West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 23 Nov 1905, p. 5

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.ttle Spice Oil Cake, 11,11 the best Dg you to big. We ler )UU 8 Powder I‘S. Ontario. 916’. All Wool Ne Underway. BER 23 1905 Ion. “ders .vertising. 2 who do trueâ€"“It and Women ) \\ stock ’wders GRANT Stock Opticitn. 218 UI )UND 0.00. Standaid Bank of Canada Agencies in :11 principal point: in On uric, Quebec. “tab. W Stun um Inland. \ .gpnera‘ Ranking buoinua trum- -pd [brad's 3:90de am} rol‘nc'ions dd“ 0’" “l pniIHf-s Dayna"... r... ovVOd 3nd interest allowed m cm rem rate-s. ureresc alluwed on Savings Bank de- usitb of $1 and upwards. Prompt utomion and every facility aflorded "women living u a distance. tapiul Authorized . . .82,000.000 t’ud Up ........... 1.000.000 {curve Fund .. 1.000.000 HEM) OFFICE. TONI“). P. REID. -- -â€" MANAGER The good wife of the house always likes to have good Breed, end the. best Bread is to be had at Stiuson’s The whitest. sweetest and most healthiul made. No husband will ever find luult with Stineon’e Breed We turn out a firstoclese article whether it’s Breed, Pies or Cakes and give special utteution to our customers. DURHAM AGENCY. W. D. CONNOR Galvanized and Iron Pip ing; Brass, Brass Lined and Iron Cylinders. Machine Oil, Harness Oii, Axle Grease and Boot Hintment, go to S. P. SA UNDERS DURHAM FOUNDRY THE SAVINGS BARK J. REILLY, Agent Pumps from $2 upwanl. MODEL BAKERY. Manufacturer 00 And Dealer in --- mUFAcrURED ,PY The Harnessmaker. utternoon . C OPYPIGHT.»me u iiiâ€"mic. ' “Cow!" criod Alundo. But hit with tho two women. Tho worthy Solon fluid: by this tlmo was in t Into of couploto und tottl collapse. hut Hon-codes bore herselfâ€"hot lover norkod with plouuroâ€"u proudly m! u rooolntoly :- it she still stood with- -"vâ€"â€"__-' E hor fothor’o poloco surrounded by non who loved hor oud who would dlo (or her. Bolling tho body of the prostate old In- uldo. Homl‘old knolt down on tho whlto and by the form of the Ill- tor. Tho moonlight shone full upon not (see. and ss he stooped over ho scsnnod it with his one eye. A sudden tub of “cognition csme to him. With s nnttored osth of surprise he looked After Fra Antonio’s bravo attempt at aheolution the woman had tainted. Now she opened her eyes, although she was not yet fully conscious. “Water 1" she gasped toobiy. And as I chanced tho heatswain had a small hettio o! the precious fluid hanging from a strap over his shoulder. There was no pity in the heart or the pirate; he would have allowed the woman to die gasping for water without giving her a second thought. but when he roc- ognleed herâ€"or thought he didâ€"there . instantly sprang into his mind a desire ‘ to make sure. If she were the person he thought her she might have infor- mation at value. Unellnging the hot- tio and pulling out the cork, he placed it to her lips. “Iâ€"dio." she murmured in a stronger voice. “A priest!" “There is none here,” answered the hoatawain. "Fra Antonioâ€"he absolv- ed you." “But I must confess.” “Confess to me,” chuckled the old man in ghastly mockery. “Art in holy orders, senor ?” mut- tered the woman. "Holy enough for you. Say on.” “Fra Antonio, now," she continued, vucantly lapslng into semldellrium. “He married us-‘twas n secretâ€"his rank was so great. He was rich, 1 poorâ€"humble. The marriage linesâ€"- in the cross. There was aâ€"« What’s that? A shot? The buccaneers. They _ are coming! Go not, Francisco!" ', Hornigold. bending an attentive ear 1-..; ‘A‘ - l I i '“It m’t be!” In «chimed. COPYRIGHT. {.05. “VI“. “Go not." she whispered, striving to lift en arm, “they will