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Durham Chronicle (1867), 16 Nov 1905, p. 6

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‘ EUREKA ”. SCHOOL DESK. Standatd Bank 01 Eanada The good wife of the house ulwavs likes t) have good Bread. and th‘. best Bread is to be had at Stinson’u. The whitest. ”weetest nnd moqt hodthful made. No husband an]: over find fault. with Stinson’s Bra“ We him out a first-class artich- whother it’s Brood. Pies or Cah- md give speciol otteution to 0'}.- mistomevs‘ HEAD OFFICE. TORONTO. G P. REID, -â€" â€"- MANAGEIL Acumen in all principal point: in On tnrio, Quebec. Innltoba, thitod State: nnd England. Interest allowed on Savings Bank do- pooits of 81 and upwards. Prompt «Caution and every facility aflordart Illtomora living at a distance. Bread CHOP upon evnn tfternoon kl] H"PAIR'VG promptly gnd prov- gr'f ”mt $91!") Pu-njn a? «H Kin 2a. ‘0‘ .; .0" W. B. Ox) l generalBenkinz business trnns med. Drafts issued end collections Me on all points. Dopoeite re- dved nnd interest nilowed nt cur- rent rates. DURHAM FOUNDRY 6. SMITH 6‘: SONS Capital Authorized... 82,000. 000 Psid Up ........... 1.000.000 Boson") 1' and ........ 1.000.000 Ga'vnnmed eu-l h'm: inz: B'Hfi. ”mass and ham 1'vlinders. DURHAM AGENCY. FIRST-CLASS LINE of Bakery Goods always on hand. Machine 4 )il, Harness ¢ )il, Axle Grease and Hm‘ Ointment. 20 to S. P. SA UNDERS Pumps imm $2 onward. THE SAVINGS BARK. d. KELLY, Agent M‘NUFACI‘URED -BY MODEL HA KER \' .‘lnl!1\’."‘.9"i find ”Ufl't’ The Harnessmaket W. D. CONNOR “Sir," interrupted Alvarado. “you are an Englishman. Your past rank should warrant you a gentleman but for this. There is no war between England and Spain. What is the meaning of this outrage? This lady is the daughter of the Viceroy of Venezuela. I am his captain and the comandante or yon- der city or La Guayra. You have way- lald us, taken us at a disadvantage. My men are killed. For this assault his excellency will exact bloody repa- ration. Meanwhile give order that we be unbound. and let us pass." “Ho, ho!” laughed the buccaneer. “Think you I fear the Viceroy? Nay. not his majesty of Spain himself! I came here with set purpose to take La Guayra and then Caracas and to bear away with me this pretty lady, upon whom, I repeat, I design to bo- Itow the honor of my name.” “fionstér!” screamed the girl, appall- ed by the hideous leer which accompa- nied his words. “Rather anything"- As he spoke he leaned toward Mer- cedes, threw his arm around her waist and before she was even aware of his intention kissed her roughly on the cheek. “Lads,” he cried. “three cheers for the future Lady Morgan!” The proud Spanish girl turned white as death under this insult. Her eyes flashed like coals of are. Morgan was close beside her. She was without weapon save a jeweled whip that hung at her wrist. Before the first note of t cheer could break from the lips of the men she lifted it and struck him vio- lently again and again full in the face. “A new king, Mistress de Lara, sits the English throne. He likes me not. I and these gslisnt seamen are going to establish s kingdom in some sweet is- isnd in the south seas with our good swords. I would tain have a woman to hear me company on the throne. Since I saw you in Jamaica last year I have designed you for the honor"â€"‘ ‘781r Hsrry Morgan! Were you not ' governor of J‘mslcs last year?” asked , Mercedes In astonishment. ‘ “I had that honor, lady.” “Why are you now in arms sgalnst us?" “A an- Irina Minn-m de Lara. lit! “Thou devil!" cried the captain in fury, whipping out his sword and men- acing her with it. “Strike," cried Mercedes bravely, “and let my blood wash out the insult that you have put upon my cheek!” “gr Harri Morgan," answered the horseman, bowing iow over the saddle. “s free sailor, at your service, madam.” “My God!” cried Alvarado, who had listened attentively. “The buccaneer?” “The same.” answered Morgan, turn- ing to him. She raised her whip once more, but this time young Teach, coming on the other side, caught her hand, wrested the jeweled toy from her and broke it in the struggle. “Thou shalt pay dearly for those stripes, lady!” roared Morgan, swerv- ing closer to her. “And not now in hon- orable wedlock"â€" ‘°I will die first!” returned Mercedes. Alvarado meanwhile had been strug- gling desperately to free himself. By the exercise of superhuman strength, just as Morgan again menaced the wo- man he loved he succeeded in freeing himself from his 1003er tied bonds. His guards for the moment had their