West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 28 Sep 1905, p. 7

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in}: Wenkness, s; Vitun’ Duo, Pinp- » and Eruptions, Loss of Vitnl Po" :1 Genernl Defility.‘ Dr. Harte’l Celery-Iron Pill: gulch tho jod,tone up the nerves and W p whole system, producing in daily, nkly men und women thut prone, hedthy feeling that mat. rth living. But you don’t need to take our m- whnt then Pills can accomplish. . hm yourself. If they don’t do on [a u an get your money back. M wish instant death! Scuttle me. don‘t blow up the galleon nun. immediately obey! Bear 3 hand to! It you hesitateâ€" Fire on "’ he cried to his omcers. But the fin the front did not linger. The! ie away from his presence .0 fluently that they fell over one an- il‘ in the gangways. km’t fire:” they cried in term. mu. this remedy to ho In W I! for all diseases and dioorden um" um weak nerves, watery blood or . nu. Wm condition of the system, such a:â€" lacuna, Chlorosis, Pale :nd Sdlow Cog. nion, Tired, Worn-out Fooling, 81“,. Incas, Nervousness, Dyupepoh, u. flpiution, Impaired \Iemory, Um, mes, Hystena, Female Waking u {9315153693, Depresg‘ion 3! Skip“; OI {1.0 tuthority of the p10 ta. ‘ I. HAln’s "nun-[non '0 Here A GUARANTEE TO CURE. ’ . O!‘ You purchuo from us 6 boxes of D. a. Celeronron Pills, paying for the. 50. With every such purchase" [In .our positivo written guarantee tint 1! Ir uking 3 boxes of tho Pills, noon“- to directions, you find you how it 6 no benefit from their use, you - In the 3 empty boxes, bath. with 3 unopenei one. and get your 3., The splash be h let the water had another. A Spanish the rail had seized D“ radiant-dud my men! You speak well, L’Ollo- . And for you, hounds,” he roared. hing the smoking pistol and step- toward the huddled, fright“ , "got back to your duties nnlell A Hard Question. den: Maidenâ€"I wish some m !.ad3n(:ertain13', my dear. Modern Maidenâ€"null I m “hose taste. :3. the r and gum] VIII him. I man was ll ituation. am to be obeyed." he cried, “in- :ly. without question, without he.- )ok you throw. a )0“ .mwhmemm. JNU. A. DARLING 9W umlneand’cm of Positive Assurance of a Cure or Your Money Refunded. ,1 d1 0WD W DO!" Station Id ll 3 We will!” well. “Pave " kicking the - AND â€" DRUGGM DURHAM, ONT. m 2w that grating?” he cried. ’ composvdly answered the, undorstoml English. astamtly snatched a pistol assau's band and shot tho [com 2 ind they cried in terror. to dutyf" completely master of If stays )ntin he shouted, “to 1m! the disclpllm Morgan!" cried leeward. “Th. p1 that canton body of the )m'k and pick nod. “Rlady Q’v?!‘ (continued from page 3.) {90:18 HORSES. AGRlCULTURA] Span horses attached to waggon! Span horses and Pub weighing 1400 lbs or overâ€" attached to wagon- Alex. Ellison. \Vm. Ritchie. John Ellison R. Barber fan-balm. i Brood mam. f0 Brood mare. foal at footâ€"S. Path erbough. D. Greenwood. “7. Mar- shall. Feet! of year 1905â€"8. Putherbough, Geo. Aljoe. One year old fillyâ€"Wm. Herd. One year 02d gelling-+Wm. Mu- shall. 20d prize. Two year old geldingâ€"-\Vm. J. Aljoe. South Grey Fair. ”4â€".-‘wm KATE CO V HRAN E, AGENT Durham. On Eario. 783800! Spun horses under 1400 lbs. each overâ€" { attached to wagonâ€"John Sharp. Jae. Best Spring colt from " Clydesdale Champion,”â€" -(ieo. Aljoe. Scarf Sons. Brood mare, foal at. foot--Wm. Herd, A. Park. D. Greenwood.. Foal of 1905 --A Park, Wm. Herd One year old filly--W. Hprd. One: year old gelding--D. Green wood. Two year old filly-«JVm. Marshall \Vm. Smith. Two year Old . son. H R. Ridden AG RlCULTURAL PRODUCTS. geldingâ€"«Jam Elli fl? - ROW. Spun Horace 15% bend: or over, at- tucked; to vehicle-Lewis Hahn, J. McRobb. Sing 1e driving horse-John H. Hunter, Dr. Wolfe Geo. Lawrence. Slddle horseâ€"No prize awarded. Three entries. Brood mare. foal at ioot--S. Willie, W. Herd. w. Gillies. ‘Two year old fillyâ€"Wm. Marshall. 