learning and reï¬nement d d not prevented young Eben- igold from being as bad fl his brother, which Is lam dea}. and because be w; more rec Hess. less prudent. of riper years, he had mean-g t himself in the power fl' and had been hanged with! Benjamin, standing Q} I proportioned to his m: he past. for he had amid; ry personally to Mom by; 317 of his former services M; l Itemly repulsed and mi I with a warning that ho hi to his own fugm'o conduct: lowing in the ethnic of his he should ï¬nd himself with' In the noes». I. colossal in his conceit ind. h “ken hold or him, no to laction until he could contrive his by which to strike him In tat he conceived would glut ion of incxpiable hatred. vary 6 boxes of DI. m 03 PILLS you pmhsu st can give our written Gum-u. '01: don’t deri'o beneï¬t be. n will givo you your money n’t that fair? . we were pretty sure Dr. M. Id do what w. claim for ti... n’t dm make such u 00'. single box the Pill. m 50.. mklrts or the crowd Jeltll‘i "lng around the foot of the} rith n grief and rage in III? his meotency, presently fond} mung his old captain with .1 hilt ll his courage. thought not to‘ >r. if he gave the cubject a! .tion at all, dismissed it from 1 u of little moment. a to Is the subsequent state d R's feelings. Homigold could he Huntle- ol Charity. 13y was mum“; some remarks Ed Morgan on numberlm oc- but a consuming desire for a leqnate revenge than m UPPURT My gut tatural rlit ‘3' ti! (in: ï¬led Glrla. flu tote. Them to Can 0! V0- ry Cheer-fully Ref .0604. â€- N‘Im; Ul .tivo gunmen ol DI. m .\. DARLING I)! 808 basing Dr. Harte’g cry-Iron Pills. _ AND â€"â€" DRUGGIarr l‘HHAM, ONT. ‘63:!elchod! â€"Bm'ko. lime Is EMUUION bud burst from 'IIISP “'1 :2. i.: tzzlesmenF- xn Hm prisoner or 111'*‘..“.". {list-oun- V‘u't' nm-e in 2| '3" l are vxcused. to. nputhixe with tho n-nts send their :1 little house It ' night. and when up the ladder I. 'rt- is no coming :HIOW it. 810])?- rmustances must u no doubt sleep .wing that their :vke their walks Hvrs see ï¬t I" mm.» at x woman can . “is the man- 14‘; or water. wrtv (with I Ht that 80H me is about the fuss mt some wear.†other M Tu! Cmmmcv :- an be sent to . ‘ an “"8 ddtess, {rs of postage, for “.00 pe: ' Jana“? 1:0!“an g 3n advance-â€.50 may 98 so paid. lhc date to w'nch even mbampnou 5 Id 1'. 6 up 3-! by UV: numb, m. l}.- uidrcï¬ihbel- ‘ _0 par!" "J .c "=21†N :1 mm! LI‘: azuax WV flaunt-sum! noun-mo an“! name uncut. mu my. DURHAM, ONT. QMRTISIM ems . _. F‘ ,. o I“ uua “W Filament!“ Dimmn. Court} $4.00 pt! mourn. Adm dinctiom ï¬ll be publish“ â€:63!!eg Transient a « f0; bale,_†etcâ€".9 cents THE JOB : : DEPARTHENT All 17an meted by s b: in advama. Courage: rates bawdy 3:. en .pplicatlon to thy o c. E? A“ adverts: at .H. to emu week, should I): brought in not short. distance out of Knapp’s Hotel, Lamb ton Street. Lower Town, Durham. Oï¬ce hours from 1 to o’clock. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE A L “CC I" WV vavv â€"'v- _._-- hours, 8 to 10 a. In., to 4p. m. end? m9 p. m. Speciel attention given to diseases of women and children. Residence op- posite Preehvterien Church. FFICE AND RESIDENCEâ€"COR. Gerefran and George Streetsâ€"at foot of hill. Ofliee houreâ€"O-ll a. m. 2-4 p. m. 79 p. 11:. Telephone No. 10. Late Assistant Roy. London Ophthslmio’lnoo. 2113.. and to Golden Sq. Thu“ nd Non BOO. Drs. lamieson Macdon ald “CLUIIVIIJ Will be u the “(laugh Hone lot Wodnoodny of each month. from 12 to 4 p. m. L. R. C. P., LONDON. ENG. GRADULATE of London, New York and Chicago. my»: Eye. Ear Nose and fluent. Durham. the 2nd Will be at Knapp House. -â€"6 p.m. Saturdzv in each month. Hoursâ€"1 q A uvuu m". hne