kill thee! Thou shaltjot let" me elone. my French- ‘â€" “---mn,, £3. The boyâ€"in Panama”â€" It was evident to the sailor that the poor woman's mind had gone back te the dreadful days of the sack of Pan- ama. He was right then; it was she. “The boy-save him, save him 2” she cried suddenly with astonishing vigor. The sound of her own voice seemed to recall her to herself. She stopped: her eyes lost their wild glare and fixed themselves upon the man above her, his on face in the shadow as hers his own taco in wu in the light. “I: it 2183;?" she asked. “Those screamsâ€"tho shote”â€"she turned her Lead toward the cityâ€"“the names! II it Panama?" “Nay." answered the one eyed fierce- ly. “ 3Tb twenty-five year: since then and more. Yonder city in La Guayrn. TM! in the coast of Venezuela.” Bauer ‘1" 'ny CYRUS TOWNSEND BRADY. For a him. " '5 '- -â€" him. L Th'e'n. ecreamed horribly, recognizing him! we "Mug herself upo: her arm. "IIorntgold!" she cried. “What have you done with the child?” “I left him at Cuchlllo, outside flu walls." answered the man. “And the cross ‘3” “On his breast. The captain”â€" e there. You ‘od's cutieâ€"nay. I her 1.9:. It was :00 law. u..- w... com. Bttppw the It‘ll too Well. 1.3 but Wk on the ma, “chiming: “Cu-O Mt! Why couldn’t the an M a nebult longer? The «pen-'- UIHM A! night .hus told In.- udder-I. BBQâ€"n seitences, lost 0' 0mm; “The sonata-um." “For Love r." “Th. Grip of Honor.” Etc. IY C. W. DILLINGHAM C! «n4 “Those Bria: up file prisoners!” he cried to the guards, who had moved them out of earshot of this strange conversation. “The cross," ho muttered, “the mar- riage lines therein. The only clew. And yet she cried ‘Francisco.’ That was the name. Who is he? If I could Ind that crou! l’d know It among a thousand. Hither,” he called to the prisoners slowly approaching. A: Alvarado, with an ejaculation of pity, bent forward in the moonlight to look upon the face of the dead wo- man trom his torn doublet a silver cru- cifix suddenly swung before the eyes Ho'stepped nearer, seized the carven crucifix and lifted it to the light. "glucould swear it was the same,” he muttered. “Senor, your name and rank '1" ‘ LUCIA]. As the buccaneer did so Mercedes Isank on her knees by the side of the gold again. “Alvarado.” ‘ “Where got you that name?” “It was given me by his excelleney the Viceroy." “And wherefore?” There was something so tremendous in IIornlgold’s interest that in spite of himself the young man felt compelled to answer. “It was his pleasure.” “Had you not a name of your own?” “None that I know of.” “What mean you ‘2” “I was found, a baby, outside the walls of Panama in a little village. The | g Viceroy adopted me and brought me up. D That is all.” - “When was this?” asked Hornigoid. - “After the sack of Panama. And the D name of the village was”â€" “Cuchillo!” interrupted Hornigold tri- l « umphantiy. ‘ “My God, senor, how know you I that?" 3. “I was there.” I “You were there?" cried the young man. _° “Aye.” {1' “For love of heaven, can you tell me I who I am, what I am ‘2” “In good time, young sir, and for a - -râ€"-... I...‘ A... Unbind me!" she added. “I give you my word I wish but to pay my respect to the woman yonder.” ‘ ‘i0-_.99 .« “She gives good counsel, soldier,” an- swered the boatswain. “Cut her lash- lnz.” be said to the sailor who guarded ing,‘ them. 'My mother" price. At present 1 snow on. v-.. “There lies your mother,” answered the huccaneer slowly, pointing to the white figure on the sand. “My mother!" cried Alvarado, step- ping forward and looking down upon the upturned face, with it: closely cut white hair, ahowing beautiful in the moonlight. “God rest her soul! She hath a lovely face and died in defense i of her honor like the gentlewoman she A .