West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 31 Aug 1905, p. 3

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" ACRES IV EGREMONT. atdvflle. Good buildings. .._ ACRES l\' GLENELG. nu Btick In use and good burn. ' ”ACRE thmnwn fiOACRE gum; PARTS OF 51, 52, 53â€".Sidoroad 50, 5 miles north of Pricevillo. Far. 5 class condition. Good buildings Vi“ in: stream convenient to tho it". nrther particulars applv to DL‘GALD D. MCLACBLAR, :3â€" tt‘. Pricovillo P. 0. I0 ACRES NEAR WILDER’S Good land and fine buildings in Shape. I) ACRES NEAR “()LSTEIN. hOUSBJarge barns. well ‘7‘“ splendid condition. Tim abm-n 13nd,; are all offered for «4:93me th'y terns. For m annh' : h 63 Bentinck. Con. 2, W. G. ting the Corporation of the Town (I rhun. The farm consists of 42; m bout 4 acres woodland. the beluga. III- zrass. Comfortable dwelling and M nforuble outbuildings. Sun." M I the kind of place for 3 duty ’81-. market gardener. Sold at right Nb : on easy terms as Is going west and wishes todigpoe. of it. 01 land. am «33:15.; MN i_u 1 a tine to an: nation apply '0 “30.00 HOUSES ~ r1313. GARAFRAXA ROADâ€"- ICK 0R 'il 4. lW.â€"tf. 300 n 22nd 1f Saddler urea ' he more or has, ”IV to )D ACRES 1x SORMANBYJ .51.. NH) _ â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~.- "v-”â€" about six miles from Durham. 00‘ P09083101) at once. Good bud. ”.8 Id. For particuhrs :pply to 'bu Gm Durham AME TH E If] RS1”)! Houses for DESIRABLE PIECE or For Sale or Rent. THE Houses to D Wat House to '0“) !%4.â€" t! 39. Con. 2. E. u. R.. 6165;]; ' raises is a comfortable Nick I cottage. a good frame hm . small bearing orchard. n a] ;f the best waning Uni". ntle goal. Term}: ouvand Fur further partncuhn a I'l'HOS. DAVIS, .0t 2, Con. 3. N. D. R.. GM momâ€"2!. Dunn: P. Farm for Sale. u: s' l.\(. LBNELG an}; in .1“: and 174M h-rn 5’3““: 8‘" -o . hm: j: (”muting of tweut-fivom m1! «5 east at (orporation Mm t“ Durham. (lescnbed ”South." ) Farms For Sale. ll buildiz U v‘ S“ 5 1X BENTINCK. TO LET. Four lots 9n the West 351k]! for private rosidancoo. Nov 31:: these lots. For man Lots for Sale. CENTRAL PART {00M E D J. P. TELFORD, on,“ I.\' EHHEMONT, 43:]. h”?] huilr‘inrru M. m §ood buildings. ’ll( 3l[c_hard ”fl YPcentIyoc " â€"‘ cupid Ir 10 r t L. Ilell.;l.:)p-.easy '0‘ \l YEA R8 OLD BY Us?“ in the Town of Dut- af- (;rey. COnuinig‘ '..r terms and partwa- ABOVE ll rd and garden. ;‘I """ham- Will an WM. 81. 0U Rent. Wl'chuor 53. AN Sale. WHIMBER nvvnienfly sit. ’" “Wet west. kitCht‘n, Ran” E D. “'A LS” ”(His 1-; FOR LOTS 62 AND 2 water . 888v gnd 4m no. liars gpp y go .ATC HER. U'xx'hzun. brick 5;; barn m . {m abun- Mao :pplv to PROP. TO OF “Yes; but they’ll two you out of the church for h!" "\VPH. you Hn hone“ ba‘lelujah on than highway ” “Yes but they’ll arrest you for dis- turbin’ the peace!” “There’s jov enough to keep tho wholn world dancing " "Don’t seem to be any hope for you.‘ “Oh. yes! You can be jest as mis- erable as you please!”â€"Atlants Con- stimtion. by local applications. as they cannot reach the dieeased portion of the ear. There is only one Way to cure dean nose. and that is by canstitwionel remedies. Deefnees is caused by in- flamed condition of the mucoue lin- ing of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed von have a rumbling sound or imperfect. hearing and when it is entirely closed Deaf- neqe is the result. and unlesa the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal con- dition. hearing will he destroyed for ever; nine cases out of ten are caus- ed by Cetnrrh. which is nothing but the inflammed condition of the muc- ous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollers for eny case of Deafness (unused hy cetnrrh) that cannot be cured by Bell’s Ceturh Cure. Send for air- calas‘ free. F. J. Camus? 00, Tales Sold by druggists. 