West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 16 Nov 1905, p. 4

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m ‘13: At the qnerterly Oficisl Boerd meeting of the lethodiet church on Thorsdey lest Stewerde were elected for the ensuing twelve months so follows: Pleeherton, Wm. Cleyton, (Bee. Ste'erd) Bobt. Weller. W. J. Bellsmy, W. 11. Armstrong. 8 W Sherman. It wee resolved by the Boerd thet‘the fortnightly Sabbath service st Ceylon be discontinued. but the week night m-rvice will be continued. m will, .9 in former veers,sllowthe peetnr to give full Corrie» 'o rhe Pleehenon end Mee- lord Ram] magi-unions, A resolu- tion w... 413 - adopted to be presented to Anternesi's to-vushlp_conncil org- The Women’s Institute of Anemes it. Rue ; very anaconda] fowl supper st the residue. 0! It. and Mrs. W. J. Lover. an but line. on Friday O'Ching 1;». W0 lam: tint :bout “thy-five won mom und 3 very ujoyublo "can. was spent. C. W. Bellamy was the contractor sad we learn did an excellent job. On Saturday last at an auction sale concluded by R. J. Spronle. the old school house and woodshed were sold. The former went to John Wright of this place at 837.00 and the latter to Frank Clark at. 820.00, both of which have to bo removed at once. Some furnishings of the old school were the sold and brought a considerable The handsome new brick school in No. 3, east of the village is completed and is being taken possession ol this week by teacher Reid and his pupils who will doubtless enjoy their com- {ortahle quarters this winter. Mr The. Presbyterian Toronto. con- tained the following interesting item last week from its Winnipeg corres- pondent respecting Rev. John Wells. I former pastor in Chalmers church here. ”Rev. John Wells. of Holland whom we mentioned reesently as hav- ing resigned his charge and intend- ing to take up his residence in Tor- onto, was given a my al send 06 by the citizens of Holland. From town and counny they came, Presbyterian and otheraise filled the town hall to overflowing, read him a highly com- plimentary address and presented him with a fat puree of gold. Thus a ministry of eight years closes hat national}, leaving happy memories. DURHAM CHRONICLE Durham. Nov. 16, 1905 MacFarlane (f1 Co. LAMPS See Our New China. If you want a nice lamp see our stock. In fact come to us for anything in the lamp goods line. W. IRWIN. Editor and Proprietor for a genuine 25c worth. They are being picked up quick. As usual, we have some dainty pieces which we are sure will please you. We have also bought sev- eral cases of cheaper lots. Bruggists Bookseiiers. This week we are busy unpacking our Fall Impor- tation of Fancy China, part of which is now in stock. North Window Flesherton. Atchdeacon Young M. A . of SimU coo, preached 1n the School House on Sundsv and was very much enjoyed.‘ He has on any flow of lengnuge and «no. reasoning powers. ad cw Mr Joe Lenuox purchased c new weagon and a high priced mere re- cently and appeared as if he was go ing to hem the test. looking outfit. in this part, but be aheved 08 his mous niche in: week end gave himself a terrible set back so far as appear- cncee are concerned. No Poison in Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. From Napier New Zealand Herald: Two yearsago the Pharmacy Board of New South “Wales. Australia, had an analysis made of all the cough medicines that were sold in that market. Out of the entire list they found only one that they declared was entirely free from all poisons. This exception was Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, made by the Chamb- erlain Medicine Company, Des Moines Iowa. U. S. A. The absence of all narcotics makes this remedy the safest and best that can he had; and it is with a feeling of security that any mother can give it to her little ones. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy ia especially recommended by its makers for coughs, colds. croup and whoon' g cough. This remedy is for a?