attention distracted from him by the group on horseback. He wrenched a sword from the hand of one, striking him a blow with his naked fist that sent him reeling as he did so, and then lung out his other arm so that the heavy pommel of the sword struck the second guard in the face, and the way was clear for the moment. He sprang forward instantly, seized Morgan's horse, forced him away from Mercedes by a wrench of his powerful arm and stood at bay in front of the woman he loved. He said no word, but stood with his sword up on guard, panting heavily from his fierce exertions. SIR HENRY MORGAN \ BUCCANEER "Alvarado, you will be killed!” Icreamed the girl, seeing the other: make for him. "Stay!" shouted De Luann. “There is a better way.” Rndely shoving Senora Agapldn aide, he seized Mercedes from behind. “Here we have it," sneered Morgan. “This is the secret of your refusal. He is your lover." “'Soize him!” cried Teach, raising hi: sword, as, followed by the others, he made at Alvarado, who awaited them undaunted. :‘B¢;_x'1;trxâ€"xxvéie. madomolulle,” he said in French. in his excitement. which fortunately she understood. ‘ “That’s well done!" cried Morgen. “Captain Alvarado, it that be your name. throw down your sword If you would one the lady's lite." “Now seize hlm and bind him again! And you. dogs,” Morgan added. turn- ing to the men who had allowed the prisoner to slip before, “it he escape you again you shall be hanged to the nearest tree!" "Had-t not better bind the woman. too?" querled the Frenchman gently, atlll holding her taat in his fierce graap. “Aye, the wench as well. Oh. I’ll break your aplrlt, my pretty one," an- lwmd Lima ”vegan 419913; the w.- _ “Mind me not, Alvarado,” cried Mer- codes but Alvarado, porgegfinx the COPYRIGHT. 1905. BY 6. W. DILLINGI‘IAM COMPANY By CYRUS TOWNSEND BRADY. lnatantly dropped MI wolv- Author of “The Southerners." “For Love of Country." “The Grip of Honor." Etc. be killed!” ' the other: red Morgan. refusal. He --«- _.‘ - “There i Alvarado remained obstinateiy silent. He did not speak even when Morgan ruthlessly cut him across the cheek I with his dagger. He did not utter a sound, although Mercedes grouned in ’ anguish at the sight of his torture. tempt to make him speak. “Is any one how:- who has been at La (Juayra re- cently?" he askod of the others. "I was; there last year on a trading ship of France," answered Sawkins. "What garrison then?" “ ‘ 5 mt 21,0 " “M as it well fortified ?" “As; of old, sir, by the forts on either side and a rampart along the sea wall.” "'fi'cro the forts in good repair?" “Well kept. indeed. but most of the guns bore seaward." “Have you the ladders ready?" cried Morgan to Braziliauo. who had been charged to convey the rude scaling lad- ders by which they hoped to get our the walls. “No. I have need for him. I say,” an- swered Morgan, giving over the at- “All ready. captain," answered that worthy. “Let us go forward. then. We’ll halt just out of musket shot and convert our further plans. We have the govern- or in our hands, lads. The rest will be easy. There Is plenty of plunder in La Guayra, and when we have 321119 it our own we'll over the mountains and into Caracas. Hornigold. you are lame from a Wound. Look to the prisoners.” "nilâ€"Why not. kill this caballero out of hand, captain?" uked Hornigold, In- nxe from a slight wound, as he limped up to Morgan. “They will tell no tales," laughed L'Ollonols grimly. “Did none escape back up the road?” “None, 81: Henry." answered the other. “My men closed in after them and drove them forward. They are all gone." “"You’d best kiil him. captain.” said L’Ollonols. young w’bfiifi's cIee‘E. "W11? pi? if. blow: for knees? Scuttle me, you shall crawl gt my feet befory I've fin- ished with you!" “ “'fhat'l well. Now for La Guayu. What force is there, Senor Capitan '2" “‘No, 1 fine use for him. Are the rest silent?” The rising moon flooding the white stxand made the scene as It "ht as 1133'. hey kept good watch on the walls of La Guayra, for the sound of the shots in the night air had been heard by some keen cared sentry. and as a re- suit the garrison had been called to arms. The firing had been too heavy to be accounted for by any ordinary cir- cumstances, and officers and soldiers had been at a loss to understand it. However, to take precautions were wise, and every preparation was made as it against an immediate attack. The drums were beaten, the ramparts were manned, the guns were primed, and such of the townspeople as were not too timid to bear arms were