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Durham Chronicle (1867), 23 Nov 1905, p. 2

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mmmw:s£m% »%$ -w wfimwwmuflflammaagflwaau at i a In "Hand Goods delivered / clo rs «W 4 p m promptly to all except Wed and; parts of town ’ Saturday WW“ ”mafia: “Wflfififim CD: Si: 9! 93 3 x (D H- m “9;:9.". ° -0 ~ QQQRQQQQ OUR Blankets cannot fail to please you this "‘ ' Blankets year, for every number shown is an espec- Price ially good value at the price. They were Blankets l made from the best wool by the best mills- 53-50 Blankets | We have followed the rule of never sacrificing Per quality in orden to give the most for the Blankets money.” The:size and weight of blankets, we pm, tell you: the quality is something you leave to us, and for that reason we have it right. thnclcttc Blmkets--Grey and white, $1 per pair. Worth'donble the money- Boys Will Be Boys and Wear Out Clothes ' ”’8' 8m.-Short und long pants. in 2 und 3,piece suits. Prices 2.3.4 . 85. 3018' OmCOAT8.-Mtde from the best material and guaranteed to Wear. Falling in. ’ 50. 3 50' o. 00 tnd 87. 00. ”’8’ m3! ~Tha kind tlnt will mute chair bouts gltd is the kind we handle. From 2.50 to $5 This store opens at 7 a m and closes at 7 p. 111. except Wed and ALEX. RUSSELL FOWL. BUTTER EGGS WANTED. Boysâ€" ‘25 to 50c. Men'sâ€" 50 to.. . cars Yeas pigs Chine”- S! arch You went through the same performance yourself in days gone by. The happy youth has only pleasure in the foreground-clothes scarcely thought of. Don’t chain them up-our prices will always make it easy to clothe them right. Here are a few of them: Bot yomself if you do not take a glance through our fall stock Now i» the time before itis b idly broken into The same quality :‘s v we prevails. The best nothing but the best. 3.3 0.1: :3t03i offiubbers (or men, «7011193 and children. All sizes and prices. Mala by the Maple Leaf Rubber Company. 6 Large - Warm - Durable ROBERT BURNETT * .G .G .G. .G .G ".G. .G. . .G.". .. s. «5 «an a.“ .M «”0“. S. S, as, $4 fix”? .9 A»... «awn } cans Con No One To Blame DURHAM â€" â€"- â€" ONTARIO Mix iiscuits A!) "I; Li“ C. McArthur Come this way if you want the latest in LEGGINGS. Sydenham Mutual Fire ins. Co. Insures farm buildings and contenth \l l dwellmge and contents in luWHS and \‘ll~; ‘ r. ' lages. Everylhiug in a dwelliuu is covered tor l: by one sum. Contents of nut-buildings iu~ Clalic (Auden all the farm prodnve generally. cm: Stacks and live stuck from lire nr lightning; H the width range of insurance at. the lowest. ; OPP”! rated. If your insurance expires this year \Vils it will pay you to insure in the Sydeuham. after April Nth-43:11 It will surprise you how much you can buy from us with a Five Dollar bill. ' TRY THE EXPERIMENT MEETING oi the Board of License Commiaaionera for South Grey will he held on Friday, the 8th day of December, A. D., 1905' at one o'clock in the afternoon. at the Middangh Home. Durham, to con- sider the application of Joseph Miehl- hanaen for the transfer of the tavern license iaaned to J D. Davie. All partiea interested will govern them- selves aceordinglv. ‘ 2r. / Lice! Durhm, Nov. 20. 1905. Drup a cam 10 Leggings of elegant split and grained leather. laced, and with all the latest "fixings” which only the wearer can apo Ladiea’ and Mia-Res Shoes in Peb- bled. Box Calf, Dung and Clothâ€"4t) all the latest styles Boys’ coa;se boots. in sizes 11. 12 and 13 at ................ . . 750 Boys’ coarse booze .......... 