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Durham Chronicle (1867), 31 Aug 1905, p. 8

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W**¢u%**§#*v*%$*$£*§%»«n*u«n*%\ fi$$mwkmk 22% mm aw «a fiv'a'wD? I 413 mnmuwmmm mammmmmg This store Opens at 7 a. m and closes at 7 p. 111. except Wed and Saturday Your money back if you want it. The Greatest Mid=Summer Sale Yet A Landslide of Bargains Begins Sat. Aug.19, continues until Sat. Aug. 29 Silk Ties of every description regulm' ”2.7 and 500., sale price... ...... 150. 20% 36in. Prints 3:; in, wide, in all patterns, regular 1 PRINTS. 03., a 2 and 15, sale price... $ Swell Shirt Waist Suits in Shepherd Plaid, M ercex‘ized Gingham were $3.30, Sale Price ...... . .......................................................... Stylish Shirt Wait Suits. laney stitched, and elegantly made were l..30, Sale Price ............................................................... Shirt Waist Suits in Linen shades, were 2.50 Sale Price ............. MENS’ FINE SHIRTS. Soft and Stiff Front Shirts in assorted patterns, regular 1.00 and 1.23. Sale Price..... ..................................................................... 8 Ladies' Lawn Shirt Waists nicely trimmed and. handsomely made. we re 1.25 and $1.75, Sale Price .................................... 4 Ladies' very fine Lawn Waists handsomely made, were $3.00 Sale Price ............................................................................... At this time ot the year, there are odd ends of summer goods that must go. They go during this sale at much less than cost. We are bound to get rid of shem and make room for new goods. Therefore the following money-savers. Great Clearing Sale We Need the Room. ALEX. RUSSELL. .-\ Few of those- 99 cent Slipplers left. In order to make room for our new stock of Fall Goods, we tind it necessary to completely clear our shelves of the remainder of the stock carried for the summer season. In In order to do this promptly and in the least possible time, we are determined not to allow the prices to stand between us and the public, and are cutting them accordingly These goods will go fast, and you may be late, so don’t put off taking; advantage of this Great Clearing Sale, as it only lasts until we get sufficient room for our New Fall Stock. For our large consignments of Fall Goods, arriving daily, and which in quality and price are unsurpassed in Durham. W hen we say Big; Reductions, we mean it. Everything is going, Regardless of Cost. Let us Show you our bargains in WE PEBPLE’S SHIRE ROBERT BURNETT Butter and Eggs \Vanted. LAI DES’ SHIRTuWAlST SUITS. The Big Store DURHAM â€" â€" â€" ONTARIO LADI ES' LAWN WAISTS. MENS’ SILK TIES. Whileweai Dming This 821 Dress Lengths, Suitings, Prints, Muslins, and Cottons, Flannelettes and Ginghams. d handsomely. 158. @794; 39:99.31 .49 Goods delivered to all parts of town, 531.7?73‘..$2 49 Goods delivered promptly to all parts of town. 20% 1.2.89 0"), Y)» ’0 "J I‘ 0" Mr \Vm. Strain. of Ann Arbor, Michigan. is on an extended visit ;with his brother. Joseph. at InistOge gand was in town last week calling on ‘old friends. Mr. Strsin’s youngest son, Fred, who has been a student in the University at Ann Arbor has, we learn. recently received the degree of B. A.. and his youngest daughter, Clara. having obtained a. teacher’s certificate has token _cherge of a . II 1“ an- school at Goldfield’s. Nevada W; are pleased to learn of the success of our ypupg frianda and tender con- Miss Ella Barnhouse. of Toronto. formerly of this place. has, we are pleased to note, been so successful in her studies as to pass for teacher’s certificate at the recent examina- tions. Mr. Edgar Bellamy. President, Mrs. Thurston, Mrs. W. A. Armstrnng