for “[3 . . a line ea: Maura. Priests 30ml. OFFICE: D Uflico 0 Store. Lower of monev t0 oroportv. J. F. GRANT, D. D. 8.. L. D. S. HONOR GRADUATE, UNIVERSI- ty of Toronto. Graduate! Royal l‘ullegu Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentistry in 311 its Branches. (Nicerâ€"Calder Block, over Post Ofï¬ce BARRISTER, SO McIntyre’s Block. ham. Collection and attended to. Searches trv Ofï¬ce. Oflices :41 n 1.1)! Standard Bwko A. G. MACKAY. K. 1V or. Convoyanror,otc. t9 loan. Old accounts :1 kinds collected on coma boqght and sold. 11mm Ofllceâ€"MacKemio’s Old Town. Durban. Ont. fouling facilities l. B. Hutton. 'HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF- 6co in the New Hump: Block. Oï¬ce ____1. 4-15 ARRIS‘ Emma AND Pnormmon. flint: Eye, Ear, Throat and lose Medical Directon . RRISTERS. SOLICITORS, CON- veyancers. Etc. Money to Loan. 82â€"13 the McIntyre Block. over Arthur Sun, I. n. Auctioneet {c} the County .|__ -bO-i‘l‘ï¬l‘ tn. C DB. Gil]. S. BURT. DR. BROWN MacKay Dunn. Legal Directorv. Lefroy McCaul. Miscellaneous. l isd ma :4! by the number on tl‘ ape]- oh ,cnnun N1. Int“ ï¬ll "If“ E. OuW‘ of an punytiuor. is completely stocked with an NELW TYPE, thus at. for turning out First-ch.“ ) erzmre insertion in amen | no: later than TUmeb hey. sales Dru-WW C‘Shedo ’11:»; Jewellery l". DUNN. U eneed Auctioneer for the County 01 Ggey. Land Vuluator. Bailifl’ of the 2nd Dnvwion. Court Sales and a!) othet matters prong?! attended to. Highest reietences urnie if required. U tioneer for the County of Grey. Sales promptly attended t0. Orders me be left nt his Implement Warez-coma, Me innon’s old stand. or at the Chronicle Oï¬ice. D McPHAIL, LICENSED AUC- o tioneer for the County of Grey. Tenn moderate and aatrsfaction guaran- teed. The arrangements ad dates of sales can be made at THE CHRONICLE of« ï¬ce. Residence and P. 0.. Ceylon. Teleo phone connection. The undersigned having been restored to health by simple means, after snflering for several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease Consumption, is anxious to make known to his fellow suflerers the means of cure. To those who desire it. he will cheerfully send, free of charge. a copy of the prescription used, which they will ï¬nd a. sure curemfor Consumption. 1 ,IIAL..--4.-__I buoy "All uu1| a uu-v v“-.. -v- --_-_ , ’ Asthma, Chant-vb, Bronchitis and all throat and lung Handles. He hapea all euflerere will try his remedy. as it is invaluable. Those desiring the prescription, which will cost them nothing and may rove a hleeein . will leaee addreee Rev.BD ARDA.)\{! A_ N.Brook n.Ne:30rlr _‘ ‘._4.._.. .- .. .-~‘l' AMES CARSON, DURHAM. LIC- Nov. 9, ’03. D†o 3, ’040â€"1),pd0 Cheap Store Shoe Dressings. If you want to make money. in buying goods, call at the Cheap Store of J. Levine. He will surprise you with the great bargains be is oï¬ering. A few of them are: Men’s Worsted Suits. worth $7 for. ........... 83.90. Men’s Flannelette Top Shirts for..... .......25c. Umbrellas. worth $1.50, 60 to 900. Men’s Hats, worth $1.50 ...... 750. Fashionable Summer Caps. clearing lot at ..... . . . . . 250. We Have Purchased OHN CLARK. LICENSED AUC- A nice lot of Lndiee’ Dress Shirts, and Black Siik Coats, going at half price. Ladies’ Cravenette Rein Conte, Clearing lot for ............ 