- __ ‘_- A“. "A1‘ ehould be. My mother! now know ,uu ,_ thin?” ‘ “In the sack of Panama a woman gave me a male child, and for money I agreed to take it and leave it in a safe and secluded spot outside the city . you left in I?" “Around the baby’s neck the mother, ere she gave him to me, placed this curious crooe you wear. ’Tis ot naught like it under the sun that ever I have seen. I knew it even in the faint light when my eyes fell upon it. I left the child with a peasant woman to take him where I had been directed. I believed him eate. On leaving Pana- ma that village lay in our backward path. We burned it down. I saw the baby again. Because I had been well do, “Do .Lere’e troop came through that W’ehdjtonnd me still wearing that crofil '.I‘y:mother! Loving God, i l I f can it be? "my father"- ow lllflc, JVuua Una, “â€"â€" At present I know but one m. ..I:annot nu}. .Wut.” "â€" Iv â€"â€"__ senor, how know 5'0“ tain wants yâ€"ou and your prisoners. 1 You’ll find him in the guardroom.” 9-” ! “We must be gone,” said Homigoid. there?" cried the young ; “Rise, mistress. Come, sir.” ‘ “ ‘1‘- 1 A1..-.n‘,an COMPANY occasional note. From infancy to old age Scott’s Emulsion offers a reliable means of remedying im-. proper and weak develop- ment, restoring lost flesh and vitality, and repairing waste. The ac t i o n of Scott’s Emulsion is no more of a' secret than the composition of the Emul~ ; sion itself. What it does it does through nourish- ' mentâ€"the kind of nourish- ment that cannot be ob- o tained in ordinary food. L: No system is too weak or delicate to retain Scott’s Emulsion and gather good I from it. 1 “At least, D‘onna Mercefies." “Mun. ’twould be my life that would pay. But I’ll keep careful watch over her. I have yet some influence with the captain. Tomorrow I’ll find a way to $00 you. You must do the rest.” “rtereedesfi’ said Alvarado, “heard“ thou all?” “But little,” answered the girl. “That lady is believed to have been my mother!” _ , n 1 41-- n:.“ “a‘1n ”I: ulVLu\-. . “Gentle or simple,” said the girl. “she died in defense of her honor, like the noblest, the best. This for thee, good sister,” she whispered, bending down and kissing the pale forehead. “And may I do the like when my time comes. Thou shouldst be proud of her, my Al- varado,” she said, looking up at him. “See!” she cried suddenly as the re- Iemblance, which was indeed strong betWeen them, struck her. "Thou hast her face. Her white hair was once ““1... mm “firm- He tells the truth. ”UV VI her (acâ€"e; Her white hair was once golden like thine. He tells the truth. Oh, sir, have pity upon us!” A messenger came staggering to- ward them across the woods. “Master Hornigold,” he cried. V “53‘, lulu 5 LLLLL “But this lady," urged Alvaradoâ€"his lips could scarcely form the unfamiliar word “mother”-“and the good priest? You will not leave them here?” “- A“- An‘ word “mother”-“and the good pm You will not leave them here?” “The rising tide will bear them to sea.” A ' , â€" ___ n “A. moment, by your leave,” said Alvarado, stepping toward the dead. Assisted by Mercedes, for he was still whispering a prayer as he did no. Ris- ing to his feet, he cried: “But my father! Who is he? Who “But big name?" 9’ “Aye, aye. “We’ve taken the town. The J ( I.Hn 0 Ce}. ion tel nor Indian tc “Iii; h fruity flax Or of R< neither variety in itsaif pwsse: of strength. richness, delicacy, # Ezic-h‘Has its \‘dekH 385i? 5. By 0; album] found in no brands )fimna Mercéfies." We will send you I sample lra. Be sure that this