“ Parker’s Drug Store. Mr. Wm. Lawrence hes once more gone the rounds of tax collector for the north half of the township and bed the Opportunity of honing the best wishes of the ratepayers for the townehip council end all Others con- cerned in raising the taxes forty per cent. Mrs. (Rev.) Thom was at Toronto, and Mrs. Folstead at Orangeville on Tuesday. Mrs. Andrew Cullen, also of Silver Creek is visiting her sister and other old friends here. Mrs. Birdsay, of Silver Creek, N. Y.. is visiting her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. John Harrison, and other relatives in this vicinity. Mr and Mrs. Herb Smith attempt- ml to drive to Collingwood on Sun- day, but bad roods caused them to turn at Singhamptun. Mrs. W". E. \Vhite has returned to her home at Markdule after an extend- ed visit with her sisters here. Dr. Murrav was advised as fewj M days ago of the arl'inl at Toronto, 0!" his sister. Miss Kare Murray. from; m..- London. England. Miss Murray.i . _ who is on a Visit, to Canada, was a} 693'” 00"““68 a: paQSenger to Montreal on the Bav- : “"9 "f ar‘gmpent. nrian which {oundered on the rocks] Our ‘5 5- “0' returning down the St. Lawrence lmg’” “"‘S admin been the Very b4 born in harmony I amer of every nu: arc of rendering t1 will merely give entertainers least nhla fn An fhnm : Mr. W. E Richardson spent. part of last week with his daughter in Toronto. Mr. Jas. )Iiilar visited his home at “'alkerton from Saturday 13:11 Tues- day. Mr. M K Richardson sup plied the! Methodist pulpit with his usual ac 5 ceptance on Sunday moaning last. 5 The Epworth League here was en [attained on Monday awning by the president, Mr. Edgar Bellamy, at the home» of his parents. Mr. and Mrs C. W. Bellamy, eaqtof the village). The League gave Mr Bellamv a pleasant. surprisv by presenting him With a handsome- traveHing companion. Mrs. Spence and children left last Week to Spend the winter in Toronto. QLRev. L. \V. Thom and Mrs. Thom. were at. Caledon East: on Monday, the former presiding at Presbytery and the induction of a minister. On Tuesday Mr. Tnom. Mr. Felstead and Mrs. Radley attended the annual con- vention of the Young People’s Soci cries of the Orangeviiln Presbytery at Caledon. Mr Beaker has moved to Mr. A. Bentham’s residence near the Game. tary. Mrs John Chard was accompanied by her husband on Friday last to the hospital at Hamilton where today (Monday) she is to undergo an opera- tion [or the removal of a tumor in the region of the heart. Mrs. Chard’s numerous friends sincerely hope for her resroration to health. Principal Mansell celebrated the King’s birthday with appropriate ex- eroies in school on Thursday last. Though nor a public holiday we look ed aloft for the town hall flags but the stafi stood unadorned all day. Nevertheless we are a loyal peeple. and heartily pray “Long live the King.” We reported loet week that no serious prnnke had been plowed on Hallowe’en. but at the time of writ- ing had noc leerned them Mr. Henry Howurd’e residence hed sufl’ered by the destruction of a. large pane of glue from the ohorge of on air gun. Mr. Howard’s mother, a very hiflhly esteemed old lody,woe sitting Oppo- site the window received a severe nervous shock by the unexpected crush. Pranks involving the (188‘ truction of property and endangerink life should not go unpunished. Dr. E w Pmn.'nr.n. H. Hender- son and Thorpe Wrmbt. Esq On exacutivo committee. Dr. E K. Rich- ardson, Dr Fred Murray. A. D. Thurston sud W. N. Hemphill. At the ennnel election 0! oficere of the Grey Old Boye in Toronto lest week we notice thet Fleeherton and vicinity is well repteeented by the “old boys” chosen from tbll locelity. ea follows: Hon Free. and Secretory C. W. Chadwick; Hen. Vici-Prge . village and resume his tnde. CORNER CONCERNS. The boys who played simple tricks on Hallowe’en are thought none the less of for doing so. they look so very guilty since as to be conclusive evi- dence that they are not much accns~ tomed to wrong-doing. George Marshall has been dicker- ing with Charlie Grey for the pur- chase of his farm for the past month and. it is reported. last week closed the deal. We presume it is true as any farmer who got a chance last week would be apt to go out of the farming business. The teacher and scholars are com- fortable in the new school even though they will have to use the old blafickboard for a. few days. AyersPills Want your moustachg or heard "6 abuntlfillirown orgi'géll black? Use m: on. Miss Aggie Sirrs 15 with her sister, Mrs. Chapman, of Mt. Forest, who is ill. Our 8 S. concert last Tuesday night was admitted bv all to hawe‘ been the very best HVH!