83.75. EGGS taken same as CASH in ex change for goods. J. S. McIlraith J. Levine. T0 CONSUMPTIVES. A few lines of Ladies’ Oxfords and Strap Slipper in which some sizes are sold out, ranging in price from 1.00 to $1.75, we now oï¬er them at 800. to 31.40.10 clear as the room is required for other goods. Trunks, Valises, Club Bags, Tele- scopes and Shawl Straps at reasonable prices. We are headquarters in Durham for shoe dressings; over '20 diï¬er- entlines to chose from. Have you tried 3 TIME? We claim it is the best and easiest paste polish to make asbine that we have seen, large box 100,. onlv to be had here. Try a box; money refunded if not satisfactory. Shoe Brushes and Daubers al- ways in stock. Custom work and repairing done as neatly and promptly as possibie. Have TERMS CASH. Durham. The â€Wham†months. thing is a thing of the past. for this season, and berry picking will soon follow suit. Mr. and Mrs. Lock have returned to their home in the city. Mr. George Lane bud the misfor- tune to loose a cow which was struck by lighting. Mr. George Haw lost. one of his spring colts. The Orange pic-nic which was held in Mr. John Hex-dies bush, Proton, was a success. The day was all that could be desired. and every one en- joyed themselves. Mr. George Sackett has improved his store by giving the out side a coat of paint. More power to your brush George. Mr. and Mrs. George Johnston of Ventry renewed old acquaintances at. the corner this week. Another of our old pioneers have passed away in the person of Mrs. McGinns of Proton. She was stay- ing with her daughter Mrs. James Eccles of Dromore at the time of her death. The funeral was largely at- tended. Interment took place at Priceville. We extend our symp- athy to the sorrowing friends. George S. Thompson, charged withl setting tire to William Long’s barn on Wednesday, August 2, received a trial on Tuesday before Judge Bar- rett. The prisoner did not deny set- ting the barn on ï¬re, but claimed it was accidental. As the prisoner had previously served a term in the Cent- ral for setting a barn on ï¬re near Stratford, the Judge wrs not inclin- ed to believe him, but rather thought he was an evil minded man with a craze for setting barns on ï¬re and sentenced him to three years in Kingston penitentiary. Thompson was taken to Kingston by Constable Briggs and Sherrifl Parkeâ€"Bruce Herald. What might have resulted in ser- iousloss to G. T. R. Co., and, in probability death to some of its em- ployee, was prevented in a rather ex- traordinary manner here on Friday morning. Mr. Perry. formerly a‘ brakeman through here, but who was discharged some two months a- go {or aslight oï¬ence, was walking north along the track. and when a- bout a hundred yards from the de- pot he noticed the track was spread and the switch at Nolan’s siding thrown oren. Just then he heard the Whistle of a train approaching from the south and at once ran to meet it. flagging it about half a mile up the track. Had the train not halted. it would have rushed in on the siding, and, undoubtedly. into the pond. The mishap to the track is thought to have been caused by atruck of a previous train jumping the track ane righting itself at the frog on the switch. The G. T. R. officials at once notiï¬ed Mr. Perry that his situation was again ready for him, also three month’s salary. the time since he was discharged.â€" Tottenham Sentinel. BOY WAS MURDERED. Struck With Stone Weighing Ffve or Six Pounds. Farnham. Que. Aug. l4.â€"-About 11 a. m. yesterday the body of ‘Wil- fred Audette, aged ï¬fteen years. the son of Ernest Audette. Secretary of the town, was lying alongside a pile of lumber back of the Central Ver- mont station. Young Audette was on duty last night. as call boy for the Canadian Paciï¬c Railway. and there last seen about 1 a. 11).. when he left to call two train crews. only one of which reSponded. and one brakeman of the second crew. Another boy was sent to complete the call, and nothing more was seen of Audette until found by Duval bmthers “ho were coming home from church. The wound on the dead boy indicat- es that he was struck on the head with a stone ï¬ve or six pounds in weight, blood and hair being plainly visible on a stone found near the body. The body was removed to an un' dertakcr’s where an inquest, will be held. Detecrives will be placed on the case. A long-haired man walking along the street met a little boy, who aslr ed him the time. “Ten minutes to 9,†said the man. “\Vell.