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Durham Chronicle (1867), 16 Nov 1905, p. 2

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'the door, expectant. impatient, though .the visitors' gallery would not be open No the public until 12. She drew from her belt the one remaining lint: oi' tanner opulence. It still lacked ten {minutes and she slipped the watch back with a scarcely breathed sigh. 6Why had she come here at all. she thought accusingly? She would be bet- lter visiting the stores in search of a iposition as clerk; there were surely flame business houses she had not yet been in. Andâ€"and besides-â€" ' Her eyes were brighter. and a flush Lennie and descended to her lips in u isott. evanescent smile that was more like the smile of the old days before ithe wistfulness came. , A ' She had been standing at the post- oflce door, and he had looked previseiy a he had that day when ae parted mm them in the Arizona canyon. he a penniiess prospector and her father an extensive mine owner. And he 1::le not forgotten. Even before she sow him {he had sprung from a carriage. with- ‘out regard to his horses, and was com- : "Yes, temporarily; a job in the sen- ‘jte chamber. You remember I was a Jack of all trades. from a farm boy to En impecunlous prosrmctor. with occao anal (labs at fresco painting and jour- nalism to help me thraugh collego. But I will not detain you hots.- in the wind .IIIF longer." lug up the postotfice steps with out- Itretchcd hands. “Good heavens! You here, Muriel-â€" H133 Ashburton,” he had cried, with is “1111088 in his voice whia-h be dis! not Ittompt to conceal and whirl: brought Ig‘ M light nothin and Ir yo: [91‘ en tin If: “Thank you. I “'71! be there early. I would ash to go back with you now. but '1 have an appointment which is already overdue. Isn‘t it provldential. though. this meeting? I have been in Washington only three days. and to turn up against you like thls!" . “Have you employment here?” she had asked for want of something bet- ter to say. but 1 them!) though. Wash?! : "She had watthed him spring into the carriage and drive away, an odd light in her eyes and a warm color in her cheeks. As she went down the side- walk she laughed softly. Eight years before she would not have been like this. Evidently he was without any ngular employment, just doing some mporary work in the senate chamber -fresco najr lily, for he had and I l .0 She went up the middle steps and turned around the corner to the right A long line was extending back from iim “Deranged Liver” A Job In the Senate 3, Email. Chamber 5.... It debility are the main ceuses. V The symptoms in; Yellow eyes â€"yellow skinâ€"pains in shouldersâ€"irregular bowelsâ€"bad taste â€"shortness of breathâ€"a dry, hacking coughâ€"languorâ€" depressed spirits. The nervous system is disturbed and a disinclination for work. These are a few of the symptoms of a deranged liver. “ Psvcmux ” is- an invaluable remedy in any of the above symptoms. It is the tonic you need to tone up the system. It will steady the nerves, set the liver in proper working order and cleanse all impurities from the blood. “ PSYCHINE” will banish insomnia, dispel depression, and revive all the dormant energies. After using one or two bottles there will be no more trouble with the liver. Just try and see the results. This disease is increasing with alarming rapidity. Large numbers of people are its victims. It is no respecter of personsâ€"young, old and middle aged, are numbered in the long list of sufl’erers. Worrz, anxietz, overwork, and general Copyright. M5. by Frank B. Sweet GREATEST OF ALI- TONIOB N K13!) it) OK .