West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 16 Nov 1905, p. 3

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lac-h )CK FARM 4 miles '1. nice brick huuee, stone ‘0..- goc-d tones, abundant. d m; on) runwrises 150 331. ch nearly a“ is (’lllti'fim wing up {arming CDC. I“ Prod at a mention to a q.“ My .-n :4! “uncut "quit“ ftho creditwrs . f the said I!!- vld at the MEL-e n! J. P To!- vm hf Durham, in the Con-a a 9!]: dam of Buvembor. A. III’ of 3:230 o'clock in tho “g... r. a statement of the titan. in! Inspeclurs, thing 3*. and fur the nrdering of a Mate generafly. .- . T0 1 he tarts 'al gas 5; Oi! Comp.» . Lh- I have by given :hntTKe Dar- :8! Uil Compani. Limit“. .‘umpanv for I e purpo- fnr. dealing in and all“ :1 petroleum. has made an n- ‘0 under the provisions ‘ the Raviscd Matures of 03‘ value Izofifi‘. Hm! honour 3:06.! BER 16 1905 tle Estray. I rewarded b‘ RCHIE “I! TTER OF “THE DUB- '3!" : heifers w him I. in! and ‘arm for Sale 1:03 A. Mauls. Aid but... UI SSIGNEE‘ 8 T0 CBEDITOBS I. “is an U "I! ROM I s For Sale. \\ RN!- no: t! AB( id insolvent I" it chums filth ‘ [Jth'll a.- yq‘f ts hf 42% “I. 7L9 balance un- viling and good NLail orchard. a dairy fame: at right mic. prnprintor il- tmlispusa u! it. ‘. Proprietor DITRHAM, Om (A ROADâ€"- “XSIHP 0' rr run-the? or \V ”()X. PH l’!‘ 00 um- ' 25!}: of Sept. mt’ them are Rd two) [>th “I”! In their 1h?!» fgyi; Hm gm] gr. Um- is '. filimifli \\ 1!) pr “:2 aims I I Hz.- 13 any. 3: 1.0 lqck. «1 "then- -..._.â€" ”If: (18:. i 2 AND “W I) A. M .\l “at Hill. of In "you, your friends or retain- “fluvial figs, Epilepsy, St. Vitus’ Dance, or FaIlmg Sickness, write for 1 his! botfle and valuabk (realist on such discus to TH: Lulu) Co.. - ll! 0" L- I‘__-.I- A II , Come. let us kill the old men ot‘r, they’re ' only in the way; Herb W. Edwards oi Des Moines. The young men are the ones we need. Iowa. got a fall on an icy walk last. and they alone should sway. winter. spraining his wrist and bruis ' There’s 900’ 01d T0130“ how “um“ his his knees. u'rh. next day.” he and mean his actions are says. “they were so sore and stifl I Compared with those of Nicholas. the "70°! ’0‘" friends 0' "Ink” “M'm' was afraid I would have to stay in glorious young Czar. g, E lit 5 , St. Vitus’ Dance or Fallin . Sines: ‘53:: forattialbottle a’nd nluabig bed. but I rubbed them "“11 “"th Let every man be chloroformed when mama on such diseases to T"; Luna C0,, Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and after a he has reached three-score, ,79 King Street, W., Toronto, Canada. All few applications all soreness had dis He has no rgiht to linger on, his use- drug4w“1‘°'““°bum‘°'y0° appeared.” For sale at Parker’s tulness 13 o'er. How grand the world might be to-day‘ _ .mnuua E II- Dru Store . I AI IBE 3 .... l 1! Gladstone. Tennyson, LEIBIG’SFITGURE 7., I Warehouse ‘24 Front St. W. Rubbers. Complete stock il'mwfi" WILDCAT IN A CAR. Conductor William Algie, Meesen-l ; ger Mathewson end en Owen Sound S treveller hed en exciting experience ‘1 in e Grend Ttunk beggeue cer with e ‘ wild cet en route from Owen Sound i: to London the other dey. The cet Owen Sound The :feline wee held prisoner in e heevy wire cage. It heceme very eevege. end in a lreuey ot rege endeevored to liberete iteell' Conductor Algie'e ettention Weel dream to the metter. end he eeeured the ettendence in the cer of the trev With eller in cherge o! the euimel. e heevy stick the eet wee Quieted. Suddenly the oocupente of the car were etertled bv the cry of the meaeenger. “The cet’e out boy! ” The cet hed wormed its we! through the meshes of the oege end wee e beside the I”. Conger, et work et hie deek. Inetent I]. the three men eought eefety on piles of beggege, end the eet wee nonerch of ell he eurveyed. Growl i't 6timely end eliding elmoet from end to end at the eer in e vein elert ‘0 and oerese. the inlnrieted eet kept ‘D O "in of terror. The Queen.” .enred hie revolver. but the trenl- . b head out he would not am hle| "fl!