West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 28 Sep 1905, p. 4

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DURHAM CHRONICLE Durham. Sept. 28, 1905. Mr. Owen uefiermen. the well known cattle buyer, of Murden, vis- ited his daughter, Mrs. Thos. Mor- rison, on Saturday lest. Albert McGirr is engaged with Thos. Ritchie for acouple of months. Miss Aggie Moi». of Greenock, is visiting her many relatives in this neighborhood. Mâ€"rs. Jos. McNally wee unwell for some time but is now much improved. A fine buby girl, number live. came to stay with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Ector on Tuesday. 19th inst. Mother end deughter are doing well. There will certeinly be no scercity of girls in this vicinity in n few yeers. Mr. Raymond Bell. after a year in' the employ of Mr. w. R. Edge. left on Friday morning last for Cleveland Ohio, to look for employment there. Mr. D. Edge has torn down his old barn and in its place erected a com- [ortahle pig pen. Mr. Walter Middle- ton had the contract and made a first clue job of it. . Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Firth of Jeeeop- ville. Visited friends here last week. Ire. Firth will remain for some time but Mr. Firth returned home on Fri- day. his two nieces. Mines Lily Ritchie and Angie Mo!“ accompany- in; him for a short vixit. MacFarlane 00. I find Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets more beneficiul than my other remedy I ever used for match troubles,” says J. P. Klote. of Edam. Mo. For soy disorder of 00 Itomoch, billiousness or constip. m, these Tablets are without 3 nor. For sale or. Parker’s Drug Kr. John Carey came up from ”afoul lat week to «and his Win-lzw’s funeral “I! on Erin)“ Store. Lam bert’s Hair Restorer W. IRWIN. Editor and Proprietor. Druggists 8. Booksellers. A Remedy Without a Poor gives speedy relief from SUMMER COMPLAINT 25 Cents a Bottle Keep it Keeps the hair from falling out, and will re- store gray hair to its natural color. Is not greasy or sticky but makes the hair bril- liant and soft. 50 Cents a Bottle periment but an estab lished bet. 9 yearsâ€"this not ex! Will preserve 0829 15 Cents a Can Edge mu. in the house. for Indigestionn nearly nlwnys dis- turbs the sleep more or less and is often the cause of insomnia. Many cases hnvo been pormmtly cured by Chunborlnin’a Stomach md Liver Tnblets. For ale 1» Pnrkor’a Drug Score. You know at least one of them had Consumption. At first it was only eitarrhâ€"hut it was neglected. When “Catarrhozone” cures so quick- ly it’s foolish to sufferâ€"it’s a shame to keep snifieling and hawking. Catarrhozone goes direvt to the cause of the disease,â€"that’s why it’s so dead certain to cure. It stops the cough. prevents that disgusting (lis- gusting discharge, clears phlegm out. (Y Mr. B. Collins of San Franciso, a brother to Mrs. David Robertson of Walkerton, has patented a linotype mouthpiece. The Scientific American says : “ In the patent the object of the inventor is the provision for the metal pot or crucible of a linotype machine, by means of which mouth- piece to allow a better flow of metal into the mold and also to allow for :he thorough venting of the mouth. piece. thus preventing defective slugsâ€"Bruce Herald. ' “v--"a _v__ H U ' - of the tkroas in five minutes. Very pleasant. and safe too; get. Cacarrn- ozone from your druggist to Jay. A (me 19 took place at the Cement Worn». Shana-w Lake, on Monday afternoon lwt which came near and- iflg fatally for one of the participants It appwars that one cf the Italians and u. Inca; man got into a fight. It amwars that one cf the Italians and a. hoax; man got into a fight. which awn brought the frlands of bow mun Lo the sauna o.r conflict. and in a. very Show, tiu‘m the fight was general. When the smoke was clear ed awav. it was found that Jas. Adamenn. 3r. hml been grabbed a number of times in the throat and bacm by one of the DJQOS. A search was innne'liaaely made for the guilty native of Sunny Italy and after cou- sidemhw chasu he was eventually seem-ell zmd izmnelliwelv placed an dor arm 5:. 'l‘ilme being no lockup in Shalev Lnka. the pnsona-r was: taken to van Souml. where he will he held p»ur.lun.: the ro-cnvpry of the wounded mun The condnion of Mr. Adams-Ni: is much improved and should n.0,; i.