West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 28 Sep 1905, p. 8

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$$$$$$¢$%%%%%$fi$fi%fi%%%kfim 53$ SMMflWWWfififiM mamaflmmma 9xceot gamma“ ignore openg ' '4 p. :11 Wed and OUR STOCK OF‘ Men’s Clothing 8’ Overcoats 32? Fall Goods Have Arrived Cash or Trade For Butter and Eggs. WE PEBPLE’S SHIRE ROBERT BURNETT is unsurpassed See us before buying your fall or winter clothing. Remember we have a Special Line of Men’s Ten Dollar Suits, guaranteed to give satisfact- ion in both wear and style. Seeing is believing. You will join us in saying they’re the finest it has ever been your fortune to look over. And a finer collection it would be hard to find. In buy-13;. we endeavored to get the best goods at rock bott-m prices, and give our customers the benefit of our iml‘g'itinS. Call and see our large stock of Dress i343~zjwi~1 consisting of LADIES’ SUITINGS or:+:<« CHILDREN’S SUITINGS LADIES’ COATS, ETC. DURHAM â€" â€"- -â€" ONTARIO Flesherton and Pnceviile senior foozball clubs played a. keenly con- tested match here on Friday evening last One goal was made and that by the visitors After a year of great sulering with i sarcoma Mr. John W. Field died at} the home of his mother. Mrs John-1 stun. here, on Tuesday night of last? week Mr Field underwent two se- vere operations and the best medical skill was employed with the hope of saving his life, but all was of little evail He bore his afliction with much courage and patience and when the end came passed away in peace. The funeral took place to the public cemetery here on Thursdry afternoon and wes attended by many sympath- izing friends; also a number of rela- tives from a distance The pell bearers were the deceased’s brothers. william N and Joseph B, of this place. James E and Burt, Toronto; brother-in-lew, T J Stiuson, Toron- to Line. and cousin, w J Tucker, Markdele. Rev. D. Calder assisted by Rev. w. Thom conducted the bar- ial service. The deceased. who was the third son of the late Lieut J J Field. was born in Flesherton 34 years ago on Saturday week lest. as possesseu aheppy disposition was honorable and industrious and much liked wherever he went. He learned printing in the Advance ofice here end became very eficient in his art filling important positions in Toron- to and Chicago At the time he was taken ill be was foreman in the print- ing department of the T Eaton 00.. Toronto Ten years ago he was mar- ried in Chicago to Miss Ada Jones. a Canadian born young lady, who with three young children survive him. The grief stricken widow feels very keenly her loss and many friends deeply sympathize with her in her sorrow. The deceased’s mother also feels keenly the loss of her beloved SOll Mr James Stinson’s 10 year old. Eddie, had a narrow escape from death on Tuesday evening of last week The little follow was going home from the village in a cart and when descending the hill opposite Mr Chas Irwin’s lost control of the spirited beast he was driving and at the fact of the hill 5collided with a buggy driven by Mr Lafayette Bad- gerow Eddie was thrown out wirh much force, but held to the lines un- til he saw danger of being dragged under the upturned cart which was badly smashed He fortunately escaped With only a severe shaking up The harness sufiered much in the fray and the mare, who came to a stand still before going far, was considerably out about the legs with the broken shafts Mr Badgemw escaped injury. but one axle of his buggy was bent. Flesherton. Goods delivered promptly to all parts of town The executive of the Centre Grey Prohibition Allinnce hove urongeu (or n temperunce convention to be held in the town hull here on Mon- duy ufternoon