750. Take Hgll’s Family Pills for tinnion. What Flour Granulation 4 - Means in Bread-Making ' Flour is composed of myriads of tiny granules. To make good bread these granules must be uniform in size. In poorly milled flour some granules are large, some small. The small ones absorb yeast, “rise” and “ripen” before the large onesâ€" the result is bread of coarse, poor texture. The large granules are not developed into “sponge,” they bake into heavy hard particles, spoil the texture of the bread and make it harder to digest. ROYAL HOUSEHOLD FLOUR is perfectly milledâ€"all the flour gra- nules are uniform in sizeâ€"the sponge rises uniformlyâ€"the bread is even in texture â€"â€" perfect in flavor -â€" good- looking, appetising bread â€"â€" easily digested. Ogilvies back it with their reputa- tion by branding it Ogilvie’s Royal Household Flour. BY ROYAL WARRANT. HILLERS TO H.R.H. THE PRINCE OF WALES Western Fair When Governor Blame lnid the fonndntion oi London. Ontario. one hundred yenro ego he knew it wouldgrow tobenxrenteity.hnthodnothouthtofthe Western Pnir. The Western Felt given the people of thin country an excellent opportunity for n pleunnt outing at a minimun of cost. and lit the some time developes their store of practical and useful knowledge. Its educational features have always been carefully fostered by the Directors. This year several important improvements of an instructive nature have been added. The celebrated gxst Highland Regiment Band will give three concerts daily during the exhibition. The entertain- ment department will be better than ever, end will include lenping the gap in mid air on a steam automobile. '0' uncommon hum: W. J. “no. Human”. 0:: J A. "ELLIS. IICRIYAR‘I COBS' Us; .8... dCigdgaOoI: dd: I... .2 '25....5 I: LONDON Sept. 8 a F In {liemaiv g a curtain unfair deci- Siz‘n. Go-‘trhn-‘ Bell of Vermont said: "it. is a man of might making right 1* rominda ma of mw of my boyhomi’s basebail camps. "In this game the umpire was a young blacksmith. a. Hercules of a young blacksmith. He came. along With the opposition team from the opposition town next to ours. and in his decisions be was most unfair, “In 'he third inning I went to the hat. I sent a. high fly to centre- field. The centrefielder got under the fly, but after striking his hands it bounced off and rolled to the grass. “ ‘Out,’ shouted the umpire. KATE COCH RANE, Agent, Muunfi". Ila; 1...; The Gurney. Tllden Comp!!! Durham Ont. The Annual Sunday School Con- vention of the Rural Deanery of‘ Grey was held at Chatsworth Thurs- day Aug. 17th. Most of the clergy and an exceedingly large number of delegates from the various Sunday Schools of the county were present. At eleven o’clock enthuse iastic services were held inSt. Paul’s Church. the sermon being presented by the Rev. R. J. Nowell, rector of Markdale. At two o’clock the Conn vention went into session and con-; tinued until six. the Rev. W. G. Reil- lv, rector of the church being in the chair. Every avaible seat in the church was occupied. Proceedings began with devotional exercises led by Rev. Messrs. Hooper and Nowell. The first paper on the prOgram was read by Miss A. Meredith of Dur- ham. It was entitled “Christ’s Touch,” and was very much apprec- iated The Rev. M. M. Goloberg. rector of Dundalk, followed with an able essay on “The Training of Child- ren.” Miss McWilhams. of Owen Sound. read an admirable paper on :“Missions in Regard to Sunday {School Work.” °‘ '1 know I do, my lad, aid the Odenblo gm LIN}! m m Tm. umpire Ctlmy. ‘but out you 80 ‘11 ship of Bentinck. ad Town Pro- same.’ party in the Town of Durham. Both in the County you lie.’ The Rev. Dr. Tucker. General Sec- retary of the M. S. C. 0., Toronto, followed in an eloquent address on "What, Sunday Schools can do for the West.” The final paper, an excellent one. was read by Miss M. Gibson. of Meaford on "The Object of Sunday School Teaching.” The various pap. ers were discussed as they were pres- ented. At 7.30. a conference of mis- sions was held, when the Rev. Allan P. Kennedy, rector cf Santa Cruz, Jamacia. W. I.. and the Rev. Dr. Tucker were the speakers. Mr. Ken- nedy gave a graphic description of: religious co nditions in Jamacia,§ which was most interesting and en- lightening. Dr. Tucker’s Review of Mission difficulties and achievements in Western Canada, and the church’s successful endeavor to make up the annual apportionment. was a splen- did efl'ort. He recounted the object- ions offered by the bishops and lead- ing clergy to the large amount asked for. and he showed how the appar- pntly impossible was accomplished. Exclusive of money contributed to the VVidow.