West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 14 Sep 1905, p. 7

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{In a! 50mm“. ' to try Dr. M- , n will sell you I with tho under: ntee that if you 1 iving benefit from tho iter taking three bozo. ctions. you may return es, together with the ’ and have your money orosis or U reen Stein... 7 Comp lexinn. Nerve“. :5. Brad: fag, 1mm vf.AppetJte, Dyspem an, Nervous He n: Dulce, Femule Wax. I1 Eruptions, Hem Pul- III of Breath, Dizzina. Genenl Weakness m thin of hoxthoPflhm‘“. L. DARLING AM) â€"â€" DRUGGIbT HAM. UN'I‘. 3 condftmns the from the use '5 Emuision is pid. For this we put up a t size, which is for an ordinary r cold or useful ial for babies dren. In other as the gain is health cannot h up in a day. it eases Scott’s Intry with which “it Dmlt'v at the tin. tidy pf the approaching m to one another uliar. The first was perhaps In]! t ‘11. msorts. who wen Ifllc , a cable's length apt“. a determined to stuck I that he possessed tho md he believed that I. a way to master l. The two frigate: wen rous antagonists. If to of thmn the galleon Iy we Positively :e will Cure You .oney Refunded. routinuod. raising n l wae audible than!“- 'the grmtt one will .0 ~ ships homvward bound lever KN thereâ€"m 'E’S GELERY- i PILLS. : a merry. He did not punter such odds, uni Ids of the cnven In" no English ship '8’ good {or any that "91' floated. ran sprang down I!” nd faced his men. r.” came from one ‘1- nsed a moment to let . of his announcement mt BONNE, m of m to we“, would women, giving th- ith thst make. lit. CENTS ’tb {ht drowned MI - mvn shriek” hvd at the )0" it all they had ke it so brave- nasure enough me us all rich. mt a fight. for lrmed frigatet f them beta. It mean: u of the prize!” uny upon the nme of us will ucsses perhflvl ‘rw continued. - :md em‘ctive :lnl‘f‘ to diVid. vft alive. An are Spanish .I‘.«l take tho 00 bad lub- Ufiice over Gordon’s Sgure, Lower Town. of monev to loan a prnpertv. t5”! [ fice it the New Hunter Block. 06:30 hours, 8 to 10 a. nu, to 4p. m. and 7 109 p. m. Special attention given to diseases of women 9nd qhildlg‘en. _ Residence op- 33mm! Will be u the Middangh Rom lot Wodnoodny of each month. from 12 to 4 n. m. OFFICE AND RESIDENCEâ€"COR. Garafnn gnd George Streetsâ€"at foot of hill. Ofico hoursâ€"9d! a.m.. 2-4 p.m.. M! p. m. Tolephcno No.10. Late Anni-mt Roy. London Ophthalmio‘tfioo. 3112.. um! to Golden Sq. Throot and N000 BOO. L. R. C. P., LONDON. ENG. ‘RADULATE. of London, Now use, Durham. the 2nd Will be at Knapp Ho th. Hoursâ€"lâ€"G tun. Satuzdgv in each man FFICE AND RESIDENCE A short distance out of Knapp’s Hotel. Lainb t_on fittest, _Lowe_r_qun, Durban, 3361;}; Fui;;or};ii Church. HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF- fico in the New Hunter Block. _ Qficg OFFICE: ()flico hours froni 1 to O’clock. Drs. Jamieson flacdo nald DEPARTHENT QWERTISIIGg BATES. _. _ RN $4.00 pa .mnum. .Adverfiscmflns wkhmt : directims VI“ be published I. I fiifiid and thaw, cordingly Transient noficcs-“ 1,053," .. g: " For Sale." ctc.â€"-so cenu for I'm: ix:scrtio:., 3; (or each subsequent imrtwn. All advertisements ordered by stmngm mm 1 hr in advance. ' Contract mes ”Karly at. misemenu {mid application to the 0 cc. “ Anadvenisanc as, Iocnsure Mia) in c week, should he brought. in not {act tin TU momma. Standard A. G. MACKAY. Qbiaifiiol 5 find is dent) :d I?! the nub udms w 89W?" {inc -m:nue'l III!“ a] m M” at l..e Ozvtmn of the propriw. L‘ er, Conveytml'.0 ’0 loan. Old M30003” kinds collected on 0“ bought and sold. I“ ()fliceâ€"“aoKenzio’s Town, Durham. Ont. u trauma) (VIIV THURSDAY "Dunno Jmm ammo sum. numu mm DURHAM, ONT. TiiE illlfifliiifl flfifllfllflLl V A. H. Jackson. mum PUBLIC? COMMISSION. n _.S_.