West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 14 Sep 1905, p. 8

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Your money back if you want it. exccp‘. W951 and This store opens at 7 f! m and thele are odd ends of summer goods that must We are bound Therefore the Ac this time of the year, They go during this sale at much less than cost. ,, to get rid of shem and make room for new goods. following money-savers. 8 Ladies" Lawn Shirt Waists nicely trimmed and handsomely made, were 1.25 and $1.75, Sale Price .................................... 4 Ladies' very fine Lawn Waists handsomely made, were $3.00 Sale Price ............................................................................... LAIDES’ SHIRTuWAIST SUITS. Swell Shirt Waist Suits in Shepherd Plaid, Mercerized Gingham were $3.50, Sale Price ................................................................. Stylish Shirt _Wait Suits, fancy stitched, and elegantly made 39 to 1'1; ‘NUIU W. 0"}, U": A I Stylish Sbi1t Wait Suits, fancy stitched, and elegantly made, wele 4. 5,10 Sale P1101: ................................................................ Shi1t W aist Suits in Linen shades, weie 2 50 Sale P1 103 .............. Soft and Stiff Front f 1.25, Sale Price ...... Silk Ties of every description regular 25 and 53 Great Clearing Sale We Need the Room. In order to mike room for our new stock of Fall Goods, we tind it necessary to completely clear our shelves of the remainder of the stock carried for the summer season. In In order to do this promptly and in the least possible time, we are determinedhot to allow the prices to stand between us andj‘the imhlic, and are cutting them accordingly For our large consignments of Fall Goods, arriving daily, and which in quality and price are unsurpassed in Durham. When we say Big Reductions, we mean it. Everything is ooinc These goods will go fast, and you may be late, so don’t put off taking advantage of this Great Clearing Sale, asit only lasts until we get sufficient room for our New Fall Stock. Ihe Big’Sffirel Regardless of Cost. Let us Show you our bargains in Ml Whiteweai Owing This Sale of those 99 cent Slipplers left. Butter and Eggs \Vanted. Shirts in assorted patterns, regular 1.00 and MENS’ SILK TIES» Dress Lengths, Suitings, Prints. Muslins, and Cottons, Flannelettes and Ginghams. PRINTS. ONTARIO :ll‘ and 500., sale price... ...... 15c. 36in. :' 1.. $53 mdlfi, sale price... 90. Goods delivered to all parts of town. T‘.‘.‘....fific. 20% Goods deliv cred? promptly to all parts. of town. 75c. '3‘ At the ripe age of 84 years and 5 months Mr. David Wood, a respected resident of Artemesia for nearly half a century, passed aWay on Wednes- day of last week at his home on the east back line after a short illness.‘ The funeral took place to Fleshertoni cemetery on Friday afternoon and the remains were interred beside those of his wife who proceeded him in death six years ago. Rev. Dr. Caldwell assisted by Rev. J. B. Wass conduc- ted the burial service. The deceased was born in Eniskillen. County Fer. mannagh, Ireland, on March 19, 1821. When quite young he entered the employ of his uncle, a merchant, with whom he remained for fourteen yrs. “avâ€"- â€"' In 1850 he emigrated to Canada com- ing by way of New York to Toronto where in February 1852 he was mar- ried to Mary Ann Graham. daughter of the late Mr. Johnston Little. In March 1856 he came to Artemeeia where he since lived and made for A _L‘- Turnerâ€"Rutledgeâ€"At the Metho- dist Parsonage 128 University Ave., Toronto, by the Rev. T. E. Bartley. on Thursday. Sept. 7th, at 9.30 a. m., Mr. Isaac H Turner. of \Vinnipeg, Man.. was