and Miss Wass are the delegates elected by the League to attend the Epworth League Convention at Berkeley to morrow, Tuesday. A party of picnickers Went to Kim- berley on Monday. The little event was in honor of Miss Shaw. the guest of Mrs. VVillett. J. Bemrose, of Toronto, received with her mother. while Miss Mitchell. as sismd hy Misses Fletcher, Martinclale Packham, Bunker. Mullen and Fife. attended the tea room, which was beautifully decorated with flowers. Miss Lulu Bunker gracefully attend- ed at the door. The guests number- ed about sixty and among those from a distance were Mr. and Mrs Brown and'Mr. and Mrs Young. New York. Mrs. Mitchell received a number of magnificent presents.” Mr. George Mitchell, Banker, and Mrs. M K. Richardson, of this place. are son and niece respectively of the esteemed lady who notwithstanding her years is in the enjovment of good health. We are pleased to have her acquaint- anrc and join in congratulations. Mr. John Runstadlur and' Dr. Mur- ray each favored your cor. a few days ago with amass of speckled trout. the finest we have seen for many days. The treat. was very much enjoyed. H "A very pleasing evens. says the Allismn Herald of the 17th‘insn. took place on Nelson street on Mon day afternoon. when Mrs. J. Mitchell celebrated her 87m birthday. Mrs. Mrs. \V. J. White has purchased from Mr. W; Richardson the resi. deuce on Spring street shu and Mr. White have occupied the past few years. Mrs. W'hite has also bought the Robina Smith property on the same street ' Mr. Charlie McMullen and several other young men in this vicinitv are leaving this week for the wheat fields of :he North West. The Penrith (England) Observer of the 8th inst., refers to a Culgaith equine veteran as follows: “Yester- day Mr. M. K. Richardson. to ex- member of the Canadian Parliament, who is on a visit to his brother. Mr. Joseph Richardson, Culgaith, drove from that village to Penrith on his way to the north. The distance. a good eight miles. was done by Mr. Richardson’s well known horse 5 The Doctor.” in less than an hour. though the animal is 36 years old The Doc- tor finished quite fresh. and left for home after a feed and short rest as briskly as many a six 5 ear old ” Mr. Richardson. we might say. is still in England. and in a letter to us a few days ago reports a very enjoyable visit amidst the scenes of his youth. It is with a feeling of sadness and real sympathy for the bereaved ones we announce this week the early de mature from this life of Mr. Thomas Cook. who afieraiingering illness passed peacefully away on Sunday evening llel at the home of his pa. rents. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cook, ceylon. The most careful nursing had been given and the best medical skill had been employed to save his life. but the disease. which was tu- bercular in character, could not he onerconie. The deceased who was the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Cook. was born at Ceylon nearly :24 years ago and was a very highly respected young man in the community. Hav- ing been for some time a hrnhetnsn on the C. P. R. the van of a train on Monday was draped in mourning in respect to the. deceased His'sorrow ing parents and sisters have many friends to sincerely sympathize with them in their bereavement. The fu- neral will take place to the public cemetery here to-morrow (Tuesday) when Rev. Dr. Caldwell will ofliciate and will be assisted by Rev. J. S. I. Wilson. of Markdale. and Rev. '1‘. Watson, of Keady. Mr. Cook was a member of the Chosen Friends under whose auspices the funeral will be conducted and he also belonged to one of the Railroad Brotherhoods. With a view toward obtaining his recovery, the T. Eaton 00.. Toronto, took up the case