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Durham Chronicle (1867), 3 Aug 1905, p. 2

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The billions and dyspepic are con aunt snfierers and appeal to nympnthies. Thete l8 not one of vigornte the digestion. They also regnlnte the bowles. For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. Sick hendoches result from dis- : orded condition of the stomnch and is quickly cured by Chnmberlein’s Stum- Ieh nnd Liver Tnblets. For sale at Puker’o Drug Store. â€" â€"â€"--'U Public expectoration is against the common laws of health also. When the throat tiokles, that’s the time you need “'Catarrhozone” ; it soothe away the irritation, cuts out the phlegm and loosens the tightfeeling. You’ll quickly cure that catarrh and throat trouble with Catarrhoaoue. It positively prevents new attacks -d cure. catarrh forever and for all “it to come. Don’t take our word I. it. try Catarrhoaone yourself. M uaad you'll be delighted with It plea-ant and helpful influence. If on this paper you should c c c. Take our advice, and now be y y“ y; 00 straight ahead and advert i i i. You’ll find the project of some n u n; Neglect can ofl’er no ex q q q. Be wise at once. prolong your d a a a A silent business man do k k k. bought goods from manufncturers, mostly in Ontario, to the extent of 833,000, sud gave a bill of sale on the goods to n man in his e‘nploy. It wsa n fraudulent transaction all through. Hefi‘ernsn has been in- strumental in securing most infor- mntion which led to his arrest.--Tel- oscope. Pntrick Reflex-nan has once more “ken a tum at the detective busin- ess. 3nd after working on a case for several weeks, a man named Max Gamer. of Mann-“l- In. h..- “m.-. We will give One Hundred Dollars {or any case of Deefneee (caused by cnterrh) them cannot be cured by Hell’s Ceterrh Cure. Send for cir- cnlnre free. Deathe- Cannot be Cured by local application. as they cannot reach the disensed portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deaf- ness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rambling sound or imperfect henr- ing, and when it is entirely closed! Deafness is the result. and nnlesst he inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal con- homo!" “I henr, my boy thnt your hnve lntely told your mother aevernl lulu- hoode. This grieve. me to the henrt. Alwnya tell the truth, even though it may bring you euflering upon you. Will you promise me?” ”You futho or." “Very well. Now go and see who in knocking at the door. If it’s ‘the tux-collector “y I’m not nt Ihave just been reading the ac- count of a railway wreck in which every occupant of the sneaking-car- riage was more or less injured, while the rest of the pas-encore in the train maped without harm.” eaid old Hodge. "There Ezra.” cried Mra. Hodge triumphantly, “there is an- other warning against the use of to- They Appeal to Our Sympathies. “Yes. bdvt wghad £311 for supper tonight, and you didn’t tell me to look out for the b-b-dones!” He found her weeping. “W'hat’s wrong. deer?” he asked unduly. “You don’t love me any more,” she nabbed. "What e foolish little women! Didn’t Intay home from n hue- bnll gene to be with you? anen’t‘ I given up tobacco {or your sake?‘ Aren’t we going driving to-morrow?” It Inns hsnd in hsnd with poor Hood end week nerves Henlth runs down. nerves get irritsble, neuulgic torture follows. .For the moment npplicntions mny relieveâ€"hut to thoroughly core. the system must he strengthened with nutritious tht csn equsl Ferrozoue? It. in- creases the appetimiorms sbnndsnce of rich life-giving blood, supplies nutrimem and building msterisl for wornout nerves. Ferrosone cone plotely cures neuralgis. Every root and branch of the dieesse it kills. Absolute success in every csse. Stop coloring-fifty chocolate casted tab- lets in a box at any drug store. m 80030] OP MIA. To Bmineu Hon When Love Grows Cold vuuu uyspeplc are con rs and appeal to our Thete is not one of er, who may net be to health and happiness for cons- [in-1y Friday morning a large frame barn, about half a mile north village owned by David Nalsmith, was tet- ally destroyed by fire. together with its contents In the barn at the time were about 2:") loads of hay and a fine 2-year old mare. An imple- ment shed was also destroyed to- gether with a new binder. threshing machine. buggy, democrat, pea har- vester. two gang plows, barrows. etc. The origin of the fire