ch one of ry to talk *ongh our 'tario. F3: to have tore r true to to come of floods 'ges hairs :tians iettas Dining! In: in the work. miner, and ï¬t. will be pleated Io DURHAM, rou that YEN SOUND rly. ] RANT )ff so a nice u of Cannibal ed "Hustnxs season The result ha. . at any rate. I. id with orders. any m WAit' on ICK wil 3P {2‘70 wool Thinking â€them may In“ all right, but doing is think to at- tract to drug bu vet's by alone. do attract it by Selling Drugs Etc , better. of Superior their prices Quality. That is the Point Better Stock Better PM Better Accommtdatiat! CHURNS (IRAN ITEWARE W. Black. Ifyou require a. Churn, we have the variety. Our Self- Rockors are taking- tho load. In Washing Machlnes we can satisfy the most. peculiar cus- tomers. Hardware. Our stock 0! Granitswarc is very large and well assorted. «:reat Bargains in Preserving Kettles. The Shooting Seeeon ie in [oil swing, and is moving dong at a. very eerenoooe geit. The game is moot ebondent and the weether ell thet could he desired. All thus in left for you to do is to purchase your gun ond tmmnnition from us. We hove eold e number of very superior gone this season. end hove just. opened out another Inge shipment. Call‘end see our «great bargains. especially the .ioublebarrel. breech-loading Jim, gun we are giving away u, watch with. V ain Upon which we are the mom instswnt. That this dues not necessarily mean high prices win be evident the minute you learn ours. ' is the time tq get a bar- in a. wheelbarrow. W e This College is the Best :â€" llecause each student is taught separate- ly at his own deal“. , Becnnse all dithcnlties are thoroughly explained as they occur. thus avoiding loss oi time to the students and enabling them to accomplish more than is possible in class teachinz; ‘ A--J--‘ -AM:-OAL‘ -m:-I -.- guwwmmHoigammwmmékï¬ Not the Oldestâ€"Not the larges Just the Best. / If 3'01: wish to rocaive the Boat Commfl‘cial an Shorthand Education, it is necessary that you attend the Bestâ€" Ills suwww, ' Because each student does hxs work in- dependent of a.“ others thereby establish- ing conï¬dence m himself: Because by attending the day and even- mg classes, students graduate in a short time and gt a small cost; Becausojts graduates are enjoving the best positwns m almost every Canadian and Americunpits ; Because this Collars enjoys the conï¬- dence of the Business Public. Became it Matches Actual business from start to ï¬nish; Bea-nae it: Shonhaud utodeuts am doing W work. me writing *0 word! ‘w n13mm» nil. 1““ only two 333:; each studen} receives spocigl at- wnti m in his weak subjects and may choose higsubjects; ‘ C -l. _.-_.a--.‘ .1“... LL: nun-ll In- Busm ess College 99%??? «gï¬ï¬g%ï¬g%ï¬g*¢g%ï¬0*%$*‘g%ï¬ Ã©Ã©gï¬??g%i§ ï¬g John S. Mortimer, 433 Main Street The Mount Forest The land is covered with light scrub and smnll peplar, but enough cordwood could be out to more than pay for clearing. This is in the heart of a ï¬rst class settlement of English Speaking farmers. who are thrifty and pros- porous an (1 who would welcome and assist any new settler. The surrounding land is none of it held at less than $20 per acre, but to close out an estate, we are authorized to oï¬er this for a short time at $15 per acre. $1760 cash. balance in ï¬ve equal annual instalments. If deï¬nite ofl'er Was made, a smaller cash payment might be arranged. This soil is adeep black loam on clay subsoil and is exactly similar to that. of the far famed Portage Plains. which have produced as many as 20 successive crops of wheat without {allowing or manuring. There is no better land in the wide world. Newton Stations.) and only about 8 miles from Portage La Prairie, and about 50 miles from \Vinnipeg. 