‘.35utiiug net set in his recovery is assurwl. No doubt the Italian reached fora vital spOt for in the throat wound a hair’s breath would have severed the juglar vein. On Mr. Adamson’s recovery will de. pend the charge to be laid against the prisoner but in any case he will be a resident of Kingston Peniten- tiary for several years to come. It has long been known that the Italians of Shallow Lake have been carry knives, contrary,to the law, and with their liking for that weapon it might have known that they would use it at the first Oppor- tunity and we are of the opinion that a good deal of blame should be at- tached to the authorities of that villiage for allowing such a condition ,of aflairs to exist.-â€"Hepworth Cor- lreSpondent in the Wiarton Canadian. Must be more than a stimulantâ€" must be a food as well. There is one medicine that is bbth a food and a tonic.-â€"it aids digestion, promotes assimilation. converts food into nut- riment that builds up nerves, blood. brain and bone. That tonic is Ferro- zone which contains exactly what a rundown system needs. Ferrozone supplies oxygen to purify the blood, phosphorous to develop the brain. iron to harden the muscles. No wonder it makes such vigorous men and women. You’ll eat. sleep, think and feel betterjby using‘, Ferrozone; try itâ€"now. Fifty cents buys a box of fifty chocolate Ferrozone tablets. at all dealers. THE PRACTICAL FARHBR’S EDU- CATION. Farming is now recOgnized as a 7 profession demanding scientific knowledge and technical skill, and the farmer who would keep abreast with the times takes as many papers on his profession as he can find time to read. He knows that wide read- ing is essential to his success. He lalso knows that the agricultural lpress is one of the most powerful lagencies to-day in improving met- 1hods of farm practice. It is a strong ;factor in disseminating information. :ideas and suggestion relating to ‘scientitic and practical agriculturei Thousands of the heat farmers in Can. 3 ada read The Weekly Globe and Can- ’ada Farmer. which in addition to being a great family newSpaper, it is essentially a farmer’s journal, and gives more special agricultural infor mation than many papers devoted to . this one subjeCt. It is edited by an ! agricultural specialist. a graduate of l the Ontario Agricultural College and ‘Uvziversity of Toronto. who is also a 'TH‘nCfififii farms-r. During the com. ling year The Weeklv Globe and Can- sada Farmer will give its readers a 3 fat st of good things of great pract- 'ical Valor- The suhjocts will irrc'udo l a ~r..sdy of the principles of .‘erUI r twatl cc‘eaoe and the appliWion of . ~10.“ pricupala to fll‘. practice it : me growing grain, ‘11"... room, VarW. {Odd-r W U" z ‘9‘ N l he can. management..broodtn¢. of." of cattle. horas stoop. “in." h a . r 'Vp . . 4 . .. gv -’ Lu; ”J... --: Jug. Afif .-_._wnn. 3 “" ‘ When Seven Men Die. Canso of Insomnia- ”“000 The Tonic of Health. a 0.. .v-0 and barns. the construction of pig- geries. sheep pens and poultry houses dis-l will be amply treated. The problems 1 is' of the fruit farmer and market .any gardener, florists and beekeeper will , by also be discussed from tune to time. Ever In addition to the foregoing, a series Drug of articles on road-making, beautify. ing the country. improvin rural life etc., will be published. any stock 0 a farms will be visited and described. m’ of Farmers’ conventions and agricult- type ural associations will be reported. . The possibilities and opportunities ~t of awaiting the settler in the newer ,” the sections of Canada will be amplified: 5’ e in brief, nothing will make the Agri- 1131- cultural Department of the Weekly tetal Globe and Canada Farmer even more valuable and more popular than it is ML to day Means your trouble is deep seated. To delay is dangerous. All the in. flammation will be drawn out in one day bv applying Nerviline. It pene- trates through the pores of the skin, relieves inflammation and thus urevents serious consequences. For sore throat. weak chest and tendency to colds. no prescription is better than Polson’s Nerviline, For nearly fifty years it has been Canada’s great household remedy 'l‘wentyofive cents buys a large bottle. The country newspaper combine is; the biggest crusc on earth. In trusts every body. gets cussed for trusting. mistrussed for cussing. and if hunts for trusting gets cussed for busting. A Canadian, living‘in Pontiac. Mich. has three wwes. Wonder how much he’d sell one of ’em for. A Toronto man was up before the “beak” the Other day charged with kicking a police officer whom was down. It’s a sad State if a policeman can’; sit down {or a. snooze now and again “ ’t’nouc some body a’chumpin’ on him. The “producers” in the Russian oil fields as Baku. owing to the helpless- ness of the poliece. are forced to purchase their safety from the ban- dits of that country. If such a state of affairs ever