West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 Oct 1905, p. 8

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'El W “m This at we open: at 7 a m. md 3x088“? 9t 7 p m except Weed and Sam m y OUR STOCK OF‘W Men Cash or Trade For Butter and Eggs. THE PEBPLE’S SHIRE And :1 finer collection it would be hard to find. In Inning we endeavored to get the best goods at 1ock bottom prices, and give 011! customers the benefit of our bargains. Call and see our large stock of Dress Goods, consisting of ROBERT BURNETT You will join us in saying they’re the finest it has ever been your fortune to look over. Is unsurpassed. See us before buying your fall or winter clothing. Remember we have a Special Line of Men’s Ten Dollar Suits, guaranteed to give satisfact- ion in both wear and style. Seeing is believing. LADIES’ SUITINGS _ CHILDREN’S SUITINGS ma. LADIES’ COATS, ETC. ONTARIO Spanâ€"W. Feirbeirn, Alex. McRee. Beet ledy driver, uninuried. epeoi- Brood more with fool by her eideâ€" 31 by 137- AileSODâ€"MIBS McArthnr Alex. McRee, Wm. Feirheirn, Henry and Miss M01393“ bOih 8015 18‘ prize. McDouggu, R. D. Dundee, government judge. Two your old fillyâ€"Alex. McRee, CATTLE. Jno. McMillan. DURHAMS. 000 3'9“ Old gelding 01' fillyâ€"H’y Bull, one yearâ€"Charles Molnnie, MODWB‘H. W Feirhairn. D. MoMillen, R. McEechern. Spring OOHâ€"H- 34000035“. W- Bull oelfâ€"-Wm. Patton. Geo. Snell Pntton, Alex. MoRee. mm “a 3rd. GENERAL PURPOSE- Miloh cowâ€"Don. McMillan. jno. Spanâ€"D. MoLechlen, J. Calder, Eckherdt 2nd and 3rd. Chas. MCRObb- _ One year heiferâ€"-joo Fairhnirn, Brood mere with foal by her sideâ€" jno. Eckherdt. R- Nicholson, Chas. McRobb. Heifer calfâ€"jno Eckherdt. Two year old gelding or fillyâ€"A. 035mg. MohamRoNicbOlsom mm. M..._;M, Ninhnl- A- Mn. Spring coltâ€"J‘s. Patton, D.'Mc- .LachlnnJu Patton. AGRICULTURAL Spanâ€"W. Fuirbnirn, Alex. McRne. Brood man with (0:1 by her sideâ€" Alex. McRno, Wm. Fairbnirn, Henry McDongnll. ARTEMESIA FALL FAIR Spring coltâ€"R. Nicholson, J. Eck- hardt. Alex. McEachern. BOADSTERR on CARRIAGE. Span horsesâ€"Dr. Watters, Wm. Patton. C. McRobh. HORSES. DRAUGHT. Draught Spanâ€"Jae. Patton, Jno Fairbairn. Brood mute with foal by her side â€"Jal. Putton lat and 2nd. One year old gelding or fillyâ€"Jae. Pntton. P353: 3mg}: "um”, "uh 1 One year heiterâ€"jtuo. Eckhardt, Brood mare with foal by her side - 300' Burnet, james Oliver. H. Watson, Jno. McRae, Chas.Mc- Heifer calfâ€"A. 9- MOLGOd. D00 McMillan. Pair two year steersâ€"james Oliver. .jno, Burnet. # flawâ€".Nfl .â€"_.____.__.-.,v__â€"_â€"..M ..__ . 7.- .._.__-_.__ . 'â€" Bring along your little boys. We can supply them with Extra Value in Fall Boots, at 750 pr. TERMS â€"â€" CASH CR PRODUCE. Don't miés this Sale of Children’s Boots «For 30 Days. Shoesâ€"regular price $1.25 Shearling r per pair. now selling at. . . . .750. juo. McMillan. REMEMBER: eBnuts at Little PIiBBS PRIZE LIST. (from page 2) Goods delivered promptly to all parts of town DURHAM CHRONICLE Innis. Two year old gelding or fillyâ€"C. C James, T. A. Ferguson, J. A. Swans ton. Single driver judged for style or speedâ€"R. Nicholson. J. Fairbairn J. Bur-net. Farmers' trotâ€"Colin McLean, C. McRobb, Jno. Burnet. Best spring colc special bv Dontld McRae by his horse ‘° Lord Walter” â€"jno. McRue. Alex. McEachern. One year heifer-inc Fairbairn, jno. Eckhardt. Heifer calfâ€"jno Eckherdt. GRADEG. Milch cowâ€"juo. Nichol. A. Mc- Eachern, jumes Knox. One year old geldingâ€"Herb