2nd prize. Foal of 1905â€"W. Gillies, H. Gras- by. Span driving horses 15% hands or over attached. to vehicle - Lewis Hahn Jno. Vollett, J. McRobb. Two year old fillyâ€" D. McIlvride, H. R. Ridell. CATTLE. THOROUGHBRED CATTLE. Bull three years old and upwardsâ€"- Scarf Sons. Bull two years And upwardsâ€"Scarf Sons. Bull one yea" and upwardsâ€"Wm. Smith. Bull Calfâ€"Scarf Sons. Cowâ€"Scarf Sons. John Eokhardc Wm. Smith. Two year old heiferâ€"-W. A. Living- ston, Scarf Sons 2nd and 3rd. One year old heiferâ€"Scarf Sons, J. Eckhardt, Scarf Sons. Heifer Calfâ€"Scarf Sons let and 2nd, wm. Smith. Best. Herdâ€"Scarf Sons. HEREFORDS. Bull two yeais and over- A. S. lHunter. Bull Calfâ€"A. 20d. Best Herd one male and [our fe- males--A. S. Hunter lst and 2nd. AYRSHIRE . Cowâ€"J. G. Gray lst and 2nd. JERSEYS. Edge. Two year old heiferâ€"W. Smith, A. Park, R. Edge. . One year old heiferâ€"Scarf Sons, Wm. Smith. Heifer calfâ€"H. Park let and 20d. ) 18b and 2nd, R. Edge. Bess fat. ox. steer, cow 4 any age or breedâ€"A. S. H and 2nd. . SHEEP. OXFORD. Ram two shears and over. Ram. two shears bairn. Shearling Ramâ€"~ ham Bros. Fairbairn. Pair Shearling ewesâ€"J. Fairbairn, Brigham Bros. Pair ewe lambsâ€"-J. Fairbairn, Brig- hum Bros. Pair ewe lambsâ€"â€"J. Fairbairn, Brig- ham Bros. Diploma-ml of sheep. snnonsnmn. Ram two shears and overâ€"w. A. Livingston. Sheathing ramâ€"4V. A. Livingston. Ram lambâ€"W. A. Livingston. Pair aged ewesâ€"W. Willis, W. A. Livingston. Pair ewe lambsâ€"w. A. Livingston. Best penâ€"w. A. Livingston. RammTwo shears and overâ€"A. Muir. A. Park. Jno. Eckhardt. Shearling ramâ€"W. Herd. A. Muir. Ram lambâ€"w. Herd. A. Muir. Pair aged ewesâ€"W. Herd, J. Eck- bardt. t’air Shearling ewesâ€" .w Herd. A. Cowâ€"W. J. Alioe- GRADE CATTLE COTSWOLDS. Ram two shears and over- lst. and 2nd. Shearling ram 20d. Milch cow Boar. any 389â€" Scarf Sons. Pr Spring pi: Scarf Sons 20 Pr spring pigsâ€"A Scott lat 2nd, Best bacon hog. any hoodâ€"Sari Sons lat, 2nd. 3rd. CHRONICLE ADS. are not expensive, and THEY GET BUSINESS Ram lambâ€"A. Muir -st and 2nd. Pair aged ewes - A. Muir. Pair Shearling ewes - A. Muir. Pair Ewe lambsâ€"A. Muir. Bess Pen, Diplomaâ€"A. Muir. Fat. sheepâ€" A. Muir A. Scott. SWINE. BERKSHIRE Boar any agaâ€"C W Lang Breeding sow--Johu Eckhardt. Pr spring Pigsâ€"John Eckhardt. COACH OR CARRIAGE. J. Frirbairn for best pen A. 8. Hunter, Ian and mbsâ€"W. A. Livingston. w. A. Livingston. LEICESTEI'S. YORKSHIRE TAIWORTH Park, R. Edge. J. Fairbairn. Brig. A. Muir lat and cow or heifer, S. Hunter lst. John Eckhardt, John Eckhardt. 3rd. Edge. Scarf ’â€"~J.. Fair- A. Muir "I had been troubled with lame back for fifteen years and I found a complete recovery in the use of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm,” says John G. Bisher, Gillan), Ind. This linim- out is also without an equal for sprains and bruises. It. is for sale at Parker’s Drug Store. An ignorant countryman who saw the sea for the first time was much impressed with the efiect of the blue water. and asked a fisherman if he could tell him the owner, as he worfld like to buy a gallon to take home to his wife. The fisherman replied proudly: ”Us, me manâ€"we own it!” “Land sakes!" exclaimed the rustic. “Could you sell me a gallon for fifty cents?" “Sure,” said the fisherman; and he disappeared. re- turning in a tew moments with a jar of water for which he received the countrymau’s fifty cents. The latter departed with his purchase. Return ling later in the day, after the tide had gone out, he gazed in silent wonder at the water, which had re- ceded far from the beach “Lumml’ he exclaimed, don’t they do a trade!’ Medicines that aid nature are al- ways most. efiectuul. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy acts on this plan. It alleys the cough. relieves the lungs, The Sher aids nature in resmring the system '0 a healthy condition. Sold at STANDARD Parker’s Drug Store. and WHITE Some of you fellows who have a million dollars, like we editors, do not. know of course of just What the big pile consists. We will put you I ‘I _, VI“ r on. When you have a. million dollar bills and pile them up flat on one another. and want to take one of them off the top you will have to reach up 275 feet. If you have laid them down end to end you would have to walk 11 2.3 miles. If you the pile would be 11; mile high. And so on. We know because we tried the other night but the blamed bed slat broke and we woke up.