jderivo beneï¬t I“ ï¬vg you your man.) Ipvo you yo} ~ No! the latgast It: Best. 123: torn. bruised. medâ€"and looked ity of Caracas out than! like a hand. Diet of emerald. t he wouid be In Viceroy. and It In his tired bread miles beyond th. ï¬nding toward tho 1 of men. Th. polished helm. is thereby «“5155. f: I: the day and 0v":- ignduata in a short L ut' it is a man who-o cher mm unoxcollod rs tn 3?? his undoub- muralh . socially and box- he scramblod mt duos his work in- ro emu†the coal- Pnblu. Actual business {to- nkness. General lb use. and disorde- I-down condition a! x, or vast nnd in- n is taught nemato- Man are thoroughly It. thus avoiding MI ‘5 and enabling tho- MI is possible In clu- iu the Best :â€" ud ptudeuts are doing In writing 200 words "ending only two mu drew near the Be dxsbed inn it indifferent to tho '6. Who did an! at o tattered. Manly. when of human!†t come». a. tbe Best Commonhl Minn. it is W bat-- {as are enjoving tho mat every Canadian Inns in Hus he mountainâ€"and Italy happened .9 and. running wItI n me 2d Wu ANCY. Prin. n. toceivos epoch] st- ieets a nd may chow. it F0 re 3. College iRANT 'ARLINO All \Vool Underwoa'. tty euro Dr. Hart-5 are claim for t5... a and 10de Palpitation d n: Spells, Nun- ja .ys the 00"- DRE $10.50 u"; n 137 I. abort distance out of Kmpp’s Hotel Lamb ton Street, Lower Town, Durban Ofï¬ce hours from 1 to o’clock. , {)E‘FICE AND RESIDENCE A FflB JOB : : )EPARTHENT * FFICE AND RESIDENCEâ€"COR. Garafran and George Streets-at foot of hill. Oï¬ice hours-941 3.111., 2-4 p. 111., 7-9 p.m. Telephone No.10. [22m Jamieson Macdonald PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, 0F- tice in the New Hunter Block. Oï¬ce aours, 8 to 10 a. m., to 4p. m. and 7 to9 p. m. Special attention given to diseases Jf women and children. Residence op- posite Preshvterian Church. Specmlilt: Bye, DR. 6E0. S. BURT. Late Assistant Roy. London Ophthalmioilfloa. £13.. and to Golden Sq. Throat and Non Hos. wm be my L. R. c. P.. LONDON. ENG. “RADULA'YE. of Lo‘ndon, New W of Eye, Will be at Knapp House. Durham. the 2nd Satuzdav in each month. Hoursâ€"14 pan. OFFICE: I. G. Hutton, m. ordlnz bcflitm ropoflv. any THUR DECEMBER 14 .1905 ARRISTEB’ EDITOR AND Plormm‘mz. Medical Dz'mton . EXCLUSIVE! at $50 Midhngh House lot Wednesday of each month. from 12 to 4 p. m. Arthur Gun, II. D. Dr. w. 0. Pickering Dentist. land VM‘ Dental Dz’rectorv. Legal Directorv. l. P. Telford. Miscellaneous- at! Mr turn“; 0 ii Eï¬ï¬ï¬‚fllfl Over J. Ear, Throat and Rose )AY MOI!“ SOLICITQR, 1:10.. 3:, MW†Agency prompt}? made a. t the Rams- r. Hunter 8. F. DUNN. 070! l McPHAlL, LICENSE!).AUC- ‘ . tioneer for the County of Grey. :Teru’q modmate and satisfaction guaran- ‘ teed. The atrnngements and dates of sales (311 be made- at THE CHRONICLE of- 2609. Residence and 9.0 . 0.934011 “101:: ' phone conuec ion 9’ eased Auctionâ€: for the County of Gremhand Valnamr, Hailifl' of the End Division Court Sales and all other matter‘ promptly attended to Highest. refe :11 cu furnished if required. U tinneer for the County of Grey. Sal prmnptly attended to. Otders may be in at. his Implement Wareroomm ucKinum: old stand. or at the Chronicle Ofï¬ce. Chronicle Readers Chance for Proï¬t Everyone Ought to Grasp this Opportunity To have a. simple case of indigestion ; is to have "inside Information†of suï¬ering that warns of serious trouble in the future, unless the di geStive system is strengthened. If you cannot eat and digest three good, square end satisfying meals each day without. discomiort. your stomach needs Mi-o-na tablets They are not a mere temporar,‘ relief. but are composed of valuable medicinal agents which strengthens the digest- ive organs, and cure and prevent Stomach troubles. When there are pains or distress after eating. headaches. belching of gases, a sour taste in the mouth. diz ziness. heart burn. specks before the eyes, furred tongue, sleeplessness, nervousness. or back ache, the stem ach needs the help of Mi.o na lww"- râ€"â€"-v _ T. Skales. wa shivered as though! struck by a large Stone. Mr. R. H. l Lewis heard the noise of breaking glass at 3 o’clock Monday morning and rose thinking it was one of his] windowsuit was at that time. no! doubt the s'udio window was lmolten: lHow it was done and who it wasl 'done by has not been divulged yet.| but no doubt the nolice committee oil the town council and chief will be able to fasten the act on the guilty: party. If the night watchman was' on duty. as he is supposed to be. he should know who was prowling around Main St. at that hour and causing disturbance and damage. If he is not able to give as simple a clue as that there must be something wrong and an investigation is in or- der. It is certainly up to the council to inquire into the matter and take immediate, earnest steps to punish the guilty party in this case. so that Every reader of the Chronicle should grarp the opportunity offered to try Mio-na. Just one little tablet out of a ï¬fty cent bov of this remedy before each meal for a few days. and you will soon have a strong stomach and perfect health. If you cannot obtain Mi-o-na of your druggist. it will be