Wet- eon. James Turner, Wm. Patton. Spring coltâ€"Chas. McInnie, Herb Watson. Two year heifer-inc. Burnet, jas. Auaaem, jno. Burnet. Pair one year sreersâ€"fiumes Oliver jno. Burnet. S H EE P' corswows. Aged ramâ€"Alex. Muir he and 20d. Shell-ling ramâ€"A. Mai-r. Ram lambâ€"A. Muir Is: and 2nd Pair aged ewesâ€"Alex, Muir 191: and 20d. LEICESTER, Aged ramwAlex. Muir, Thomas Nichol. Shearling ramâ€"j A. S'wanston. Pair aged ewes-â€"j. A. Swanston, jno. Eckhardt. Pair shearling ewes--A~lex. Muir, j. A. Swanstou. Pair ewe lambs-â€"j. A. Swanston, Alex. Muir. Ram lambâ€"Thomas Nichol, Alex. Muir. Ram lamb-:juo. Fairbairn lat and 2nd. Pair shear-ling ewesâ€"james Oliver, jno. Fairbairn. Shearling ram~~\Vm. F‘airbaim Is! and 20d. Pair aged ewesâ€"jno. Fairbairn let and 2m]. Aged. ram--R. McEachern. OXFORD. Aged ramâ€"juo. Fairbai‘m, Wm. Fairbai‘rn. Pair ewe lambsâ€"Wm. Fairbairn lst and 2nd. SWIN E. BERKSHIRE OR OTHER BLACK BREED. Boar over one yearâ€"Chas. McIunis jno. Eckhardt. 211d. YORKSHIRE AND OTHER WHITE BREED. White Nichol. Spring pig-«\Vm. Watson. john McBeth. Barred Plymouth Rocksâ€"'1‘. A. Ferguson. D. McMillan. XVbite Plymouth Rockâ€"G. Arrow- Smith lsc and 2nd. Pair Ducks-G. Arrowsmith. W. Watson. Turkeysâ€"j. McLean. W. j. Meade. Geeseâ€"T. A. Ferguson, G. Arrow- smith. Mrs. Wm. Mason. of Alliston, had a very narrow escape from death in Shelburne Wednesday evening of last week. Mrs. Mason and Mrs. John Dowkes were crossing the Vic- toria street crossing of the C. P. R. just as the evening train for the south was pulling out from the stat ion. Mrs. Dowkes was ahead and did not notice until she was several yards away, that her companion had slipped and fallen heavily on the rails, partially stunning herself. When'she made the horrifying dis- covery, the train was almost on them and she had barely gotten Msr. Mason to the side of the train whiz- zed by. The trainmen thought they had actually run over someone, and pulled up to investigate. It was in- deed an exceedingly close shave and one Mrs. Mason naturally has no de- sire to repeat.-â€"Shelhurne Economist. Equinoctisl storms oi the coast of coast of British Columbis, accompan- ied by osrthqusko shocks are cans: ins: start dunno to fishermen. Sow-duo. McBeth, juo. Eckbardt. Spring pig-â€"jno. Eckhardt lst. and Sow-â€"juo. Eckhardt. POULTRY. Wyaudotteâ€"W. Conkey. Bufl Cochinâ€"T. A. Ferguson. A Narrow Escape. Leghornâ€"j. Turner. '1‘. SHROPSUIRE. lives action of the bowels In“ Me! mtun with Ayor'c- Pub. A gene of Bell Telephone men who: are putting on new arms on the pole! and stringing two extra wires from Toronto to this point are nearing the village with their work which pro grasses at the rate of about one mile a day. The press of business on this line demands the extra wires. Mrs. J. Boles, niece of the late J \V. Armstrong. Esq . and daughter of Greenwich. Conn . U. S are the g: 0-138 of Mr. and Mrs. Hickling. Mr .D. Mc'l’avish- took a hurried’ trip to Toronto 138' week to see his son Charlie who was ill. but had a turn for the hotter. Mr. Mc'l‘avish also visited‘ his mother and sister at BuHLlo Mr. and S. A. Thompson. of Mid- burst, were in town on Sunday and worshiped in their old place in Chal- mer’s church». The farmer’s sister. Miss Elizabeth Thompson. known to manv here. is-,. we learn. soon to leave for Palestine to join her brother in missionary work among the Jews in Jerusalem. Mrs J. A. Boyd and‘daugdter Lily visited relatives at Mt. Foreat, over Saturday and' Sunday. Mr. and Mn. \V.