next. A public meet- ing will be held in the Presbyteriun church in the evening when addresses will be given by Rev J. B. Spence. of Toronto. Rev. J. S. I. Wilson, of Mukdole, and others. Rev. Mr. Spence will preach in the Presbyteri- un church on Sunday niternoon and in the Methodist church in the eve. ning. Rev. Dr. Celdwell was at. Horning’s Mills, a. former field of labor, con- ducting annivereery services on Sun- dey. Mrs. Celdwell accompanied him to visit old friends. The pestor, Rev. Mr. Wellece, took Dr. Celdwell’s work nere end preached thoughtful sermons. By n letter from Mr. Fred Spronle written nt Mnnchen. Denmnrk, on the 10th inet.. we leern thnt he is hnving 1 most enjoyrble trip. After visiting Switzerlnnd. Germeny nnd Frence he will return to London and eeil for home on October 5th. Children’s Dcy throughout the Presbyteriuu church wee duly ob- served in Chelmer’s church here The Sebbcth School occupied the centre of the chu:ch end upprOpriete addresses were given by the Superin- tendent. Mr. Felsteed, and the pea- tor. Rev. Mr. Thom. Motions passed for O. M Siam for orders for $39.40 for printing and be Chargvd to} drain No. 1. Also for $40 :50 printing Voter’s Lists etc. Mr. A. Munehaw added a hand- some new Gerrard Heintzman piano to the furnishings of his hotel parlor last week. fJon. 1‘2. That. Mr. Traynor do the work and the Clerk notify him to 10- mm said drain as soon as soon as possible. Carried. Another petition from D. McQueen asking for a. drain. That Jno. Davis of Alton do this work and the Clerk notify him accordingly. Carried. Reportsâ€"001m. Robb reported set- 'lement of acct: on E. P. townline Acute of both me. were examined for pa-t five years, and found Proton was dr. to Egremont 854 on grants, and Egremont was dr. Proton 175 stays statute labor at 750.=$131. Balance due Proton 877. He strong- ly recommended settlement at least every two yen-s. Comr. Furgueon gave 9. detailed account. of expenditure in his divis- ion_ on roads alienating :9 8215.28 East Grey Fair here Wednesday and Thursday this week and we all hope for fair weather. Report adopted and 815 Com. fees paid. Reports adopted. and $3 Com. fees puid. Mrs. Smith, recently from London. England, has taken the position of forawoman with Mrs. Willett, who on Monday Opened her dressmaking parlor for fall and winter trade. A petition from Geo. Snell, asking for a drain from Lots ‘26. 27, and 28, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Sinclair left last week to visit friends at Oz‘illia and their son. Rev. \V. Sinclair and wife at 'l‘outh River, Parry Sound District. \lr. and Mrs. J. W. Bates, of To ruaito. formerly of this place, visited the past week with relatives in this place and vicinity. Mr. Bates is now a parumr in the old established busi- ness of Bates Dodds, undertakers, and We) are pleased to learn is doing well. Mrs. Graham, of Guelph. is visit- ing‘her daughter, Mrs. R._Moore. Robbâ€"Gordon. That 86 be paid for above services. Carried. Mrs. \V. W. Trimbie and Master Bobs left on Friday lass {or a few weeks’ visit with retatives at Detroit, Mt. Clemens and \Vhitechurcb. Mrs. Mark Wilson returned last week from visiting her brother at Gore Bay. Mrs. J. W. Armstrong is visiting her daughter, Mrs. 605, an Clarke- burg. Miss Runstadler. of Waterloo. is visiting her brother, Mr. John Run- stadler. Messrs. Will Thompson. of Stouff- ville. and Robert, of New Liskeard. are visiting their mother, Mrs. Jane Thompson. here Also from Jun. Reid re committal of W. Romans to House of Industry and Board. .Irs. \Valter Taylor attended the funeral of her brother. Mr J.\V. Field. last week. Mr. Holmes and daughter, of Heathcote. were also present. Miss Carino Frost. of Owen Sound is visiting Miss Christina Richardson Fnrgusonâ€"-Mc.