is a prob- lem which has not yet been solved but it is thought that a spark from n railwey engine started the condom rflinn, them»: other cases are ens- pecwd' bv some. The bnfidini and congrats are «red in the German. i. Luann: - 1"- -.. of N'orrnanb!to "10 “mum: of «1:00. Mr. Naiemith is a200acre farmer and he. "nether barn in which to store hie Etna. The commonest case of appendicitis is constipation. \Vhen you require physic don’t use cheap drastic pillsâ€" get Dr. Hamilton’s Pills which strengthen the stomach regulate the bowels and prevent any to appendi- citis. In one day you’ll feel the tremendous benefit of Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. By purifying the blood and clensing the system they prevent headaches, lift depression and drive Strengthen the stomach regulate theg Mr. R. Harris of Rockwood, Ont. , bowels and prevent any to appendi- ' writes: "In regard to Ferrozone, I citis. In one day you’ll feel the am glad to say it is the most excel- lent remedy for stomach trouble. Pills. By purifying the blood and Before using Ferrozone I was in a clensing the system they prevent; poor state of health, but after taking headaches, lift depression and drive 2 a few boxes I was cured of pains in away weariness. No medicine soithe stomach and a soreness in the successful as Dr. Hamilton’s Pills,‘back. I am enjoying the best of sold everywhere in 25c. boxes with ‘ health to day. thanks to Ferrozoae.” yellow cover; get the genuine. . Mr. Ernest V. Jordan of mrnntnn Ami after that. mamina. always met him at the door when he called and gave him flowers, “Yes baking powder, and you are the? bqst cook in the neighborhood.” “Well, to begin with, you are too disrespectful. I heard yau say that I used powder.” "\Vhy not?” man turning pale. "Young man,” said the stern mat- ron in the hallway I don’t think I would care for you to call on my daughter again.” A little forethought may saVe you no end of trouble. Anyone who makes it a rule to keep Chamber. lain’s Colic. Cholera acd Diarrhoea Remedy at hand knows this to be a fact. For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. Diarrhoea Remedy. This fact is well known to drug- gists everywhere, and nine out of ten will give their customers their preparation when the best is asked for. Mr. Obe Witmer. a prominent druggist of Joplin. 3110.. in a circular to his customers. says: “There is nothing on the market in the way of patent medicine which equals Chamb- erlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for bowel complaints.” For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. WHAT CAUSES APPENDICITIS. Nothing on the Market Equal to Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and V‘- v-Cv . v. D“ V “U. UL vuuuuafi When British Columbia entered the Dominion it was with the under- standing that the Government would build a railroad across the continent. The Government failed sadly in its plans; in 1880, one year before the en- tire road should have been ready, only 700 of its nearly 3,000 miles were com- pleted. Chaos prevailed and collapse was imminent. Then Lords Mount Stephen and Strathcona came forward. and for a subsidy of $25,000,000, full title to the section already built, and a land grant of twenty-five million acresâ€"a territory as large as Ireland and Walesâ€"they promised to join the two oceans within eleven years. They accomplished the task in five. Lord Mount Stephen was made a baronet in 1886 and five years later was raised to the peerage with his present title, which was taken from a mountain near the railroad that his energy and enterprise helped to .create. In Canada he found his cousin, Donald Smith, later Lord Strathcona, and the two Highlanders who had played together as boys, joined issues, and soon, like the meeting of two brooks, their united efforts flowed in one channel. Both were directors in the Bank of Montreal, both are interested in railways, and both have achieved fame as philanthropists, statesmen. art connoisseurs and in diplomatic circles. In 1875 Lord Mount Stephen Joined a syndicate for purchasing the bonds of the Dutch stockholders of the St. Paul and Pa- cific Railroad, which, when completed, controlled the Northwest of Canada. When George Stephen, the son of a poor carpenter in the small Scotch village of Dufftown was born in 1829, the outlook for a great success seemed surely dim and improbable. When, after completing the course at the little