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Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 Oct 1905, p. 5

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.. Proprietors. Wish you t time- and : sweet. b .180 a I talk to each one of hence we try to talk uthfully through our convince you that d absolutely true to 1 all times, to come any kind of goods EW’ 8 somezb an nwc )W '33 mummy: ug Store Q tree: ID ISS DICK 0Q L. GRANT AUTUMN Hf days .we have more no. to our stack. some Ito. who.esalns in Taro.”- particularly we will 5. nethinz o-nfively diIOl'OI‘ we were shufihg u m O 'b A'leh' 'to‘!e W.“ x" with U? d"! '0! N K hoiuln and with .1 .11 1h» with-100.0: plfpt'hi {at “a t OCTOBER 12 [no t’rlce List of 3t the tootwear ing sold at bat mp Ruffs We hgv. om 32 up to 0! Caperinos. \ll Ladio.’ Y EN SOUND. to make speci- our Millinory fete than ovu‘. have more new beaten mo-u .u again the new a stock. war 0! Chi]- * to sell ‘03 j! Bonnet. it! m't be \Ve have the finest selection of Guns that you will find anywhere and some great bargains. Muzzle- loading Guns from $2.00 up and Breece-loading Guns from 83.“) up to $50.“). Now is the time to get what you desire in that line. If its a Cooking Stove that you have to buy it will certainly pay you to come and see the good values we are offering. There is nothing to equal the “ Penn Esther” range. If it’s a. Heating Stove we are sure tomeet your views, as we haven larger selection than ever before in both coal and wood. Thinking Is all right, but doing is better. Others may think to at- tract to drug buyers by their prices alone. We do attract it of Superior Quality. That is the Point OCTOBER 12 1905 Better Stock ay. COAL OIL RANGES STOVES ['pon which we are the most insiszent. GUNS 1- of (Izm- sll Oil on ififivfififlflflflflflflw#flflhr'fl'ifiufl'ii*4? g 160 Acres For Sale 4* g If ymv wish to recnive the Begatpommercial [and Shorthand Education, It is necessary ': that you attend the Bastâ€"â€" 4»? 43 Main Street Winnip€g~ % . . . . . ‘ v, ”S - .,_, m MMMWWM “we gag é’lz Not the Oldest-Not the largest Just the Best. Business College Ifyoo, your friends or relatives suffer with Fits, Epilepsy, St. Vitus’ Dance, or Falling Sickness, write for a trial bottle and valuable in diseases to THE Lama Co., treatise on sue 179 King Street, W., Toronto, Canada. All dmggists sell or can obtain for you John S. Mortimer, EXCEL IN Touch, Tone, Volume and Finish. These are the four leading features of a piano, and every one has been brought to the highest point of perfection in the Nordheimer. In this piano you get the results of more than 60 years’ experience. Sold at one price to every purchaser. Easy terms of payment if desired. Write for our free booklet. The Mount Forest WINDSOR. 31'. THOHAS. as ouuna AVE. 356 TALBOT 31'. N ordh eim er Pianos 160 acres of the best land in Manitoba, not away West beyond all civilized surroundings, but right in the oldest and best part of Manitoba, within a mile and a half of two difierent stations on the C. N. R. Main Line (Curtis . Newton Stations.) and only about 8 miles from Portage La Prairie, and about 50 miles from Winnipeg. 'l‘his soil is a deep black loam on clay subsoil and is exactly similar to that of the far famed Portage Plains. which have produced as many as ‘20 successive crops of Wheat without {allowing or manuring. There is no better land in the wide world. The land is covered with lightscrub and smnll poplar, 'lmt enough cordwood could be out to more than pay for clearing. This is in the heart of a first class settlement of English speaking farmers, who are thrifty and pros- perous and who would welcome and assist any new settler. The surrounding land is none of it held at less than $20 per sore, but to close out an estate, we