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Durham Chronicle (1867), 9 Nov 1905, p. 5

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efited 6 will or all harm- ifyou physi 8 will 18 and ‘3 'd in having Id wuhworh. o to hue ‘ wase. Inter ‘eason i. we invite our cal! and have 3 lo 0! when 30d .mmle directly r0 haw- just I'D- I tin- wholeulo. nudes in plan 103 and mauvo. lithe beau! I and TURBAIB WEAR. qumen ues In [ms u 0! ladies ILLINERY All Wool I'IO. 2U] Rufls )l‘ 'a pa mierwear re RANT ICK 1 905 30 ul You are invited to call and inSpect our assortment of Fancy Lamps, second to none in design. quality quantity and price. We are well supplied with Game Traps of every description. If you intend clipping your horse, do it now, be- fore tne cold weather sets in. Our clippers range in price 1r(m 750 to $250. A select stock to choose from at price: that cefy competi- tion. N0 old stock. In Side Window We will Show afew lines of Toilet Soap ranging in price from 100 per lb to 500 cake. Full stock of everything found in a first-class drug store. .ta‘w 1-" r mln Cuorry Cmes and Horse ' Brushes we have what you require. Our store never contain- ed such an immense stuck of Horse Blankets You van have one for 500. Overhaul yous cattle stables and see if you are Shut of any Cattle Chains. In cattle chains we shin . W. BLACK Do not anow your hands to getused up when you can secure a pair of Fall Mitts m- Gloves so cheap. SMOKERS'SUNDRIES NOVEMBER 2, 1905 Drug Store. Front Window The Draggist. A lmys You buve to work hard. This uses up lots of nerve force and tens down the body faster thzn it. can build up. The result is s haliodesd ieeling you csn’t shake oi? Somehow you must get more vitality. The waiter in your blood must be turned into nutriment and building materiel. This is just what happens in using Fen-ozone. which renews the blood and nerves. and makes each organ do the work that nature expects of it. Ferrozone quickly increase: your weight. brings appetite and heulthy color, inatils n reserve of vigor into the system that defies wearinosa. ox‘ hmsrion, debility, or sickneu of any kind. The enormous strengthening power of Ferrozone is proved in the case of Mrs. Edward Hill of Orr Lake. Ont... who snya: “My dcctor said to try Ferrozone. and it did me good in a few days. I increased in strength. the nervous sensations disappeared. and with my lappetite came back my color and good spirits I have gained over ten pounds in weight. and as my age is 56 I consider Ferrozone is a marvel ”- HSigned) Mrs. Edward Hill. I REMEMBER THIS: Ferrczone is a true mnic---not an alcoholic stimu- ;lanr Fifty chocolate-coated tablets iin a. llOX for fifty cents, or six boxes for $23.50 at all deaiers. or N. 0 P01- son Co . Hartford, Conn . U S. A and Kirgston. Ont. “Two rears ago I had a nervous breakdown. At. nightI tossed rest- iessly in bed, unable to get. any rest from sleep. In the morning I sufier- ed from overpowering weakness. My appetite was poor. I grew pale. thinl'and despondent. A slight hack- ing cough also added to my burden. THOSE 11 1111 have 11911611111 11 copy of i 1111-. beautiful picture, entitled "Queen I A l11X111111111, 111111 (11111111111111111111 and Dogs." 111-11 simply amazed that such 11 i l1111111tif11l pi111111111 can he incinded with j 5111 h 11 111111111 11s the F11111iiv Herald 111111 ; \V 9111113 Stat of M11ntre11l,1111d all {1111 1 111111 1111li111111 3 13111. The I 11111in 1111111111 1 publishvrs b.111111111t11i111y 81111111381111 11H 1 11111111111 effm ts. It IS 11. p111 feet gem of 11 picture, far different to anything ever before issued with that great pa- 1 per. T11 see it is to want it, 111111 with ithe I111n1ii3 11911111] and “'11111113' Star at 111113' 111111 dollar pen 30111 is beyond 11 1111~ti1111 the higgest 11111111. in the 11 1111'111111111 11111111] t11-d113. | 'l'nE huh-hm- business carried on by Messrs "irth . 