\rthur. That we take no action in [bid mat-(er. Car- tied. Dr. E F. Armstrong spent Sunday with friends at Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Turner left on Tuesday for their new home at Wino nipeg. Council met Sept. 22nd Minutes of the last regular meeting with the two meetings on Drain No. 1. were adapted. Communication from Nor- mnnby re arrears of School Debent- ures payments. Gordon-ekic.krtbur That the clerk write Normanby Couci} asking payment for amount due_as with in. (crest to June of payment Carried. Also from A Knisley re reduction Masses-sweat. Carried EGREMONT COUNCIL. report ohowe Com. foes 85.00. report I .m. fees Comr. Bobb'a report showed $64.30 expended. Com. fees 83.00. Com. Bastie's report. showed $178- 20. expended. Com. (608 812.00- Reeve reported that he “tended meeting of lend 3t Lot 17, Con. 11, 12 under the D. «t W. Act. An mee- ment was errived et. which is fyled with the Clerk. By-luv No. 190 to levy the at» paced-A mill: is the “to. D. Hunt- er wu nppointed collector for 8. D.. Sultry 835. Report stpted and 81.50. psid for his services. 13nd tux for 1905. Tho uflicors of the Agricultnrul Society wnitcd upon the Council aolicoting 3 grant on bchnli of the society. Robbâ€"Ferguson Thet n grunt of 850 be made to cold society providing the Council hove the use of the hull for Nominntion end Election pur- poeee end council meetinge.â€"Loet.â€" Yen-Robb. Fergueon. Winnipeg $30.00 8119110 Mowbray Rpgina } Dolor-tine 31.50 14qu Soul-is Moonjuw Brandon 3l-55 Hombolt byloton quatoon Lenore 32.00 Pnnoe Albert Minion Moltort - Yorkton Estevan Kamsack i Full pox-flown from Gunman Pacific Agent. or write 0. 3. Font», D. P. A.. Toronto. MoArthnrâ€"Gordon. Thnt s grunt of 825 be undo to the Agricultnnl Society. Carried.â€"You.â€"MOArth- nrâ€"Gordon, Robbâ€"Hutu, Nays- Ferguson. Souris Brandon Lyleton g Lenore ‘ Going Sept. 12m, returning until Nov. 1311:. Going Sept. 20th. Muruiug until Nov. 27th. Will Sell Harvest ExcursionTickeis Sundry eceonnte were examined and orders grented nmounting to 8256.95. Several School estimates were not forwarded. Trustees kindly forward at once, Bjnscarfh Moosbmin DIED. BUTTâ€"In Durham, on Monday Sept. 25th, 1905, R. Burns Butt, agediz') years and 4 months. FALCONERâ€"In Durham, on Monday morning, Sept. 25th, Earl Melville, infant son of Mr. an! Mrs. Ilvm'y Falconer. About 11:30 Wednesday night. fire was discovered by town watchman Treadwell. in the old market house attached to the rear of the town hall. now used as the armory for Co. No 5 The fire started under the min stairway leading to the opera house, which is built outside the back wall of the Town Hall buiizilng. The flames damaged these stairs so they will have to be rebuilt, the market building was also badly scorched. and the volunteers’ uni~ forms considerably damaged. The shed wherein is housed the hook or d ladder truck and covered by the same roof as the armory. wa.c burned more than any other part of the place. and the truck was barely rt :1 out in time to save it from devrrc - ion. The ladders on the truck were so badly damaged that they will hate to be renewed. The firemen. how ever succeeded in promptly quench- ing the flames after the alarm Was given and a serious conflagratign was thus prevented. The loss is pretty well. if not entirely, coverrd by insurance in the Gore Mama: on the market building and in the Eco- nomical. Merchants and Gore on 'lie town hail and opera houseâ€"the «lam- age to the latter. other than the burned stairway. being the smoke interior walls. which will have to be repapered. Council adjourned to meet on Nov. 15th. Some people may