came to pass in the U. 8.. Chicago would probably miss some of the “56,000,000, Rockefeller. donadnns The U. S. Dopiny Collector at Charlotte N. Y., who ordered the hauling” down of a Canadian flag, on Independence Day has been removed or transferred. Canadian honor has been upheld. Probably England didn’t have anything to do with it, or it might have gone the same way as the Alaskan boundry. Petroleum has been discovered bubbling up in lake Abittibi. Cobalt, and cOpper have also been discovered- Now for the rush. Sir Wilfred Laurier told the people of Fort William, that his object in bringing the Grand Trunk Pacific in their direction, was to make it the “Chicago of the \Vest.” When it comes down to plain everyday talk he is spending a million on the Win- nipeg-to-Moncton line, to carry trade the other way. Some more "Sunny Ways.” John D. Rockefeller, Jr. has retir- ed from amive business and will take a trip abroad. Wonder how much of a boost Standard Oil is entitled to now. Some doctors go far as to say that indigestiom is the national disease of America. There is but one national remedy for indigestion and that rem- edy is Dr. Hamilton’s Pills which ac- celerate the action of the gastric glands and give tone to the digestive organs. They strengthen the kid- neys and liver, cleanse and purify the blood and thus add general tone to every organ of the body. Flesh and Strength are fast restored and the patient can eat and digest any food he pleases Test Dr. Hamilton’s Pills yourself. 25¢ per box or five lboxes for $1.00 at all dealers. A LITTLE OF EVERYTHING Want your moustache or heard Bun IN“ ' abantimlbrown or richblack? Use mmum A “Wheezy” Chest Wedding and Engagement Rings We show such a compreheesive range that it ia hard to come here and not find a ring at the prices you want to pay tad you would be a pretty mew mm' to want to pay less than the price I. ask for a ring or anv wedding géfa 0 0 We .feel perfectly safe in holding up our Elegant line of An American Disease. Wamhmakur ‘0’.“- “ A Hold-Up " Durham, A. GORDON Tired When You Wakenâ€"Lem All Dayâ€"Nerves Worn Ontâ€" Snap All Gone. Your limbs feel "Maggy” and ex- cessively weak. A night’s sleep sel- dom brings satisfying rest. Contin- uous headaches, exhaustion and nervous sensations destrov your health. Soon every spark of vitalitv is used up. Then you catch tuber- cu losis. Start to-day. Build up, get new nerve force, and overcome this pro. cess of decay. Use Ferrozone. which physicane consider the most vitaliz- ing, uplifting tonic ever made. Think of the instant efiectâ€"at once the appetite increases, delight- ful color 1n the cheeks proves that rich, red blood is being circulated. Tired muscles are invigorated. flesh and Weight: are added. Nerve force develops. and bounding. Joyous health is firmly established. Ferrozone cures because it can fur- nish the body with sufficient nutir- ment and building material This is certainâ€"Ferrozone restores failing strenth from any cause. The experience of Mrs. Thos. Dowd, of Schreiber, Ont., proves this: "‘4 G .C “Household worries and cares had about exhausted my strength. I was weak and miserable. My cheeks lacked the color of health, and oc-‘ casionally I had spells of rheuma- tism. j'l‘hen my appetite fell 03, and nothing could tempt me to eat. \Vorn-ont feelings, chills and des- pondency filled my very being. I became anaemic and dwindled down to a shadow. Consumption was very near. Ferrozone put strength in my body witharush. It built me up. strong, virile and happy. and I have been well ever since.” Ferrozoue cures sickness bv curing the causeâ€"lack of blood and nerve .tone. It. keeps peOple at. their bestâ€"- fit, ready and anxious for work. In 500. boxes only, six for $22.50, C all dealers. or N. C. Poison Co.. §Hart- ford, Conn., U. S. A. and Kingston. Ont. HOW CONSUIPTION STARTS. The fire occurred between six and seven o’clock in the morning. and the alarm was turned in at 6.45. The fire brigade were on the spot without loss of time, and the flames were confirmed to a small area, but the damage by smoke and water will be extensive. '1‘. Long Bro {cred auocher sex though not. to th two years ago, business at this will in itself em: firm. The fire evidently originated on the second floor of the dry goods de pertinent, as this floor and the floor above were burned away for a space of 20 feet. At this point there are quite a number- of electric wires as- sembled, and it is supposed that by some means they ignited the rafters The loss is fully covered by insur- ance in the following companies: Sun $10,000, Alliance $5,000. North British and Mercantile $5,000, Anglo American $10,000, New York Under writers’ $5,000. Northern $10,000, British American $5.000.