of Mr. John W. Field. one of their employees, while the latter was in the city lately dis- posing of his household efiects prior to moving here. and employed a specialist to examine and pronounce upon the .ailment, the result, being the same as Other specialists have pronounced it. namely "Sarcoma.” with no hope of recovery. Since re. turning here from the city Mr. Field has gradually become worse and the end of his suffering is not likely to be prolonged. He has the sympathy of his many old friends as well as new ones in this. his sad affliction. The Eaton firm is to he commended for their efl'orts to preserve his life. Mr Field’s wife and three children accompanied him from Toronto and are now with him at the home of his mother here. Flesherton. Going Sept. 12th, returning until Nov. 13th. Going Sept. 26th, returning until Nov. 27th. Full Micah" from (Sundial Pacific Agent. orwrito G. B. Footer. D. P. A.. Toronto. â€" «o... -. ‘.- \Vinnipeg $300) Shoho Mowbray Rggina ) Deloraine g 31 50 Lipton S Souris - Moosejaw Brandon 31-55 Humbolt Lyleton Saskatoon Lenore : 2.00 Prince Albert )_ Miniota Meltort S Binsenrth 32.2!) Buttloford Moosomin 32.20 Mnc Leod Arcoia. 32.50 01 any Estevan Deer Yorkton' 33.00, Strathcona Kamuck Canadian Pacific Harvest ExcursionTickets Mrs. Harbottle and two children visited her sister in-law. Mrs. \Vm. Falkingham. A number of the ladies here “tend ed the reception given by Mrs. W. L McFarland, Markdale, on Fridly In: Mr. Alf. Vollett of Varuey passed through here S: 1nd ay before last. DARING ROBBERY IN PETROLIA. \Vhile walking: over the flats yes. terdm morning about, eleven o’clock. Mrs. E McDermand was robbed of her purse by a fontpad. She 'K‘as carrying her re'v‘cn‘e over her arm when she felt twr» 2')" three tugs at it The third time the chain broke and the robber quickly opened the puree and rifled it of its contents Mrs. McDermand immediately gave ,the alarm and as she furnished a. good description of the robber it will not be long before he is in the toils of the law, as the description fits an ex- jail bird who hae jusr. been liberated. \Ve have since learned that a young man named Brydges was arrested in the afternoon by P. C. Esson. and has confessed. He will come up for trial to-day.â€"-\Vyomiug Enterprise. Mrs. Rev. Colling was the guest of Mrs. J. \V. Vickers one day last week Mr. W. U. Hopkins visited at Proton last. week. Mr. W. Orr. of Toronto. wu the guest of Dr. Murray on Friday. Mr. Emerson Belltmy holidayed lean week with relatives 3t Emcdtle Mrs. W. A. Armstrong visited friends in Owen Sound last week. Mr. and Mrs. \Vm Livingston spent Sunday with friends at. Aliuu Park. Rev. L. W. Thorn attended g pro ra natal. meeting of Ormgoville Presbytv‘ry 11!, Dundalk last week, at which Rev. D W. Urquhart of Curhetton HCCf-‘pred a call from Kip. peu. Huron County. Misq Jessie Comm. of Toronto. is spending her holidays with her par- ents here Mrs. W. D. Mills and two children visited at the old homestead last week. As We close our budget Monday evening we learn of the sudden and very serlous illness of Mr. David Wood, an old resident east of the village. Mr. and Mrs. A \V. Hunt and baby visited Allan Park friends on Sunday. Miss M. M. Cohen. of Normanhy. visited Mrs. \Vill McCulloch lam'y. Mr. Cecil denuuv» son of Rev. Edmutfls of \Vhitechurcb. who has spent 'he past. two month with his uncle. Mr. W. W. '1‘ imble, left on Monday to resume his duties at Winghum High School. Mr. Wm. Knight, 0' Maple. attend ed service here on Sunduy evening and viewed over night with Rev. Dr. Caldwell, founerly hi~~ pastor. Mr. and Mrs. VanDusPn and baby Ruth. of Dundalk, visited over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. VanDusen here. Mr Henry Down. who hag sold his farm on the 1th lina has bought from Mr. D. \Vintflra 104) on the 3rd line of Osprev. not. theGamev farm an we reported last week. We nmloerund the price paid to be $3.500. Mr. and Mrs. J. 