‘cn any bad you {‘On‘ upuxatuu taken do markabk in Canad it was me he moun‘ until the His GOV u" a \ â€"“---‘-. the Grand Trunk Rain car he began to dabbc the air with an odor t‘. ductar registered his (1 disciple of science, whi‘ d â€"-:rn.' markebie ability to meet any situation instantly and perfectly. When he was in Canada, and the terrible storms cut of! all telegraphic communication, and it v is neressary to get word to Sarnier, an American town across th 9 border, he mounted a locomotive and “tooted” a telegraphic message again and again until the answer came. Spoken of being familiar with that. At first. from his being in the (tarriage holding the horses. she had thought he might be a coachman, waiting for his employer‘s return. lnt. after all, what did it matter? Coachman or painter or inmwrnnious prospmtor, he was warm hearted and honest and ambitious. She could read that in his eyes and in the strong. full grasp of his hands. And he had remembered her antiâ€"and cared for her. It was beautiful to know that in the hurrying, indifferent world there was one Who Still thought of her and eat-ml for her a little. The manner or :a-‘k of employment was such a small water compared with that. Knowl- go of life soon leveled such petty dis- tim-tions. ~ Almost unconsciously her steps had turned toward the capitol. The 011le me nit om ativc seemed a coutinuati on 0! her search for employment, and, some- how, she shrank from that just now, iwon though she had been restricting lu'-*vif to a singlv meal a day for a l THOMKS A. EDISON The World’s Greatest Inventor '1 ne eight hundred or more patents credited to Thomas A. Edison means one for every three weeks of his fifty-eight years, and even this calculation is unjust to his mechanical genius, for it does not include his many ixm' :- tions which never ventured into the publicity that patents demand._ trim: N s first patent was for a machine for recording votes for the State ture. It worked perfectly, but it was the very thing the Legislature n-dially did not want. In the same year he went to New York friend- mifless, in debt, hungry. footsore and heart-weary at times, but with Me open for chances. The Laws Gold Reporting (30., that reported ransartions, had an accident that put a‘l its machinery out. of com- . Wall Street patrons fretted, chafed, grew frenzied at the delay. Edison diagnosed the difficulty, treated it instantly, and was at once an“ recognized. A short time later he had a $40,000 check in his; l'n‘.’ a stock ticker he invented. Then real life began for him. + 1' of his inventions in a few lines is like seeking to condense a in 0 an ep'. grain; but mention must be made of m iltiplex toting rap! 1y, Brent elmtric lighting. the phonograph, moving pidm‘es the micro- the tacimeter. the odoroscope. electric pen, his storage battery, the (me, which list faintly suggests a host of others. She )r a stock til :91! of his 11 nto an epigr vent electric he tasimeter ne. which 11 woukl It W: colvln'ate the finding :‘l o zoning (111th the :z‘: mum's} be unusual- men: 0! Canada, In the year 1905, by W. C. Mack, at the I we ”-3. ..‘ 1y interesting, and perhaps she might see this friend himself or some or the Work he had been doing. There was a sudden stir in the line ahead of her, and she felt herself being pushed forward. The dwr was open at last, and foot my foot, yard by yard, she was being innmlled toward it. But when she entered every seat was; taken, and she could only ermvd herself into the narrow Space behind the hut row. She could see the eh;.}.~i:ain and a few of the Senators am I‘ve far side of the chamber nmlwnpnn 13.: We: 1303115 in ‘ sight 3 gm'rzeou': (31.43. a," u!’ tum-rs. prayer there \ quick, She (with emotion)-Do you really care for me just as mud} u when we were first engaged? He (with convic- damâ€"Yea. levey, every single hit an She had now :1 g...--..n2. \‘wx' ..,' in. chamber, and hur gaze >\\\‘,;’. 4‘ Hymnal: from desk to desk. Many of Mn rm: utors she recognizvd from 1.)il‘[l.;"“- .