- ‘Ofldnetet Mule etlete‘ NOVEEBER 16 1905 azalm BOULTER, DAVIES 6: COMPANY. Geo. E. Boulter. Chas. A. Davies. St. W. Toronto, Central Ontario to stock ready for quick deliveries telephone to Factory or Toronto. that the door of the car he opened and the animal allowed to escape, and finally this was efiected and the cat. with the train travelling at fifty miles an hour. elunk out upon the platform and leaped from the car. With mighty springs it crossed fen. ' ‘--â€"h 1" over Post. v ---v- as Nerviline. Twenty drops takon in hot water three times daily th only steps the chills hut destroys the disease completely. Nerviline has a direct action on ague and chills and removes their exciting causes. In stomach and bowel disorders Nervxl. ine has held first place for nearly fifty vests. It’s powerful, swift to act. thorough. and perfectly safe. Being pleasant to take it’s papular ‘ with evershody. Your druggvst sells i Polson’s Nerviline in large 256., hot- I tles; satisfaction guarantei-d. 2:31. {trimâ€"inn] Herb W. Edwards Injured. dd We know 0! no remedy so reliut The annual Sunday School emer- minment. will be held in Knox Church (Normunby) on Friday evening, Nov. 10th. Agoodprogram is being pre- pared. Addresses will be given by Dr. Brown of Holstein and Rev. Mr. Ste- phenson of Vurney. Music by Meesrl' Bamage and Isaac ot Dromors. :The ;cburcb choir and others will also con- | tribute bathe evening's entertainment. ht To Care Fever, Chills, Agna. A 'IWO CENT STAMP. Agents Merchants Write, telegraph Refreshments welcomed. tako n Let every man be chloroformed when he has reached three-score, He has no rglht to linger on, his use- fulness is o'er. How grand the world might be to-day. it Gladstone. Tennyson, Grim Bismarck and great Hugo 311 had died at forty-one. A man at fifty is no manâ€"he's but a. headstrong tool. There England trans away behindâ€"her ruler’s old, poor thing! But see how Spain looms at the front, with her sublime young King. â€"8. E. Klser. How the Republic Absorb: the Men of the Northern Zone. “Statistics are heavy dry goods,” said Dr. S. Morley Wickett, in opening his address at the Empire Club in Toronto, on “Canadians in the United States.” In a certain sense migrations were the his- tory of a people. They were different to-day than in centuries past, .when whole tribes and nations pushed west- ward. Now migration was a matter of individual concern. The nation loses valuable developing forces. The indi- vidual migrating finds himself a bet- ter field. The data on which he based his re- marks were somewhat incomplete, be- ing taken from the United States cen- sus returns. In 1900 there were 10,356,- 000 foreigners in the United tSates. 0! these .181.000 were Canadian-born. forming 11.4 per cent. of the foreign. population. Among these 395,000 were French-Canadians. There were also “0,000, Dr. Wickett estimated, of Can- adian parentage, and 812,000, whom he would not count, having one Canadian parent. There were, therefore, 986,000 English-Canadians, and 636,000 French- Canadians across the line. As every Canadian cost $1,000 to nourish and educate, it might be considered that Canada had an investment in the Re- . public of $1__,500,000.000. “â€" - --4 A... no Danauu. The Canadian immigration to the States had increased from 6.6 per cent. in 1850 to 11.4 per cent. in 1900, while the Irish had fallen from 42 per cent. to 15 per cent. The increase since 1880 of Canadians had been 20 per cent. while that of all foreign immigration was only 12 per cent. *‘AL- n-.._ Contrary to belief, most of the Can- adians went to the country or smaller towns. Dr. Wickett quoted the figures for the chief cities, with Chicago at 84,479, which might be doubled when those of Canadian descent were reck- oned. Boston and Cambridge had 62,- 000; Detroit, 29,000; New York, 21.000. English-Canadians were found in the North Atlantic and North Central States chiefly. California had 29,000. and Colorado 10,000. A‘L.