but because of the prime values we are ulfering. Our shoes make the teet glad as they are not only good lookers but are good wearers We have. Us? opened up a shipment of Shirts that Neat patterns 111 Light, Medium and Dark Soft. stifi“ 9m Refinement is the keynote at Burnett’s Dress Goods Department. A look through our selection reveals a perfect wealth of ideas that you will see nowhere else. Pick Where you may, we think you will be thoroughly satisfied The elegance of materials and the beautiful new shades make our exposition of new fabrics tor summer gowns far smrnsmq Hm 1“an amt...“ n;- c,\..m-.. “no.--“ All Kinds, Our January Sale of Ladies’ Whitewear. Everything; in this line at great- ly reduced pnces, dun-mg; the next two weeks. It is impossible for us to quote prices. Come and see them. you. .. m» time when people are looking into the hoisory . mu, Besides wanting them to wear well. you vunt "no-w " {aw black,” atd tblt is ju~z where we can meet We Glory in the Shoes We? THIS STORE CLOSES AT 7R! 2 Packages Chinese Starch .......................................... 150 .j “)3, (‘jurrants for ............................................................... 950 1 Jar Scotch Marmalade .................................................. 750 ‘9; lb. Package Dunham Cocoanut. for ........................ use 1 Bottle Trilhy Shoe Polish .......................................... 7c All Sizes, All Prices, TTTTTTT OOOOOO ALEX. RUSSELL. . ulutcrluls anu me oeaumnl new shades make our exposition of new summer gowns far surpass the best efforts of former seasons. Our Saturday Bargain Attractions SPECIAL VALUES IN MEN’S FURNISHINGS; The New Lace Collar, the latest novelty. In fact everything that is new in the collar line from 150 to $2 25. Stylish Summer Fabrics ROBERT BURNETT ssh“ and we are ready with the finest have ever shown. The styles the prices. In prices from 25 cents to 60 cents New Silk Belts The lig Store U Stands {01 1111 that 13 absolutclv correct in wezu i111: ap11111el 1'01 men and boys, and at the same time the prices 1110 kept down to the level and in some cases below the level of the $101 ts that find 11 place in many st01'es.()omp111leo'1 that and then the new test 1111) the leve1s which wee expect will con- tinne to lift 0111 clothino higher and highe1 in public esteem. mpment 0t Shirts that. are the essence of style. and Dark Soft, stiff and pleated fronts. ONTARIO Men's Suits at 4, 8 I 9 Boy’s Suits at 2 3 %%%%%*%ataagé$$$¢¢$a A‘- Goods delivered to all parts of town. THIS STORE OPENS AT SIS W8 . also Moosomiu is on the main line of the Canadian Pacific Railway and has a population of 1600. There are 3 Bank». 6 Elevators, u 250 bbl Flour mill, Foundry employing about a dozen hand~. two stores each with 3 ENE of tweuzy to twwny five hands. Schurciws. a $55 OOU school when S'udenis can iiiaii'ic:.:lute. a $23,000 It may be news to some to know that ol the escimated crOp. 13.852 ac. is fall wheat grown in Alberta. When we consider that the land under cul- tivation is infinitesimal with the vast area of agricultural land waiting for the plough. Canada may be proud of her vast western heritage. but an- fortunately it is not being taken ad» . l chantry Ill Europa. ' I In and around Moosomin I meet‘ with few petple from Grey county or the town of Durham. and as the Home-seekers’ Excuasions will be on shortly. those who think of looking,! over the West this summer can do} no better than stop ofi at our town. , There is no better part of the North'i west for mixed farmirg than right! here. There are now no free lands, , but wild and improved lands may be had at from ten to twenty five dollars an acre. The Remember the Date and don‘t {all to call at $555; p3? the hotel and see paorsssoa noneuwenn 333%.??? You will never have a better Opportunity to sen for your- self the heumil’ul assortment of Switches, Bangs, Pompadours. Wavna. \Vigs, etc.. which Prof. Dorenwend carries with. him. or Toupee, which will hide all traces of Baldness and take t1): the place of your own hair ? Doctors recommend these Toupees as a preventative for colds in head, catarrh and neuralgia. Poor. Doaexwmo will fit you on the