West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 14 Dec 1905, p. 2

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the pri out. stock WE WA ANT TO SELL THESE HATS ad no ofiering them at a low price. Lumbton Street. DURHAM, ONT ltisu The cold weather will soon be here and you will want 3 Fur nuce or Stove. It will pav you to call in and see our Stock. We carry the very best lines such as the Furnaces And Stoves We will give you u guanntee with them. Pease Furnace We are selling hats that. new 8 83.00:: the best. value money If you want a really handsome and useful gift for a lady, get her one of our Astrachan Jackets. We have a splendid assortment at from $25 to $40. Or a Fur Ruff or Stoleâ€"We have one you will like. at the price you want to pay. From $5 to $25 Handkerchiefs, the daintiest to be had, 5 to 7 5c. Beautiful Waist Lengths. Wool, silk and wool, etc. 50c per yard up. Silks for Waists and Dresses. Black, cream and colors. Dress Goods and Suit Lengths, all prices to $1.50 per yard. Felt Juliets and Slippers, 900 and $1 per pair. Hints for Christmas Buyers Walker Pilot Range Siegner Tinware and Hardwate With a gift from our Linen Stock. Table Cloths, $1 to 83. Table Linen, by the yaxd, 300 to $1. 25. Table Napkins. 7 50 to $3 pe1 doz Towels, up to $1 per paix. In F1001 Mats we have some handsome ones $1 25 to $4. 50 Chenil e and Tapestly Table covers, $1. 25 to $3. Suit Cases and Club Bags, different sizes and prices. Fancy Braces, boys’size, 10c to 25c; Men‘s 25c to 50c. Gloves: unlined, wool, and silk lined, 75c to $1.50 per 2!“ ljandkerchiefs, linen, to 25c; NEW FRUITS. éiié,'25é to M. Ties, The latest shapes and colors, 10c to 50c. Neck Scarfs in correct styles. Muff- lers (can be pulled up to protect the head) 500. also carry HARDWARE and TIN‘WARE. ' The Children and Misses would like a pair of Our cosy Felt Slippers. we have oflered Please the Housewife Burma, mas AND FOWL WANTED - Gifts for the Men. . BAISINS. CURRANTS, FEELS. NUTS OF ALL KINDS. - oautiful for the $1.25 mt mas DO In Cutlery What is nicer than a. substantial carving sett or a. set of knives and forks. It is nice to be able to do business in a stme .vhere \ 011 can get anything you 1equi1e f1 om a toothpick to a. ca: of coal. We me well supplied with fancv Stand Lamps of a ve1y supe1i01 design and quality at wholesale prices. We can also suit you in Pocket Knives, Manicure Setts, Shaving Mirrors, Razors, Smoking Setts, Pipes, Ink Stands, Playing Our fhowcases are well filled with Silverware very suitable for Christmas pre- sents. Cards, Mouth Organs, Match Boxes, Purses, Sleighs, Toboggans, Hock- sy Sticks and Pucks, Club, Hockey and Tube Skates, Barometers, and other articles too numerous to mention. STAN D LAMPS SILVERWARE CUTLERY [4? '9 Q7 Press Bulletin from the Ontario Agri- cultural College, Guelph. BREED AS A FACTOR IN FEED IN G ANIMALS. Nearbgemwy farmer who feeds} stock has his favorite breeds‘ and isi firmly convinced that certain breeds are more profitable to feed than oth- ers. \Vhile there is little doubt that some breeds of :3th are better adapt- ed to certain conditions of climate. svstem of management, and environ ment than others, it is a significant fact that when difierent breeds of flesh producing animals have been fed side by side under the same con ditions. no constant difference in favor of any one breed has been dis-l covered, so far as ability to make economical gains is concerned Even in such extreme cases as where steers possessing considerable dairy blood. have been fed in comparison with steers of the purely beet breeds, no marked advantage in economy of gains on