‘ held berel both in liar-intuit and exvellent char j amer of every number as well as thel art of rendering them. therefore, we3 will merely give the names of the entertainers least we should be un-3 able to do them justice in giving a description. The speakers were '1‘. Allan, Durham; Supt. Allan. of this place; and Rev. Mr. Holmes with; Rev. Bice in the chair. Singerszl Dr. Brown. the Misses Limin. Or-l chard, Freemen and the sehoolandl choir. The reciters were Miss 31.! Johnson and Miss M. Mead and a‘ number of the school scholars. The ‘ organises were the Misses Sharp. Limin and Eden. The programme proceeds. $15.50 i easily convince an audience along his It is only a few weeks till Chrietmas. and this is a good time to look over our stock, and if we have anything that will suit you. We are willing to have you moke your selections nowâ€"pay a little deposit. on itâ€"and we’ll sn iv ssic’e {u 30) till 3m: “out it SUGGESTIONS ~Hair Brushes, Hand Mirrors. Cut Glass, Japan China. Silverware, St»: lim: siWer salt. muetard. cofl'ee. orange. tea. dessert. mole and baby spoonn. sugar shells. all sizes of 18(1er and veumh!» and fruit spoons. Sided, fish. 0) star. fruit and bref {orkm and a full line of knives together with carving sets in Not too soon to he think- ing of Christmas ? Is it W nah maknr Durham, A. GORDON DURHAMCHRONICLE Jeweflor. Mr. *1. T. Orchard was unitrd in the holy bonds of macrimouv last. Tuesday morning; With \lisa Lizzie Poliock. of Holszain. Their many Miller McLean has statwd a camp of twenty five men in his: woods again this winter. Burt. \Villis iq head cook and understalds his job The cement road given Mr. McLean excellent shipping accommodation so that be will he as anxious for the marl to hold out. as any of the Stock holders of the Company. Your Darkie Corner man com- plains thus We will he doing somu high flying in company with those who go to Warmer climes for the winter. He Saflmi to hegrud :6 us a trip in Lhe 9hmluw of high hoavun with a white-wingpd hand. «hula h» goes slushiug around through the mud in a gypsy Waggon His mode of travelling was his oWn choosing. Signatures {or lrmal np'icm in our township are being sought aftvr at present. In a score of years under the Crooks’ Acr our how‘s bavn died away from natural causes unril we have but one left. and the («unper- ance prOple consider it an opportune tiuw to snap aWuy the last and hope to do away with the liquor busiiwss entirely \Vhether keeping up an agitation in the matter will result in good or evil, is a. topic which will be much discussed by our peOpie iu!’ the next coupiu of months. Snow again this Week is a sad dis- appointment. to thase who have Ibeir turnips unhoused, but these who have both potatoes and turnips in the ground the prospects are especiaHy discouraging. Ihe grcat rule of healthâ€" Kcep' the bowels regular. And the great medicineâ€"- flgr’s Pills. ' {233.1133 Ontario. Optician. l 3 year old steer. 1 p7. 2-year-old steers, 1 pr. yearl'nz steers. l 2'year old colt filly â€"a beauty. 100 sound cedu fence posts at Sc etch, porch“- er to haul them. Sal-dyed to the premises of the undarsigned. lot 36. Con. ‘2. E G. 8.. on or about the 7th Novemhnr. a white sow. Owner may have same by proving pro; en; . paving ex nausea and taking her away. Nov. 11-- 4 pd JAG. Arxmsox E The year just brought to a close has ‘ been one of the most successful in the history of the congregation.