900 Heavy Rubbers and Sex. light Rubbers for men. women and children in abundance. Overshoes from size 13 for men -to a pair of No. 4 rubbers for the baby. J . H. McFAYDEN. Agent, ESTABLISHED 1869 NOTICE ‘Tnos. A. HARRIS, Liconao Inspector. ernAM P0! DURHAM CHRONICLE The town hall was filled to the doors with a deeply. interested audi- ence on Saturday afternoon last when largely signed petitions in favor of and against local option in Artemesia township were presented to the council. The petiticn praying the council to submit a local option measure at the January elections contained the names of 500 ratepayers While that opposed contained up wards of 400 signatures but fmany of the petitioners on it are we learn not eligible to veto. Resolutions also praying the cournil to submit the measure we're presented from R. T. of T.. the W. C. T U., the Presby terian S. S. the Methodisc Official Board and Baptist church all of this place; the S. S. at Portlaw and the S. of 'l‘.. at Vamleleur. all of which as well as the [)Ptlthll was hacked up by astrong delegation who addressed the council as follow-z Mr. J l. Gia- han), Rev. G l“. lIt_n‘ll)tn".. ex New», Alex Muir, ltnv Dr Caldwell, Mr J. R. “Glitz. and Rev. W. L. 'l‘hum. Mr. .las. Havet's'm, of Toronto, soléci tor for the Licensvt‘l \"-;'it:rt1:tltlt's Asst. elation of ()n'., then {Ultll't‘sF‘Pd the CHlllCll in behalf of llw petitions OPPOSPll to the lllt"a5‘.l!‘t’. liav. .l. S \Vilson ahly replied to Mr. flavors-On At the meeting of Orangeville Presbytery last week Mr. J. A. Feistead of this place was appo1nted to the mission field of Kingecote ”and Leavendale. and commenced his work there on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Felstead will be much missed in the Presbyterian church and Sabbath School here. after whtch the council uiLh close”! doors camuto theirdwcision the vote being as fullows: For local option. councillors '1‘ R. McKenzin. and R. Bee-r;againsr. councillors A Carson R Purvis and the reeve .l. A. Boyd. VVben the result was made known much disappointment Wan (ale by the temperance pPOple, wlm lmvu called a meetingin the Methodist church this Monday eveningto lVle'crmine their future course. Mr. Dave Ritchie sold four head of young cattle to ‘Ar. Robb Ewan of Aberdeen. last, week. Mr. Thos McGirr has lately added to the comforts of his home by the purchase of a handsome new range. Messrs. J. H. Dean and James Ar.- kin‘on have Started into the buvcher- ing business for the winter months ‘Mr. Wm Hewitt and family moved lass week to a farm on the 8th con. of Glenelg. \Ve understand he has taken a contract for a. Winter’s wood cutting for Mr. W'm. Ritchie of Edge Hill Messrs. M. J Staples and Thomas Whitmore are at. present working in the bash at, Mr. McLean’s mill in Egremout Miss Collier who has been repre- senting the Bradley-Garretson Com- pary. of Brantford, in this district. far 'he past. few months, and visited at Mr 3nd Mra. A. Watson’s left for Tqronto last Wednesday. Messrs. Geo. Mitchell and Mark Wilson returned on Friday last from their hunting holidny in Mnekokn and report a very enjnnhle time. There were seven in their party and in all shot ten deer. In conversation with the Aberdeen Ostrich a short time ago we were in formed by that member of the report in: stafi. that he had fired at a flock of wild geese pat very long ago ,and apprehension seized us concernintt the safety of the Corner Concern’a Man, who by last reports said he had taken a fancy to flying through the heaswns with white-winged band-t. New we hope that he will’take some advice for his oWn welfare. anai leave 05 taking those trips through mid air. as his cmrsa would be more likely to be mapped by a rifle bullet than if he was elushing through the mud. Bornâ€"On Friday I”: to Mr. and Mrs. Churles Stewart, 3 daughter. The btppy ptrents are the subject! of many congruulations. \Ve rrgzet, veny much to [warn of Nurse Carmon'. “93"" “ ‘3‘" ‘1‘”! an accident which bafell Mutter Jon with her morhur lad" "WV-k. SmplBS. a wmk ago last Samrdav. .Mifl" Snrlh 8'9”" spent. “ {ow an" evmoiuu, and cam» umr being :9. mar Hush wvnk with Durham frjeuds in.” «me. It. appeurs it. wot-z dark and: Miss Jnuiu Finder WQU the ”'9“ thn horses wnn to he warned. scflof Mu!!! EthO‘ de‘on‘ 0"” d‘y "9" Jon. an? to NW stahlu inh the Ian :wm-k. LP”) and leaving it than, hp mnuutesli Mra. Tun», of My. Potash. was tha one Of Uh? horn-s and ya, on? {or thpi K'W‘t of bar mother. MIN. Schram live-r. On lhe \\ ay them one 0! 