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Durham Chronicle (1867), 16 Nov 1905, p. 5

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Lp has benefited s, and we will Good for all Perfectly harm- 3 made of if you addresses and deacviptiots. cmeut of paniculars 0! t5“! 0 nature uf thee securitl. (if hem. duly certified, an that ny. the administra rix '13 5‘0". thf asst.“ hf that!” flies emitL-d theretoJa' 3.. claim.» of which lb. 0 Mg newsman To n s patent 1’s. Piso’o. 15. undo mg your physi- m and We will : materials and perience. Hid Va mucous count or bonny or amt. It to R. s. u 1897, Chap. 1” lending Ac“. that all penal}! against the astute of tha Md Mock. Whu d' on or about i Dunbar A. D. 1%. not.- I by post prepaid 0t todohm 'd. ofthe Town of Durham. in Grey. Sulficitor for the M- on or before the 0d Boots II' that I'm HWY?! )1 :er of the Estate of Ala- lock. Late of the '1'on mt. in the County of any. housed. 'VEMBER 16 1905 TOD Ol g‘ Store prietors. mu. lot 57. an. r“. l‘O‘. 0. Mo ‘0 0 day I] t0 Trespassers. Sough! Stop It ? IS HEREBY Ul H nkb November A. D “Inning '10”. 1] Mod, no Imam. an and Women GRANT [)I'H Ontario. eman 500:3 and at has or lSlU \Vc if All \Vool Undorweur. ues In Fms P. Tums: o Us m )UND 31 _) A select stock to choose from at prices that defy competi- tion. No old stock. In Side Window We will show afew lines of Toilet Soap ranging in price from 10c per lb to 500 cake. Full stock of everything ionnd in a first-class drug store. If you require more light. secure one o! ovr lanterns. Lu: week we slapped one to the Rev. J. \V. Mitchell. Cnledonin. STOVI 8 end RANGES In heating Stoves and Ranges we take che lead, became we have the right. kind. One of our coal oil heaters will satisfy you at $4.00. W. Black Baking Powder with. There is no Baking Powder in Durham to equal thls brand. Who will be witbovt one of our Door Mats and Foot Scrapers this muddy woutber, We want every wo- man to come and buy a piece of our G'raniteware that we are giving away a package of the celebrated We have variety Root. Baskets in chip. willow and gal- vanized iron. ranging in price from 200 to We. We disuibmhd 0L0 carluad of 00a! last week and have two moxe On the way. Place your order eal:y as we cannot get it. every day. Now is she time to get. astable barrow at 82.00, or up to $4.00. W. BLACK DARLING’S PIPES PIPES PIPES SMOKERS' SUNDRIES DARLING NOVEMBER 16, 1905 Drug Store. STABLE BARROWS Front Window ROOT BASKETS The Dmggist- DOOR MATS COAL Mr. Gm. A Lawrence has disposed of his farm to Mr, Thomas Kennedy [or the sum uf $2800 Mr Lawrence is having a sale on Wednesday of this week. Not the Didesk Nunhe largest Justthe Best. *gentleman was born in Aberdeen, Scotland in 1822, and was therefore in his 84 year. He was married in Scot- Guelph, where he remained for about twelve years when he moved to Mt. Forest, where he resided till he retired from business about twenty-five years ago. Subsequent to his retirement he presided in this town till the death of his wife in 1892. Since then he has been living with his family. Heleaves one daughter, Mrs. Martin of Exeter, Dr. Jamieson of this town and Alex- ander of Mt. Forest. The aged gentle.- man was a man of strong physique, social in his intercourse with the pub- lie of a genial disposition, a Presbyv terian in religion and a Liberal in pol- itics. Interment takes place at Mt. Forest on Friday of this week. Though he had passed the four score mark, Mr. Jamieson Who was seldom ill, retained his faculties to the last- He always made it a point when he came to Durham to give the Chronicle 3 call, and last summer we found him a bright and cheerful conversationist, though he was then just recovering from an illness which we now regard a; the beginning of the end. Mr. R. Nimmo, D. S. C. R.. of the I. O. F., has been in town the past week in the interest of his order. Several new members were initiated into the secrets of the society. Thurs- day evening an oyster supper will be held in their hall in the Calder Block. MR. W m. Jamieson, father of Dr J amieson, of this town, died Tuesday last, at the home of his daughter. Mrs. Martin, in Exeter. The deceased DEATH OF WILLIAI JAHIESON. The rather of Dr. Jamiuon Paced Amy Tue-thy at the Age of “bu-full! I”. Mr Ray Teflt. of Hanover, visite-d the Eckbardt family reCemly. Men from Dulhnm have been thro’ the marshy places of thii vicinity burinu for marl and have) found the ,génuine stufi