'I‘hsler, of Elm- wood, viuted over Sunday with the latter’s brother, F. J. Karatedt Mr. R. McGruther was in town on Saturday and his many friends were sorry to learn of the illness of his wife since their removal to Markdnle recently. Miss Bell Henderson in in Toronto attending the Millinery Openings. Miss Zella and Ethel Trimble are spending a week with friends at Owen Sound and Balmy Beach. Sunday Mrs. P. Holman has returned from an extended visit with her daughter in Manitoba. Mr. W J. Tucker. ot Markdale. visited his cousin. Mr. John Field. over Sunday; Mr. D'Arcv Bell and Mr. Harry Moore, of Collingwood. visited over Sunday with friends here. Mr. R. T. McGirr and several friends drove over from Mnaford on Rev. G. F. Hulhurt ‘s Spending this week in Toronto. NORTH WEST Vickers. 7-. t.o .... “'iIl Sell To the 39. 50 40.50 v â€"â€"â€" vâ€"v v- v .1; Section N0 3. ”lend“. Amflirm} Will be received up 20 September :«s- E; .1. tact!" holding; Second Class l’ruf'me-h} Cethficuto. Personal application prun- ed. Saki-y moo. TEACHER WANTED FOR S C L10013 bectwn N0 3 hlmxi‘lfl. \nN". A 02 29. 4pd. Kincardinn has manv expert. swim mere and eXponencs of high oivin, but it, remained on Tnemlay {m- .L h McGregor. Southcou. Deu'ooy and J oh Johnston to come no thr- {mm in t}: latter art. They have been divitz from the derrick a? \an'wr Burnsidv' coal yard on 1hr. 00:" h dock and 1001‘ 'iDR for 1 higher eievation. struck up on the Enron Terrac» Sc. hrldgv r' being a suittble place to give an M hibit-ion The diam-new from t}: bridge floor to the water is {1.}11 thirty leer. Davey wads three mu “CG?“RUI' two successful dnvvs, whil Johnston’s three lmadvrs im!:;«! 4 two from th'e bridge railing \Vuéch 5 about [our feet. in height 'l‘hw pm formers of the {out are about right «on you: 0! an. eBeview. J. Hoeflins threshing engine axnl separator broka through a brhlgu 3' Orchnrdville on the gavel road or. Friday and did considerable damagv to the outfit. A better class of road bridges and culverts should be con- structed in the future owing: to xix.- large engines boing used. To mnkv bridges of dry cedar stringers cowrv ed with green poles Manolo-31y Spent money. MLJames “(:Donuld is assistin; Chas. “60.0)an sxizh the harvggg We wonder where the Ostrich is now. or if h». jus! appctrs at. certain times of the year, Miss Fodier McKiuuon of Durlm is visiting cousms here. Mr. Wm. Johnstnn was at the Stutford Hospital last. week having a finger amputated which had bPPX‘. rendered useless through injury somv Weeks ago Miss Mary Mack leaves this “'63;- nesdny to resume her duties in the dressmaking business in Branden. failure. School has again reap-cued and ti youngsters urn once more chased c to school much againqr their will. Mr. Dan McCoy-mack left, last Wm for the west and i6 going to H teaching in the prairie province. The hope we expressed last week that Miss Janet Marshall would re- cover from a severe attack on inflam- mation was not realized and on Wed- nesday evening the brittle thread was broken and allowed her bright spirit to pass into the Promised Land of the true and righteous. which caused feelings of sadness with her many friends and especially in her home where she will be so much mismi She had just reached womanhood the period when life seems to hold so much and to be cut down so suddenly seems sad indeed hr the sorrnwing friends who have the heartfelt sy'm- pathv of all in their sad bereavement The funeral service in the absenm- of Rev. Mr. Campbell was conducted by Mr. Wm. Allan and the remains Were followed to Meplewood cemetery M a large number of sorrowing friend: Most. o. 