assembled under their militia omcers. The watchers on the west wall of the tort were soon aware of the approach of the buccaneers. Indeed, they made no concealment whatever about their motions. Who they were and what they were the garrison had not dis- covered and could not imagine. A prompt and well aimed volley, how- ever, as seen as the bunaneers came within range apprised them that they were dealing with enemies, and de- termined enemies at that. Under cov- er of the confusion caused by this un- expected discharge Morgan deployed his men. “Lads," he sald, “we’ll board you tort with a rush and a cheer. The lad- ders will be placed on the walls. and under cover of a heavy are from our muketry we’ll go over them. Use only the cutlau when you gain the parapet and ply like men. Remember what’s on the other aide!" ‘Tho priests and the abbeu,” said 110nm grimly. “I saved them for “Aye, but who’ll plant the ladders?” uked one. A tour of laughter and cheers broke from the mainly gang a: they appre- ciated the neatness of the old bacca- Ieer's scheme. “ "rie an old trick," he continued; “we did the same thing thirty years since It Porto Bello. Eh, Hornigold? How'l that leg of yours ‘2" “8d! and lore." “Bide here then with the mmketeere. Teach. you shall take the well: under the out yonder. L'Ollonoie, lend your an straight It the tort. De Luann. letthecnruinbetweenheyenr point. Imuhewiththennttogetover. How, chm your pieces 'all, and Hammad, after we have started, by now “.9 cents: £52.90 m 3.99.» the - ‘ - - 'Thou dcvill' DURHAM (,‘IIR(').\’I4'E.F Every Two Minutes “But I should like to be in the first rank myself, master,” growled the old boatswain. “Ila, ha!" laughed Morgan. “That’s a right spirit, lad, but that cut leg holds you back, for which you have to thank this gentleman,” bowing to- ward Alvarado with a hideous counte- nance. “You can be of service here. Watch the muskcteers. We would have no firing into our backs. Now bring up the priests. And, Hornigold, watch Senorita de Lara. See that she does not escape. On your life, man, I’d rather hold her sate,” he muttered under his breath, “than take the whole city of Caracas." Spaniards down until you hear us cheer. After that hold your fire." With shouts of fiendish glee the buc- caneers drove the hapless abbess and priests, who had been dragged along in the rear, to the front. The Spaniards were firing at them now, but with no eifect so far. The distance was great and the moonlight made aim uncertain, and every time a head showed itself over the battlement it became a target for the fire of the musketeers, who, by Hornigold’s orders, ran forward under the black shadow cast by the high cliff, where they could not be seen, and from this point of concealment, taking de- liberate alm, made havoc among the defenders. “Now, good fathers,” began Morgan, “you have doubtless been curious to know why you were not put to death. I saved you not because I loved you, but because I needed you. I had a purpose in View. That purpose a now apparent." “What would you do with us sen ’ . or? ' Oiled Sister Maria Christina, the th- bus. “A little service, my sister. Bring up the ladders, men. See, there are seven all told. That will be four apiece to four ladders. with one priest over for good measure and to take the place of any that may he struck down.” “And what are we to do with them, tenor?" asked the leader of the priests, Fm Antonio de ias Casas, drawing negger to the captain. Physicians tell us that all the b lo 0 d in a healthy human body passes through the heart once in every two minutes. If this action be- comes irregular the whole body sufl'ers. Poor health follows poor blood ; Scott’s Emulsion makes the blood pure. One reason why is such a great aid 13 because it passes so quickly into the blood. 1t 13 partly di- gested before it enters the stomach , a double advanâ€" tage in this. Less work for the stomach; quicker and more direct benefits. To get the reatest amount of gcgiod witli the least pos- sible eflbrt 13 the desire of everyone in poor health. Scott’s Emulsion does just that. A change for the better takes place even beâ€" fore you expect it SCOTT’S EMULSION fragrance and delicacy of Red Rcse T ea are s :curcdâ€"that is why Red Rose Tea has that “ rich fruitv flavor.” Rose is good Tea 1‘. H. Estobroolu St. John. «.3. In». W anJ ric mess, but gained in fragrance and delic-xâ€"cyQ -zv Red Rose Tea, is Grown That is why I blend India; and Ceylon teas togetherâ€"that is how the strength and richness, EA is 11 native plant of