†said the boy. “at 9 o’clock get your hair out,†and he took to his heels and ran. the aggrieved one after him. Turning the corner, the man ran into a policeman, nearly knocking him over. " What’s up?" said the policeman. The man, very much out of breath, said: “You see thnt young urchin running along there? He asked me the time and I told him: ‘Ten min utes to 9.’ and he said: ‘At 90 ’clock “Well said the policeman. "whu are you running for? Yen have eight minutes yet.†get your huir cut. BACKETT’S CORNERS. O *0...†’ H Because of its marvelous cures and its wonderful power over Consumption, and all diseases of the throat, chest and lungs. It is also the best nerve tonic and system builder known, and not only aids diges- tion but gives the stomach abiding strength, enriches the blood, arrests a. wasting diseases and vanquishes Chills and Fever. Many of the best physicians prescribe it in their practice. Praised and Prescribed by Prominent Physicians Caught Gold on Parade Ground L ANDSLIDE KILLS MANY IND' IANS The Greatest of all Tonic: Ouroo Oonoumpflon LI. Orlppo, Pnoumonla, Court-h of tho Stomach and Docllno. Psychinc is obtained at all drug stores. Price $1.0) per bottle. or from Dr. Slocum's Labontory. :79 King strut west. Toronto. The little town was located on the north side of the river which is a quarter of a mile wide. A great section of the mountain suddenly broke loose and swept down on the village. In an instant not a vestige of the town remained, but a few of the shattered buildings were thrown far up on the mountain on the other side. The river was swept from its bed, while earth and rocks ï¬lled the stream to a depth of forty feet. Most of the victims and many horses were buried deep under the debris. The railwav escaped damage as it is well above the stream. Victoria B. C. Aug. l4.â€"â€"Passeng- ers on the Transcontinental limited witnessed the destruction of an Ind- ian town on Thompson River yester- day afternoon by a gigantic land- slide. At least a score of Indians were killed. and not a trace of the town is left. Most of the victims who were not entirely buried were horribly mangled. :; Qd: gnaw Miss Lottie Brown of Toronto ac- companied by her cousin Miss Alice Lindsay of the same place are visit- ing the formers parents Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Brown. PSYCHINE Quite a number from here took in the Orange picnic at Swinton Park on Friday last and report having a good time. Passengers on C. P. B. Train I Village Wiped Outâ€"Honntain Broke Loose. McArthur bros. of Glenelg Centre, have made their appearance in this neighborhood with their steam thrasher. The LaWrence Hall S. S. pic-nic held in Ector’s grove on Friday Aug. 4th was not the usual success owing to the forepart of the day being wet. Miss Livingstone of Mt. Forest spent last week with the Brown family. Mr. Albert McGirr who recently returned from Hagersville is at pres- ent assisting Mr. Jas. Hopkins with the harvest. Mr. and Mrs J. Clark and Mr. T. Lawrence all of Toronto. made a. fly- ing trip to the latter’s old home last week. Miss May Scott of town spent a couple of weeks with her sister Mrs. W. B. \Vetson. Miss