160 acres of the best land in Manitoba, not away West beyond all civilized surroundings. but right in the oldest and best part of Manitoba, within a mile and a. half of two different stations on the C. N. R. Main Line (Curtis f-â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"~â€"- Its No Fish Iarn But the Best of Woollen Yam of the Best Quality at $1 each In all shade and grades for home nae which we provide. Buy from us and insure satisfaction. SWEATERS WOOLLEN SOXS Visit. everv store in town and see their Wool 80:, 0mm pare goods with out-m 20 250 per pair, and M on be but. ONE result. We bought. before the dance in wool and yarn, and give watcmors the Mt. . Winnipeg. Partel Two is said,to have about 3 42 acres cleared with remainder fair ly well timbered, watered by Saugeen lRiver. Insures farm buildings and contents, dwellings and contents in towns and vii- lages. Everything in a. dwelling is covered by one sum. Contents of out-buildings in- cludes all the farm produce generally. Stacks and live stock from ï¬re or lightning; the widest range of insurnnce nt the lowest rate}. If your insurance expires this year it Will pay you to insure in the Sydenhnm. John Brown, Sr., _ Hanover P, John H. Smith, Allan Park P. O TERMS: 10 per cent. of the pnrr chase money to be paid on day of sale. 10 per cent. further 30 days there- after and remainder in full of the purchase money upon the ï¬rst day of March next (1906) when purchaser will be entitled to possession. The rroperty will be offered subject to re- serve bid. Sydenham Mutual Fire Ins. Co. ESTABLISHED 1869. HE UNDERSIGNED EXECU- IOI‘Q of [ha Infn Will ant] manta- mmsmm The property will be oï¬ered in one or two parcels as intending purchas- ers may request. Dated at Hanover, Sept 9, 1905 April l7th-6m. Valuable Farm Property. 1 mm of the late Willand Testa. ment of \Villiam A. Heazletc, late of the Township of Bentinck {arme1 deceased. will ofler for sale by PU B- LIC AUCTION at the Saturday. October 7th, 1905, at 2 o’ciock p. m., the following lands :â€" PARCEL I: Lots number 39 and 40 in the 3rd Con. north of the Dur- ham Road, in the Township of Ben- tinck. in the County of Grey, con- taining 100 acres more or less. PARCEL II: Lot number 37 in the 2nd concession. north of the Dur- ham Road, in the said Township of 'Bentinck. containing 50 acres more or less. Parcel One is said to have about 85 acres cleared and balance partly tim- bered with hardwood. river across back, orchard. large frame and con- crete dWelling house. frame bank barn 50 feet x 70 feet with stone stables and horse stables attached. concrete pig stable. frame driving house. soil largely clay loam. Auction Sale Queen’s Hotel Hanover, Drop a card to the woodshad and garrett and; REUEUBER THE PLACE . - LAIDLMV'8 01.0 87400. see if you haven’t something: J 1181: opened, next door north of Chief Carson’s, where - Bicycles. Sewing Machines, Lawn flowers. Lock Guns, Umbrellas, all kinds of Machi repaired. Saws ï¬led, Locks fit with keys. All work guaranteed. willbe val-ind on showed: notice We will give you a guarantee with them. We also carry HARDWARE and TINWARE. The cold weather will soon be here and you will want a Fur. nace or Steve. It will pay you to call in and see our ecock. We carry the very best lines such as the ' 'ur Pease Furnace Furnaces And Stoves Walker Pilot Range Siegner' Tinware and Hardware Repair Shop or to Robt. Brigham, Auctioneer. Allan Park. further pa..ticulars apply to J. H. McFAYDEN. Miller. Estate Agent. Hanover. ___OF_ s u ".15, um" mums. dachinery repaired cks fitted with keys. :1} k guaranteed. DURHAM P. O Executors %** ' ‘13?“ ï¬séka‘ï¬a‘ï¬Ã© Ha. é as; %%%%*%%éé% New Waistings Suitings Ladies’ Fall Skirts Ladies’ Coats The new range is ready for your inspectionâ€"We have all the most approved colors and materials, suitable weights for Suits and Shirt Waist Suitsâ€" all prices 250 to $1.50 See the special line of Dress Goods we are selling at 250 yd.. don’t miss it. We have the newest “mistingâ€"which are even more beautiful than in former senone- Green and Colored Goodsâ€"at 500, 650, and 75¢ a yd. Handsome i Length Coatsâ€"fancy tweeds, black frieze and black beaver $8 50 to $15.00. Short and Medium Length Jacketsâ€"mostly blackâ€"Avery nifty little costs, $5 00 to $10.00. A number of Ledies’ Coatsâ€"diï¬erent colors and styles~grouped to clear at $1 90 each. Ladiee’ Raincoats on bargein list. If you don’t. want to haveaskirt made, we step in and can supply you With a swell skirt. ready- made. Black. Nsvy or Tweedulenzth 38 to 44 inches Prices 82.50 to 85.50. You want Style, you also want Value. These are two of the particular features of our Ladies’ Coats this season. The other is Quality. If you want an exceptional Stylish Coat this yearâ€"as of course yOu doâ€"Here is the place, Now is the time, for you to buy. before the assortment get much brocken. We want to buy your Butter 'and Eggs at Highest Prices. _“‘_-.,'