1hr"; last WW‘RF- .. ' , ”their horses ran alongsidw 0‘ him It!!!" M588 “‘3'“ B R'H’OV V‘rhev- "i“? lucked umiking Joe. on the leg ' ciow . had hit "whoa-k “9" “BMW "Mud" heinw th knee, luflimiOg an ugly§urannd have ‘ :Uhh. Madical aid was summou'adi 5‘ M5," 3 h" “MW.“ 99"" 8"""d‘y and it. ”chain-{i Wren Mischa.“ ‘to ' madSundqy with If; Rom. .uonis, _-â€"- Mre. Sykes, of Collingwood Reed, end Mrs. Bulmer, of the village. ere each recovering from severe illneee. Mr. nnd Mrs. Funk Vnnduaen. of Dnndslk. spent Sunday night and“ part of Monday with the farmer’s": parents. { Mr. Edger Bellsrny left lsst week 3 Subscribe for the Chronicle. 00 spend the winter in Toronto. I Mrs J. W Armstrong snd Mrs Messrs. Pete snd Lorenzo Norris (Rem) Csidwell ore lsid up with srs visiting their mother. Mrs. W. J , soistios. Messrs. Pete and Lorenzo Norris sre visiting their mother. Mrs. W. J , White. min 5“ 'hr- Wuuud He ~ufleIr-d arvern: 5mm fur II III! a. but a? tIm» uf WriI. f Hug me me pleased to lean Is ha I pIOIing nickel). l FLESHERTON Darkie’s Corners. NOTES OF THAT BURG BY OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT 9 On Tuesday the 14th inst a pretty wedding took place at the residence of the bride's father, 371 Berkeley St. Toronto, when Jennie. eldest daugh- ter of Mr. James Hemphill. formerly of Ceylon, was married to Mr. Thos. W'ilcock. eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm. Wilcock. near this Village. Rev. R. P. Bowles, B. D., performed the marriage ceremony and Miss Brown of ’l‘oronto played the weddingr llmarch The bride who was given 3 lawav by her father, wore a very .ipretty goan of cream silk eolieune. qIiShe also Wore the customary bridal V l Veil and wreath and carried a beauti- llful quuct 0f ht'ii’ii'l r0505. The bride . g was attended by her sister Miss .lMaggie Hemphill. who u no becoming . l ly attired in heliotrupe cam tal crepe . i and carried pink 10393 The groom s ‘ brother, Mr. Richard Wilcock, was Vbast man. After the eel: monv a 8 dainty uedding repnst was sorted. 3 Only t, e immediate re 'atives wi3re . present. 'I‘noee from this it (Halli) i5being \lis “deceit, Mr. R and Miss Annie \\ ilcock, Mr. R J and .‘lise eg Hemphill. The bride’s travelling .,smt was of navy blue panama cloth .iwith toque to match. She was thi- a ; recipien'- of a large numlwr of heami iful wedding presenh .\ir. and Mrs. 0" Wilcock are visiting: relatives here 8.3 whom we join in congra'ulations to a . the very highlv esteem-mi voung Slcouple. After Dec lst Mze \Vilcock I“ will he at home to her friends at 5|?) ‘Mnnning avenue, Turunx w. D r WUG' The news received here on Mondny morning of the death of Mr. Will Ritchie. of Dundnlk. after only a few days’ illness with quinsy. wasa shock to the community. Mr. Ritchie. while in the em ploy of M. Richardson 00., here, was very highly esteem ed and his numerous friends were pained to learn of his sudden death. Mr. Tom Blair has now a most. comfortable cellar under his home. Mr. John Timmins make a good job of the mason work On Tuesday. November 213t, to Mr. and Mrs Will Cook was born a bahy girl. That balances the familv â€"four girls. four boys Mr. and Mrs. John Love. of Laur- iatonmisited friends on the 6th on Monday. He and Mr. Bach Baird propose bringing their portable saw. mill into thin noighbov hood Zionites ave commencing ahe dy to prepare for their big Christmas Tree Concert. The lads are havmz success these days in hunting. Will Jack corner ed a coon and Jack Poart riddled a Reynard last week. Lif'Uo Essa] Edwards had the mic hop to get. a. broken needle into her leg. just tbove the knee, on Pveflinz last. Week. Neimbnr the roluivvs or the docbor could locnte it mad at present it in causing her very little trovbk. Your Scribe sold his two-year old colt to Mr. A. McVicar. of Pomona, this week for $125, Means He-‘b Align and Dick Bar- ker out up a fine pile 0 wood for Mr. M. J. Davis last. week. Wp ram-ct. to learn of the very 8 id- don death. last. Thursday at Berklay. 