~’ and Orphans’ Fund ,Superannuation. Theological Train. in g. and other funds which are large- ly of missionary character. purely . missionary contributions for the year lending 1904 amounted to 3250.000. His words left the impression on the mind that the Canadian Church is thoroughly alive to her responsibil- ities and opportunities. The pro- ceedings of the entire day was most optimistlc and encouraging. To the Rev, W'. G. Rlelly is due a great measure of praise for arrang- ing and carrying out so elaborate a program. Without any peradven- ture it was the best Convention in connection with the church ever held in Grey county. Delegates were billetted at the hot- el for dinner. Supper was served on the rectory grounds under the super vision of the congregation of St. Mark’s church, Holland Centre, who deserve special mention for the dain- ty provisions supplied and the at- t'active way in which the waiters ooked to the needs of the guests. A man may call his sweetheart n chicken. or a ducky. but. nine times out of ten, after he receives the first cup on the head, he imagines be made a rotten deal. Next year’s Convention will be held at Markdale. The Rev. J. R. Newell was elected President and Miss Kells corresponding Secretary. The billions and dySpepic are con- stant snfierers and appeal to our sympathies. There is not one of them. however, who may not be brought back to health and happiness by the use of Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. These tablets in- vigorate the digestion. They also regulate the bowles. For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. Sick headaches result from dis- orded condition of the stomach and is quickly cured bv Chamberlain’s Stum- ach ani Liver Table 9. For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. They Appeal to Our Sympathies Anglican 8. 8. Convotnion. râ€"Q 0.9 on U the powers vested in the undersigned. as administrutrix of the estnte of Alennder Beggs. late of the Town of Durham. in the County of Grey. Merchant. den-eased. there will be offered for sale b ,lpuhlic auction. at Hahn’s Hotel at the sei own ot Durhem. fat the hour of 2 o’clock, in the afternoon. the ollowing valuable treehold property. name. 13"" Parcel No. 1, lots numbers 45, 46 and west Bart 47. in the 3rd Concession south of the urham Road, in the said Township of Bentinck. containing 16:! acres more or ess On this propert are erected good substnn- tial farm buil inns and brick dwelling house. the land is in good state of cultiva- tion, and well fenced. Parcel No. 2 part of lot number 11 East Garafraxa Street. and lot No. 11 West Albert Street. in the Town of Durham, in the County of Grey. On this property are erected a substantial brick store and dwelling house. and comfortable frame stable. NDER AND BY VIRTUE 0F the powergs vegtpd in the qugrsign‘ed. The properties will be offered for sale subject to a reserved bid on each parcel. The purchaser shall pay ten per cent. of the purchase money at the time of sale. to the vendor’s solicitor. and the balance in thirtfiidays thereafter. without interest, at the o co of the vendor’s solicitor. The vendor will only be required to fur- nish a Registrar’s Abstract of Title. and to groduce such deeds, copies thereof, or evi- ences of title. as are in her possession. In all other respects the terms and conditions of sale, will be the standing conditions of the High Court of Justice. The properties are offered for sale, sub- ject to existing encumbrances thereon, which the purchaser shall assume and pay ofl‘ out of the amount of his purchase money. Further particulars may be had from J. P. Telford. Solicitor for SARAH ANN BEGGS Administratrix. JOHN CLARK, Auctioneer. DatedD at Durham this 8th day of August A. .1905. â€"4 c. Sheâ€"~and did you ever prOpose to a girl in a canoe? Heâ€"Yes. and I’ll never do it again. The girl jumped at my proposal and upset. the boat.â€"Yonkers Statesman. “Our John’s wife.” said John’s father, ‘is too easy with him. She’ a too ready to make excuses for him.’ "Well.” remarked John’s mother. significantly. ”John can’t say truth- fully they’re not. like what mother used to make.’ ”â€"Philudelphiu Led ger. Itching. Blind. Bloodmg or Protrndin Piles Druggiata refund money if PAZO OINT ENT failsto cure any case. no matter of how long standing, in 6 toil} (1339. First. spplipatipn ‘in0 331-13 .556 {xiâ€"Stamps und’ it. ’will '50 forwarded post-paid bv Paris Metltciue 00.. St. Louis. Mo A GUARANTEED CURE FOR FILES WANT Custom Carding Reliance Grocery DURHAM. Thursday September 7th_. 1905. Full stock of . . . Staple 6’ FancfiGrocer- ies and Confectionery. . At the Reliance Grocery you are always sure of getting the highest class goods at lowest prices. . THEOBALD'S OLD STAND For which we will pay the highest price in Cash or Trade. a large assort- ment of Blankets, Tweeds, Yarns, etc, and a full stock of Groceries. We keep on hand S. SCOTT of Grey. The f our dru int. hui’tit an? it. 'willigo forwarded and Spinning. ONTARIO Frost 6: Wood Implements The Sherlock Organs eeeaaaea Sewing Machines Melotte Separators D. CAMPBELL, Agent. DURHAM, ONT. HAVE YOU? s~m~mm Prices Moderate, CALDER BLOCK .. DURHAM He Sells Cheap The Big 4 LACE CURTAINS. If Pure Honey and Fresh Groceries always on hand. Heavv Twil'ed Cotton Sheeting. 72-in wide. 230. a yard. :White Bedspreads, large size, 1.40 each. Table Linen at 25c and 50¢ a yard. ' Floor Oilcloth. 1 and 2 yards wide. as 25¢ a square yard. Stair Oilcloth at 15c a yard. Japanese Matting at we a yard. :ke LAXATWE BBOMO QUININE Tgblotn. Tu dru guts rdnnd the money if it hil- mom. A W. rove's slznnuro is on each box. 25c. All our Curtains except the 25c and 400 ones have worked edges- LADIES’ SKIRTS, ETC. Ladies' Overskirts at $2. $3.50 and $4.50. Ladies’ Black Sateen Underskirts at 81. Ladies’ Black Sateen Waists at 85c and $1 aLadies’1White Waists at 50¢ and 75m] :SWhite Night Gowns at 75c and $1. Coreet Covers at 25c and 50c. MISCELLANEOUS. It psys to get s business educstion and it psys to get it in the school which csu do the most for its students utter they grudunte. This school is] recognised to be one‘. of the best .Business Colleges in Csundn.: All our grsdustes secure fpositions. Business Colleges frexuentlyf spply to us to secure our grsduntes as teachers. Write for {fee catalogue. FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 5th. ,B'rxgrimnn. 0311310. 2 ya'ds long. 26in wide. 25c a pair. 2; yards long. 26-in wide. 40¢ a pair. 25 yards long, 30~in wide. 50¢: a pair. 3 yards long. 37-in wide, 700 a pair. 35 yards long, 54-h: wide, $1.00a pair. Any old Worn silver? If so, I am prepared to re- plate it. Bring it in now while [have the time. All work guaranteed. '1‘0 CUBE A COLD IN ONE DAY Elliott Mclachlan W. H. BEAN of all kinds for the Farm, the Home and the Dairy. AGENCY. and Strictly Cash. Geo. Yiirs. I’RINCIPALS. Choice Bread . . and Confections Other High Grndo [combs Flo-r. 85.60 and 85.75 per bu'rol. McGowu’s Family Flour tt ata- : dud prices. A. W. WATSON The Funoua Five Roses. 06.00 not Ogilvio’u Royal Houuhold 910., 06.00 per barrel. The ochool in In for full Junk! Lam ad Marion]: npfirk, under the to a“ of competent motion for tint do” a T308. ALLAN. lat Clan Catalogue. Pm. KISS L. If. F‘ORFAR. Chain- nd M MISS A. JOHNSTON. B. A.. Influential-l Commercisl. Xanadu; student. abound onm st W U torn. or u soon “to: u noun»... Fm. 01.00 per month. WI. JOHNSTON. C. BAXAGI. DURHAM SCHOOL. The People’s Grocery STOCK FOODS. Goods delivered promptly in Flour! Flour! TRY OUR PRICES TRY OUR FOODS. Alwnys in stock the you- round Here I Here ! m Won Gonna-In at “Lin all I» live" Paw-I. Pumps. WonuuAnyPu-tdthc‘l‘wl. TRY US Highest Price for Produce. Constantly on hund nod deliv- ered to :1! put: of town duly. Try our tens nnd be convinced that we burn the beat on the A rogulnr 35c ten selling 5 lb. for for $1.00. Buy at onco whilo it lusts. The Celebrated “ Keewotin Fin Roses.” the very best mode by The Lake of the Woods Milling Go. from No‘ 1 Monitobo When. “’9 also have three other grodu. Try us end be convinced. In stock foods wa hand]. Anglo-Saxon and International. STAFF AND EQUIPMENT. i. In. HBNTER smut Chuiuntn. PROPRIETOR. Flour. “Lives-I

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