‘ --A -- “A.“ Vv-~-- The loss to Canada. in fifty years amounted to 3,250,000, equal to a money value of The speake! thought that the return migration to Canada. had only just begun, and was an Important element. “- ‘A- A-Ln-‘A "I IIIIIJVA $-un. vâ€"â€"----__ __ The decline in irth rate In Ontario he believed was not actual, as the only safe basis of calculation was in rela- tion to the people of marriageable age. The younger people were being drawn away from Ontario, and the supposed decline was little more than a surmise based on the observation that tamiliel are smaller than formerly. Under the heading of “Where will the men come from?” The Canadian Military Gazette of February 28th has the following remarks: “Do we fully realize what providing twenty-five hundred additional per- manent soldiers means in a country like Canada? We have at present an organized permanent force of some? where in the neighborhood of a thou- sand men, with authority for the estab- lishment of as many more. well, what about this force? Why. it is vastly under strength to-day. That being the case, how can we look to get three times as many more well-trained men of good physique to man the forts at Halifax and Esquimalt? “We are pouring forth our thous- sands like water to induce immigrants to come to Canada, well knowing that our great natural resources require men‘ for their exploitation, and yet we will1 soon be called upon to take well on to tive employment. “Can it be done on present rates 1 of pay? “'e think not, and if to get the men the pay must be largely in- creased, can two millions per annum meet the bill? The change may be all rightâ€"the majority think it is soâ€"but It is a great change, none the less, and many difficulties will have to be met and overcome before it is satisfactorily accomplished.” CANADIANS GONE SOUTH. To Canadians castles are associated with the storied Rhine. picturesque England or France and Spain, but it is interesting to remember that there are a number of ancient Canadian cas- tles still existing, the chief ones being St. Ours. Rimouski, St. Eustache. Lot- biniere. Montibello. Ste. Marie de la Beauce. Vaudreil. Rouville, and. mo'st Y built in 1665 by Gert de de Ramezay. at that time Governor of the District of Montreal and mm of the Royal and Military Order_ot“8t. Louis. From I- -A m..-â€" -1. out the fossils! Give the boys 3 chance to write and rule; mellow- J v a -v- -â€" usu -- him was descended the last French Governor of Quebec. st the time of the capitulatlon in 1759. From that time to 1840 the cestle remsined in the pos- session of the Governmwt. snd wss the residence of the French end English Governors until the units! was transâ€" ferred from Montreal to Quebec. It is now owned by the Antiqusrisn Society. which has msde of it s museum for his- torieel relics of the old regime. end ss such it possesses much interest for visitors to the one-time espitsi ed New 'use'Lass OLD MEN. Canadian Castles. Serious Problem. DURHAM C most of the Can- WE ARE SHOWING MENS’ HEAVY BOOTS for Fall wear, LADIES’ MISSES‘ CHILDREN'S in heavy or light wear. CUSTOM VVURK and J. S. Mcllraith. WANT TELESCOPES an CLUB BAGS At. Lowest Prices. SHOE DBESSINGS Custom Carding DURHAM. MENS’ WORKING GLOVES Unlined. In various styles and prices. It. will pay you to examine thesegoods before buying elsewhere. REPAIRING as usual AI‘ um Down-rows suon swan. 