~;-,' had seen in current periodicals. Si; (‘tvnly she started and half arose. rim- }:zu'. not thought to see him down thm'a‘; if she mot him at all it would M m one of the currizmrs, and pmmiziy ,;: work. But thorv he 113. at (mv 1:: the desks, examining some papers. ’s'hzlt did it mean? He had no righ: to he in there now. while the scu.ma 'as in session. were now going homo M 2v. she was able to stop do“. u ’ sent in one of the from 1m. - An hour later she desvvmlm to flu- ncxt floor. still (lnzzml :uul “watering As she left the Monitor she mm his: rue-e to face. “What! you new. Murielâ€"Miss A)“ human?" he crlx 1 "This is spa-uni " .\'I.-".' we mm ”111' ‘inzt talk .~.'I 1.. Mini»: n hi! mm '21:. I know :x 1' 3. little mhio down .2: n manor of :‘w cat'- whcre wo mm be :..|' a, «m Y9 will tall k \"hil'e we mt 0:111: 1.1L Como." .. .z)‘ ‘3..." vyw, ' ‘x’lzy were you in there. at at dust?" the «..u...=.m‘.ed. “In the senate (-lxrzxzzhor? 0h. Hugh‘s. my job. You see. v-riwn i left yau that day I wont straight t?) one of tiw now [owns and openm a law office. My father was a lzn'cyor. and I had studied with him. Somehow the peopie seemed to like my way». and last year they batched up a plot to sum! me here. But come. we can talk better at the table. I have u pronosition for your considera- tion. um .” his voice suddenly becom- ing cf'v'v. “I !'.~.' 1‘ 3'91! "'32? he an}? to 201'8 “"0. Pr 0 3011i film was looking at him with “Me H ‘tll ,Cowrisht’ Photo. New York W0 00. n DO 0 g C0,, that r chinery out 4 lnzied at the LILV. and was; 340.000 check can for him. behind the last row. chaplain and a few the far Side of the 1 the few desks in 5;)?215’ of ޢ3WOr‘-‘-. 12mm the 0;: 211212, 2! 122-". 1.2" (‘2, 2‘32221‘2 rtmcnt of DURHAM CHRONICLE Do you know if». Is history? Yes, It Is, though nat as dry as history some- times 19.. Auyt‘ : ~ is history that shows the [spirit o.‘ :iw times. and this wash day in All;\".";a :2. showed the spirit of the first arrivum. J‘ They Commenced. An Irishman on being made foreman of :1 gang of laborers Wished to Show his authority to those under him on the first morning of his promotion. “Now, look here. boys,” said he, “when I say ‘Comminco‘ you have all to commince. and them that don’t com- mince when I say commlnce won’t commince. So connnlnce.”â€"London Standard. \AGUARANTBEDCURE The women were rowed to shore, and in the cold, salty water of the bay this Monday in November, 162:0, the first ladies In America washed and scrubbed In the good English fzthlzion too. Fires were built. water hegzted and clothes spread out on 1':- trees and snow. When all was liz- I'm-:1 to the satisfac- tion of the we". they sighed with pleasure and szrd. wi‘toanlluess is akin to godliness.” The Mayflower drifted into Massa- chusetts bay and lay at anchor outside in a little sheltered cove. The father- had gone ashore to see if there was a place suitable for landing. The morn- ing was Monday, and it seemed that the old fashioned desire to tidy up came over the hearts of the good houn- keeping women of the little band. It lay Be a Legacy to Us From the Mayflower Putt-Inna. Did you wonder how it came about that in our country all families think they must do their washing on Mon- day? Poor Instruction. “Did Jones make much money giving memory lessons?” asked Mr. Dobbs, and his friend explained, says London Modern Society, the reason why J ones' business vas not a success. “No,” was the reply. “Most of his “No,” was the reply. “31 students forgot to pay him.” Hone-t About It. “What is the difference between his- tory and fiction 1’” “Well,” answered the unbel person, “one gre:.t diflTorouoo i: fiction frunksy owns up to be ing 13 untrue." «mu! 3m in past-paid bV Latest Patterns, Shades, and Best Quality 3 N) ‘39. ht!“ “‘1" Hz! n MONDAY AS WASH DAY. We Make elllCt‘. :HHH ”NIH Al. t!;_:!u-tizm- gummm i2. «xiv. Mu: “(Mumm- shié. ."Jéx‘t‘léil‘yg‘ you mm! hum tin. heavy. wearing 'l‘\\'w¢,l,t0 the finest quiH} in (,thViOt, Sc-Ig‘v. M'd “'(I‘Stvd. 1n Fancy. much or Blue. in Men’s Furnishings we are right up-to-date in Hats and Caps, Working or Fancy Shirts, Ties, Collars, Sox, (haves, Umbrellas, Suspenders, Underwear, Sweaters. In that merything that is hmnd in :m up-to- dutr- furnishing Store. J. L. FLARITY Ml 1H We Guarantee Give us :c ('31? and bu Hmsfivd. m PRIC PS RIGHT ml‘ih Medicine; in the Illnuny H H :X/AU Men ”Mu-aw I’mtrmling him: A; mX’IMEN'l‘ ltl n! h‘IW IOHg mmuu tic- n givcm :u_- “a. l|.n~n’t it l.