West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 14 Dec 1905, p. 3

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CWB 5‘3 5:}â€"-Sideroad 50.1! orth ot I’ritevilie. Far-ll ndition Hood buildings with em comeuien‘. to the Inn. particulars snow to UGALD I). McLAcnm. Pticoviilo P. 0. .3 lot 8, con. 7. 6103013. se and Lot For sale ed to the premises of the mod. 10: 36' Con. ’..E G. Bu} out the 7th Novembu. Q m. Owner may have .. ring pr0perty, paving 01 Id “king not any. ~4pd Jan. A house able (:9 case For Sale. wold '11 Lots for Sale. |. Four lots on the West Did.“ It. for ptivate residences. Row :0 get those mm. For tutti. sppiv to J. M. HUNTER. Dmhm- uses for Sale. ) COMFORTABLE DWELL- good ~4t :.th9 mm Ilnrchard, vol Durham “v i“ ,. ii ( .wap to quiet 0') C H001. k Lot For Sale. .OT NUMB liar street in C E 3'] pr. ymling ”van, 1 filly-a bonny, 100 pope“. u 80 ”03.0! \Vark rm 3C an Sale H (‘ I’ CENTRAL PART OF B. '1'. Imam, For Sale AR .‘l 80 '0 I Rent. l! STBAYBD H'N'I‘ER. Duthm. W In to] L FORD. l)“ rha- :32: 2.5 sto :rmuent floor 11 the other half. ,mt- stable under- » to station. and Crea- \\"ill sell cheap $0 a ‘wncr is going for Sale. fists of 421} 30'; I. the balance I. iwelling and M . Small are“ >r a. dairy fat-o :1d at. right W he propneto: il- :8" todisposo 0!“; 'l‘T. Proprietor DURHAM, 0n Sale. U11 l i I; \M, NEW Du: ‘ mun). inkling «ihfios 2-) COD‘ «.41 application A K :1 RN BY. Waudby. Ont. I31) mises of “I.f pr. 2-,! nrnam. Good (Hand. Mun . containing! 3 1nd particu- sipply tr. m ETTE , DURHAI. nted. 1D 02 AND Tuwn of Dm- 1:; NORTH LPO APPLY TO bRD. . 90 F .i,;3es {2‘ June in. Vxxdgneo ‘ ROADâ€"â€" Own u’ on“: m menu act. thaw H Warehnuse ‘21 Frnn' St Rabrwrs Unmann- Exery rubber has a Maple Leaf nanded on the sole, and this brand is our guarantee that the rubber 18 perfect in every way. 11 “Ike [wit 6 '.FUfl BOULTER. it" i' ,§ BER Est on your dealer giving you gyieuh Made for every purpose and to fit every shape and style of ladies’, men’s and children’s shoes. bd‘ \‘U "DUI: 9' DAVIUS com PANV. :0 ~. ‘nl Lin-6k drln cl ha 0 Factory 0" 'l‘orunlo 0v ' n h 7M. A. J tral ()pifé‘riJ wflw-‘Iw- , v If on, our friends or relatives suffer with A N Y, Fits,yEpilZpsy, St. Vitus’ Dance, or Falling ”1V iC’S Sickness, wnte for a. trial bottle and valuable ‘ ' treatise on such diseases to THE LEIBIG Co., A «:9. v. v ca M nrchwnts 179 King Street, \V., Toronto, Canada. All tin-magists sell or can obtain for you “Ht-m, w'euaph ; .- _.â€"IAIA FI'AI'D: No Poison in Chamberiain's Cough Remedy. From Nabier New Zealand Herald: Two years ago the Pharmacy Board of New South Wales. Australia, had an analysis made of all the cough medicines that were sold in that market. Out of the entire list they found only one that they declared was entirely free from all poisons. This exception was Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. made by the Chamb- erlain Medicine Company. Des Moines Iowa. U. S. A. The absence of all narcotics makes this remedy the safest and best that can he had; and it is with a feeling of security that [any mother can give it to her little l The Chronicle’s emphatic declare» ‘2 Lion tlfat peonle are 1n no way liable E for compensation of the license hold- zere makes the thoughts of enforcing local option more pleasant. Men I perform their duty more courageous- no". our ad 000 wâ€"‘v ones. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is especially recommended by its makers for coughs. colds. croup and whooping cough. This remedy is for sale at. Parker’s Drug Store. ' an upmi countenance. clear conscience {feeling we owe him nothing nor did ihim any injustice. to remind him he amust observe strictly to our new laW‘ iwiii be much more pleasant than to Steel :1 gmit of doing any injustice to is fellow man that would cause us to ihave a consideration for him. or in iamy way shrink from performing the 'duties that tali on every one in the ! proper carrying out. of the Act. 1y eSpeciaily' when it concerns a neigh- bor if they know they are absolutely in the right and guilty of doing him no injuStice The provisions cf the Act are that the peOple shall enforce it. and to be able to call on the hotel man the morning after the vote with The formal opening of our new wheel will take palce on the evening of Thursday the ‘2lst day of Dec. Tea will be served in connection with an excellent program The young people of the section are determined to make the affair a huge success. Inspector Campbell will take the l chair for the pragrom at eight o’clock. Mrs. Jae. McMeeken left last Tuesday to visit her daughters at Port Elgin and Shallow Lake. Mr. Tom MoAlister has purchased eight choice Leicester sheep from an Orillia breeder. There is money in sheep now, especially the good kind ‘_L- and Tom 18 his venture The young men of the neighbor- hood turned on Wednesday and out «year’s Wood fcr Mrs. Dennett for which she wishes to return hearty thanks Inspector Campbell visited our school last week and his report is verv comforting to all who have any- thing to do with school matters. A social gathering of a select crowd was entertained in the home of Mr. .199. Johnson on Friday night. Prizes given by our teacher Miss Limin i-..