‘ Moore visited relatives at Dromore on Sunday. Macdonald Institute and Consolidated School. Under the Auspices of the South Grey Teachers’ Institute the Grand Trunk Ry. will run an Excursion to Guelph on Tickets good going only on one train, to return same day only, except stations from Durham to Mt. Forest, inclusive. which are good to return the following day. The Lun gs For coughs, colds, bronchitis, asthma, weak throats, weak lungs: consumption, take Ayer 3 Cherry Pectoral. Always keep a bowie of it in the house. We have been saying this for 60 years, and so have the doctors. “In” and Am 050", PM I family fur 01m. It In tlut- but .33 gas: 'ufld' know!“ w :uroet nil 1-3 a e~=." In. J. 3. Ronnie. Wetthen. no. 222222: , warm II it . ' Jâ€" or m For the benefit of the teachers, the Professors of M acdonald Institute will arrange a program for the day. All friends of Education will be welcomed Don’t miss this opportuni: ty to visit the Model Farm, the Agricultural College. etc. Tea, Coffee and Water Furnished Free at the Institute. Arrangements are being made with a caterer for sand wich- es and cake at reasonable prices. Excursionists may, however, provide lunch otherwise. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE Cherry Pectoral FLESHERTON. (Continued from page 5 ) DURHAM .............. 7:30 .............. $1.15 .................. (9.60 VARNEY ... ......... 7:35 .............. 1.15 .................. .99 HOLSTEIN ............. 7. 49. ..1 15 .................. .99 MT. FOREST ........... 8.91 .............. 1.95 ................ .. .55 PALMERSTON ......... 8:30 .............. .95 ........ . ........ .59 MOOREFIELD... 8..:44.. .85 .................. .45 DRAYTON ............. 8.52 .............. .89 .............. .49 GOLDSTONE .......... .990 .............. '.80 .................. .49 ALMA... ................ 9.18 ............. .95 .................. .85 FERGUS ................ 9:25 ....... . ....... . 59 .................. .25 ELORA ................. 9:33 .............. .59 ............ . ..... .25 Arriving at Guelph 10:15 am. Returning, will leave Guelph at 6:05 p. 111,, Oct. 13th. 01- auy regular train Oct. 14th. STATION. LEAVE. TO Mr. Desgls of Eugenis hss w. lesrn, disposed of his electric lisht pltnt to the Gsorgisn Buy Power Co. Who srs giving him s good sslsry to remsin and msnsge the business. Hrs. Keller. of Toronto, pnid her cousin If. P. Tuigz. a short visit ‘lgsg "Oak. Convention. Dr. Caldwell, W. H, Boat and J A. Felstoad went to Thornbury on uondry to attend the Enst Grey 8, S. An Auction Sole will he held: Lot 34. Con. 1 South Durham Rood. Brent Township. on Tuesday, Oct. 17th. The following:â€" Between 75 end 100 heed o! cettle. the greater number from n few mos’ to 2 yenra’ old. shot-thorn arr-(lemme remninder being cows of diierent ngea. end 1 pure bred ehorthorn hull. There nre~35 eteere. 3 and 4 years old which mey be oflered. l aged more; 1 mere. r2 yours old, supposed in foul; l pony. 7 years old. Fm IKPLBKM. l mower; 11 straw cutter; l. pony, busily. end harness (nesrly new); 1 steel lund roller; 2 turnip drills dou- ble end singlo;;1 corn hsrvester; 1 2- horss corn cultivator; 1 light sleigh; 2 bobsleighs; 2'dump-cnrts and bar- ness; 6 about slings; 1 3200' lb weigh scale, and smaller articles. AUCTION _5ALE | Local News Item HOUSEHOLD GOOD! . l piano; some bedroom sets;.1’ wheel. ed invslld’s chair. rubber tired. 