the part of the beef breeds has been found to exist. Such estate- ment seems almost incredible, yet investigators have never been able to show that cattle of the beef breeds produce flesh more cheaply than those of other breeds. It is only when it comes to marketing the cattle that the difliereuce between the difierent classes become apparent. the beef breeds producing much superior beef. and consequently selling for a much higher price per pound. Comparisons of the breeds of sheep have not been very fully worked out. but, so far as they have gone, the in- dications are that the same rule prac- tically bole true. In swine, the most extensive ex- periments with breeds have been con- ducted by the Ontario Agricultural College and the Iowa Experiment Station. At each of these institu- tions six breeds of swine were com- pared as to the cost of producing 100 pounds gain live weight, and the tables which follow show the standing of the breeds with regard to economy of production in each experiment. ONTARIO EXPERIMENTS. Breeds arranged in order of econo- my of production. lst Exp.-â€"â€"1. Berkshire, 2, Tam- worth, 3, Poland China. 4, Dnroc Jersey, 5, Chester White, 6, York- shire. 2nd EXp.â€"1, Berkshire. 2, Tem- worth, 3. Poland China, 4. Chester White, 5, Yorkshire, 6. Duroc JerSev. 3rd. Expâ€"1, Yorkshire. 2. Berk shire, 3, Duroc Jersey. 4, Tamworth 5, Chester White. 6, Poland China. 4th Exp.--1, Berkshire, ‘2, Tam worth, 3, Yorkshire, 4. Chester White 5, Duroc Jersey, 6, Poland China. 5th Exp.â€"1, Berkshire. ‘2, York- shire, 3, Duroc Jersey, 4, Chester White. 5, Tamworth, (3, Poland China. IOWA EXPERIMENTS . Breeds arranged in order of econo- my of production. 3rd Exp.-â€"1. Yorkshire. 2, Poland China, 3, Berkshire, 4, Duroc Jersey. 5, Chester White, 6, Tamworth. If we consider only the Ontario experiment, we would come to the conclusion that the Berkshires, York- shires and Tamworths had scored a decided advantage ; but when we re- fer to the Iowa experiment, we find the Duroc Jersey and the Yorkshire taking a leading place. while the Tamworth and Berkshire occupy a much less prominent position. 2nd Exp.-1, Duroc Jersey. 2, Yorkshire, 3. Berkshire, 4, Tamworth 5, Poland China. 6, Chester White. lst Exp. â€"â€"1. Dame .1 eraey. 2, York- shire, 3, Tamworth, 4. Poland China. 5, Chester White, 6. Berkshire. If there is anything in the breed to which swine belong which influ- ences their ability to turn food into flesh, how is it that some one breed did not maintains position at or near the t0p of the list throughout these experiments. There is only one 10;:- ical answer to this question. and that is, breed is not a factor in influencing the economy of production. Further there is only one way of accounting for the variations which occurred in each experiment. and that is on the ground of the individuality of the animals. There is little doubt, there. , fore, that animals possessing good constitution and quality will make economical use of their food, no mat- ter what breed they may beiong to. ; “Vhen it comes to the question of ’marketing. we find that, as in the case of cattle. there is a marked vari- ation in the kind of meat furnished by some breeds as compared with others. The carcasses from swine used in the Ontario experiment were sent to the slaughter house and criti- cally compared by experts. and the following tables show the breeds ar- ranged inbrder of their suitability for the manufacture of bacon for the English market. - '6th Exp.â€"l, York-hire. 2, Bork- shiro. 8. Chem: White. 4, Tunworth 5, Dnroc J one}, 7 . Pound Chin. 6th Expâ€"1, Yorkshire. 