married to Margaret H. Rutledge, of this place. The brides- maid was Miss \Vinnifred Hamilton| of Toronto. and Mr. Thos. Strain of Thessalon, acted as best man. The young couple arrived here on Satur- day and after spending acoupie of weeks at the home of the bride and with the groom’s parents, Mr. and Mrs Solomon Turner. Eugenia, will take up their residence in \Vinnipeg. We join in congratulations and wish Mr. and Mrs. Turner many years of happiness together. Stephensâ€"Camerouâ€"At tne Manse Fleaherton. on Monday forenoon, Rev. L. W Thom united in marriage Mr. Stephens and Miss ISubelm Cam- eron, both of Wiarton. Mr. John Chard has sold his :30 acre farm east of the village to his neighbor. Mr. Robert Best. and has bong, vbt the \lonow farm. 160 acres West of Markdale. Mr. Chard makes the change to go more largely into stock raising. Mr McKenzie Duncan has leased from Mr. W. Caswell the old Hales homestead on the Durham Road. Dr Murray has added a gasometer to his dental office outfit. Patients may now sleep peacefully under the soothing influence of gas while the Painful molars are being removed. Mr. Joe. H \Vatson, near Mount Zion, has been under Dr. Carter’s care for some days sufiering from some injuries received by faliing fromaload of grain. Mr \Vatson is improving but slowly. Master Charlie Bellamy had a nar- row escape from serious injury last week. Testing some rowder a snark from the brimstone of a match on- expectedly ignited it and in the ex- plosion one side of his face and one arm was considerably burnt. Mr. Ered Chard west of the village has hnd his residence veneered with brick which grossly improves its up- penance. Mr. Albert Stewart lost one of his horses 3 few days ago. The hired man was returning from Ceylon when it reared in the buggy shafts and fell striking its head with such violence on a stone as to cease its desth. ' Mr. P. Loucks came near losing a valuable cow ltst week by an apple she awallqwed lodging _in-her fhrogg. She was discovoré'd o'hly in the nick It will our of time md it wu with some diflicul the good; ty the obstruction wu renoved. “ Gowmbsnk. Woodstock, the res- “ | Flesherton. 9! Mrs. B. B. antgn,‘ was the Thursday last “ when Mr. B. H. ~W Stewart. of the Woodstock Lumber Company was married to Miss Bessie M. Fulton. second daughter of the late R R Fulton. The ceremony was perlormed by Rev. Dr. McMullen assisted bv Rev. B. S. Laidlaw. Belle-3 ville, and Rev. J. A. McDonald. To- ronto. The bride was given away ' by her uncle, Mr. Charles Pye Clarke- burg, and was attended by Miss Sarah E. Fulton as maid of honor, Miss 1. Claire Stewart and Miss Florence Fulton, bridesmaids, and Miss Grace McClenaghan. flower girl. The groomsman was Mr \V. E. James. Toronto. and the uslwrs were Mr. E. H. Watson and Mr. J. P. MoGregor, Toronto. A large number of guests from the city were pr .. sent. Among the out. of town gut-st! were Mrs. Carter. Flesherton; Mrs. Pye.Clsrkl- burg; Mrs. McCrae, Guelph; Mrs. Laidlaw, Belleville; .xlrs. J. A. Mc- Donald and Mrs. Alfred Hall, Toron- to; Mrs. Dayfoot, Mount Morris, N. Y.; Miss Catherine Wilson, Hamilw ton; Mr. J. B. Dayfooc, Boston. The decorations were in mauve and white. Many handsome presents testified to the popularity of the bride. The newly wedded pair left for a tour of the eastern cities and on their return will reside in Woodstock.” On the Ioccasion of the bride’s visit to her aunt. Mrs. Carter. here. she made numerous friends who wish her much happiness in her married life. Communion service was held in Chalmer’s church here on Sabbath last. Rev. J. A. Matheson, of Price- ville. preached at the preparatory service on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Loucks drove to Meetord on Friday and visited friends ‘till Monday. 