‘ A- “Ail.” l. 6. Hutton, m. 0., c. {ording facilities A R RISTERS,‘ \ ex uncut! res: â€"l n th oamw 31mm): . Em'ron AND Pnopnm'ron. Medical Director) . Arthur Sun, I. n. MacKay Dunn. DR. GED. S. BURT. DR. BROWN ; Eye, Bar, Throat and Non Legal Directory. Miscellaneous. Lefroy McCaul. l. P. Telford. Town. Durham loan at 5 D" ,vvuu'v “‘7 ' . O on comtmsfle n. I: completely stocked win all NEW TYPE, thus a‘ for turning out First-can Bic. Private money a and _debts of all DC. A801". Om- Stand. LOW" imertion in cur c .m- than Tan-“.4 \V. F. DUNV. D DURHAM. 0'0? J. S. McIlraithle CUSTOM WORK and LADIES’ MISSES’ . CHILDREN’S WE ARE SHOWING The undo. reigned having been restored to health by simple means. after snflering for several years with a severe lung aflection, and that dread disease Consumption, is anxious to make known to his fellow snfierers the means of cure. To those who desire it. he will cheerfully send, free of charge. a copy of the prescription used, which they will_ilngl a Junie cure for Gogagunptlon: Asthma, Chatsrrh, Bronchitis and all throat and lung Handles. He hepes allsuflerers will try his remedy. as it is invaluable. Those desiring the prescription, which will cost them nothing and may prove a hlessin . will please address Rev. BDWARDA. WI N.Brook1yn,Ne'York U tioneer for the County of Grey. Sales promptly attended to. Orders may be left at his Implement Warerooms, McKinnon’s old stand. or at the Chronicle Oflice. a“; U. tioneer for the County of Grey. Term; moderate and satisfaction guaran- teed. The arrangements and dates of sales can be made at THE CHRONICLE of- fice. Residence and P. 0.. Ceylon. Tele- phone connection. 0’ eased Auctioneer for the Coentytef Grey. Land Veluator. Bailfi' of the 20d Diflsion. Court Sela: and all other matters gromptly attended to. Breast references rnished if required.- AMES CARSON, DURHAM. LIC- ' eased Auctioneer fnr fhn nnnntvrnf A nice lot of Lsdies’ Dress Skirts, and Black Siik Costs, going at half price. Ladies’ Cravenette Rain Costs, Clearing lot for ............ 88.75. We Have Purchased Men’s Worsted Suits, worth 87 for ............ $3.90. Men’s Flannelette Top Shirts for“ ”25¢. Umbrellas. worth 31-. 50 60 to 90¢. Men’ 3 Hats, worth $1.50 ...... 75c. Fashionable Summer Caps. clearing lot at .......... 25c. The Cheap Store Nov. 9, ’03. Doc. 3, ’04.-â€"lypd. OBN CLARK. LICENSED AUC- REPAIRING as usual Al‘ THE bows-TOWN SHOE STORE. TELESCOPES CLUB BAGS At Lowest Prices. SHOE DRESSINGS 0! many kinds. Would ask you to try "fi-Time.” It has been a good seller and is a good polish. MENS’ WORKING GLOVES Unlined. In various styles and prices. It will pay you to examine thesegoods before buying elsewhere. J. Levine. McPHuL, LICENSED AUC- If you want to make money. in buying goods, call at the Cheap Store of J. Levine. He will surprise you with the great bargains he is ufi’ering. A few of them are: T0 CONSUMPTIVES. in heavy or light wear. MENS’ HEAVY BOOTS Terms: A New Stock of Some good values in for Fall wear. Durham. Cash. T0 CE“ "If" says Mr. Run-or, “they say We cannot come, we deny it; if they say we will not come we also deny that. We are on with the project and the financial and is assured.” Mr. Rea~ sor also points out the absurdity con- tained in t'he‘latter part of the item quoted to the efiect that there is only ten per cent of the power claimed. whice would bring it down to 400 horsepower! Mr. Reasor thinks the Times has been imposed upon by in- teresced parties from some unknown motive. All the same. he says the Eugenia development is assured.