‘ m Ul “(tidal . 2“! L1 U15 , Llo- FOR FILES unbelieving m0. is. that wing: large- N BRUCE S'l‘., DURHAM, NEW brick house. 303.32; 2; storeys high; dOuble cellar, cement floor in one half. furnace in the other half. Small barn with stone stable under- neath. Convenient to station, Furniture Factory and Cream Separatdr VVox-ka. Will sell cheap to Quick purchaser The owner is going Vest. For further particulars apply 0.: WM. LEGGET’I‘H. Junt14‘ a. Box 92, DURHAM. A house. celhr under whole house. six rooms. good well. about half an acre of land well located on College iStreet. For par- ticular: apply to Sept, 11th.6pd JOHN M. LITTLE. D tinck. consisting of 100 acres. in good stateof cultivation. On the property is a good veneered house. frame burn on stone foundation. and good outbuildings. Good bearing orchard. 1 mile from post office and church. For particulars apply to TH OS. A. BOYLE 19- 4. A Eng. quad stable. smallorchard, well heated m Durham. Will sellcheap to quick purchaser. Apply _ . _ ROBERT SMITH. Sent 17. 4 to Durham Sept. 17. 4 to, maleor femaie. Duties t0 crmumence JAn. 3906. Apnlv. stating: salarv to HUGH R. munELL. the year 1906, An exwrienced teach er preferred. Apply. staziug salary to THOS. CROSS. Sec 'l‘reasq VI‘EACHER WANTED FOR SCHOOL January 1. Section N0 3. Glmmlg. Applicatimns will be received up to September 26m fur a teacher holding a Second-Class l’rtfessimaul Certificate. Personal application preferr- 9d. Salary $400. Duties to commence 1 _ ‘ _ â€" ‘ o ' .lonelg, Male ur rmnale. holding Second-Class Certificate. dunes to com- menace January 1906. Personal apphcatmu preferred. W. J . KERREY. TH E HANOVER CON VEYANCI‘ Aug 29. 4nd 100 ACRES. south-west of Varney. in Nou- MANBY. An extra good farm and well improved. Owner anxious to 20 West. 100 ACRES. BENTINCK. near Rocky San ueen. Good farm with good timber Will sell cheap. DURHAM RESIDENCE. belonging to Mr J. L. Br )wne. photographer. offered; an snap price :50 ACRES. BENTINCK. nonh‘ot Allan I;ark. Well improved and offered very c leap. NEW ADVERTISEMENT. H. H. Miller MONEY TO LOAN at lowest rates. DEBTS COLLECTED. BUSINESS DIFFICULTIES arranged. C. P R. TICKETS for sale mall points. Always Pram-Nova Negllmt. INSURANCES PLACED in No. 1 Com pauieu at low rates. Take Care of Your Horses Feet ..... s R _ $0 Farm For Sale or Rent. 30R SCHOOL SECTION NO House For sale or Rent. House and Lot For sale :5 ACRES. on 18th Concession of NOR. MANBY. Well im raved and welllocated Offered cheap. ill rent if not sold. EING LOT 29, CON. 11. BEN; QR S S. NO GOOD COMFORTABLE DWELL- GOOD TWO STOREY FRAME Teacher Wanted. Teacher \k’anted. Teacher Wanted. Teacher Wanted. House For Sale. in levelling and balanc- ing your horse’s foothl have the Scientific \Horse Foot Levellor which is the latest and boat. contrivmce for that purpose and will gnu-unto. 23M, 1906. Now offers the following : '0 MORE GUESS WORK. WM. RITCHIE. Spc’y. Edge Hill, 1‘. O NO. 1.5}. ‘BENTINCK, H. H. MILLER. BENTINCK. FUR Waudby, Out. LOUD!) Dornnéh Crawford , IaRi AFINE STOCK FARM 4 miles from Durham. with nice brick house. alone foun. detiou horn. good lent-es. abundance of water. The .ropert) comprises 150 acres oflund.of w ich nearly all is cultivable. The owner is giving up tanning and the property is offered at a sacrifice to a quick purchaser. Only small payment required TWO LOTS IN THE TOWKSHII’ 0F GLENELG will be sokifiiiher together or separately. Each con prises lm acres and on each them is a you! home. These farms are about seven miles from Durham and are oflered for sale very cheaply. One is near- ly all in prarv aux! would wit “gone lock- lug tor a .zrauw ‘~"'n. T‘: - iunlzer [articu- are annlv t“ U about six miles from Durham. Good title. Possassmu at mwe. (n‘tod land. Must be sold. For particulars appry tn Durham. The {arm consists of 42$ acres â€"about 4 acres uoodland. tlm balance un- der crass. Comfortable dwelling: and good comforuble outbuildings. Small orchard. Just the kind of place for a dairy farmer or market. gardener. Sold at right price and on easy terms as the proprietor in- tends going won and wishes todibpuw uf it. U 63 Bentinck Con. 2 W. G. RH ad- igining the “Corpn‘ratiou 9f the Tom: of 0,. Po TEIAE‘ORD. 1"”.h Feb. 22nd 1905 -â€"-t.f first class running For furtl Jan. Eli'sâ€"ti H. BURNETT. Pronriemr Jan. 20, 1905.