Northern India. Trans- phmted to Ceylon it lost much of its strength 'l‘mt is why Ceylon tea is not a strong tea. We willscnd you I sample free. Be cure that this picture in the form of a label is on the wrap- per of every bottle of Emulsion you buy. SCOTT 8: Bows: Chemist! Toronto, Ont. 50 cents and ‘I. N All druggistn "You are to Earry them to yonder wall and place them against it." “You do not mean," burst out» Al- varado palatully, for he could scarcely speak from his wounded cheek, “to make this holy woman and these good prlests bear the brunt of that fire from the fort '2" “Do I value the lives of women and priests, accursed Spaniard, more than our own?" questioned the captain, and the congenial semimcnt was received by a yell of approval from the men. “But if you are tender hearted I’ll give the defender: a chance. Will you ad~ vise them to yield and thus spare these priests?” “Then to the men you go!” cried Morgan ruthlessly. “Death," cried the abbess, suatvhing a dagger from the nearest hand and driving it Into her breast, “rather than - 1n dlshonor . . She held herself proudly erect :61- a moment, swayed back and forth and then fell prostrate upon the sand. the blood staining her white robe‘ about the hilt of the poniard. She writlied and shuddered in agony where she lay, striving to say something. Fra Auto. nio sprang to her side and before any one could interfere knelt down. “Théu hast done well. I absolve thee!" cried the priest, making the sign of the cross upon her forehead. “I cannot do that.” an."'~'.'ered Alvara- do sadly. “'Tis their (.}.i)' to defend the town. There are twenty here; there are hundreds them." “D'ye Lmr that. mate»? cried Mor- gan. “Up with the ladd< :3!” "But w'.-at If we retu ..-?" cried one of the pr'ests. “You shall be given ovw to the men,” answered Morgan ferociously, “where. as it you do as I order you may go treeâ€"those who are left allve after the storm. Do ye hear, men? We'll let them go after they have served us," continued the chlef, turning to hls men. “Swear that you will let them so! There are other: ln Le Guayra." “Death and fury!” shouted Morgan, livid with rage. “Let her die nnshriv- en! Shall I be balked thus?" “For God’s sake. slr, nnuy your words! We cannot place the lldden whlch wlll give you access to yonder helpless town!" “Mercy. mercy! He sprang toward the old man, stooping over the woman, and struck him across his shaved crown with the blade of his sword. The priest pitched down instantly, a long shudder run- ning through him; then he lay still. “We swear, we "rear!" shoutdd one utter another, lifting their hands and brandishing their weapons. “You hear!" cried Moran. “Pick Up the ladders!" “Harry Morgan’s way!” cried the buccaneer, recovering his blade. “And you ?" turning toward the other priests. “Have you had lesson enough? Pick up those ladders, or"â€" _ __ A n - A f .“Mercy. mercy!” screamed the fright- ened ecclesiasts. “Not anozher word! Drive them for- ward. men!" fled priosfs with weapons out. one and then another gave way. The only leader among them lay upon the sand. What could they do? They pick~ ed up the ladders, and. urged torward by threats and shouts of the bucca- neers, under cover of a furious dis- charge from Hornigold’s musketeers. they ran to the walls, imploring the Spaniards not to are upon them. When the Spanish commander per- ceived who were approaching. with a mistaken impulse of mercy he ordered his men to are over their heads and so did little danger to the approaching buccaneers. A. few of them tell, but the rest dashed into the smoke. There was no time for another discharge. The ladders were placed against the walls, and the priests were ruthlessly cast aside and trampled down. In a little space _t_he magnum were up» '06:!!! rather than dishonor! ' have sinned," she gasped. '99 You Take In Purchasing Dr. Harte’s Celery-Iron Pills. We Guarantee Then to Care or You Money Cheerfully Re! nded. Omar-hon Prim en lo absolutely certain in 99 cues out of n hundred thet we hnve no hesitation in giving our written Gwnnteo tlnt they will posi- tively can such trouble: on Thin end Weber, Blood. Pele and Bellow Con plexion, Pimple! en Eruptions, . mo ousneu. Bloc luau 15?“; end by greuion. B agent! 