â€" Flesherton Advance The O. S. Times has heard some- thing about the Eugenia waterpower. It says: “On most reliable authority The Times has it that Eugenia Falls electric power development need not now be regarded seriously as a fact- or in Owen Sound’s industrial activit- ies. When Messrs. McLaughlin and Reasor were here in the early spring they expressed themselves as quite confident that with modern water power construction. there could be developed from the falls and the ad- jacent storage facilities fully four thousand horse power. To meet the cost of development the proposition was to issue bonds for the necessary amount. It is stated that the finan- cial interests which would have read- ily taken the bond issue first sent an expert engineer to estimate the pos- sibilities. The result was that the financial assistance was not {othcom- ing from that source as the possibil- ities indicated only about ten per cent of the estimate claimed for the power when the gentlemen interested were here last spring. This is pract. ically the estimate the estimate of local engineers and it remains to be seen whether or not the owners of the power will secure ca; ital else where and demonstrate their claims.” With regard to the above. Mr. Reaaor. the engineer of the company who is on the ground this week, authorizes us to make a general, denial of the Times’ scare article, Mutant». WW Bummer: Wm Toronto Vancouver new»: pom“! gunmen u '01! on tho: on!» norm you win: our, novo;Wo hon Souvenir has» on Bum I655 coed , ‘ Give i695 Trovbk: and GmTer seihsfadionflmn any éTker range on'Tke mark-J VON'T nasmm - eresneM-a! KATE_COCH RANE, Agent, Not a Factor. a?) expzmmeur 0N ma STOVE QUEST; m Sowcnik “Ame Durham Ont. The Comfy. ATllden Company have long Passed 1k: expenrfifal >Taqe They look beTrel‘. I A nay IOOK Dem £00k beTrcr .. Just to vary the momnomy a litslo a steamer collided with aGovernment boat instead of a mud hank. The man who waits for opportun- ity to bring him fortune Will do well to get comfortable chairs. There is morv Catarrh in this sec- tion of the country than all cther dis- ease put together. and until the last few years was supol-sed to be incur- able. Foragrear many years doc tors pronounced it a local disease and perscrihe'l local remedies. and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment. pronounced it in- curable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease there fore requires a constitutional treat- ment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure. manuo factured by l“ .l. Cheney Co . To- ledo. Ohio. is the only consti utional cure on the market It. is taken in. ternally in doses from 10 drops to a teasnoonlul. It acts directly on the blood and mucus surfaces of the sys- tem They ofler one hundred dol- lars for any case it fails to (31119. Semi for circular and testimonials. Address: F J. CHENEY 00., To- Rev. Irl R. Hicks. the noted weather forecaster of St. Louis. Mo.. has for eighteen years past edited at monthly journal of national reputa- tion’ WORD AND WORKS. We have received WORD AND Woaxs at this office and can testify to its value as a‘family monthly. Prof. Hicks has just decided to change his family monthly to magazfne form and with the October number of the monthly will be a beautiful magazine profuse- ly illuStrated with half-tone engrav- ings. ()ne of the early fall numbers of this magazine will contain Prof, Hicks’ weather forecasts for the first six months of 1908. The January, 1906. number will contain the fore- casts for the second six monhts of 1906. These two numbers of the magazine will take place of the Hicks Alamac, which will be discontinued. The matter that has heretofore been published in Hicks, Almanac, each year will now be found in the mag- azine and much more- The price of the WORD AND Woaxs MAGAZINE is 10 cents per mm or $1.00 per year. Send 10 cents for a copy of the Oc- tober number. which gives you full particulars of how the Hicks’ weath-i er forecasts for a year in advance will now be given to the public, WoaD AND WORKS PUBLISHING CO . 