2. Tu- worth, 8, Bahama, 4. Daron Janey. Breeds arranged in order of suita- bility for the manufacture of Wilt.- shiro sides. , 2nd Exp.â€"1,Yorkehire, 2, Tun worth, 3, Berkshire, 4Cheeter White. 5, Dnroc Jersey. 6, Polend Chine. lot Exp â€"1, Yorkshire. 2, Tom worth, 3 Berkshire, 4, Dnroc Jersey. 5. Poland China, 6, Chester White. '3rd Exp.-â€"1, Yorkshire, 2. Tem- worth. 3, Berkshire. 4. Polend Chine, 5, Chester White, 6, Duroc J ereey. 4th Elyâ€"1, Yorkehire. 2. Tem- worth. 3, Berkshire. 4. Cheeter White 5, Dnroc Jereey. 6. Polend Chine. By Prob G. E. Day DURH‘AM CHRONICLE A mere glance shows that there is much more constancy about these tables than about the preceding ones. The Yourkshires and Tsmworths hold. their place at the top oi the list in each of these tables, except one, where the Tamworths were pureed as; low as fourth place. The Chester? \Vhites. Duroc Jerseys and Poland‘ Chinss appear at the bottom of the list in nearly every case being essenti- ally fat’producing breeds and suitable for the production of the type of hog popular in the United States, but en- tirely unsuitable for supplying: the markets to which Canadian packers cater. The Berkshire. it will be no- 1ted, holds a sort of intermediate place betwee the bacon and fat. type. Though unsuitable on the Whole for making the best W‘iltshire sides, at the same time it comes nearer to meeting the requirements of the packer than the three American breeds. 5, Poland China. 6, Chester \Vhite The farmer can not. afiord to shut his eyes to the requirments of the market, and the facts brought out in these investigations are certainly worthy of his consxderation. “Some weeks ago during the se- vere winter weather both my Wife and myself contracted severe colds which deve10ped into the worst kind of la grippe with all its miserable symptoms,” says Mr. J. S. Egleston of Maple Landing, Iowa. “Knees and joints aching, muscles sore, head stopped up, eyes and nose running, With alternate spells of chills and fever. We began using Chamber lain’s Cough Remedy. aiding the same with a dose of Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets, and by its liberal use soon completely knock- ed out the grip.” These Tablets promote a healthy action of the bowels, liver and kidneys which is always beneficial when the system is congested by a cold or attack of the grip. For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. " Choosing a profession.” formed the title of Rev. Thos. Wilson’s ser- mon on Sunday evening last, and among other things the reverend gentleman cited the case of afamily of four sons. The first was given to reading. and pretty well perused the field of literature. His parents (whose hats did not cover an overplas of knowledge or forsight) made this lad a merchant, and by so doing spoiled a promising professional career The second boy was handy with tools. and skilfully manufactur- ed mimic houses. toy boats, etc. The parents made him a farmer. and the world lost a Splendid mechanic. The third son showed an early inclination for attending and cleaning horses. cattle, etc.. and otherwise exhibited the propensity of a farmer ; but the folly of the parents again asserted itself and out of this youth was form- ed a minister. The fourth and last son was of marked ability and magne- tic power. and while yet a child was a leader among his mates, and thus early displayed every sign that he Would eventually be a leader of men. The parents made of this youngster a mechanic. and at the bench he with. ered out an unsuccessful life He would have made a successful politic- an and statesman. Mr. Wilson after speaking briefly on the difierent call- ings open to young ladies. and their ability of filling same. stated it as his belief. that no great mistake would be made if they all‘followed housework. Summing up the situa tion. he urged parents to pay more attention to the inclination of their children and allow them to follow the bent of their genius, rather than de- vice arbitrary rules as to the occupa- ‘tion they should follow.