are authorized to ofler this for a short time at $15 per acre. $1760 cash. balance in five equal annual instalments. If definite offer Was made, a smaller cash payment might be arranged. leprices. Huntamund ’ End and gaxrett and ' 1 haven’t something want repaiyed. S 188 DUNDAS ST.. LONDON. The temperance convention for Centre Grey held here on Monday afternoon of last week was attended by about 150 delegates who took deep interest in the proceedings and manifested much enthusiasm towards the abolition of the bar. Rev. L. \V. Thom, of this place. presided in the absence of Rev. J. S I. \Vilson, the president, who was ill. Officers were . elected as follows: President. Rev. J S. I Wilson, Markdale; lst Vice Pres. Rev. L. W. Thom, Fleshertonn 2nd Vice Pres. Rev. J. A. Matheson,‘ Priceville; 3rd Vice Pres. Rev B. E. Kemp. Maxwell; Secretary. Mr. T. R. McKenzie. Portlaw; Trea Mr. \V. H. Thurston. Flesherton; Vice fixes. for the several municipalitiesâ€"Artemes- ia. J. A. Felstead; Markdale. \V. G. Pickell; Holland. John Cook; En- phrasia, Rev. D. B McLaren;Osprey Jame; Buckingham; Collingwood. Rev F. Scott; Thornbury. E. Ray- 1mond; Sullivan. Rev. '1‘. Watson. _Several interesting addresses were 5" - ‘vâ€"“_ given and among other resolutions was one unanimously adopted re- queSLing the encutive of each muni- cipality to take the necessary steps. forthwi'h to -ubmit the local option" hv-laws a: (be next municipal eho i tious A we” a'tentlod public meeting Was held in the Pxesbyterian Hunter; in the evening: when Rev Mr. Thom. again presided and splendid addresses Ware given by Rev. Dr. McLaren and Rev. \V. \V'. Ryan. of flocklyn; Mr. G. Pickell. of Markdaw, and Rev B H. Spence, of Toronto. Mr. Spence is a fluent speaker and his eloquently delivered address which was 10gica| in argument and bristled with telling points from abolition of the bar made a deep impressieu on his audience. Appropriate music was given by the “ “ _ I_._J:.II.. “PP. UPC Iâ€"v choir. Dr. Murray gave asnlendidly‘ rendered solo. and Mrs. Thom and Mrs. Blackburn. rendered a very pleasing: duets. A vote of thanks was tendered the Speakers and the Flesherton friends who entertained the delegates . Mr. Wm. Purvis, an old resident Mr. Wm. Purvis, an old resident of Artemesia. died at his home near Eugenia on Tuesday of last week, aged 89 years. The funeral took place to Salem cemetery On Thursday afternoon and was under the aus- pices of the Orange Order of which deceased had been long a member Rev, Dr Caldwell acted as_ chaplain and 3;; L -W.';Ilhom conducted the‘ xegular funeral service. Councillor, Ii Purvis e eon of the decemd. 3 In the absence of the driver for a i minute or two Mr. Triathlon bus‘ ream took sudden (lapel-tare from the depot on Wedneadny night of 1m week and had a lively no 00 till village where they were captured after collidmg with an decuio light pole west of the Presbyterian church. l‘he horses were uninjured, but the! has eufiered considerably in the col- lision. . Hr. SemnellFieher. of Eugenied who had his leg empateted in the! b---.. STRATl-‘ORD. w. ucmLLAN's. Flesherton. DURHAM CHRONICLE Winnipeg. hoepitul et Huntsville e ehort time ago we: brought home on a. stretcher lest week and stood the journey re- merkably well. Mr. W. Burnet he: moved into the Fewcett residence purchased by him a few months ago end life. .Hnstie idence vacated by Mr. Burnet. Mr. Bleker, woodworker in J A. Heurd’e carrie chap. hes moved his family from ruseels to Claudy Ekine’ res- idence east of the village. Artemeeie council is expending about one hundred dollers on the hill at. Hogge old mill on the Volley road and we ieern u very merked improve- ment is being made in the roud at that point. Under contract which commenced on the let inet. Vendelenr is