03ers will be peceived at this datr rnd until disposed of privately. to farms consisting of 100 acres of good land. four miles» north of Durham. (for information. apply hem on lot 34. Brent. or Wm. Veeeie, Durham) and 325 acres close to the town of Walker-con, on the east side, all good land and nearly all under good cul- tivation. If not sold soon will be rented for pasture. Also one rough .cast house ard {g acre of land with orchard just. outside the town limit. Tnnuszâ€"Cssh for all some of five dollars and uné‘sr; all over them sm- ount nine months' credit will be given on furnishing approved join: notes. 5‘73 per snnum 03 for cash. J. V. J oxmsrox d: Sous. Auctioneers. Farms, Farm Stock, etc. OCTOBER 12 1905 A DU LTS . DA‘HD Mommy. Proprietor. cuan‘x. LAWDBY woman or girl wantm My at the Middaugh House. In. W. J. MoCAumN has started Hack-mitt) shop in Ham's old sum mt the Middaugh Housv stamps. WICE \VAM‘ED to learn 1 m Witness. Must be qualified Apply at Darling's Drug Store. m “Toronto Star" says th County has been witnessing t» churn tint brings butter in tw m and infers that this is likel “O the question of kevping (hr the farm. AUCTION SALEâ€"Jim Aru cton. of Artzmesia. has an sale at pedigreed stock adv CREDIT Auction Salouf horsvs, «1 com: and young stock, at lot 8. cm Glenelg. on Friday. Oct. 30th. W Edwards, pn'opriewx': (imn'go Nu auctioneer. ing boxes or [fit THE Embro (.‘ourier has this of Mr. \V. Saunders, sun of S. l’. den, of this place: “Mr. 5.1-; of the C. P. R. survey ramp. :1 “It choirs of Knox church :11 Modist church on Sunday can; at the morning svrvim- in church and at the evvning svr‘ the Methodist church. Mr. Sa possesses astrong, rich haritun and his solos were much onjnyv chipping goods. The score mum- fen'ed to some time ago has lK‘t'll modeled and is now thought to In “fly good condition for the pun-p intended. Though impmx'ed in penance. it can scarcely he Palld beauty yet. Eleven thousand dull of the preferred stock has been 1 and the balance is just about arraq for. About forty or fifty men now employed and in a short time force will be increased. This is pioneer industry in Durham. and in the success of which we alwnym an interest. I PIE AS!) Box Sum“. uml. ANNIVERSARY ion with the file on ON. 8111 and success. KPV. I Stutthawm prea mon from Dan. and in the owl evangelistic 591'! .0109. Un Mum was filled and a ing of music. (ii was carried out [five a, stiring z don \Vcn‘k. (' togethvr with 1 to $1.1m THE Furniture Uompan y It. is refreshing in ”II‘N' I1.I_\ ~ .. I . I hve been known lI) thv >1 I;_'I- I'Hl play-going pIIhliI {III III .I: I\ I conturv. still maintain ‘IhI II I.” Vogue in the illl‘a‘l'iI‘ :Il “III .II. I non-t [S “East LVIIIII‘, ' \VIIII'II VI produced in the TIIWII Hall. in mud IeSSIIII~ um I powerful II “stage. TIII- organimiiun I. M of selmu d not III°.~ :IIIIl :Iv-I ley ill a pl‘lIfIllIlllnII’ mel for SIIIIII‘IUIIIII»: III! ~.- qung. [LI IIIIIIiII~ .I \\. I I but interest and [ht‘l‘t’ is: .I I ‘II Mingling of (‘0!)10I‘} and M R” the “NJ“ III I III a 1 fhfimflhle excitement. T-III II‘ ” kl toonVincmg nl‘lnllI I I . , km the lemblaucv II: i z Roads 38-110. 2013. 3088" for Anglo 83x01 R Bur" aye that (in witnessing tests on 3 butter in twu min! Lt this is likely m sea f Imonimr the hovs 1 Nu. (N. N add Ilt had Mr. Arthur Jnhl 91h Kiv B W 1 ll In extensi ndvertised arms th Ill ( brat l‘ V '0" In m L11

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