in abundance. Orange principles are proudly up- held in this locality. This fact. was fully (ex-maimed at. (he annual box social head on Fridav evening the 10:11 inn, under auspices of L O. L. No 1192. in ummuemuruniou of the Gunpowder Plot. Tina committee m charge ol‘arraugemrnm for the affair are to be congratulath for the great success wiih whzch their noble eflorts Were crowned, The Boothville or- fit“! I! IN) tau-van. Became its Shorthaud students ate doing marvellyus “01k. sane uniting a0 words per minute after attending only two mnnths: . i ’0‘ o _ 4-_L__- Mr. Will Jacques and his motbir visited 01d «('qnaintances in this neighborhood on Sunday. Bo°ause at the head 0f it is a man whose qualincuzium as a teacher are unexcellod and where ambition is to see his students become ad eitizens. morally. socially and financm 1y. ()pen July and August. 1f Vuu wish to recfive the Begdt .Commercial am} Shorthand Education, 1:. 18 necessary that you attend the Best-â€" Ill. \v-u..u‘---v _-- --.-_ . Because by atténdiinvgwtlze day and own- mg classes, students graduate in a short time and at a smallpost: ° ' 4. AI Inllllb "nu u- u...... --- Be cause its graduates are enjoying the best posixions in almost every Canadian and American cit); Because this College enjoys the confi- dence of the Busingess Publi9._ .Bk‘crgaz‘éavh student does his work in- glependqnt of ajl oyhers thereby establish- Ing couhdeyce m hugself; ‘ _ j,__ ____j A---” “CIIVU U. 'Ilv .1“L‘I.l\'l§' â€" ...... Becauge .it teaches Actual business from start to blush; 7‘ Beqaum all diflic-uities are tho: 01“:th explained as they won-r. thus avoiding loss of time to the studeum and enabling them to accomplish more than is possible in ciass teachimr: U‘. I-\ uuuuu '- Becauaze each studen} receives Special at- tenti on in his weak subrects and may choose lus subjects: . n‘ \ A A A A J -_ ‘.:‘ A---_L --- Became each student is taught separate- lyggt his own deslfz 0" , _ A‘ , , I' Business College Just opened, next door north of Chief Carson’s, where Bicycles, Sewing Machines, Lawn Mowers. Luck Guns, Umbrellas, all kinds of Machinery repaired. Saws filed, Locks fitted with keys. All work guaranteed. vvvâ€"rwv The Mount Forest W. 'T. CLANCY. Prin. This College is the Beat :â€" Spring Bank. >"‘. 0.. .v-G Miss; Meeks of Mattewen N. Y. says: ‘Hyome1 18 truly wonderful. I have used it. but. a. short time and see a great change in my condition. My hearing is improving rapidly and [ind no idea. I would improve so rapidly in so short a. time. My breath which was very ofl’eneive to myself and others, has lost its bad ordor entirely. I have spent a green deel of money with ceterrh Ipeciel- “wood can truly any thet six months of their trentment is not equel to one month of Hyomei." » 0:? vs? «w Music by the Orchestra brought the program to a close. When the party departed for their several homes. the third annual box social of old 1192 went down in history as a memorable event. We might mnke mention that the hall was so crOWded that much dis- comfort was caused. and was the means of considerable noise during the eveninz. chestra was in attendance and opened the evening’s proceedings with a grand musical selection This band is composed of some of the best play- ers obtainable and they did not fail to show their abilitp on this occasioo. Little Miss Bertha Watson then gave a recitation in which she ordered the oadered the committee to - work and took her seat. The sale of boxes was then conducted by auctioneer Clark in that cheerful and capable manner for which he is Justly famous. The boxes being distrinured the boys and girls were matched and we presume we will be safe in saying that some were matched for life. The net proceeds of the evening which amounted to 845 will go to- wards the new ball fund which is ex- pected to be erected next summer. gala Mr John Clark gave a SCO'ch song and had to respond to an encore. 3: 433 Main Street %o%#* w$¥§$¢ “07". ' \‘fl 6:? lb «£~ \I Miss Emma Brown contributed a song. which received the well merited applause of the audience. This over the remainder of the: pregram was proceeded with. Mini Wm. McFadden acting as chairman i The Gordon Bros. accompanied by Miss Eden furnished some ewallent. music and were heartily recailed on several occasions. Master Reuben Watson still holds his reputation as a reciter. He al- way? has wmmhing worth listening to. Mis.