'l‘m-nlmll has been dispnsvd of. Rod. Mucfarlane, recent- as he is well and favorably known in and about. Durham, we have no hesi. tatinn in predicting his success. v [.1' FFm, Mi. 11., and fmmm-}y of this place, :35 the lucky purchaser, and Not the Didestâ€" Not the targest ‘Justlhe Best If \M! wish .0 reroixe the 89st Commercial ana Shortlmnd Education: it. is necessary that um attend the Beat-â€" Ill“ LUllllu‘ I V ' luau-~â€" Became by amending the day and own- ing clam-es, :~tudents graduate in a short tin c and at a small cost: 1 mum its waduates are eujoving tzlie hes rmsitions in almost every Canadian and An erican cit}; Betatise. this College enjoys the coni'o dence of the Business Public. Because it teubee Actual business fro- start to finial): Became its Sltmhand students are doing man elleus umlt. («me writing mo welds per minute after attending only two months: Be°auee at the bend of it is a man whose qualint'atieus :0.- a teacher are unexcelled and whose ambition is to see his student! become get d citizens. morally. socially and financially. Open July and August. f Mowers. Lock Guns, Umoreuas, @ all kinds of Machinery repaired. ' Sawsflled, Locksfitted with keys. - All work guaranteed. This College is the “ext :â€" Becattse each student i4 taught separate. ly at his (‘M'tndesltz Became all difficulties are thomuahly explained as they occur. thus avoiding loss at time to the students and enabling them to accomplishmore than is possible Iva-class teaching; Because each student receives special at.- tenti n in his weak subjects and may ehrose higsubjectr; I A A...__.A J ‘4‘ ‘.:u ‘nvt.n't :nA Illu‘ FUUJ{\ II , Because eadn student does his work in- dependnn of all otbets thereby establish- ing confideyce fig hiqroself: _ A‘ A ‘_‘-I n‘na “‘0“- The Mount Forest Business College latnnlâ€" But It’o Dangerous. willhe repaired on shortest notice ' at rezmnahleprices. Huntamund ( the woodshed and garrett and see if you haven’t something : you want repaired. ‘ Bicycles. Sewing Machines. â€"- v - n,__._ 12-..; EVERYBODY DELIGHTED WHY 80 WILEY? Repair Shop ““w ~” . T. CLANCY. Prin. 1". Hello Central! Ring up the Cor- nor Gander. we can’t let him fly much longer without going through the Opera'ion of plucking his wing feathers. Mr Jae. Ritchie returned home Iasr Saturday night. after a two [nunlhi sojomn in the Golden West. looking as if that. country agreed with him. Miss BeHa McGirr is improving after an attack of sciatica of the nerv. 'We now to see her able to go around moo. Mrs W‘Vhitmoxe having rented her house, moved Ja-zt week to the home A REPORT reached this omce that diphthnia was so alalmirgly preva lent in Markdale there being seventz- houses placarded and the authoritiga going to qumntene the whole village. 0!;er and Mrs. Tbos Davis of Lfime- Kiin Valley, where she will spend the winter. A flack M wild geese was bound going soutn-wvst. onn night last week. and we thought. that. Lha Corner Gander might, be om! of the flock. chat. is. if ha is not already sizzling in somrhudy's bake-oven Hallome’en paused off very quiutly in thia hung, the boys thinking that the night, was roodi-sagreeable to he out playing; tricks Our Sunday School closed last. th bath for (he wvumr with ava huge attendance. va. Mr. Farqnharson was also present Mr Thos Meenagh has lately im- proved tho looks of his dwelling house by a coat. of Manitoba siding, and tar paper inside of it. making it so much better to keep out the cold in winter Mr Robt. Lindsay of Bentinck vis- ited friends in the burn one dny last week. ' Miss Marga-wt Lindsay visited friends near Holstein one day last week Mr. James Atkinson visited at. Mr. James Ritchie’s a. week ago Sunday. A social held at. lower Richie School a week ago Wednesday night was a grand success. Immediately after supper was served an excellent program was gone through with Everybodv had an immense time and went. home hoppy. Messrs Wesley and Stanley Mc- Nally are at present employed in Ball’s Furniture Factory in Hanover. Mr and Mrs, Toichnrd haunreuted Mm \Vhiuuurv’s residwuce. and muved in Thanksuinng week. We income them to our midst We :phoned for particulars and are pleased to learn the report is absolute- ly false there being only two or three hadcnsesinthephoe. ABook That no Farmer Can Afimd to he Without Compiled by the Agricultural Editors of the Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal. at the Request of Hundreds of Readers " :: IT CAN BE HAD FREE: The moat couplete Faruera' Handbook and Veterlnary Onlde ev er loanedâ€"Slnple and practlcal lnlonnatlon al the [raateat value to every laraler. 