'the fnrmers here have their wheat sou ed and some have finished hat-vacating. The out: were a good crop "mt peas swam m have been a Mr. Archibald Baird is on the sick list gt present and Dr. Brown is in attendance. We hope be any soon recover though his illness is pretty severe. Mr. John Horusby is one of our promising young men. Last week he bought a new buggy from Barclay Bell which in the handeomest in this part and will give him an extra tone. Mr. John Baird. of New York. paid a short visit to friends in this part lest week. His brother George also came up from Toronto to spend a few days before going West. Mrs. Smallman. of Toronto, is spending a few weeks with her moth- er, Mrs. Grasby. who is still very ill. Aye/s flair Vigor Why is it that Aycr’s Hair Vigor does so many remark- able things? Bccausc it is a hair food. It feeds the hair, puts new life into it. The hair 1.00 s bottle. lagging- > Gray Hgir canno: keep from growing. And gradually all the dark, rich color of early life comes back to gray hair. “When I an: med Ayer'l mm Vigor my hair wu thou: w m . But now it h a mu: rich black. 3nd .0 tb ck u I could Vilh." 1‘38. 808“! morrlxe‘nnx. Tuscumbia, Teacher Wan ted . Corner Concerns. High Div-e Artists MULL CORNERS WM. RITCHIE 860’ 5* Edge Hill, l’.0 . n.o -- v-Q‘.Ow‘ for l. O. AYIP. CO., Lowell. Lu}... O‘TNERED DURING THE PAST W1 CHRONICLE READERS. Local News lt‘ APPBENTICE “131+:an. Wm.â€"â€"Taos. SW A 1 .u m GEXIBAL servant wantml this 0mm.~8-24-tf. NEW Fail shapes in stifi hm H. Hockler's. THE CHRONICLE m the year for 2.50.01' [H Um- dollar. H. H. MOCKLIIR has just pa: stock the most vomplotv sun-k goods for Fall. FOR SALE.â€"â€"Thl‘t as new. Will sell ( particulars app‘." ‘ ney. K. H. Mm‘KLER is «'arrymg; line than usual this season i underwent and hosivry all 116 just in. Du. Bamvx, Eyv. Ear. a Throat. will he at the Kuapl Durhuu, Saturday. Sept. 9th to 9 p. m. Eyes tvswd and supplied. “ANY 0f the m" which w» an“ 89“ which we are selling at 50 ( yanLâ€"You would nave-“1m: in less than $1.00 per yard. Hockler. Tan following is clipped In.“ and Empire: “His 80 no.8 Prince Louis of Batwn I visit on Thursday aftm'nuu De Toufl'e Lauder. tlmnkimfl her magnificent patriotiv md tin, “'9 Stand By You.' " “'Iu. those. \vh children (.0 school kind enough tn than Monday 1m van that the w commence at th ham ht sing “'1 bylm-inu The fare for tho 1 intern pmgramuw lm' mun-s .1 fling a meeting fur but In ditiuu In other inwn-sd the gathering Rmxfilr. ‘ Tomato. will address Lh afternoon and (.110 pub} the evening. All inu NASIITH'S hon . 16 at G. Lawn-9m lblt THE EpWUl‘Lll I hold a Social and Tuesday. Sept. l mu of Durham the ew-mng. work of missi Oflerings will and e ciety IN the last issue «If the Fa Vacate We native an mlx'vrti “The Canadian (Tuâ€"npvmt in 0! Hamilton, with thv mu Whelw as President. and Padden cud George Binniv. « u members of the Pl'UVihi aim. (In-operatmn is in t the residents of Durham: m ocean to have caught, the d The capital uf the mmoern in m of 85.00 eat‘h. No chock. The uhjm't as 5 gt“ .- lama Dmmrt “N’n'al in aha-es of saw mwh undsell these goods in “5* on at Wholesalv lll'i(‘t‘.~ :md nwny with a“ middlvlm-u'l The concern claims In «4101 415% or more. “'9 hm n q to ace! in the matter. 4» W1 ”little or no study to {hi and poster to know nomad C ”on going blindly in! ”We“. l'lll Tm: an rinn \\ VOL. 38-N0. 2007. full LABGI stock of harm at the Farmer-s' Mfg ware “DORIS. (Illlt evening fur the Mule Qua |\\'(' ill ll x" .slul h Dopau‘l II n the lwginn "(WV ht PU Lh .iun'm'y Ill fall dm I!" H ndi 9H IIK ll

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