0! Mr William Fitznimmons. who formeilv lived in our nnighhorhood He caught. cnlri"on Hondnv afternoon Whilu n'tundinz a Colo. pneumonia set, in and be pinned away at noon on Thursday Rev. Chas Langford of Corbettop, whe was a former phstor here thirty- three years ago occupied Zion’ a pulpit on Sunday aod greatiy pleased his hearers. Mr. Felstead. Mrs. Radley and Mrs. Thorn. delegates to the Chris- tian Endeavor Conventian at Caledon. gave their report at the meeting of the C. E. Society in the Presbyterian church on Thursday evening last. The convention was largely attended and was one of rare excellence and inepiration. Miss Jnuiu Finder was the guest of Mus Etho! Dawson one day I“: 6'99“. Mr. Goat-go Park. of Ridgeville. Mm. "visiting his rentives and old It ends in Artomesi. and gun as tohuty hour on Sum-d” Inc Mr. Ptl‘k bu property in the pnirio pro- vines. Hre.:John Chord. whom we re. ported leet week on heving gone to Hemilton Hospital, underwent e euc- oeeelnl operetion end we ere pleeeed to leern in improving nicely. Mr. W. E. Hunt spent 0. duy u Woodbridge Int. week visiting his mother. Traverston. Orchard. M is!) MOKGDZBP. uf m guests of Mrs. u. the hour of 2 o’clock in che after- noon all the “sets of the above mm;- ed Compnny, consisting of:â€" A quantitv of cuiug (uhon' 7001:. The un'mid stock nub-crimions am? The land tad well of the said Com- puny. I' received from tho Cvedifors of The Durham Nuunl Gus Oil Com~ puny. (Limited) there will be ofiered for sale by public auction at Hahn's Hotel in the Town of Durham. on FRIDAY NOVEIBEB 24TH. 'I‘umus A. HARRIS. Auigum» Jmm.CLAuK. Auction": Du'ed Now-mlwr “'11 190.3 ( N THE FIRST OF DECEMBERâ€" » comfortable, conveniently sit, name-d butane on Lamhtnn street west. Spring watrr tap in Igitrhrn. Rent reasonable. Apply to URSUANT TO INSTRI'CTIONS received from than firm-“vars r.’ NOVEMBER 23 1905 We want every W0 man to come and buy 2 piece of our Granitewuu that we are giving: away; package of the (tclchmm \V. [312le Baking 1’4”".(h‘1 with. There is In: Hakim; Powder in Durham «. equal thls brand. In heating Stove we take che lead, bu- the right. kind. One oil heaters will 3d! 84.00 We disuibuz hd 01,-(‘Cal‘luaul of can! hat wvek and have («0 moxe on the way. Place your 0“'191‘ ear:y as we cannot get it every Now is zhe time 70 get a ~ barrow at. ‘2,UH, or up to 51 u day. \‘uln}zrd Iron. ranging; In from 200 to 70¢. Who wiIl be widmv our Door Mats and Fog: this mudd y went her. “'e have a \ariet) Baskets in chip. wiiluw a. vauized iron. ranging: i flair Vigor W. Blfi‘BK Good Hair TEBMSOF SALE â€" Bold? Scalp shlny and thln? Then lt’s probably too Into. You neglected dandmfl. If you had only taken our ad- vlce, you would have cured the dendrufl, saved your hair, and added much to it. If no: entirely bold, now is your opportunity. improve it. “Ikfluedtrr‘eflsir tormfl ”an. I I.- now i you. old have 3 heavy of rich brown lair. due. I think.“- 3 r'e Heir Vi or.” u. I. A. leiifliiie. m. ASSIGNEE’S SALE. Lfi‘wo HIP. ()IH If STOV) S and RANGES STABLE BARROWS House to Rent. ROOT BASKETS DOOR MATS LANTERNS N. Hclxn'ma. Durham. COAL for OUR One Of ure OVQS KI low and )lilfl ll (LA!!! 00. .. Loveâ€"ll. lg“. ti CA S H {8| 1905 a 'M you maids or relatives sufler wit u. Epilepsy, St. Vitus’ Dance, or l‘aHin write for t trill bottic and \‘nluabl “til: on such diseases to THE 1.1mm C.» King Street. w.. Toronto, Canada. A gin! sell or an obtain for you LEIBIG'S FITCUR Warehoum Rubbers NOVEEBER 23 190.") Eb? etchan Gama BOULTER. DA KATE um i- '0“ u u»! POINTERS m cm.“ ”A plan-d I k Thu CI! 3 COC! Durhar Their thl

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