parish school he undertook to earn his living as herd-boy on the minister’s farm in the glen. no vision came to him of the time when he would be known as a Lord, high in the councils of State, the friend of the King and the bene- factor of his people. Then came an uncontrollable desire to see the larger world. and as an apprentice in the drapery trade he went to Aberdeen, and later to Glasgow and London. In 1850 he left England for Canada, where he engaged in the woolen business, and in a few years was well on the high road to prosperity. htmd wording to Act o! the Parliament 0! M, In the yen 1905, by W. C. lock, The Career of a Great Canadian The greatest philanthmpist of Canada is Lord Mount Stephen; the greatest benefactor of the United States is Andrew Carnegieâ€"both men who came to the new world as poor boys from the east of Scotland, have made great fortunes and have spread with lavish hand their accumulated wealth. Strategy. asked the young L’ORD MOD N 31‘ STEPHEN Everybody that has ever used l’errozone speaks just as highly of it. It strengthens the stomach and di- gesmive organs and assists them in carrying on their work. Ferrozone purifies the blood and gives new energy to the nerves. It is the best tonic and rebuilder and good for your): and old alike. Just try For rozone; results will estonish you. Price 500. per box. or six boxes for 82'50, at drnggists. or The Fen-ozone Compost}. Kingston, Ont. Don’t do:- hy. Get Eerrczone to-dey. â€"â€"â€"â€" vv - VOOVUUWU. Mr. Ernest V. Jordan of Trenton, writes: “I had a severe attack of stomach trouble and indigestion, which completly upset me I was advised to try Ferrozone, and did 80. Since using Ferrozone I have not had any further trouble. and can recom. mend it as a positive cure. My wife also found Ferrozone a good tonic and nerve strengthener.” Because the Greatest of Stomach Remedies Was Used No More Pains in the Stomach “To send our minister on a vacat- ion to Europe this summer.” ‘An won’t there be no church while he’s gone?” "No preaching servxce. I guess.” "Ma, I got $1.23 saved up in my bankâ€"can I give that?” “Ma. what are the folks in our church getting up a. subscription for?’ asked a small boy of Holton of his mother. - If warmth and circulation are not promptly restored. chills result in fatal pneumonia. This necessitates keeping Nerviline on hand. Taken in hot water it breaks up a chill in two minutes. y. rubbing freely over throat and chest it prevents colds. No liniment so strong. so penetrating. so swift to kill pain and inflammation. Nearly fifty years’ record has proved the value of Pol- eon’s Nerviline, You should get a bottle today. CHILLS PROVE FATAL! Cause Looked Good. :, u the Dent-taunt of Agriculture. Photograph by Notmurnr. Montreal, ’J. L. FLAR The lover’s money is at the root of all jewelers. Soap deferred maketh the soap stick. Train up a servant in the way she should go. and the first thing you know she’s gone. Ona swallow does not make 3 din- nor. People who live in glass houses should pull down the blinds. _What can’t be cured must be in- lured. Actreses will happen in the best gegulated families. The pension is mightier than the sword. Our townsman, J. P. Johnston, made applicatian for a man to the Salvation Army barracks in Toronto, stating, it is said, that he would pay from $20a month. and supply him with a furnished house. When the man came, J. P. fixed him in a house all right, but at the end of the week refused him a couple of dollars to procure necessaries. Feeling that he was not well treated. he quit work and laid a complaint before P. 51., 'to recover $5 earned. The defence was that his services were not ting the immigrant settled. After} a patient hearing. the magistrate ordered J, P. to pay the man five doll and the cost of the suit. holding that the laborer is worthy of his hire and that if matters not satisfactory. his remedy was to dismiss the man from his employ.