---Bruce Times. The Key that Unlocks the Door to Long Living. The men of eighty-five and ninety years of age are not the rotund well fed. but thin, spare men who‘live 9n aslender diet. Be as careful as he will, howevur. a man past middle age. will occasionally eat too much or of some article of food not suited to his constitution. and will need a dose of Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets to cleanse and invigoro ate his stomach and reguiate his liver and bowels. When thisis done there is no reason why the average‘ man should not live to old age. For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. When you want a pleasant. laxative take Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. TRAYED from the premises of the undersigned, during the month of October, a. red yeerling steer. Any information leading to his re- covery yill be snitablly rewnrded. 3pc! HUGE 811mm. Dornoch. CHOOSING A PROFESSION. Notice to Trespassers. Grip Quickly Knocked Out. Steer Astray trayed to the premises of the under- signed, lot 21, con. 3, E. G. R... on or about Sunday, Nov. wish. one black faced ram; also mark on one ear. Ow- ner may have same by proving prop- erty and paying expenses. THE HANOVER CON VEYANCBR 100 ACRES, south-west of Varney, in NOR- MANBY. An extra good farm and well improved. Owner anxious to no West. 150 ACRE§_. _BENTINC_K, qortj} 01_Allan "Park. Well fiinproved a'nd offered very cheap. 125 ACRES. on 18th Concession of NOR- MANBY. Wellm 1m rev ed and well located Offered cheap. ill rent if not sold. 100 ACRES BERTINCK near Rocky 8311 geen. Good farm with! good timber Will sell cheap. MONEY TO LOAN at] DURHAM RESIDENCE. belongin _ :0 Mr J. L. Borawne. photographer. o ere-i at snap price INSURANCES PLACED 'in No. 1 panies at low rates. DEBTS COLLECTED. BUSINESB: DIFFICULTIES arranged. C. P. R. TICKETS for sale toall points. Always Prompt-Never Negligent. Take Care of Your Horses Feet ..... We Make Men Manly int'heir z'tppeax'-- ancct Use men right, and they will act. the man in return. We enâ€" deavor to suppy the Latest Patterns, Shades, and Best Quality to be had for the money We Guarantee An uptoâ€"date garment in style, and workman- ship. Anything you wantoâ€"trom the heavy, weaning Tweed, to the finest qualitx in Cheviot, Se1ge, and W01sted,1n Fancy, Black 01 Blue. In Men’s Furnishings we are right, up-to-date in flats and Caps, Working or Fancy Shirts, Ties, Collars, Sox, Gloves, Umbrellas, Suspenders, Underwear, Sweaters. In fact everything that is found in an np-to- date furnishing Store. J. L. ‘ FLABITY NEW ADVERTISEMENT. . H. Miller PRICES RIGHT Give us acall and be satisfied. in levelling end belenc in: your horse’s foot. I hue the Scientific Horse Foot Leveller which is the leteet end beet contrivence for thet purpose end will mutate. outstation. RAM STRAYED. Now offers the following : Merchant Tailor. W. GUTHRIE. '0 MORE GUESS WORK H. H. MILLER. N. MELOSH. Rocky Snugeen , owes: rates The Blah-with. Com ; AFINE STOCK FARM 4 miles from i.Durhun with nice brick home. stone foun ldation barn good iences abundance of water. The proper“ (onipri>.es 150 acrq 'ofland. of which nearly all is cultivable. lThe owner is an 1119; up farming and the [property is ofl'med at a hflCYifiGB to a quick purchaser. 