'l‘m'ms: - - - COEh. JUST ARRIVEDâ€"A cal-load of WINDSOR SALT. Highest Quality Coleman’s Meats MATTHEWS 8: LAIIMER le Of many kinds. Would ask you to try “vb-Time.” It has been e good seller end is a good polish. A New Stock of Some good values in Terms: For which we will pay the highest price in Cash or Trade. We keep on hand a large assort- ment of Blankets, T weeds, Yarns, etc, and a full stock of Groceries. 52.71:; 0....“ ' I M a ALL ORDERS at. nt m on an. m Wat’s um will to pro-pd, .1 nrn’s Meats and Larda always on hand. Goods delivered promptly) to any place in the town. S. SCOTT Flour 5: Feed and Spinning. mo Bum. Lowest Prices. ONTARIO. “Live and lama/21‘2” Ossmsm‘ms“ Frost Wood Implements The Sherlock Organs This small ad vertisement represents one of the largest end best business colleges: m Cansds No school In the Dominion does more for its stndente than wedo. To our knowledge not One of our grad ustos is unemployed° We get far more applications then we can meet, You may enter st sny time. Write for our handsome catalogue. STANDARD Ind WHITE Sewing Machines Melotte Separators HAVE YOU? Any old Worn silver? It so, I am prepared to re- plate it. Bring it in now while [have the time. All work guaranteed. Prices Moderate, and Strictly Cash. Geo. Yiirs. CALDER â€"â€" BLOCK â€"â€" DURHAM The Big 4 Fur Caperines at. 3. 5, 6. 6.50. 89. Fur Rufl’s at 1.50. 3 00. 4.75, $5.00. Large size éBed Comforters :t 1.25 1. 75. 2.002 ,.$3 00. Large 114 size Flannelette Blankets-white and grey at 81.20. Women’s outside Shirts for fell or winter st 2.50, 300, 3.50. 84.50. :{Lsdies’ winter Vests from 250 up. Children’s winter Vests from 13c up Men's Cardigan Jackets at 81.00 and 81.40. . CAMPBELL, Agent. DURHAM,0NT. A lot of Palor and Bedroom Lumps d1 pnces. W.H. Bean Elliott Molachlan m can: A 001.1) In on nu STRATFORD. ONTA RIO. New Honey Just In He 86118 Cheap of all kinds for the Farm, the Home and the Dairy. AGENCY. I’RINCIPALS. Ogilvie’c Roynl Household Flour, $5.80 per burrel. Other High Grade Manitob‘ Flo", 85. 40 tad 85. 55 per barrel. McGoqu'l Family Flour ut dud prion. Choice Bread . . and Confections A. W. WATSON Tho oohool is womanly oqnipnod in tucking obility. in enemies! nod electrics! supplies and fittings. em. for mu Junior having and [nu-io- nlotion work. The following competent no! on -_ -L-.._- MISS FLOSSIE MCKERRACHEB. Fir-(.01... Ceruflce'e and thin! your under-(redeem of Queeen'c University. Science. Binary end Geo- mob y. MISS KARY GORDON. First Clan with ho.- oro. (Mute of Onurio Normal College. Mathe- matics and English Grammar during lode! Term. . Intending students ehould enter nt the begin- ning of the term if possible. Bond an be ob- tnlned at reasonable rates. Dnrhnm is 3 bed and active town. making it. a most doe place of residence. WM. JOHNSTON, Chairmun. DURHAM SCHOOL. STAFF AND EQUIPMENT. T808. ALLAN. Int Ch“ Certificate. P113. [[88 L. K. FORFA R. Chutes. Modem 5‘ We Mn: a Any Putt at tho Town. The undersigned h. Vin been restored to ma by simple mount “to" sting for covers] an with a «van in; macaw. sad that M 4m . a sub“ to Ink. hon wm~w' .â€" â€"â€"â€"â€"---__ - to his fellow enlerere the noun of euro. thoee who desire it.‘ he will cheerfully mud. - â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"l-“‘_ - WIN)" W110 uwuu nu. uv wu- vâ€"w.-_--, -1" _, , ot clnrgo I. copy of the preocdptlon mod. whloll ll and sure can» for Consul-9th.. the vi J... Chum. Bronchitis .nd :1] throuund lung fulfil“. Ho ho sll «Moron will try his mnedg. u it h in Mia. Thou dun-lug the pruo ptlon. which will can then nothing and my rows a bleach: . will plan ultim- IomBD ARDA. W .Brookls'o.N-'Yut The People’s Grocery and Provision Store ml nous but. In" 901' has. -' m PAM u u u . mow; nail, flour. 6‘ Highs! him In I'm-cu. Good- dollnrod promptly in town Constantly on hsnd tad deli» cared to 0.11 pun of town dtily T0 CONSUMPTIVES. Try Us for All Kinds flighdimde Floats. PROPRIETOR. loan. 81.00 per month Flour. C. RAHAGI. 6‘

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