receiv- ing n daily meil instead of tri-week- 1y. The former daily mail route from here to Epping by way of En- genia. end Kimberly now tekee- in Vendelenr. Mr. John Nnhn has had the pond' at the woollen mill empty for several days and is making considerable re- pairs at the dam. cement being large. ly used. The mill will be going soon again. Mr. John Rnnstadler. lost a val- uable horse last week with inflam- mation. The animal Was one of the handsome span of browns he purch. ased last spring for the egg waggon. ; Bornâ€"On Monday the 2nd inst to Mr. and Mrs. Lou Fisher of this place a daughter. A large number from here attended the Artemesia fall Fair at Priceville and Osprey Fair af. Feversham last _“._ -.A_A "u“ VUr-vJ â€" , week. We learn that both fairs were quite successful. A moving picture show under the management of Mr. J. B. Carnegie and which is reported very good. ex- hibited in the town hall here on Sat- urday, Sunday, and Monday evenings. On Saturday evening and Sunday evenings after the church service Sheldon’s, "In His Steps.” was illus- trated and on Monday evening the well known drama ”Ten Nights In a Bar-room.” was shown. Bailiff Wright has been nursing a bullet wound in one of his hands for a few days While handling a re volver it discharged and the bullet passed through the fleshy part of the hand, but fortunately did not touch the bone. The wound is healing sat isfaotorily. Our village was without electric lights on Friday and Saturday nights last and citizens had to resort to the discarded kerosene lamps. We un- derstand a bent shaft at the power house, Eugenia. was what put the plant out of business. The Epworth League about. thirty strong paid a return visit to the sise ter society at, Dundalk on Monday evening. Rev."R. H. Horne L. L. 3., or Elora, is to Speak on the work of the Lord’s Day Alliance in the Math- odist church on Friday evening this week. Anniversary services are to be he‘d in the Methodist, church on Sunday next. when Rev. N. Wellwodd, oi Dundalk. will preach morning and evening. Mr. Malcolm McDonald’s little daughter Maud gave an enjuyable birthday party last. Week to about, twenty of her young friends. Sydenham Mutual Fire Ins. Co. ESTABLISHED 1869. insures unu mum”... ...... --_ - . _ dwellings and contents in towns and vul- lnges. Everything in a dwelling is covered b one mm. Contents of outbuildings in- udes :11 the farm produce genernlly. Stacks and live stock from fire or lightning; the widest range of insurance nt the lowest yet». If your insnnnce expires this you it will pay you to more in the Sydenhun. Furnaces And Stoves The cold weather will soon be here and you will want 3 Fur nace or Stove. It will pav you to call in and see our stock. We carry the very best lines J. H. HcFAYDEN. Agent. Aptil Nthâ€"6m. DURHAM P. o We will give you a guarantee with them. We also carry HARDWARE and TINWARE. Walker Pilot Range (Continued on page 8) Tinware and Hardware Siegner such as the Was without electric guarantee We want to clear out our stock'of Fall and Winter Millinery as quickly as possible, so we are selling at Sweeping' Reductions. This is your chance to buy at money-saving prices-in many cases away below cost. Ladies Skirts Ladies’ Underskirts J AS. IRELAND Trimmed Hats, Ready-to-wears, Shapes, Feathers, Wings, all kinds of Trimmings. Orders filled promptly and at'prices that This is your chance. Don’t miss it. New, nifiy, up ”to date. The sums we have opened up are that They are also splendid values. Black Navy and Tweed. These are sulish and perfect fitting. and and are beautifully made of sateen and moreen colors. Black, Navy, Brovyn arrd Green. Prices, $1.25 to $2.00. “lit“? THE PLACE - . LAIDUW'B OLD um. The skirts we ' Q

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