â€"Colling- wood Enterprise. “Yes. indeed, we have some queer little incidents happen to us,” said the Engineer. “A queer thing hap pened to me about a year agoâ€"You’d think it queer for a rough man like me to cry for ten minutes, and no- body hurt either, wouldn’t von? Well I did, and I almost cry every time I think of it. “I was running along one after- noon nretty lively. when I approach ed a little village where the track cuts through the street. l slacked up a little. but was still making good speed. when suddenly about twenty rods ahead of me a little girl not more than three years old toddled on to the track. You can’t even im- agine my feelings. There was no way to save her. It was impossible to stop. or even to slack much. at that distance. as the train was heavy Ayer’s Pills. Ayer’s Pills. Ayer’s Pills. Keep saying this over and over again. The best laxative. {3%. $523: Ontario. The Engineer Cried. Bro. Company have suf- .' serious loss by fire, al a the extent of the fire :0, the interruption to his season of the year entail a large loss to the Omichn ard the grade descending. In ten seconds it would have been all over, and after reversing and applvihg the brake I shut my eyes. I didn’t want. to see any more. “As we slowed down my fireman stuck his head out. of the cab window to see what 1 had stopped for, when he laughed and shouted to meâ€" ‘Jim. look here!’ I looked and there was a big. black Newfoundland dog hold- ing the little girl in his mouth, leisurely walking towards the house where she evidently belonged. She was kicking and crying. so that I knew she wasn’t. hurt. and the dag had saved her-131v fireman thought it funny and kept laughing. but I cried like a. woman I just couldn’t helpit I had a little girl of my own at home -tholio Home Com pauion. In the Surrogate Court of the County of Grvy In the matter of the Guardianship of the infant child- ren of John William Joeeph‘ Stephenson, late of the Township of Egremont in the County of Grey. Farmer, deceased. TU WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. TAKE NOTICE that an application wrll be made to the Judge of the Surrogate Court. oi the County of Grey. at his Cham- bers in the Court House in the City of Owen Sound on Friday the 27th day of 'October next, (15). at 10 o’clock in the lforenoon (or so soon thereafter as the application can he'lieard) for a Grant of " Letters of Oiiardiiuislnp "’hto the Der-sous; UUIWIH U; U\Iqu-v---nvâ€"â€".â€" _- ,fi ' V and estate . of John Joseph Stephenson and Gertrude Luella Stephenson. the infant children «of the above named deceased: aged respectivel. abOut 7 L2 years and 3 I 4 years of age m Martha Ann Stephenson, of the Township of Exremont. in the County of Grey. VV’duW. the anther uf the sand Infant child: est LEIBIG'S FITGURE i79 King Sheet, W., Toronto, Canada. dmggists sell or an obtain for you Dated at ”I’- Countv ufU KM her A D. 190» Sept. 28th, 5'. MARTHA Aw snap Applicant for said butters uf 1: ASH ONLY. PEEL, ”(he Shoeman Leave Your Measure for Fall Early. NOTICE. Vitus" Dance, or Fafling : trial bottle and valuabh ' egg to Tax Lama 00.. ' dBNSUN' .mrdiaudfiip gal Fall Hillinery ' {:3 :Opemng _ Over i=4 Cent .1 1 Experience $3 Wed.Thurs.. La". Sept. 27 6: 28 DURHAM AND OWEN SOUND ‘Lumbton Street, DEBRA”, ONT. 0U R DISPLA Y Shoe NEW Dress Goods C. L. GRANT Furs Our importations of French Patterds Hats \Iillinmx Novelties also those of 0m p1oduct1on PEEL’S Our 500 values in ail wooi MISS DICK \VE \VILL SHOW ON will In wall worthy o! '1'? intimation. {com the. ermfl. J it. vcriets. the» Elegauc. of i” “action, and we. Pvp‘ufir' it!“ 5“ Prices In Fur Rufls we have them from 82 up to $9.00. Also a nice as- sortment. of Caperines. 0311’: be. beaten, Serges Mohairs Venetians Henriettas T0 Sale STOY ES BUGGY SL‘I"’I-IES ELECTRIC SUPPLIE CO A L pensed murv }_ than may nthcn Hardware. Indiv id 11:11] 3 Cl“ and be ("UHVUH'U we are thv hot and cheapm. Up-tudatv Glut Gun Sula going on the udwu'o Store. F flu next two weeks we w I.“ you c Double Bar: t Nipkel ‘Vutch for the sm «m of $8.50. Every pets cull and see the bargain. The cold weather (at. Huve You a you require for t if not. you are in apoct our vnriet.v Heaters cannot anywhere. Then equnl our " P9 Bulge in price at “d \Vllips. We can sum Electric Light and Shtde Hc and Brackets. Pluce your < One car is nov ed And anothe \V e Sf )I‘QSCI‘ Ill hm td

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