~ Pearl Hopkins gave a To-‘cl- cation and ulco a reading. both of which were well lendered. A dialogue. "Put answers the Ad- varcisemenc." w“ given but was taken up ra'hpr hue A couple of night’s practice did not make it all that it should have beau. Miss Irena Watson made her first appearance as a recicer and did well for a bvginner We ofljer a full year’s subscription to The Durham Chronicle. a full year’s sub- scriptnon to that greatest af all Weeklies. the Family Herald and Weekl Star of Montreal. including their beautiful picture. “green Alexandra” Her rand- chnldren and Dogs.” and a copy of "The Farmer’s anual and Veterinar .Gmdeh all for 813). A sample copy of the picture and book can be seen at t 18 ofice THE D U RHAM CHRONICLE Compiled by the Agricultural Editors of the Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal. at the Request of Hundreds of Readers " '- IT CAN BE HAD FREE: The IOlt eolnplete Farmers’ Handbook and Veterinary Oulde ever lsauedâ€"Slnlpls and practical Information ol the greatest value to every larmer. 0 Three hundred and filly-eight subjects dealt wlth: every oneol Interest and many of then: Illustrated. The Farmer’s Manual and Veterinary Guide A Book that no Fatmer [Ian Attmd to he Without John S. Mortimer, i613 W Rik; "r35; sane; 160 acres of the best land in Manitobm non away W'est beyond all civilized surroundings, but. right in the oldast and best part of Manitoba, within a mile and a half of two diflerent stations on the C. N. R. Main Line (Curtis: NeWton Stations.) and only about 8 miles from Portage Lu Prairiv, and abour. 50 miles from “’inuipeg. This soil is adeep black loam on clay subsoil and is exactly similar to that, of the far {amud Po: tage Plains, whivb have produced as many as ‘20 Succe=sive crops of Wheat. without. («Mowing or manuring. 'l.'here is no better land in the wide world. The land is covered with light. scrub and smnll pnplar, but enough cordwood could he cut to more than pay for during. This is in the lwnrt of a first, class settlvmeut nf English speaking farmers, who are tbdhy and pros. pcrous and who Wuuld welcome and assist an, new settler. The surrounding land is mum of it held at less than $20 per acre, but to close out; an ustnta. we are authorizvd to ofier this for a short time at $15 per ..cre. $1760 cash. balance in five Pqual annual instalments If definite 0561' Was made. asmuller cash paymem might bu arranged. DURHAM CHRONICLE Insures farm buildings and contents, fiwelliugs and contents in towns and vil- lages. Everything in a dwelling is covered b? one sum. Contents of out-buildinm in- c udes all the farm produce generglly. Stacks and live stoclg from fire or lightning; the widest range of insurance at the lowest ates. If your imprunce expires this your it will pay you to insure in the Sydenhuu. J. H. lcFAYDEN. April Nthâ€"6m. DURI All persons owing me are respect- fully requested to call at the old stand and settle their accounts on or before Dec. lst, otherwise they will he placed in other hands for collection. ~W. J. FIRTH, Butcher. Sydenham Mutual Fire Ins. Co. ESTABLISHED 19. Drop {card to We a'so curry HARDWARE The cold weather will soon be here and you will want 3 Fur nave or Stove.’ It will pav you to call in and see our Stock. We carry The very best lines such as the “'9 will give you a cuaranteo with them. Fu rnaces And Stoves Pease Furnace Siegner Tinware and Hardware Walker Pilot Range 5!. o A"' A" 4 and TIN WARE NOTICE b. a". ‘8. n, ‘1. 0"} a 0‘ %w%%%w%fi Winnipeg. DURHAM PO as: Q fiféfiafi é «“xéfiaké's’é 5 312' .3!” 9-": g», S 435 mi‘: 73‘ ~§Vp C $70 __, 4", {a a)". . .. P 'IN 7; A! \ '("c .432 ~ . qr J AS. IRELAND I! Gar Men’s uod Boos’ Suits, Overcast: 1nd Reefer: no on the bustin tables now. Cheap Wool blnhketu in spite of the ndvnnco in wool See our tslnos in blankets. Price 83.25 to 04.75 ; puir, F1". nellette Blankets. 90c to 81.25 u pnir. In Ladies Astrnchan Jackets We hive 3 good showing. Fine even curl. Each garment the very best for the money . But don’t take our word for it; teat us. Look nronnd end you will be convinced that ours is the heat piece to buy Prince ‘25 or}. 330.00. 632.50. 335 00, 837.50, and “0.00. For Stole: and Rah in evory conceiuhie (or end otyle. Prices from 85 00 to $25.00 GOODS DELIVERED TO ALL PARTS OF THE TOWN Ember is m» In Price. our shoes m m REMEMBER THE PLACE HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS CLOTH BLANKETS . Mockler. FURS MINA W8 0L0 STAND.

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