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Durham Chronicle (1867), 23 Nov 1905, p. 9

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an M11 ER 23, 1905 no. in wool. HF. , when you Economlcal epresoht a In the vet col- checked 0 and 15. Defers u. or md 92,! 60“. cost 00d YWO 3D UEKLEH. the pnir. Flu- IIKQWISO. 10 N IOU %¥é%Â¥ 1’s ' o - $4 ’43. regular win )087 you ‘5 mm unv TflUIIDAV ammo | ”gm mm m. mun m .A.“. A. An” ' Tax Cut )mcu till ‘- an: to an; .ddm. {me of pause, {or “.00 p0: . you, payable m “Inna-3|. mm C , $313.! If not no land. The daulo'h' fish a” bwid is denqsd tgy tho murmur 0 paper due .nunuod mam all una- -. “a, “apt at tho outbr- of the ma. 3 mug” For taut» fudx-gnismau 8 cu .- pa 300 r I am mmiou' Jun. g. ”“3 . . . [mg such subseqocm 3330.600" "an": ”90"- Pydgsswnal can‘sxnut exact-ling a“: ind: “00 pct Osmium. .Advernsencuu. without ’90 iii firecdops VIILbe pgbhshcud -37 I turbid ml chumcd u III __- " “ow-â€" Ming]: ”155mm mam-“rm." wanna, “Fa: la.” etcâ€"’9 «my to: full Suction, 2:! com la and: subgeqmn'. mgmop. (LARSON DURHAM. LIO- «£11an to: the County of Grey [animator we of the 2nd Dig $99. wwqwmmtm v vâ€"‘Vâ€"v’ , All :dveniumu OI’dcl'cd by 3mm mus; be {v.1 h in advanon- . Contact tam manly a. «W Mishcd r». mplication 10 lb? 9. a All adverts-e no us, go mm inn-anion in tune “k. SW h ”5N m m but m I‘M“) wining. "'9 “V" ’ ' I: completely stocked wit DEPARTHENT all new TYPE. thus a ()FFICE AND RESIDENCE A shurt distance east of Knapp’s Hotel Lamb tun Street. Lower Town, Durham HIM-e lumsfum 110 0 (4ch , Drs. Jamieson lacdonald OFFICE 0N0“ 91“ t)’ of T1 College 00“”, S Dentistry (“3:93.4‘31'60! M‘lfl‘ {14:th Io: turning out Pint-clan ' 3|, 1. G. Hutto 1-‘1-‘113P, AN D RESI DENCEâ€"COR. Hamfraxa. and George Streetsâ€"at ,.,' hill. Office hoursâ€"941 3.1m. 3-4 7 v p. m. Telephone No. 10. NOVEMBER 23 1905 Land Vahvator and L' Car for the County m GroY. shod “tended to and notes ca f 1“. GRANT, 3.1).: ”NOR GRADUATE. Eon-on AND G. )IACKAY. K. G- \DULATE Medical Directon . list: “CLAN AND SURGEON, OF- » in the New Hunter Block. Oflice - m H) a. m., to 4p.m. and 7 109 n‘sm'ial attention given to dimma “u and childten. Residence op- l’rvshvttvrian Church. Arthur Gun, II. D. v03 ancfin v m E M Knapp Mouse. .- in each month. BR. GEO. 8. BURT. and C hi6 By 0, Ear, M W. 0. Pickering Dentist. l. P. Telford. Mixtellaneous. Toronto. uraauaw m”..- I Surgeons of Oahu 10. all its Branches. est Ofiice n' in at Black m 91' P EXCLUSIV‘Y ldaugh House In. W nth. from 12 to £ 9. It Over Q. . Londcn Ophthalmic B Sq. Throat and 5060 H Ear Ron and Throat. {01130. Durham. the V -.‘ .1 >- WM- ; Suits. Uvercoats, uuu .rlrn ()pbthalmxc Hus f PC}! 1:10 "(its hmat and Nose 8ch ' Throat and Rose Ladie’: Furnishings Id Skins Winter Coats, Huusc 19! \\ ednanday ~_ 1.1:: m4 1:. m (’ravonette Rainconts, I ! _,-,-__ ; . (inmritms, Wrappers. ! waists. Dress Gouds, l Siiks. Embroidely, Flam ! Helene. Table Linen, H u. v-" Graduate ROS!“ 0“ 1‘3 F. DUES- 0V0? OBN CLARK. LICENSED AUC- tionoor for the County of Grey. 8:100 promptly attondod m. Orders ma be left smi- 191mm ngm. M '39.")! _ !_I- A‘-_ D MCPHAIL, LICENSED AUC- . tionoor for the County of Grey. Tenn moderate and ”ti-Monaural. mad- Thu unnmonts tld -v-u "'U-w â€"â€"â€" â€"vâ€"â€"‘â€"â€"â€" â€" teed. The urnngelnontn nnd «km of aloe can be made at Tan CHRONICLE of- Lee. Residence and P. 0.. Ceylon. 'Tele- phone connection; an.