011k small [unment itqlill‘ed do“ n. TWO LOTS IN THE TOWKSH GLENELG will be soldneither toga separately. Each con prises 100 am on each them in a good home. The» are about. seven miles from Durham ; ofl'ered for sale very cheaply. One 15’ all in grass and would sun an)“: ,lng for a_ grasa‘ f- r-n. FN- furllm in miles north of Priccville Faun if: :first clues condition Good buildings with i running stream convenient to the ham 1 For further particulars applv to DUGALD D. MCLACHLAN gJan. 28â€"tf. Priceville P. 0‘ EINU BAB'I‘S OF LU'lb n2 AND 63. Bentinck, Cm. 2. W. G. R.. ad- 'oining the Cor ration of the Town of urham. The arm consists of 4215:1(‘1‘63 -â€"about 4 acres \xoodland. the balance un- der grass. Comfortable dwelling and good comfortable outbuildings. Small orchard. Just the kind of place for a dairy farmer or market gardener. Sold at right price and on may terms as the proprietor in- tends going west and wishes to dispose ..f it. II. BURNETT. I" Jan. 20. 1905.-tf. Du: U about six miles fromDurham. title. Possessxon at once. Good laud. be sold. For particulars apply to J. P. 'I‘ELFORD. Du Feb. 22nd 1505 â€"tf (“90918. “110 or iemaie holding .Second- Class Certificate. duties to com imence Jnnuury 1%. Personal application : preferred. , W. J. KERNEY. ? Wandby. Om. 1 Durham. Four lots on the wééc’sidééf Albert Street. for privete residences. Now is the tinge to get these lots. For further information applv to 1 of Saddler street. in the Town 6t Dur ham. m the countyof Grey. containiugll acres more or less. For terms and particu lars applv to N BRUCE S'l‘., DURHAM, NEW brick house. 30x32; 25 storeys high: double cellar. cement floor in one half, furnace in the other half. Small barn with stone stable under- neath. Convenient to station. Furniture Factory and Cream Separator Works. Will sell cheap to uick purchaser. The awner is going est. For further particulars apply tn Wu. LEGGET’l‘h‘ J une 14. ct. Box 92, DURHAM. J. M. HUNTER. Durham April 12. INL-tf. Park Lot For Sale. ”_-“ ARK LOT NUMBBR13 NORTH Of Saddler street in the Tuwn nf Dur- [1. ing. good stable. small orclxair'd, Qleli located In Durban. Will sell cheap to quick ourchaser. Apply ROBERT SM ITll. p. Sept 17, 4 to Jan Stroyed to the premises of the undorsigred. lot 36, Con. ‘2. E. G. B.. on or about the 7th November. 3 white now. Owner moy hove some by proving pmporty, povmg ex- penses and taking her uny. Nov. 11â€"4 pd JAB. Armsox l 3-ywoold steer, 1 pr. 2-yur-om “can, 1 pr. yurling stool-a. 1 2-yw old colt filly-I. bouncy, 100 ”and coda {woo pout- “ 8o ouch, patch»- or to but then. 2nd. R. '1‘. Emu-p0, Ebotdulo. DECEMBER 14- 1905. N_ THE CENTRAL PART OF 3310K OR FRAME-â€"-APPLY ' J. W. CRAWFORD. Also several building lots. [303 S 8.. N_0 g3._ BENTINu; DOE_ SCHOOL SECTION NO. 4.. _0T .51, N THE GARAFRAXA ROAIL House and Lot For sale Good Farm for Sale. Town Lots for Sale. GOOD COMFORTABLE DWELL- J. P. TELFORD, 2.-tf. Vendor’s Soiicitor. Dnrhm male or femle. Duties to comuu 1m. Apfilv. stating salarv tn UGH R. NRIDDEI L. For Sale or Rent. Farms For Sale. Houses for Sale. Teacher Wanted. Teacher Wanted. For Sale At lot 8, con. 7. Glonolg. House For Sale. ~‘arm 102‘ 80W STRAYED ‘jfl. 53â€":Sidgxoad __50. u “CRAY 8* ale L‘. Proprietor Dumum, 0m Dorxmé Durham am RN if 'oold Jet Jb'orl “Maple Le pure Para rub perfect-fitting z Every rubber has branded on the sole, 2 our guarantee that th in everv war. 1.4.“; The bed 0‘ BOULH Gen E. .- “Munch-u O. o. I. l I. a ”4 Deceuhc r st on Your (1 n 72? mum 3"! Made for eve and to fit 6 E? i“ YOU CAN 111 1‘10 Min. UA 1C3.

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