3 Mr. and Mrs. John Stewut and \ children visited friends at Cmrks- I w _' ‘ g burg over baturday and hunuav. The Elders of Chalmers church and their wives were entertained at the Manse by Mr. and Mrs. Thom on Monday evening. \Vord has reached here on Friday that Mr. Samuel Fisher, of Eugenia. who went a few weeks ago to work in Hickling Bros. mill at Sundridge had come in contact with a saw and had his leg so badly cut at the knee that it may have to he amputated. He was conveyed to Huntsville hos- pital and his wife left here on Mon- day to be with him. Mrs. Charlie Armstrong. of Mavk- dale, was the gusst of Mrs. Hickling on Thursday last. Miss Mabel Boyd 16“: on Monduv to attend Alma College, St. Thomas. Miss Mstheson has returned :0 again takn charge of Boyd, Hickiing Co’s millinery. Mr. \V. J. Boyd returned on Sat- urday from his extended trip visit- ing the principal cities to the coast and going as far as Portland. Mr. Boyd met many old friends from Out. among them Mr. R. N. Henderson. who is doing well in Winnipeg and Mr. Thos. Sergeant. who some years ago farmed near Proton Station. but who is now Chief of the Fire Brigade and doing well at Nelson B. C. Miss Carrie Sullivan is home from Montreal holidaying for a couple of weeks with her parents here Harvest ExcursionTickets Winnipeg 330(1) Shebo $33.50? Mowbray Regina g .{3 -,. . Deloraiue g 31.50 Lipton ' “"' Souris Moosejaw 34 0.) ‘ Brandon ill-55 Humbolt 35 (I) ': lJyletou Saskatoon : ' .25 ‘. Lenore 32.“) Prince Albert E 36 (I) : Miniota Meltort ' ! Binscarth 32.25 Battleford 3100‘ Moosomin 32.20 MacLeod 38 00 Arcoia 32.50 Calgary 38 50 l Estevan Red Deer 39 50 3 Yorkton g 33.00 Strathcona 40.50.» Kamsack l 1 Going Sept. 12th. returning until Nov. 1311:. Going Sept. 26th. returning until Nov. 27th. Full particulate from Cenulian Pacific Agent. or write C. B. Foster. D. P. A., Toronto. Newest in Millinery We invite you to call and see our new stock- of Fall Hats. It will 091be a._] MISS chK We have just returned from attending the millinery Open. ings in Toronto, and huve brought with us n large stock of the very Hate that are of all colors and shnpe, the very newest Outing Hats of every description. aghasnre to show you whet or you buy or not. “'ill Sell To the TEACHER WANTED FOR SCHOOL Section Np 3. {31911613. IA[)Pli?aYilels â€"â€" v wâ€"_- Section No 3. Glenelg. Applicatinup will be received rig to September 26th for a teacher holding a. econd-Class Professional Certificate. Personel application preferr- ed. Selary 8400. Duties to cmnmenve .‘Ji‘nugiy 35d, 1906. A mg 29. 4pd. OR S. S. No. 2. EGBEMONT~ holding second class certificate, male or female. Duties to commence l~‘ir.~t of January. 1%6. Personal application pm- ferred. Applications received up to the' 19th of September, JAS. MACK. Secretary, Sen. 5tln.1905.â€"-2c. Yummy l'. U in: coughs, pain in the lungs. It relieves congestion, sub- Cherry Pectoral Fall wheat is all in and in srwu.‘ can“; up rank and grOWthy looking. Messrs. John McNally. Pat Rum the cartoonist and \VillRyan of the 4.1; con. «em down to the big To- ronto fair 3nd had a most. enjoyablr: time. Mrs. Jeflrey. of Chatham. and Flaunigan of \luskoka, are vi: the lauer’s sister, Mrs. \Ves. It) and other relatives on the back Mr. A Bentham and Mrs Shun visited. friends in the air dues inflammation. It I: strengthens. Your doctor explain thistoyou. He have all nbout this cough medicine. week Rev. Ivison Wilson. as Markdaie‘ was a caller on us: on Monday. Rev. L W. Thorn attended Pru- bytery at Orangeville on Tuesday. Mr. John Corrigan. widower. of the 4th line, has. We learn, again taken unto himself a wife in the person of Miss Hazard. daughter uf obe late Mr. John Hazzard. Stem/s line. Mr.