picture In the ' form of a 11581 is on the "app" j of cvcry bottle of Emulsion you : buy. SCOTT BOWNE | Chemists Toronto, Ont. 50c. and $1; all druzzists. .' .7. Inm-JJ-i; r-v -' v . J's. O W 5".th mo in the Red Rose I roportions 91 3th: “rich fruity flav"or and {\cd: use Tea, a flavor and strength wand ut Ceylon_ alone. faggot-)- 33:: Thou tookest thine own life, but the loving God will forgive thee. I am glad that I had strength and courage twouid to absolve thee before I fell. And I ch over did not know thee. ’Tis so many years 2e with since. Thy son, that brave young cap- l a way tainâ€"I will see thee righted. I won- fest.” dear”â€" ‘heardst He moved nearer to her, scrutinizing i her carefully, and then the old man ‘ opened the front of her gown. “Aye, aye; I thought so,” he said as his eye caught a glimpse of a gold chain against her white neck. Gently he lifted it, unclasped it, drew it forth. There was a locket upon it. Jewels sparkled upon its surface. She had w . ....a worn it all these years. i. ve been irl. “she â€"_--J C” m peculi -Ll' qualities, â€"bu: : 1 nor Indian tea alone can have the .y flamr” of Red Ruse 'I‘cabcczzuse in itbrglf pwsesses all the qualities mess, delicacy: and fragrance. “\-V ‘-‘.'“.“w' on Morgan. He chuckled with fiend- ish delight as he limped along. HO had his revenge now; it lay in the ho!- low of his hand. and ’twas a rare one indeed. Mercedes: lrcing bound agnin, the little party marched across the beach, and the bodies of the priest 1nd the nun were loft alone while the night tide came ripniing up the stand. . - . _______ A out turn-u- uuv H..." , .. ., _ Scarceiy had the party dissppenred within the gate of the tort when the priest slowly and painfully lifted him- self on his hands and crawled toward the woman. While the bneeaneer had talked with the abbess he had returned to consciousness and had listened. Bit by bit he gathered the details of her â€"_. IL A. 1‘“ u, ..... story, and, in truth, he knew it of old. By turning his head he had seen the crucifix on the young man’s breast. and he also had recognized it. He lay still and silent, however, feigning death, for to have discovered himself would have resulted in his instant dispatch. When they had gone he pain- fully crawled over to the body of the poor nun. “Isabella,” he murmured, giving her p1 her birth name, “t? 'Shy them. 0 God!‘ "VI“ ID “I. yâ€"-... ' “O vanitas vanitamm!" murmured the priest, yet compassionately. “\Vihat is it that passes the love of woman ?" He slipped it quietly within the breast of his habit and then fell pros- trate on the sand, faint from pain and loss of blood. Long the two figures lay He slipped it quietly \vituin breast of his habit and then fell pros- trate on the sand. {aint from pain and loss of blood. Long the two figures lay there in the moonlight while the rising tide lipped the shining sands. The cool water at last restored consciousness to one of the still forms; but, though they laved the beautiful face of the other with tender caresses. they could not call back the troubled life that had passed into peaceful eternity. Pain- fully the old priest raised himself up- on his hands and looked about him. “0 God.” he murmured, {‘glve me strength to live until I can tell the story. Sister Maria Christinaâ€"Isa- bella that wasâ€"thou wert brave and thou wert beautiful; thou hast served our holy church long and well. It I could only lay thee in some consecrat- ed ground, but soul like to thine makes holy e’en the sea which shall bear the A â€"â€"--..A. kn-lnfl #hnn The ma: struggled to his knees. clasped his hands before him and be- zan the burial service at his ancient church. “We therefore commit her body into the great deep," he said, “looking for the general murrection in the lat H. Estabronfis n, N.B., Toronto. Winnipeg “thou didst sufler. ..I- cm h has It .3 A Positive Assurane‘e a! I Cure 0v Your Niodcy Refunded. 