~â€"Not only have the usual signs of spiritual ac- tivity and interest been manifested but in material progress also good ad- vance has been made. The congrega- tion purchased the residence of the late Henry Parker Esq. for a Manse, and towards the Manse fund the col- lection and voluntary contributions during these anniversary days amount- ed to some $150. ‘Vith its usual en- ergy and determination to be free from debt, the congregation will doubtless soon rejoice in not only pos- sessing a church, but also one of the best Manse properties in the Presby- tery free from all encumbrance what- soever. All accounts owing the undersigned must be paid on or before the 30th Nov. or tbev will be pltCEd in com: {or collection. adding costs. The meeting on Monday evening was one of the most enjoyable of the kind ever held, but as it is more fully described elsewhere in this paper it need not he further referred to here. in which Mr. \Vilson pleaded for a larger acknowlt-dgenwnt uf God in all things. will soon forget the telllng sentences I’RESBYTERIAN ANNIVERSARY (continued from page 1.) ' friends Join us in extending congrw- ulations. PEEL, the Shoeman CASH ONLY, DURHAM AND OWEN SOI'ND Boots Rubbers. Ac lot. 8, con 7. Glanelg. "--â€"â€"â€"'.-. 0.9 .â€" 80W STRAYED Now is the time of year for good Boots and Rubbers. There is no footwear that has or will stand the test like Peel’s Hztnsl Made. Neither is there any place of business in town that has given the swtistactin in rub hers that Peel’s Shoe Store has. We defy competition in both quality and price. B. T. EDWARDS. Ebordale. We are very busy making up orders in our Durham store just now, and will be Meased to give your orders and'.‘repairing our very best attention .. For Sale NOTICE W .‘ -E THEOBALD Mad 3 to Order. .I. keep of the following loan. Tros so on will be prosecuted. no hunting or fis inc nllowod. JOHN BELL. lot 57. con. 3. E. G R I C. Fara. lot 5. con.1. N. D. R. PARTIES ARE REQUESTED TO keen of the follnwimr Inn 'l‘rnsm-n their names. addresses and descriptions. and a full statement of particulars of their claims. and the nature of the securit '. (If any) held by them. duly certified, an tlxgt after the raid duy. the administrn rix Will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceas- ed among the parties entitled thereto.havimz venrd only to the claims of which she shall then he ve notice. ELIZABETH POLLOCK, ........A b)’ hOI' Solicitur lO/26/4t. L‘ pursunnt to R. S. U. 1897. Chapâ€"1‘29 Sec 38 and unending Acts. thst all persons having chims against the (38th of the aid Alenndor Pollock. who died on or them the 5th day of October A. D. 1%. are re quired to send by Foot prepaid or to delivgr to J. P. Telford o the Town of Durham. :11 the County of Grey. Solicitor for the Ad- ministr-trix; on or befure the 24gb Day of November A. D. 1905. In the Matter of the Estate of Alex- ander Pollock, Late of the Township of Enemont. in the County of Grey. Farmer, Deceased. VOTICEI HEREBY 91‘ EN. L “pursuant to R. S. O. l$7, Chap. 129 L‘ IN THE SURROGATE COURT OF THE COUNTY 01" GREY- Notice to Trespassers. Men’s lf‘ur Coats, for . . . . $20 00 Ladies’ Fur Coats at $28. 830 and ...... $37 50. A good range of Caper. ines Fur Bufis from $2 up to. ...$lO.50. 1 NOVEMBER 16 1905 Splendid Values PM Man and Women Standfield’s All Wool Unshrinkablc Underwear . L. GRANT J. P. Tnu‘on u In Fms A select SQOCk m ( house 1! at prices that cctx «only tion. \0 old stoc k {a Side Window 1 We will Show a few fined Toilet Soap ranging: in p1 from 100 per lb to We c4 Full stock of everythin‘ lound in a first-c1211 drug store. If you require more 1i; lecuu on. of on lanterns. L: Hook we slipped one to the R. J. W. Mitchell. Ctledonia. We want every m man to come and buy piece Of our Granitewa that we are giving away package of the celebratq W. Black Baking med with. There is no Hakim Powder in Durham ‘ equal thls brand. In heating Stores and Run: '0 aka che lead, browse we hit the right kind. One of our cg oil heaters will sank-{y 51-11 $4.00 Who will be with our D00! Mats and 130‘ chin muddy member. Baskets in VaniZed it (to m 20c to on the way eugy as we day. burrow a PIPES PIPES PIP W e NOVEMBER 16. I! \V STOVIS and RANGES STABLE BARROWS Front Window ROOT BASKETS The DNESiSt- DOOR MATS LANTEBNS COAL

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