-â€"Telescope. ln Men’s Furnishings we are right up-to-date in flats and Caps. Working or Fancy Shirts, Ties, Collars, Sox, Gloves, Umbrellas, Suspenders, Underwear, Sweaters. In fact everything that is found in an up-to- date furnishing Store. An up-toâ€"date garment in style, and workman- ship. Anything you wantâ€"trom the heavy, wearing Tweed, t0 the finest quality in Cheviot, Serge, and Worsted, in Fancy, Black or Blue. Manly in their appear-- ance. Use men right, and they will act the man in return. We enâ€" deavor to supply the Latest Patterns, Shades, and Best Quality to be had for the money. Too much care cannot be used With small children during the hot westb- er of the summer months to guard against bowel troubles. As a rule it is only necessary to give the child I dose of caster oil co correct any dis. order of the bowels. Do not use any substitute, but give the old fashioned caster oil, and see that it is fresh. as nauseates and has a tendency to ,gripe. If this does not check the bowels give Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera. and Diarrhoea Remedy and then a dose of caster oil, and the disease may be checked in its incip- iencv and all danger avoided. The castor oil and this remedy should be procured at once ard kept ready for‘ instant use as soon as the first in-‘ dication of any bowel trouble ap- pears. This is the most successful treatment known end may be relied upon with implicit confidence even in cases of cholera infantum. For sale at Parkes’s Drug Store. ’Tis never too late to end. We Make Men PRICFS RIGHT Give us acall and be satisfied.- Merchant Tailor. We Guarantee A Warn-3mm”; Perverted Proverbs, NAsm'rH’s Owen Sound ofi'ers prizes of from $450 down to $100 to per sons putting up the greatest number of rods of their fencing. We sell the wire. MONUMENTSâ€"Tbe Doyle Julian Marble Works. Owen Sound. Be- fore buying elsewhere see our de- signs and samples. We ran save you money. A complete line of the Palmer- ston Buggy Co.’s Buggies. Raymond Sewing Machines, Dow- sell Washers. Thomas Bros. Wash- ers, McClsry etoves, Elmira Hay Loaders, J. 1. Case Threshing Machines. Buggies. - SEED DRILLS. CUL- Binders, TIVATORS. DISC HARROWS. DIAMOND SMOOTH- ING HARROWS, SCUFFLERS, WAGONS. WILKINSON PLOWS AND LAND ROLLERS. lmnlements INSURANCES PLACED in No. l Cc panics at low rates. DEBTS COLLECTED. BUSINESS DIFFICULTIES arranged C. P. R. TICKETS for 8:10 toall points. MONEY TO LOAN at lowest rates . v--- .-.u. vvauu Der Will sell cheap. “W“ W DURHAM RESIDENCE, belonging to Mr J. L. BOrowne. photographer. offered at snap price Now ofl’ers the following: 100 ACRES, south-west of Varney, in NOR MANBY. An extra good farm and well improved. Owner anxious togo West. 150 ACRES. BENTINCK, north of Allen Park. Well improved and offered very cheap. 125 ACRES. on 18th Concession of NOR- MANBY. Well im roved and well located Offered cheap. ill rent if not sold. 100 ACRES. BENTINCKLne er R‘oclgy 151m 0“!) (inn) :- --- “-- THE HANOVER CONVEYANCER J ulv 13, 1905. 37:3 Farm For Sale or Rent. OONSISTING OF 100 ACRES, being Lot 11. Concesion l9. Egremont. 3 miles from Dromore: 3-4 mile from School. 1-4 mile from Church. Contains good frame barn 54x64. on stone basement. good stables underneath. Windmill to pumgl water to basement or field. Comforta 6 frame house; small orchard: well watered. 'For further particulars apply to U_- __---vâ€" w-.. "yawn“, 1‘13" brick house, mx32; 2; storeys high ; double cellar, cement floor in one half. furnace in the other half. Small barn with stone stable under- neath. Convenient to station, Furniture Factory and Cream Separator Works. Will sell cheap to $310k purchaser. The owner is going For further particulars apply to WM. LEGGETTE, June 14. tf. Box 92, DURHAM. in levelling and baluur- in: your horse’s foot. I have the Scientific Horse Foot Leveller which is the latest and best. contrivance for that purpose and will guarantee satisfaction. NO MORE GUESS WORK, in levelling and lung”. House and Lotléor sale Always Prompt-J The “Deering” Imple- ments, manufactured by the International Har- vester Co. of Hamilton, lead the world. 33.12pm; 81x, DURHAM! NEW ADVERTISEMENT. ‘. GUTHRle, . Miller . H. MILLER. The Blacksmith Never Negligent. .COLERIDGE or at this Office. With bread for "III- .I 1100 to 15001“. fax ply Wednudnya and - ._ A V .I.‘ Glenelg, a male teacher. with Second Class Professional c ' . ' the rate ofuw per ”mum. Duties to com- mence on tho thurd Manley in August. Ap- licetious u. w t be . in the hands of the un~ crammed Mu. later than the 16th day of une- l'erum ad annflmfim. m4---” . NOV. 8th. Rent reasonable to. right tenant. on Queen street. Apply to JAMES CARSONgor ED. “’ALSH- n. Also several b ' w. CRAWFORD, mlding lots. v Inn-u“ Jo “Unln 1 of Saddler street in the Town of Dur- hm. in the county of Grey. coutaining4 acres more or less. For terms Ind particu- lars applv to J, . v ‘ v ‘ 5“.” I D m â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" J. M. HUNTER. Durham April 12. MILâ€"fl. Jan. 28â€"“. Pricoville P. O. Feb. find WANTED ‘ O ( \RLOAIH OF GOOD SER we premises is a comfortable; brrci: roomed cotture. a good frame barn cleared, trtle good. right. For further particulars non bed of Lot 59, Con. 2. E. G. R.. (He the premises is a comfortable I rgomed cottage. a good frnmn Mar. 10. 