0 mtfulneu, oor Appetite. _Dyope_plie_ and Indigo: tion, Niiwun 'Heidicfies. Pupiutioi o! the Hurt, Dizzy and Fnint Spent, New. om Prostntiqg. Weakness. Gengrd pa. J N0. A. DARLING CHEMH'I‘ _ AH);â€" L'RUGGlcT I JUHHAM. ()N'l‘. poverithod bload. ' _ With _ev¢ry_ 6 box. of Qt. WI Cunt-hon 'Pnu you pureheee et one time, we give our written Guarantee thet if you don’t derive benefit from their nee, we will give you your money beck."r.len’t tint fair? .1 Unlcu w. wm pretty our. Dr. Hurte’a Pill: would do win: we chin for then, we wouldn’t dm nuke such an ofler. By tho single box the Pill. m 600. the ramparts, fightini like demons. Morgan. covered by Black Dog, with Teach, De Lussan and L'Olloaois, was in the lead. The desperate onslaught of their overwhelming numbers, once they had gained a foothold. swept the defenders before them like chat. Wait- ing for nothing, they sprang down from the tort and raced madly through the narrow streets of the town. They brushed opposition away as leaves are driven aside by a winter storm. Ere the defenders on the east forts could realize their presence they were upon them also. In half an hour every man bearing a weapon had been cut down. The town was at the mercy of this horde of hu- man tigers. They broke open wine cel- lars, they pillaged the provision shops, they tortured without mercy the mer- chants and inhabitants to force them to discover their treasures, and they in- sulted the helpless women. They were completely beyond control now. Drunk with slaughter, intoxicated with liquor, mad with lust, they ravaged and plun- was in ashes. The pale moon looked down upon a scene of horror such as it had never before shone upon even in the pnlmtut days of the buccaneers. HE musketeers under Hornio gold, chosen for their mastery with the weapon, had played their parts with cunning skill. Concealed from observation by the deep shadow of the clifls and there- fore immune from the enemy's fire. they had made targets of the Span- iards on the walls and by a close, rap. id and well directed discharge had kept down the return of the garrison until the very moment of the assault. Hornlgold was able to keep them in hand for a little space after the cap- ture of the town, but the thought of the pleasure being enjoyed by their comrades was too much for them. Anxious to take 1 hand in the hideoue fray, they stole away one by one. slinking under the cliff until they were beyond the tench of the bontswain. then boldly rushing for the town in the open, until the old sailor mo left with only a half dozen of the most de- pendable surrounding himself and prisonen. The rest would not have got away from him so easily had he not been so intensely occupied that at first he had taken little note of what wu going on. Mercedes and Alvarado had only op- portunity to exchange e word now and then, for extended conversation was prevented by the guards. Alve- rado strove to cheer the women he loved, and she promised him she would choose instent death rather then dis- honor. He could give her little en. conregement of rescue. for unless word of their plight were cerried to the Viceroy irnrnedisteLv he would be an 'en the we, to the Orinoco country Io- tere eny tidings could reech him, end by the time he returned it would he too into. Agein end egein Alveredo strove to hreek his bonds in impotent end beb- less fury, but this time he wee secnre- ly hound, end hie ceptors only isuned nt his skuggles. In the midst of their pier end despeir they both took netiee of the poor ehbese. Fre Antonio hnd not moved since Morgen hed street him down, but there wee life still in the women. for from where they stood. some distence beck. the two lovers eech nisrked her convulsive trembling. The eight eppeeled pro- foundly to them in spite of their peril- ons sitnetion. The cpntivg quditiu of DLHAIn'l’n “ 'Ti: IO," unwered Alvarado. “Be- nor." be caiiod, “the sister yonder is alive. Wilt not niiow us to minister to her?” “Nay." uid Hornicoid brusquoly. “1 will go myself. Buck. :11 ot re!" '30 uddeti. “She may with to confess to II: In default of tho worthy father.” NOVEMBER 16 1905 have mu- llvu.” whispered CHAPTER XVI. .. wig-69.5 a condition 0! ’ «av THlskstnv mam“. QM NWT“. r: ~ Sammy ;: ‘ ’ ‘ I" ‘1‘. WM' adu'r . .n Aflvaf‘ ”mills 0t 0‘ VJ“ NOVEMBERIGIMM ”0"“ twine: of mme propertv. AR H ‘ R l. l H (,fin'p c\t‘l awry L t\\t“ w‘” Cf lttéfided m “v Ofik'fl. WIII i'ollu uâ€"v-_. Woeâ€"MM-Kelmie‘s Old Town, Durham. Ont. Emma UGH MACKA Y. 1.91': Lind VI‘UI‘OI‘ and l,i(‘§‘ll!~td ‘ ‘0' 'be County 0! Grey. 8319:- 1 M to and nous cashed. ARRIS'I‘BR ABRISTERSL.‘ McIntyre" Cnlluctiuu vegunml’h. E“ n:â€"â€"ln the MC \\' . Lefroy “093m Miscellaneous. HH‘VIN BRIG 3 AM: L‘IC Tetford ti}. him-93' '0 SOLICI'I'OR Jackson. Hand. the “'l

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