\Vill 'I‘imminrl is slowly b surely regaining health. Mr. Ed. McGrade took possession of the Doha homestead lust week and has his sisters comfortably domiciled in their new home. Ed. purposes going to British Columbia. again as soon as threshing is ovpr. Mrs. Du- lan has been 000 of 'he hosphabhn pioneer mothers of this neighbor- hood. , Wn have heard that she has removed to Mandala to spend iwr declining days. Miss Floronne Hum left on 'I‘n duy for Nurkdale to resume Mr :1 linery duties with Mrs prcale. One of the best acrs ship Fathers this your painting tad 'enovat’. Ha". McDougall apiendid job and the creditable pVace to we Splendid job and the building :~ A credittble phce to the rap-p4} eri. When it Games to a matter of ex. hibiting pluck. vim and endurance- Mr. 3. Jul: will easily takw first place. He went to town and on Sat- urdsy evening had quite a large can- cerous growth cut from the hack of his htnd. No anaesthetics were ad' ministered tnd the plucky old Scot directed the skilful surgeon where to cut. ‘ 'IP. ‘H 11““ “71,4 "At; Irishman,” says: the RM Times. " recently went befoxr Stephens to be narumfizrd yo” read 'hfl D0018! atiou uf Ill'i ’ deuce ?” the Court asked I 1" not." Mia Pat. “Have you read ’â€" Conatimtion of the United Raves. “ I hov not, yet Honor.” The 1”" looked sternly n. the appficma' a «Rod; “Well. club In" read Pnflck haiuud but the (Italian; Mia Flora Stewart. a ho has meat! with difierent members t family. returns to Rochcs‘or week. Teacher Wanted. ’3 Chérry chtornl L--L WM. RITCHIE, Sec’y. Edge Hill. 1’. () Traverston. oaoflooâ€"o of the to has been 3 of the Son mad Iiiâ€"am " ' Honor. s of th' er thi’ I bo" Ut bO' H OIWERED DURING THE PAST WEEK CHRONICLE READERS . [8. F. Mommy‘s “ I’l‘ngrvss W368 are stylish and c'p-t. dollar. BOY WANTEI»~-Apply a! PARK Dana STORE, tf. Wannaâ€"(hwmke-r fur tln» L 00 F. “D“. Appl \ t‘l \‘y, '{ \k”... HOUNT tubaâ€"E11} hiIâ€"NflJP-(V'idml Hut MBrmtfox-d. (Sand St‘l|\o-, Local News lte MILleanv opening lock's on \Vt‘dlwsday ”lb and 2x WNW!“ 24 FUR SAI.E.â€"~Tl1res||ing ‘- new. will sell ('lwap. particulars apply to 7.0m nay. was the gum! uf In while attending Lh' Presbytery. Fun SA! E his splvndid for $311.4 JOhll Ruhr!" Miss Julia M Tuesday mm-ni Mr. I). “(’1 She. won! h 0'9" Suund Rev. G. l. Stu- V. next Sunday and Allan Park I Let everyone wh tion (1) tho 5. S. l come and bring } Pam: Mm baker. offer: South (irt'y loaf 0! him! Household .. Royal ”mum Royal "mm DUN'T forget ! cultural Socivty. coming off at F Wednesday and 28th inst.‘ The meat are warm this Fair the h their Society. evening um went will l and infirm: THE Hurvvs Services Hf U! expected immune m THE Flll'lli! I] (“the l‘unf Hf twently ('(Hh?! our the farm: log alteratinns into stm'erm m develop intu. “We in thvn‘. ; I‘linst deal-t I'm building can hr 1 th purposv orig “we-room . \\ Old and U'ivl 1 ‘01! Hanovmw W Hanover on My dihition nun-‘2 SI]! Morlock's stylish d!‘.~'s~ g Melting and ‘ ‘ _ MVEI'dt‘ffiah‘d l’dl‘hlug. M but tht‘ nun-gin \\ .. ‘ ~ ‘ b me on the 231'” :~ . \ v”. The Hanuver rhrj 1.3 3.1mm stnuglv tn .1 le. ‘ macaw t. l.uh|mmn~ m. saying that tho Dun-hm ~ C‘ood pull and a strut a. [luscious trophy W Comply.» the Ami: a... will i: con vvrt t ‘l'll VOL. 38-N0. 2009. 61‘8"! Mr. \Vim-hc it'll”! I" lltol l‘h Flasher! Id Thur xhil H1 he Ill h )l‘l MI u ”I -.\\' bl WI Cl {00¢ 5!

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