-â€"tf. Dualuu, Ox'r ham, in flu acres more < lars applv u U at comfortable, conveniently sit Hated house on Lambtxm street west Spring water tap in kitchen. Ron reasonable. Apply to Nov. 8th. HREE ROOMS ABOVE A. Mc- Laughlan’s Store. recentlv uccxmied bv .I. Lungblan’s Store. recentlyuccupied Dr. Gunu as officeâ€"to rent on easy :9 Apply to W. H. BEAN. Sec’y A. F. 8: A. M. 6-..---uv a» -vvua UV! U‘l. ‘ \JJV. U, Bentil 0k. on or about the 25th of Sept. 4 large yearling heifers. Two of them are Hereford bred. White heads; and two blark Galloway's. Information lending to their recovery will be rewarded bv camâ€"4.- ARCHIE WILSON. Prop. N THE MATTER OF "THE DUR- ham Natural gas Oil Compan . Lim- ited. Notice is hereby given tlnatT e Dur- ham Natural Gas Uil Compan '. Limited. an Incorporated Companv for t e purpose of prospecting for. dealing in and selling natural gas and petroleum. has made an as- signment to me under the provisions of Chapter 147 of the Revised Statutes of Ou- tario. 'M. A meeting of the creditors of the said In- nolvent will held at the office of .l. P Tel- ford at the Town of Durham. in the County of Grey. on the 9th day of November. A D. 1905. tit the hour of 8:21) o’clock in the after- noon. to receive a statement of the infant}. and to appoint. Inspectors. fixing their remuneration. and for the ordering of the afl'nire of the crate uenerall y. I." ~~.v~w*" And further MIKE! {101;«9 that on and m‘é'r the ?Ih .day of hovember “06,1 will proceed to dmnbute the amen; of the said ”at.” alumna the. cveduors a! whore c aims 1 shall then hum notice. - v. _ an Dated at Durbnm this 25th day of October. A. D. 1905. The creditors of the mid insolvent are betel) ' nequiud to file tlwir claims «in. age or wit a my holieitor. duly pruveu m uQm" ed by the {aid Act. on or bemre the date of such meeting. )ARK LOT NU .\1 BER. nril RICK ()K l‘fln .I W. CR Also hchflll building,r NOVEMBER 16 1905 O'l‘ Emu HARTS 01" L015 M! AND N THE GARAFRAXA ROAD TRA YED FROM LOT 34. VON House to Rent. Hâ€".-â€"â€" N TH 1* FIRST OF DECEMBER Good Farm for Sale. miles nm-fl Town Lots GOOD 7 ROOMEI) HOI'SIC FUR rent in UpperTuwu. Apply to J. M. LA'l‘lM ER. For Sale or Rent. Pa rl \'. L 0t For 3 a! e A8816! EB'B NOTICE TO CBEDITOBS. Houses for Sate. Farms For Sale. h' to i-‘arm 2m bale Cattle Estray. «Her :6 nth TO LET. TO LET. T808 A. HARRIS. Aunt)”. Dunhun. Unurio. Vendor’s Sulicitur mt ”(r MCIXTYBE, Durham "7¢0~.o?nf.9{ fibhieiton- J. P. 1‘31.qu .‘u’J k M Eâ€"A PPLY 'I RAWFORD. f Grey, or tarma (hood hlti': 'o'nimn to u: npnlv m Sadnm uts nr Sn the '1 MW. 17?“. Min (will ale. Edge Hill. mun par uralin :16 With e barn. f side of ;_ Now further Ari-um m OI" am IC 11 ‘ 'fir" M8 or rchtives mafia with ..‘, u. W, St. Vitus' Dmcc, or Fallixg wt: for t trial bottle and valuable x “in auddueucs to Tux mea La. mm W., Tacoma, Canada. All afluflumobuinfor you Wuebouao 24 Front St. W. 'l‘orol Rubbers. Complete stock ready telephone to I m WILDCA“ ‘5' _4-â€" (thud. Suddenly me oocupn‘ tho on were ltI , “0 Ion“! r. “The cat’s out I m on b wormod its way 2h CM flock” of the cage and Nod on the «(a besvde rm ”1',“ work n. his desk. In ”tho tin. no. nought “81 *0 0‘ W. cm! the cl 3 > . ‘ r‘m RUBBER FOOTWE. BOULTER. DA Geo. E. Boulter. I! you lucid tho qudity. “BER 16 1905 1! your Shocm! Rabbi-I lot u. how 3.. .Quhuonod A CAR. WINNIP‘

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