“ Dec. 3. ’Otâ€"lypd. $3000 Dry Goods MUST BE SOLD Below Cost. i'11‘1‘11‘18()ilcloth,pe1‘ 56. “201:. B1001ns at 1:) and 200. ‘( hlldr'ens coats, and other 1 111mm too numerous to men- thI] [have decided to give up business and will sell this stock as soon as it is possible. With such great reductions, it is not necessaIy to say the goods will go fast, and if you are in need of Fall or Winter wearing apparel it will pav you to (:21 \amine our stock 4 Men’s Furnishings Suits. (j‘rm'enette Rain (.‘uats ( )vercoats, Work- 111.: Shins Fine Shirts. 1 mhroll' 1s, Pea J 1Ckets (1111.?11.1M_,.\1, and L 11p» {-50} s’ {7.“12111ishings $111+»: (_)‘-.'c1'(itou;.~'. 21ml Nov. 9. .-\~ \t‘l'fs anaguwated lepoz‘is we 31mm; cumulated (J'Hmvrniug [he’- diph- theria ouibu-Ms In Mnrkdalr, we. have taken the (rouble m nuexview the. Medica! heal‘h ()fiifier. [)7 Ego. and ascertained dt‘filli'rly its extent He stifle: that the epniemiv was of a mild form of we disease, there being some twelve or fifteen cases in all Only thrce were severe m type â€"â€"oue demh The rods: of the cases were better before the family suspected “but was wrong with [be children.‘ and from these mild unsuspected cases most of the contagion Spread. There were in all seven homes pla- carded. The disease is now entirely under controlâ€"no new ones having deVelnped for two weeks. The in- 'lected homes ere will pleoarded and Strictly quarentined by wsy 0! extra precaution â€"-â€"Steudard. The othar night a party of duck huntars WPrP sit'ing in u down town hotel telling stories of famous shots and how many ducks and othnr birds had been killed at a single dischsrge Alter listening [or some time tofwhut seemed o wilful exogzerotion by Gil. latent narrators to man who wgs pres. put valance-Prod hi-t first and only rx- periencn of the fatal double hurrolled gun. Be hogan. ” I went into t field one day to try shootin’. The only ramp discovered wos an immense flock of blockhirds. I should any there upre 10.000 in the flock. Yes. quite 10.000, Slowly I crowled up to them. ond when not more than thirty vnrds away the birds nose in a solid moss I firad bath barrels. and howi many do you think 1 killed ‘:”’ Dif- hrant ‘ guess-a were ma. ranging lmm twnntv to one hundred birds. t‘ Not. one.” aid the stranger. -' but I went out. “ith my brother to look for rvmllta and we picked up thirty bushels of lens. [had shout little too low." That won the lost Itory 'oid that night. THE DIPHTHERIA “tended to. Orders me be left >lement Wereroome. Mc 'nnon’s or et the Chronicle Ofiee. G“?- ‘NORTH OF SCARE. 12 months. A good story is being told st thel expense of s Dundslk angler who spent several weeksin Muskoks the pest mason. Having enjoyed an un usual measure of success one day. be wires his wife :-â€"â€"“I’v'e got one. weighs seven pounds and it's a beam- 6y.” In reply came the followinz, signed by his wife:â€"”So have I, weighs ten pounds. He isn’t a beau- tyâ€"looks like you.” Demand for Mi-o-na Tablets Contmues --'-§.'mh ‘1‘...” . to Increase. j ,7 f. .. Although Mi o-na. was introduced in Durham but a short time ago. it is to day outselling all Other medicines for the cure of indigestion and stom- ach troubles. Mi-o na almost invariably came all iormq of indigestion and stomach troubles except. canrser. It gives such health and strengthi t0 the weakest Stomach that all the! fowl is readily converted into nutri- tion. so that it gives nourishment and healfh to the whole system. In this way nervousnew and sluepless non-s are cured; headaches. backaches and aheumaric pains are prevented, and there will he no more poor ap petite. dish-eras: after eating, heart- burn, or debility. If you cannot obtain 31170 :13 or your druggisr. it will be sent by mail. past-paid. On receipt of price. Write us for advice on your