â€"Ken- mare Journal. Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles Druggists refun money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case, no manor of how long standing, in 6 to 14 days. First application given case and test. 500. if Your druggist hasn‘t it send 500 in stamps and it 'will be forwarded post-paid bv Pans Medwine 00.. St. Louis. Mo A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES WANT Custom Carding DURHAM. Having purchased the Grocery Business of JOHN ROSE at Theo- balds old stand, we beg leave to to announce to the public that we will carry a full stock of FrUitsv Confectionery 6: Staple Groceries Also a full stock of For which we will pay the highest price in Cash or Trade. We keep on hand a large assort- ment of Blankets, Tweeds, Yarns, etc, and a full stock of U’roceries. Maflhewsfil Latimet Changed Hands . SCOTT .44.. .-* FLOUR. FEED 4SEEDS 0.0 â€"‘ andRSpinning. ONTARIO. Implements The Sherlock Organs Emma; Sewing Machines Malone Separators D. CAMPBELL, Agent. DURHAM, ONT. HAVE YOU? An y 01d Worn silver? If so, I am prepared to re- plate it. Bring it in now while I have the time. All work guaranteed. Prices Moderate, and Strictly Cash. Geo. Yiirs. The Big 4 CALDER â€"â€" BLOCK â€" DURHAM The Ingest Busineu end Shorthaud School in Western Onurio. Our courses are thorough and precticel. Teaching is done by experienced in- structors. There is no better school in the Dominion- ALL GRADUATES SECURE POSITIONS. Cetalogue tree Large 114 size Flannelette Blankets-white and grey at $1.20. Women’s outside Shirts for fall or winter at 2.50, 300, 3.50. $4.50. Ladies’ winter Vests from 25c up. Children’s winter Vests from 13c up Men's Cardigan Jackets at $1.00 and 81340. Fur Caperines at 3. 5, 6. 6.50. 89. Fur Rufls at. 1.50. 3.00. 4.75 $5.00. Large size Bed Comfor'ers at 1.25, 1.75. 2.00, 2.50, $3.00. A lot of Pulor and Bedroom Lamps ‘11 prices. W. H. Bean Tbke LAXATIVE BROHO QUIXIXE Tablets. All dragging réund the money if xt fails to cure. E. W. rove's “nature is on each box. 25c. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Elliott Molachlan New Honey Just In STRATFOR D. ONTARIO. He Sells Cheap of all kinds for the Farm, the Home and the Dairy. AG ENUY. PRINCI PALS. DURHAM BAKERY Ocilvie’a Boyd Household Flour. 85.80 per but-rel. Other High Grnde Mauitobc Flour $5.40 3nd 85.55 per barrel. McGowm’s Funny Flour at fldard prices. Choice Bread . . and Confections The school in nipped for full Junior bum um mtflcuht on work, under the following an! of competent teachers for tint departs.“ THOS. ALLAN. 131mm "u-'Sflr~":‘, rm. H188 L. M. FORFAR. Chutes and M MISS A. JOHNSTON. B. A... mthumnmm Commercial. Intending student. shomd enwr 3t begin-Ind term. or n ma sitar u poosiblo] Fm. $1.00 per month. WU. JOHNSTON. Chairman. DURHAM SCHOOL. The People’s Grocery Here I Here! Flour! Flour! STOCK FOODS. 'I'RY OUR PRICES TRY OUR FOODS. Always in stock the year round Goods delivered promptly in town . TRY US Mrs. Alex. Beggs J. M. HUME“ BLOCK We Deliver to Any Put oi the To“. Pumps. 13m LEAVE T0 INFORM MY 0“ WHERE and the ynbhc in amen] m ththh Now Plum um Rmmms. Wm Dumas", lil-Cl’mmu. a x!) rum law with Conan «manna. Conetnntly on ham‘ 3 .d deliv- ered to all parts of town duly. Highest Price for Produce. Try our ten nod be convinced thst we hsve the beat on the A regal“- 35c tea sdliny 51'»: for for 81.00. BL; . L-'|l"'* win!!! it lusts. The Celebreted "Keewatin Five Roses." the very beat mode by The Lake of the Woods Milling Co. from No. 1 Manitoha Wheet We also heve three other gr edee Try ue and be convinced. w ALL ORDERS (than at the old 0.. nos: Xdiowu'o mu will be pro-mu In stock foods we hndl' Anglo-Saxon 3nd Internntionq . 1. W03: Gunnwxn ct “Live.“ 10!. live” Planar. STAFF LN D EQU 1PM EST. PROPRIETOR. Flour. . W'ATSON GEOnu‘E WEITIOII C. RAMAGI. “actuary.

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