0n the mthority of the }mmwn d On. Hma's team-luau Hunt, m guarantee this remedy to In an u'ouquh cure fur all diseases and dimd. rs 4mm; from weak xwrves, watery blood 0! a run down condition of the oysmm. such as - Anaemia, (Ihiorosiu, Pulp. tad Snllm L‘Lm plexiun. Tired, Worn-out. Feeling, Slea p- leasnous, Nervousnesa, DyspepsiA, Heart Palpitation. Impaired Memory. Unsteub {Co-rum, Hysueria. Female Weakueu and '.'.'I‘¢~;:u!uriti95. De; ression of S iriu. “pin-Jo Weakness. St. Vitus’ Dance. '11:}:- 'c: and Eruptiuns, boss of Mal Pavel 4 r a: (when! Ugh-flit 31$» “all ,Q,L AL- fnZ'TiiEG'Cmerfilfiyn Pin. enrich cu ul<md.mne up thenervec and invigouh Llu- “hole system, producing in sickly. weakly men uni women tint In»? ~‘igul‘nus. healthy feeling tint make. I wurth living worth living. But you (lnn’t need to Like out "I'd. go what these Pills can noonmplish. .iwm yoursvlf If they don't do on mu can get your mmwy back. Ill'tthfl fair? ‘ . I IL A GUARANTFEE TO CURE. "" You purchase fmm m 6 boxes of I} Hartw's (‘c-h-ry-lrm: Fillmpaying for than $2 30 “11!: M’nry moh purchlw'! l"! mu um ptsiiiVP writtvn cum-Intro (.th i ‘fn-r l::‘.;?.‘u= 3‘. “up...“ Hm Pins, ward my in liw- 2i ms, vnu find you have do ”ii’ml no; 'u . :1}: 7mm “Wit use. you Q! ‘Mml; ?'-.-- S vlloph hutch. U'ogw‘hrl dd ah.- '4 ;°. nu -. i - mm and at your muu': mm m: tfh'r t If“! bu 'ind I m1 m n day and the life of the come"â€" 3 H E ‘4 [ST \vw.’ The wster was wsshing sronnd hi! ere he finished his monrntni task. In with one long look of benison and tsr. well he rose to his feet and stagger! slang the road down the bomb. Bios 1y he went, but presently he reach! naming, shrieking, ruined town. Tl flooding tide was in now snd tl breakers were beating snd thunder“ fsr across the sands. The body of t.‘ I nbbess was gone. hi: V.“ o A gray, grim. gaunt figure. b stained, pale, he stood there {I 1 ghastly light. mmkinz the Jud“ of God upon Morgan and his man he turned away and was lost In dnrkneu of the mountain. ‘ Giant Was. That I. the Pow. Spider‘s floral Foe. The tarantula killer has a bright body nearly two inches long and v of a golden hue. As it files here there in the sunlight, glittering if flash of fire, one moment resting lent, the next on a granite bowld keeps up an incessant buzzing. ‘ is caused by the vibration of its VII No sooner does the tarantula hes; than he trembles with tear. (or he knows the fate in store for when'once his mortal foe percelv whereabouts. This it soon doe: hastens to the attack. DAL ‘4 J N0. A. DARLING nan“...- uv v"- -_ At first it is content with fly! circles over its intended victim. ually it approaches nearer and I) At last, when it is within a few i the tarantula rises upon his hill and attempts to grapple with h but without success. Like a da giant wasp is on its back. The ly fangs have been avoided. Th instant a tearful sting peueu'ate into the spider's body. Its at: . almost cease. A sudden pa! â€" -_‘_l THE TARANTULA KILLE' aide. then to the other. These symptoms. however. of short duration. “'hlle they 1? wnsp, but I few lncheo “my. ; the result. Nor doe: lt hnve ll long. A. few seconds nnd nll llfe has disappeared from the t‘ la. The once powerful lea c kA-‘th Hm body. and it rol less: like n. drunken man. m1 r - AM) .â€" unnam- DURHAM. UNT wsmt‘unm'u-

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