~r um um study brought forth film (‘Oliections. Other new wuw WM e- brought up in a similar Abram lied DA. ’1 3' ,tho NH 0' (H. CORNER CONCERNS. Iiht .Icm meox is preparing to put «Inézm m hia barn next summer. «'mw vahiiug. so that he can ditiaunl mock to consume the of more rxxensive farming. . O H'- o" I , “â€"r ' fl is to bet Eongraihlated on “OWL m. souvomr Raw. o“ Large Photographs Given Away - - Christmas is Coming FRED W. KELSEY wE have all lines of the best quality and at right prices. Almost every day we are asned “Do you still give that large photograph with a doz- en cabinets?” \ We have decided to nge u; once more for a short- time. Cold Weather is on One Dozen Photographs will make twelve nice Christmas presents, and besides. you will have this large 12"x14” Photograph. worth $1.50 or» dered alone, but given free with one dozen Caninets. If It Is :1 Suit This is a Real Bargain, and may not come your way again. Tweed Goods Christmas DURHAM. DURHAM ONT. And You Want Groceries And is you want real comfort you should buy some of our Underwear. All wool goods at prices you pay for shoddy at. other places. You want we have some we will sell at cost; also a number of wearing pants. First come, first. served. That are good tweeds will be sold at old prices. In fact. we will sell everything cheap as we think of retiring from business. Clydesdale Stock Food and Remedies CD . SCOTT Flour and Feed Grocerles ONTARIO. um um ‘ ‘Livo am: Implements The Sherlock Organs EEflanfi‘é‘é Sewing Machines Malone Separators o. CAMPBELL, Agent. DURHAM, ONT. You can if you will. Our courses which are up-to-dete and practical will qualify you in the shortest. possible time. All our graduates secure good positions We get far more ap- plications than we can meet. This school has gained a con tinental reputation for thoroughness. Write for our beautiful catalogue. it will in- terest you. You may enter at any time. Elliott Molachlan PRINCIPALS. HAVE YOU? Any old Worn silver? It so, I am prepared to re- plate it. Bring it in now while 11 have the time. All work guaranteed. Prices Moderate, and Strictly Cash. Q The Big 4 CALDER â€"â€" BLOCK â€" DURHAM At the Big 4 with abig load of Suitable for everybody. 1 sure to call and see him. Take LAXATIVE BBOMO QUININE Tnbleu. All d guts rfinnd the money if 1t hi1: to cure. E. W. grove's signscure is on inch box. 25c. STRATFORD. ONTARIO T0 CUBE A COLD IN ONE DAY www- Anyone non . our Opinion V WW» " mmmm ,v for m an roan luau. Make Your Life A Success Christmas Presents and Games of Every Kind of all kinds for the Farm, the Home and the Dairy. ”~\‘P“//W' DURHAM BAKERY Santa Claus Has Arrived AGENCY. Geo. Yiirs. ”I“! b r Int-m Ozilvie’e ’Roya! Househoid Flow 85.80 per barrel. Other High Grade Munitob. Flour $5. 40 and $5. 55 per barrel. McGowan’s Family Flour at. It“ dard'prices Choice Bread . . and Confections The school is thorouhlyoquipood in touch obllity. in chemical and olocmcal supplies on fittings. on». for full Junior Leaving and Kowlo- ulstion work. The following competent cm! or. in chorze : KISS L. M. FORP‘A R. Chums. Modem. an. English. enr alderman“. d . History nd 00.- Intending students ebould enter at the begin- ning of the term if possible. Board can be ob- tained nt resemble mtg. Dun-hem is n balm -_.I --L_°__4 A , _ '_' -â€"vv-u “I I...“ I. end active town. mking it emoet piece of residence. DURH A M SCHOOL. wn. JOHNSTON. THOS. ALLAN. lat Class Certiflato. PHI. We Deliver to Any Part of the Town. The undersigned hsving been restored to has!“ by simple means. sfter entering for seversl use with s severe lung sflection. snd thst :râ€"d disesse Coast-puss. II snxions to mske know- to his fellow snfierers the mesns of core. '13. those who desire it, he will cheerfully send. ft. of charge. s copy of the prescription used. whfl the will find s sure cure for (Do-m Alanna. cum. Bronchitis snd sll thrust.“ lung Handles. He hopes sllsnfierers will“, his remedy. ss it is invslusble. Those desk-In the prescription. which will cost them nothing end my rove s hlessin . will please sddl'us InnBD ADD A. WI N.Brooklyu.N" Yuk Tho People’s Grocery onol Provision Store Constantly on hand uud deliv- ered to all parts of town duily; Goodo «1.1mm! promptly in STAFF AND EQUIPMENT. McGowan. Eclipse, List owel Renown ........ 2'30 Lionel Monitobo in five 5‘8 lots ............. 20“ P110. 0! ALL KINDS Bron per not ............ . $1 00 Shorts per not ............ 31.10 Showinfimklouuu..81.05 Chops of all kind: gluon on land ALSO A 9000 UN. OF Grocorloa. Contactiowy. Cigar. ud Tobacco kept on hand dwm T0 CONSUMPTIVES. PROPRIETOR vâ€"vâ€"u uv AVVIIII'. V"""u. w . English Grammar during Hod-l Flour. $1.01”! or ALL. «mos a. a. ma m7: 7 WATSON

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