Alice Lawrence of Toronto is holidaying with her parents Mr. and Mrs. John Lawrence Sr. Harvest. is on. in full swing in this burg. Crops in most cases are good. Mrs. Hueston of Orangeville is via. iting Mr. and Mrs. James Brown. TRIAL BOTTLI FRII. BRONGHITIS (PRONOUNOIO Ii-KIIN) Spring Bank. Cbesley Schell. Ravenwood. writes: “I was out with the volunteers at London last June and I got a heavy cold. w hich turned to Bronchitis and my lungs were severely affected. I had a cough all Sum- mer. Psychineprovsd a great blessing to me. It is a positive cure for Bronchitus. We Sell What You TO M \KE YOUR HOME COMFORTABL] Chairs Bedroom Suites Chiffoniers Cribs and Cradles Beds Iron Beds Springs Mattresses Hall Racks Sideboards Cupboards Kitchen Cabinets kitchen Tables Extension Tables Undertaking and Embalming a Specialty. LARGE ST03_K OF RATTAN 60008 .1 rm‘ 1x V‘Anlcocus cum BLOOD I‘OISONS are the most prevalent and most eerious diseases. They up the very life blood of the victim and unless entirely eradicated from the system will cause serious conmlications. Beware of Mercury. it only ruppreuee the e m tomsâ€"our NEW METHOD positively euros all blood diseases forever. 011ch OR MIDDLE AGEDoMEN.â€"Imprudont acts or latvr excesses heve broken down your system. You feel the symptoms stealing owr -ou. Mentally, phyeiceily end vitally you ere not the may you used to be or sliou d be. Will you heed the danger signals? as A D E R Are you a. victim? Have you log: hope? Are you intending ‘0 m“??? Has your blood boon diseased? Have you Shy week- neu? Our New Method Treatment will cure you. What it has done for other. it will do (or you. CONSULTATION FREE. No mutter who ha; tneted you. write ter en honest opinion Free 0! Charge. BOOKS FREEâ€"“The Golden Ioni- tor" untamed). on Diseases of Men. E0 EAIES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRIVATE. E. undo- boue or envelopes. Everything oonfldentieb Question “It.“ out of WC l'BEE for Home Treetment. N., G. J. McKechnie. which we are‘selling at a 10w ï¬gure. It will pay you to examine our bargains before purchasing elsewhere. WE PAY HIGHEST PRICESâ€"EITHER CASH OR PRODUCE. Bring Along}y0ur Butter 8: Eggs DMKENNEDYa KERGAN Edward Kress, Durham, Ont. "A‘s“voun BLOOD BEEN msensem Cor. Mich. Ave. and Shelby St., Detroit, Mich. Confined to His Home for Weeks. “N0 NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSEI‘ . “Heavy work. eevere straining and evil habits in youth brow on a double varicocele. When I worked hard the aching would become severe and I was often laid up {or a “(PK at a time. My family physician told me an operation was my only hope- but I dreaded it. I tried several lpecialists, but Suon found out all they wanted was my money. I comrm‘nm'd to look upon all doctora as little better than roguea. One day my bosa asked tn. why I was oi! work so much and I told him my condition. He advised me to consult Drs. Kennedy and Kc-rgan, an be had ,taken treatment from them himself and knew they Were square .‘and akilltui. He wrote them and got the New Method Treat- i ent for me. My progress was somewhat slow and dam the rat month'a treatment I was somewhat disroumgld. However. continued treatment for three months inner and was rewarded ith a. complete cure; I could only earn :13 a week in a machine ‘_ An--‘.‘l- Q". mn‘ “AQVAI 'fl.‘ -_ CROCKERY JUST IN THE POPULAR CASH STORE. THE POPULAR 0A8†STORE. A large stock of Folding Tables Bedroom Tables Centre Tables J ardinieres Libraryfl‘ables Hall Stands Medicine Cabinets Secretaries Combination Bookcases Ofï¬ce Desks Upholstered Goods Picture Frames Frames to order Room Mouldings