Wot and show you just how you'look afterwards. PROF. DORENWEND can be depended upon to sell you only fix‘stquality Hair Goods. You are not forced to buybecause you call to see and exaunine these goods. Your young readers can figure. out how many cars of 1000 bushels each of when: and 1500 bushels of oats Or barley and the number of trains of 40 care each in wouid require to move the grain, and if kept going {or six months how many trains every twenty-four hours. This visit gives you a, chance to consult PROF. DORENWEND about, your Hair and to choose from the. stock (if Hair Goods, which 11c (rm-rim with hiuh-just what you require. You can try on any Switch, Bang. l’mnpaulour. etc., and see just how it will look. Total yield, of above three kinds of grain according to the supposed estimate per acre which I have sup- plied in 145,377.86? bushels. Judg- ing from present appearances, the yield will much exceed the foregoing fiigures. Wheat. 3,765,692 acres at 20 bush els per acre. 75,313,840 bushels. Oats. 1.626.220 acres at 35 bus. per acre, 56,917.700 bushels. Barley, 525,823 acres at 35 bushels per acre, 13,146,322 bushels. Tbe Government estimated acre- age for 1905, including Manitoba and the North wesm Territories is as fol- lows:â€" In the CHRONICLE of June 22nd. you mention that a letter from the West would be of interest just now, and in complying with the request have much pleasure in stating that the crop prospects are bright, having got agood supplv of moisture the Srsil is well saturated. But warmth is needed to assist vegetation the past two weeks being rather dull and cooL MOOSOMIN. N. W. TERRITORY. BORN. MCDERMIDâ€"Jn Glenelg, on Wednes- day. June 28th, 1905, to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel McDermid, a daughter. varN~BA1LEYâ€"At the Manse. on Wednesday, J une 25th, bythe Rev Wm. Farguharson, Mark Mervyn to Charlotte, daughter of Thos. Bailey, Esq” all of Bentinck. ROSEBOROUGHâ€"YOUNGâ€"On Tuesday, July 11th, at the Manse, Durham, by the Rev. W'm. Farquharson, Wesley Roseborough to Allie Young, both of Bentinck. DORENWEND 00.,of TorontO, Limined m3 and 105 Yonge St., East, Toronto LADIES READ THIS ! ! ! MARRIED. You Have Heard of Middaugh House, Durham Wednesday, July 19th America’s Greatest Hair Goods Artist - He Is Boysâ€"~Catton G., 423; Crawford 0., 417; Edwards E. 4.54; Findlay \V. 4220'; Holt T., 461; McDunnld J. L. 436; Renwick L., 480: Smith F., 441 : VVolfo 0., 418. Baldness B. A. 461 ; Weir L., 392; \VeirM., 408; Young M., 402. recent Entrance Examinations in the I centres named. Owing to a change in . the regulations 60 percent of the total 'marks were required to pass in addi- l tion to 40 per cent. on each subject. l 390 was the pass mark. The successâ€" tful candidates will receive their cer- , tiflcates but not their marks. Those tho failed will receive their marks through their teachers. DURHAM. 70 wrote, passed. Girls zâ€"Beaton FL, 410; Binnie W.. 472; Duncan S... 465; Elder I. D.. 444; Firth M. .l.. 420: Glass M., 421; Green M.. 42.5; Hop- kins M. B., 496; Jackson C. S., 399; Kinnee L., 394; Mills R.. 447: Mc- Cuaig M. J., 390; McGillivray J.. 455; McGirr A., 464; McLean M... i The following are the results of the l 4 I 426; Morton M., 442; Ray Gm. 39!; Benton E. A., 463; Smith J., 405: Smith N., 420; Vasey May L.. 391; \Vatson J ., 478; \Vabsun R. 40] ; Weir as all men know, dis- figures and adds an aged expression to the face. Why renmin Bald when Professor ' Dorenwend can fit you with a Wig 8“,!) ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ “URHAM. Glnne‘q :md Anan Park T1042?“ L.O.L.. ‘9", how) for Mt. Vm‘rwf on spevial train \Vednoqday mar-nm'z. Varnev Lodge jninpd than) at, Varnev. About, threa care ware fairlv we" fiNPd on leaving hPY'P. the dismnrage- mont nf a minv mnrnimz Rent. manv from Going. A larcp number of Orangempn rolehrnted at Mt. Farest. ‘VE understand the Farmers’ Mann- fncturing Supply 00.. am: taking nvor the plant. and effects: of thp Dun"- hnm Manufacturing 00.. and the amalgamated Cnmpaies will he mm- ductrd unflm' the fnrmer mmmn. Af nroqpnt thpv mannfanturo nnlv (TI-9am Ronnratnre. but, nrnnngo extending so as in to makp several lino: of rmmlc, PROP. DORENWENP will he at the Middanqh House. on "'ednesday next. with samples of Hair Goods. etc. \Ve annonnoed him to he at the Knmm House last iseue. but this was his mistake and the correction did not, reach us in time to made the change. Moosomin is out for her Dominion Day celebration. It is an ideal holi- day with flags flying and 3 bands playing and hundreds of people from the country and new ly towns. Moosonfin, N. ‘ July 181: ’05. 