2201 LOCUST Sr.. ST. LOUIS M O. Word and Works Magazine Two 0m. am every 2202:. 25c. §N., Ii. J. McKechnie. We Sell What You Chairs Bedroom Suites Chifi'oniers Cribs and Cradles Beds Iron Beds Springs Mattresses Hall Racks Sideboards Cupboards Kitchen Cabinets Kitchen Tables Extension Tables TO MXKE YOUR. HOME COMFORTABLE Undertaking and Embalming a Specialty. LARGE STOJK OF RATTANj GOODS a us '1‘ IN IL, 6. J. McKechnie. [R E A D E R Are you a. victim? flow on lost hape? Are you intending ‘0 marry? HES Your blood en dilensed? Have you my weak- ness? Our New Method Treatment will cure you. Who: it has done for other: it wilt do for you. CONSULTATION FREE. No matter who his tmted you. write for an honest opinion Free of Charge. BOOKS FRED-”The Golden Honi- tor" (Iiiustmted). on Diseases of Men. BLOOD POISONB nre the most prevuent and most serious diseases. They can the very lite blood of the victim and unless entirely eradicated front the system will cause serious complications. Bemre of Mercury. It only suppresses the syn: tomsâ€"our NEW METHOD positively cures all blood dieeuea forever. YO N0 OR. MIDDLE AGED-MEN.â€"Imprudent not: or later exceuen have broken down your syltem. You feel the symptoms stealing over you. Xentniiy. physically and vitally you no not the man you used to be or should be. Will you heed the danger sinus? which we areiselling at a low figure. It will pay you to examine our bargains before purchasing elsewhere. WE PAY HIGHEST PRICESâ€"EITHER CASH OB PRODUCE VARICUGELE “N0 NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. finnfinnfl 'l'n Mic Hnmn fnr Wanlln Bring Along your Butter 8: Eggs DuKENNEDY£ KERGAN HASYOUR BLOOD BEEN'DIBEASED? Edward Kress, Durham, Ont. Cor. Mich. Ave. and Shelby 8t, Detroit. Mich. Confined to His Home tor Weeks. “HeaVy work. severe straining and evil habits in youth brought on a double varicoccle. When I worked hard the aching would become severe and I was often laid up for a week at a time. My family physician told me an Operation was my only hope-- but I dreaded it. I tried several specialists, but soon found out all they wanted was my money. I commenced to look upon all doctors as little better than rogues. One day my boss asked me why I was of! work so much and I told him my condition. He advised me to consult Drs. Kennedy and Kergan, as he had O taken treatment from them himself and knew the were square d skillful. He wrote them and got the New {lemod Treat- ent for me. My progress was somewhat slow and during the t month's treatment I was somewhat discouraged. However. continued treatment for three months longer and was rewarded ith a complete cure. I could only earn 812 a week in a. machine op before treatment. now I am earning 821 and never lose al ly. I wish all suaerers knew of your valuable treatment. .. IIENRY C. LOCUS'I‘. CROCKERY JUST IN THE POPULAR CASH STORE. THE POPULAR CA8” 8TORE. A large stock of Folding Tables Bedroom Tables Centre Tables J ardinieres Library‘Tables Hall Stands Medicine Cabinets Secretaries Comblnation Bookcases Office Desks Upholstered Goods Picture Frames Frames to order Room Mouldings

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