04â€"“ - .- ch.‘ \ ”Bahia 150 ACRES IN, EGREM6NT. ardvillo. Good buildings. 150 ACRES IN GLENELG, :16 A ABrick house 1nd good bun. ”A0388 IN NORMANBY. 6 miles from Durham. mo A0838 IN BENTINCK. nur Rocky Bounce. 1593191135 lg EQREMONT. 4 miles (n... __ Lot 2. Con. 3. N. D; R. Dr“ 4, 190Lâ€"tf. D Dugham. The above lands no all offered 11 cheap. on easy terns. For part :pply to Town Lots for Sale Darâ€"hail.- |' THE GARAFRAXA ROADâ€" about 3i; miles from Durham. Good Possession 1t once. Good had. Must Id. For particuhra .pply to ' «a» . 4-..- fâ€"tf. " " Vendor’s Swolicimr‘ Houses for Sale DESIRABLE PIECE OF House to Rent. GE”. Farms For Sale. Farm for Sale. . . da’y of “991‘“th preferred. a Emma, Seer-earn CEMBAL _ PART OF '. MCI NTYRE, @1103. DAVIS; MACKAV a: DI xx Vendor’ a SOliCilors Durham or Rent. . WALSH. d :5 South' pg}: "1.9“?"9‘8- 0n R.. Glenelg, DURHAM P Durham . NO. 1, lo Durhnm. o ‘ miles from lo nu? Orcb. from o ‘n Ibua toplv to PROP. five. All mice E"°Yesl am tho, children. two of , The otherâ€"«excns‘ “You. certainlx V “The other wmks doun' t ndu HrtiSt, ’ The Chrkebourg Kansas 'I‘x". "pom fish plentifu! there and « um ii a a creek near Cmrksi. ‘- 'h‘Ch the fish are SO thick at: “venous tbnt you blur to exam “Id 3 tree to bait your h'mk to “fish from getting a! UW ham l‘h ruiny sousonq of law _\'Pnr:~‘ and. fish quite plentiful. and n “I of ones have been reporfwl '9'“) of farmers plowmg nic w cufiih out Of thfl ground in M. [It takes I Yaukvv t.) ', Mitt whOpper ] A man name-d l'homas hm : VII tried by Judge Barn“: u: ur‘ty on achargc- of .theft. in ‘ «one of the trial is (‘amv ma farmer named Dougald .\1. \rz‘nzm Kincnrdine Township. 1m ’ «fill up to Gardiner on the real and :19 hi” to htve a ride. ()0 I‘c-m-hihg‘ Arthur's home the latter invitwr Wager to remain overnight. ‘ inflation was accepted and (am .IiOYOd Mr. M<°Arthur's hOSpitl for two or thlee days. While ”that was out to the barn Gard! went through his pockvts. mal o! with 856. The Judge gave ten months in jail.â€"â€"Telesc0pe. Abe Gruber tells tli toothem frieml \‘ib’ilil Gruber, wishing to (1 brought forth a Whiskc then went to the china ‘Oome whiskey glaSSvs morn he was surprise-i ‘Ih friend had iilie-l up Utter glass to the briu bout. to drink it. “Cider?" said the S w ill his glass. “do you 1 tltt much cider?” Mr. H. G. Robinwn . \ 1 “‘9. 0f Munro» Mum a‘q punied by Mr. .J. .1. “.141 Chief Engineer of \‘2w 11.“ a '1 ”fly. arrived in {on x; f, w.: W ’“W'dIY. Th!) 0MP"! --.' V' K“: 'ilitio to investigatw r‘m 'Xfrl mulegraph buaineas in am we Old report to his companv mu (1 ‘Viubility of erecting a “in “don tad of (muting the fie] ixvupotltion with BXiBtiDg lines ‘0 Cunt of his report being {I “on. of tho first steps will b1 . a oft Cation in Owen St 7 ,fijmnniottQ with others t ' II Fort William Winni Ill Duluth and no dui Clevelnnd. Ohio. July :iw.â€".A .- of thunder woke up Lola Mor daughter of Melville Mor:on. chi! morning in time to save (“her from dentb on encoun chloroform ndministrnted by Inn. THUNDER CRASH SAVED A L “Say," “id Mr. Gruber. are you doing? You drink it as m cider." on his way home about 11 o’cl .Pridey night. For a men of his Ir. Sutherland oflered c pluck lilttnce, which. together with «in for help. put his assailant light. In the mix-up Mr. Su had was rather roughly handled «king a vicious kick on the “(1 another heavy blow in the { Mthof which left large bruised s4 The burgulua had broken in chloroformed Mr. Morton and succeeded in rensecking the h. eecnring e smell emount of b« when 3 terrible thunderstorm b: weking the deughter. Ingotsoli. July 31.-â€"Daring bl flymen held up Robert Sutherl‘ ftthor of Donsld Sutherland. M. L on Thumes street bridge. as be 1 Sh. In: hurting to her {at room when she perceived the 0'11 the drug und culled for help. Horton Ins revived “gear 0 born Ind worked (or an hour him. WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY FBIGHTENED THEM OFF FROM OLD KENTUCKY whiskey I‘h be 18!“ ()n \Nl

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