case from a leading stomach specialist which will be sent; free. The R. ’1‘. South Com pany. Ithaca, N. Y. A complete outfit costs but $1 ()0, and consists of an inhaler that can be carried in the vest. pocket. a medi- cine dropper. and a bottle of Hyomei. Q The inhaler will last a lifetime and there id enough Hyomei for several Wreks’ treatment, Additional hqt 1133 can be procured for 50 cents. Compare this small expense with thp fees charged by specialists If you cannot obtain Hyomei of your deaier. it will be forwarded by mail. postage paid on receipt of price. Write to-dav for consultation blank that wii! entitle you to servicps 01 our medical department without charge‘ The R. 'l‘. Booth Company. chmei Building. Ithaca. N. Y. The late General Blackmar was once taken in amusingly by a stranger who had claimed his acquaintance a* camp. The general disregarded the 3}]..th man’s saline and turned awav from him. The man persismd “ General, don’t. you remember how you sued mv life at the battle of the Wilderness ?” General Blackmer at once heoame interested. and called some of his friends to meet the sol- dier, saying, "I saved this man’s life once. Tell them how I did it, old comrade.” The men began :-â€"-" It »wad1his way. We were on a hill. and the enemv advanced e'eadily to word our entreucbmente. A hail of fire eweu; our position. Suddenly vvs’uv- ' you turned ”â€"everybodv looked at. General Blackmarâ€"" and run and I run after you If you hadn’t done so I should have been killed ; so thu’s how you saved my life ” And the rascal made himself scarce before the infuriated general Mi 0 m1 costs b On hallowe’en quite e crowd of boys turned over a large number of littie houses and had lots of fun in the Operation. but it did not lest more then a day. Some pet-eon guve the name of the hoye to the police end they were notified to set ’em up again. It tool: the boys several nights to undo the work they did in a low minutes and by the time they {got through with the job all the fun hed diesppeered.â€"Oteu¢eviile Sun. Have the greatest tonal breadth and beauty piano made in Canada. Musical qualities of singular sweetness, richness and depth have won for Norheimer Pianos a distinguished position in the esteem of music lovers. Sold at one price to every purchaser. Easy terms of payment if desired. Write for our free illustrated booklet. SAVED SOLDIER'S LIFE STILL GROWING. WINDSOR. 30 OULETTE AVE. ST. THOMAS. 356 TALBOT 51'. PUI‘ THEM UP AGAIN. N ordh eim er Pianos ~--â€"-â€"o-â€". 6.0 ’¢ at. 500. a box. obtain Min :13 of DURHAM CHRONICLE could touch him! Indicates Faulty Blood and Worn- Out Nervesâ€"Build Up, or Total Collapse will Surely Follow. When your tired all day. bothered by trifles, exhausted with nervous- ness. be sure there is something wrong. You need bracing. up. need more nourishment in the blood need a poweriul medicine to vitalize the nerves and distribute force and star- ine power so alljover worked organu The most marvelous success is Fer- rozoue, anomishing tonic so scien- tific as to be the admiration of every physician. Ferrozone performs won- ders for peeple in poor health; it nob directly on the blood. enriching it with strength and new life that. 15 at once dispatched to all parts of the bmiy. Permzone feeds the nerws aml vimi wnergies, supplies force. (le- terminatiou and joyous, lu \yant Spirits. A case where there was laSeitud- and lack of Stieng‘lh is told by 31-. David Brown. of post oflice but No. :50. Barron. Out: "About a year figs my health (:meenced to fail. Mv hands and feet. Seamed uIWuys (mid I felt. wornout and exhausted, weak as: a 11min. child. My face twnchrd‘ aflaiz mv {Mr snue *- All my colur '29 down Ferrozc give me any be. it very quick]; \lv lxmlm and nrmu commence-i tr» 1-23» the sens-e of let'linu and finally my left side was oerfeczlv numb All my color 73ft My appetite ran down Ferromne was the first to give me any help, I lleI‘OVrd with it very lilickly. It toned up' the blood and started circulation. so that the numbnesa gradually dxsappeared My condition wa-s perfectly cured by Ferromne. and l have been well evwr sine». (Signed) "David Blown.” SPECIAL NOTICEâ€"1‘0 get saris factory result: he sure you get Ferro- zone only. Fifty cents per box or six boxes for $2 50. at. all dealers, or N. C Polson Co , Kingston, Ooh. and Hattford. 00:10., U. S. A. SPECIAL NOTICEâ€"To factory result: he sure you zone only. Fifty cents ; six boxes for :32 50. at all ( A bit: souletl. large-hearted. genial l‘ old Irishman has gone to his longii home with the paving of Jatnesll Murray of the township of Norman-i by. and the world is power hr i ‘ his going for men of his Opt'll lieartednesxs and kindliness are none too common. Many and old timer throughout, the township of Normanhy an“ elsewhere will sneak kindly of the memory of "Jim” Mun‘ ray. for he had been a well known character in his day. But the best of good fellows. and even Irishrnen. , must die, and 81 years, 4 months and L12 days is a good old age. The end came on Sunday last at the home of i his son Mr. J. E. Murray with Whom he was spending his declining days Death was the result of hemorrhage of the brain. with paralysis of the tongue and throat. Deceased was ‘born in the County of Armagh. Ire. [ ‘and, in the yesr1824. He emigrat led to America in 1830 via New York land come up to Normsuby in 1835. i In 1856 he journeyed to the Southern States, remaining there until 1860. when he married an Indiana girl. and the young couple then came back to lthe toWnship of Normsuby to how out a home and clear a farm like many another plucky young couple had done before them and since. Their life had been the ups and downs, failures and successes to pioneering. and it was bravely and joyously lived as only those good folks knew how. Our pioneers are fast passing away and soon the older generation will all be gone. Then in the cold winter evenings around the cheery fire the . children and children's chileren of! , these old heroes of the past will re-‘ ' count. the stories of the ” coon old E days," how their fathers and grand- ‘ fathers opened up this country and ’ laid the foundation for the present ’ prosperous, virile young Canada of i'ours. The funeral took place yester- day forenoon to St. Peter’s church I and cemetery. and many attended to ; per their respects land show their I ‘ esteem for the [are well loved old gentlemanâ€"Hanover Post. TIREDNESS MEANS DANGI ATH O!“ J A MES MURRAY. STRAT FORD. W. flcfllLLAN‘S. TO MAKE YOUR HOME COMFORTABLE Chairs Bedroom Suites Chifl'oniers Cribs and Cradles Iron Beds Springs Mattresses Hall Racks Sideboards Cupboards Kitchen Cabinets Kitchen Tables Extension Tables Edward Kress. Durha which we are selling at a low figure. It will pay you to examine our!, bargains before purchasing elsewhere N., 6. J. ficflechnie. THE POPULAR 018” 87085. ., fi.‘ J. McKechnie. Sell 'What You Need CROCKERY 18 THE POPULAR CASH STORE. A large stock of Folding Tables Bedroom Tables Centre Tables J ardinieres Library Tables Hall Stands Medicine Cabinets Secretaries Con) bination Bookcases Oflice Desks Upholstered Goods Picture Frames Frames'bto order ‘Room Mouldings nt.

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