try to make out that the fire was of incendiary origin but we do not think the facts rar- rant any such conclusion, nor do an believe that there is a firebng going around the town seeking Opport-anit ies to burn the place down. It is time that those who think this and other fires of late are due to inccnd iarism should quit talking or press their opinions to the extent of hav- ing their suspicions verified. This town hall fire was of course due to carelessness on the part of someone in probably throwing down a lighted match or cigar stub. but this care- lessness was able to bear fruit be- cause of the carleessness of others in allowing this part of the town hall premises to be neglected in the mat- ter of shed doors being off and the place being allowed to become noth- ing better than a public closet and urinal {or nignt use particularly. Carelessness, more than incendiarism we believe is the cause of other fire- heroâ€"not including the one in Noon an’s Storehouse which was quite evidently a case of COUXbUfithU.'”.“.zT. Forest Repzesentatxvc. BORN. MCF‘ADDExâ€"In Durham, on Thursday Sept. 215$, to Mr. and Mrs. \V. J. McFadden, a son. NORTH WEST FIRE AT THE TOWN HALL. :Kc-{r wu exempted from 32. 25 attleford '32. 20 32.50 C my “gym" 331D Stuthcona To the D. ALLAN, CLERK. $3300 \Ialta, WI 33 ‘5 I‘mnce; t 3“” venturers. gg£o 5053103 0! ' so that l 36'“) Then it b 37-00 1727, whe: presently which sol Denmark. 8888 8888 Denmark. In 1801 England 1». once more, gave it back to D0122: 1: repeated and took it away again i‘: 19" Maths, held it for eight 3121' 111d then returned it to Denmark, Wm 110“! It um. Up. and Down 0! Santa Cm. Probnbly no other of the West Indian island: has had such a checkered ca. reer as Santa Cruz. In turn It has be- longed to Spain, which abandoned it: to England and Holland jointly; to England alone; to Spaln again. which tell Upon the colonists and destroyed or deported them all; to France. which took it from Spain; to the Knights 0! Malta, who reoelved lt as a gift from France; to a private company of mi- venturers. Then It was resumed pus- session of by France, but abandoned. I0 that ln 1720 it was uninhahiwd. Then it became n.no man’a land until 1727. When France tool: it again. and PM”! lold It to I Danish commit". which add lt In turn to the kiltfl.’ of We regret very much this week to chronicle the deeth of Mine Ernest e bright little girl of twelve yeers end eight months of this place. Deeth is e severe blow even when it is looked for, but in this cese it wes more 80. ee deceeeed wee the picture of heelth end wee only three deys end two nights sick. All thet medicel skill end good nursing could do wes done. but the trouble proved to be an inward cheese which ceused blood poison. The funeral wes lergely ettended. The pure white coflin we: covered with flower wreeths. end boquets Her school teacher Miss Spence and a number of her school mates came with sad fares to take a last look 8' their lir'lw play mate. The Rev. Mr Ma"râ€"-<':i of Pnceville ofilcisted at the lives»: and grave. Interment took {mm- .. Swintcn Park, The parents have the sincere sympathv of cm. mmfiw. 8:1: lhv‘; ulun’r. mourn as ~- if"..