8 R. N. “7.11. police, and last but. not. least in importance are the Band. Skating and Curling Rinks, Racn Course, etc.. etc Look us up when on your trip and see our fine district. Townhall, a $10,000 Hospital. 4 fine Hotels. 3 Lumber Yards. Creamery. Gas, Telephone. Drug. and many other smaller stores, Implemem. Coal and other warehouses for dif- ferent kinds of business. Court house. the Judicial centre of East Assina- hoia. also Jail and Barracks for 6 or IF YOU CANNOT CALL warm FOR PROFESSOR noaaansn‘s CAT- Coming to Entrance Results. Yours tru‘ J. L‘ JOPP IS FREE. ‘1..- WED. JULY l9th Jr. Iâ€"Earl Vessie. Stewart M. Arthur, Garnet Wismer, Edith Wk mer. Mary Barclay. Reba. Vessin. Sr. IVâ€"Mndge Morton. Jr. IV-Elins Edge. Sr IIIâ€"Gertie Morton. II Chasâ€"George Newell. Alfred Burtlov Noble Bartley. Herbie Duns- moor. Annie Ewen. Pt IIâ€"Mnbel Vessie. Roy Wismer \Villie Edge “’e do It” kinds of Troughing, Piping. etc . using nothing bu; the best of m- toriul, ONE DAY ONLY. Consultation Free. Sr. Iâ€"Lewi \Newell. Thomas Gras June report of S. S No. 2, 8.111;.) Hair Vigor [LN . bottle. All 493mm Eye Specialist You can depend on Ayer’s Hair Vigor to restore color to your my hair, every time. Follow directions and it never fails to do this work. It stops fallingofthe hair, also. There’s great satisfaction in knowing you are not going to be disap- pointed. Isn’t that so? " m: Mod until It won thou: white. It took an on. bottle of A 1". Bolt Vigor to restore it to in forma- du' . rich color. Your mu- Vlcor c0113"!!! doe. whot you chin: to: u."â€"A. )1. Bacon. Rockinghsm. N. C. PIUMBING ETC. Fading Hair [AVETBBUGHINE SCHOOL REPORT. will be at the lbiug spec». We make 3 MW. AMY I EEGE. Teacher on for J. 0. A713 00.. Lowell. Mun. ., \‘Z; mall lots TWENTY -'|‘\\' 0 Mt are repm'h bturdItY- DIRECT Impm- hi“ just ulwm Image y(H|.“ 3‘3 QUITEIL numpcr of Lh vent out to the “apt is! a Tuesday night. m Methodist inn-ml lady on the «'hm'vh g Nwing of August 15!. [1‘ o. thunder s! ”run In“ in the vicinity wood by lightning. Tng‘m'I-z m! Dd ‘1110 at (Emu WOOL “'ANTI-zn. Hi 3!: or truth far :m) 7001 at J. A: J. Huuhw CHILD’S W FOUND-uâ€"A hunch nf Iorhoor of McLean‘s my have them nu [M For this ad. at this of“ SHAWL LOST.» ~150LW¢ Ired's and Durham. Fin By leaving it; at this' um Burnett's store. 3r WE h'u'q- sly-iv! ly “Ill. \Veir. tum'hvt y anything :thl' “8 “'1ch pa“. Elimination. U PARKE!“ shuuld Jones. \Vefm-nis Dos’r allow yum-health ‘un-un mm ”this hot weather. nur l’vruvin hoic will keep yuu at vuur hm We 8: Cu. At the “‘00!” so“ 0°“ncif the l‘upm-i ‘ 'm‘m. fixing the a KEEP your feet cool and mum “'11 our Perfect Fuot l’nwdm: ox. ”lawfu'hmte's Drug SLm-o dpdity had in W." émment nf HIP " Eu followm gArtemesia. . ‘ . . Elieutinck. . .. . . lwngwood ...... locum. Pervy Hupkilxh and [cKinnon started m thv loudly. taking charge of (I m’u car of horses. ‘ mun DURING THE PAST wax CHRONICLE READERS. F08 green beef-ring I!“ and holes. how» an will payfiv. per 11.. : m.-Thn.s-. Smith. [OW York last Sunday ¢ ion to reach the Nurtl M is cmmnzuulml by Egmmont Euphrasia ANUmmu uf Hu vane burned Hut 4 hinder storm on Sn LIB DOW lluvlvss hm hm repaired in a «i nomumhy sqruwak . 3t. Vincent Sydénham . . Owen Sound We'll just. say that M none of them TEE SLI‘. Rmm-velt 'ew York last Sund L. Peary COUNTY COUNCXL .I News Items) importm i lush suits at (h 3-440. 2001. dfx on pawn liS office. hm W Out 0‘ Between J ¢ bl? a. Finder will Sm ml ha tl M Mills 11 Ml hm" U BU lw CLAIMS W ll II'V “or“ \' Ian ll 829.353. 4' fl Ownvl m (ht \Vo‘st \\ {li‘l u FOR I'M duh 1510.0! 2104! “'II vlige 2WD.” hn Al' (Ii WU If.

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