0 Three hundred and titty-eight subjects dealt with: every one at Interest and many of the- lllnatrated. We offer a lull year’s subscription to The Durham Chronicle. a lull year’s sub- scription to that greatest sf all Weeklies. the Family Herald and Weekl Star of Montreal. including their beautiful picture. “$106!! Alextndrau Her rend,- children and Dogs.” and 1 copy of "The Fsrmer’s . all for 31.3). A sample copy of the picture and book can be seen at this office THE D U R H A M CHRONICLE Darkie’sCorners. 160 acres of the best land in Manitoba. not away West beyond all civilized surroundings, but right in the oldest and beet. part of Manitoba, within a mile and a half of two difierent stations on the C. N. R Main Line (Curtis Newton Stations.) and only about 8 miles from Portage La Prairie, and about. 50 miles from Winnipeg. 'l‘his soil is adeep black loam on clay subsoil and is exactly similar to that of the far famed Poctage Plains. whiob have produced as many as ‘20 SthCC-‘Sive craps of wheat without. {allowing or manuriug. There isno better land in the wide world. The land is covered with light scrub and smnll ponlar. but enough cordwood could be cut to more than pay for clearing. This is in the heart. of a first class settlement of English Speaking farmers. who are thtifty and pros- per one and w ho Would welcome and assist any new settler. The surrounding land is none of it held at. less than 8‘20 per acre, but ‘to close out an estates, we are authorize-(1 to ofler this for a short time at $15 per ..cre. $1760 cash. balance m five Pqual annual instalments. If definite ofl'er \vub made, asmnller cash pay-men: might be arranged DURHAM CHRONICLE All persons owing me are respect- fully requested to call at the old stand and settle their accounts on or before Dec. lst, otherwise they will be placed in other bands for collection. Insures farm hnildinszs and contents, dwellings and contents in towns and vii- lages. Iverything in a dwelling is oovdroed b one sum. Contents of out-buildings in- udes all the farm produce generally. Stacks and live stock from fire or lightning; the widest range of insurance at the lowest rates. If your insurance expires this year it will pay you to insure in the Sydenhan. Sydenham Mutual Fite Ins. Co. ESTABLISHED 19. Drop s can to '3; ”am The cold weather will soon be here and you will want 9. Fur nave or Stove. It will pav you to call in and see our smock. We carry the very best lines such as the We also carry HARDWARE and TINWARE. Furnaces And Stoves We will give you a guarantee with them. Pease Furnace Siegner Iinware and Hardware Walker Pilot Range J. n. rerun“. Agent, NOTICE W. J. FIRTH, Butcher. 4%, Winnipeg. DURHAM PO X tmmflmvrrmmmufimrwr J AS. IRELAND Furs Ladies’ astrachan fur jackets in different lengths, 30.00, 32.00, 35.00 and 40.00 Stoles and neck pieces in every conceivable fur and style, prices from 5.00 to 25.00 12 dozen men’s and boys’ bow ties 120 each, 3 for 25c 10 dozen men’s ties. reg 25c tor 150 each Black vicuna cloth coat. regular 10.00 for 8.50. Tweed coats, worth 15.00 for 12.80 Black frieze, odd coats, 2.50 to 5.00 Children’s winter coats 2.25, 3.00, 450,500,550, 6.00 Ladies’ raigprooferavenette coats, to clear, 25 per Sateen and Moreen, prices 1.25 to 2.00. cent ofregular prices Ladies’ wool golfers 1.50 and 1.75 Suitable for suitings, separate §kirts and coats, 54‘ inehes wide, wool ,qunds, $1.50 for $1 00. Tartans, flecked and plain goods, 25c. to 500. New Tartans, beautiful effects, 1.25 to 1.50 per yard. Tweed Skirts, also black and navy, 2.50 to 5. Ladies’ Skirts, Well Tailored . _-â€"_.,."â€" ' >1}? an? ’18" 3m“ Ladies’ Coats at Low Prices REUEUBER THE PLACE Ladies’ Underskirts Men’s Neckwear UIDU W's OLD CHUD. mam .-

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