- 011’ here. {0' their 1055 la hi. nai... AM ch: Cinibiruia by to. I am. regular with A a Mrs. Arnwtrong. her daughtor. M Georgina Armstrong. and her grm son. Douglas Mountain, left Thuxsd morning last to spend a couple weeks in Detroit. Neil McFadden’s of Promn, Miss Annie McFadden joined the mmri. monial thr'omz and took hm” Iifn bart- ner Mr. Peter McDonaid m‘ Egre- mont. “'4; wish them much jar. A quiet wedding took pluct‘ 3 Neil MaFadden’s of Promn, DR. BURT. specialist in diseases nf the Eye. Ear. Nose nod Throat. will he at. the Middaugh House. Durham. for consultation on Wednesday, Ovt. 4th. from 10 t0 4. Eyes wsu‘dzmd glasses fitted. Mrs. Sealy of Stratfnrd. is inc a few weeks with Mr an James Rnnwick of this plac". “rs. W. Richtrdscn of visit-fl her sister. Mrs. G H: Mra \Vm. Hun had tquilting ban vhis week which was a succesc. The Eadies around hpre know how to disnoao of that kind of wet}; to p rfection. “Ever see that rock in there before?" he ask . “No, I guess not. That’s a cow whale and her calf up there on the shore. It's her nursery.” When the others were far enough away to give him a clear field he made for the shore. He got the cow and the calf. The others said very little about the race he did not win. for he was the first man back to New Bedford. M". 9041 Mrs GPO “’atcm). r. Proton. Sundayed u, Hermon Haw: The Race H. W... In the old whaling day: a New Bed. ford captain tell in with a lot of his “tomes" in the Pacific, says the Chi- cago Record-Herald, and after a land- ing for water on the coast of South America. began a boat race on shore toward the ships. The old skipper kept muttering to his crew to take it easy. The others jeered him as he tell he- hind, but he took it cheerfully. “The race I’m after is the race home,” he said. He pointed to a little bixht in the rocks into which the crew could just see. wee}; Aye/":9 Misc Man-v McFaddfin has (one to ’omnto I'm- a flaw. Sarsaparilla Impure blood always shows somewhere. I! the skin, then boils, pimplee,ruhes. If the nerves, then neurfizia, 3:53- ousness, depression. If the stomach, then dyspepsia, biliousneu, loss of appetite. Your doctor knows the remedy, used for on years. " “helium! palm alga-Amp“; Impure__D100d SACXBTT‘S CORNERS. Y I A, “no.” GMMR no “than: Ode for en \1. «main 00mm THE PAST WEEK CHRONICLE READERS. A. H. JACKSON has. :11 an! Durham propertivs WAITIDwâ€"Caremkm- fur 0. F. El“. Apply m \\'. B ‘8. D. THOHPSUN has vlc M at the Middaugh “nus: and is again engagml with W. ‘ Eon SALE.â€"A firs may (1) barrel: . 3%.! of them. W9 ”1"" Wm" “"'“' ' real about a lmur mlilux (man 00 death m-xl wiuh doufldlltfeels the 1‘ , cmpdrom. WE would like of Alex. Jack \le receipt for his put three years. FOR SALE -A gum! MN furnace. with all rc-gish-r w air pipes: alsn guml mantel. Apply at 'l‘ms m FOB green lxwf-ring “(land holes, hornwm I will pay 91.va 21.. 2 THE Kimberley «'quv ““3 “Shelton Advnnw- v m ago, bewniling Hu- : "0‘me sort Was ‘uu m the turnip crup. Ln. m of the “'iartun (Emu Md POL in U!" point“ .. * mp is "0‘, Of HIP 'u- may the pum- Mr,“ {ff-”Who overbunlmml w'n .u'l “ «’1 audio sight. Hmmx ' mnther Shy. I‘M. In our report laszt wm-l in; contest for Buggy name “George Fm'nmmx W insu-ml “1’ ”one” 0 CITIZENS who knu Shoppu‘d will 10ng Wt death “will :U‘. K [K the Methmlist (‘lmrv' M Missio-'3' M'l'unn punched at 1'] a. 111. mu M. R. \V. \Vmulwurth. The ofieI-imzs “'“1 [IN fnl‘ It HARVEST H 011w Am m will he held in I‘Ilu Oct. 15th and 16th. S.- OllSundax afternoon am My ex ening an .- .\« 'm be gisvn. Sm fmt week. lb. fuhionablv fall millinm met our millinvry parlnrs. I”, A good 1‘ “a“ puwidwl “insured. Afb it tWO u't'l'N'k 3“ Ct 7:11). Th“ 8 ”finally inviw the meetings. OI the property at Hr- the year 1" bring Hum} Mr McKet'hnie- g. m another yvar v my of dvht and 1. WIdiVidend. 'l'h' ”doing well this yvm. : M proves almudm .Wht ((1er for thv ( Thus. Smith K whn left his subm RH 0V1"! rem hu a few fine farnu aortic: for sale.â€"â€"4t .‘SS m know Llu moat "PM knew .‘l AuniV Sermons preat l‘lllOfl it hem ll apply at Pu kn \V. Guthrh “pm; pm (m \‘Pllll with 7,0! .\I wn hen with rsm'y um‘y and w "It ldl ‘Pl hurt F01 th wl (In lvll HI Ill he

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