sent by mail, post-paid. on receipt of price. Write us for advice on your case from a leading stomach Specialist which will be sent free The R. '1'. Booth Com pany. Ithaca. N. Y AMES CARSON. DURHAM, LIL Dec. 3. ‘04.» lypd (M A dastardly act was committed in town some time Sunday night. when the plate glass show window of Chap- man’s photo studio. owned by Mr. J. v"" â€"“--‘J r- prOperty gwners wiil know that they are not altogether at. tbs mercy of wanton miazreants.oâ€"Rep. Every doctor in this“ town tried his best to relieve Mrs J. Without of Asthma; nonv succeeded. “For years she states, “I was a dreadful snï¬erer; nothing gave relief. At times I found it necessary to have all the doors and windows Open to get my breath. When in despair I heard of "Catarrhozone." I used it and now am perfeccly cured.†This proves beyond doubt that any case of Asthma is curable with Catarrhozone No remedy so pleasant, none so absolute- ly certain to thoroughly cure; try “Catarrhozone†yourself; it’s guaran- teed In the matter of news The Weekly l Globe and Canada Farmer covers the! whole ï¬eld. All items of interest are} collected, sifted. condensed and pre. sented in an easily accessible and readable form. so the busy farmer1 may keep himself thoroughly postedl regarding the home and foreign? events 01 importance without wast- ing time. Every eflort is made to secure information at ï¬rst hand to ;1neure its authentic character. The { Weekly Globe and Canada Farmer is ahigh class newspaper of national interest. sympathy and outlook. It in read regularly by people living in the United States and in all pane of the Britiah Empire. For wideepread circulation It in, perhaps. nneq . by any other newapapor â€M.e IN SIDE INFORMATION THE NEWS OF THE WORLD. MT. FOREST OUTRAGE. ELARK. LICENSED Proved In Mount. Forest -- 0.0 0- La»? 1. The Councils of Normnnby, Ben-g tinck and Brant met in Hanover onl Saturday to discuss the deviation} road he‘ween Grey and Bruce Car-l rick was also to be representeqlwhen; it was hoped that an amicable ab: ranuemcnt for the maintenance of? this I'oad, which isin Grey but still used as acounty road. could be en ‘ tered into. Garrick failing to take‘ part in the meeting. it was decided to arbitrate, on advice of Mr. A. G. LMcKay of Owen Sound. The arbi- itrmion will consist of Mr. McDonald, IWarden of Bruce; Mr, McArthur. Warden of Grey; and Mr. \V. J. .Hatton, County Judge of Grey.â€" iCliï¬ord Express. When a child shows symptoms of croup croup there is no time to ex- periment with new remedies. no matter how hightly they may be rec- ommended. There is one preparation that can always be depended upon. Ir has been in use {or many years and has never been known to fail, viz: ,Chamherlain’s Couch Remedy Mr. 'M F. Compton of Market. Texas, {says of it. "I have usod Chamber. I o , ‘ o glam 3 Count. Remedy m severe cases (of croup wi'h my children. and can itruthfnllv Ray ir alwavs gives prompt relief Store REM“ “ u." pt‘lUG'E.jUSL test his home conduct. Do no' he guided in your choice bv or t 11‘ what. :1 young: man is in the 1,3110“ e01 ï¬nd out what he is in his mother’s It re: sitting room. Do not judge him by the wayhe can tip his hat. but by ca the way he treats the old. eSpecially ed his parents. The home Where mnt- “71 ual consideration reigns is alvt eye a ca happy one. if it be the hop flat of ta ta cheap tenement, or an adobe but on i fl“ the prairies. There should be a cer- fa tain respect observed in the most, intimate relationships. Wives have f0 no more right ; to search their has on bar.ds' pockets than they have to; take the same liberty with an ac-‘ile yqnaintanee. We have no more right: to rob the baby’s bank than to force; the vaults of the national bank. We'. may hurt the feelings of a eoeietyi acquaintance and there it no greatlp‘ harm done. beyond an estrangelnent' of two people who care but little for each other; but when we atab the' [end mother’s heart. that loved all 0 with a love next in tenderneee tel: A Certain Cure for Group. †For sale at Parker’s Drug L I] 3‘ >U RH AM C H RONICLE or' he: Subscriptions are received ct this “i oflice for the leeding pepere of Gen- to. tile. We heve specie! clubbing rues for peid-in-cdvence subscribers. haaveu’s. or wound the awaitiye feelings of a. brother or sigh-r. Me is not; long enough \0 excracn tho. sting from memory. Love’s opportunity will soon vanish fomwr and out through the sunset of lilo. the». 0st We love (it-ares: and beat haw flown like birds to a summer land and our words of endearment aw thrUSt hack like voices that. bear, against a wall of rock and similar iujux ies, there is nothing so good as Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. It soothes the wound and net only gives instant relief from pain, but causes the parts to heal in about one third the time required by the usual treatment. Sold at Parker’s Drug Store. John R. Stevens of Brantlord, a printer. who recently worked on the Durham Chronicle and lately on the Tribune and Review here. was sum- voned by telegram a few days ago to aztend the funeral of his father at Bramford. and while there, on Nov. 22. be dropped dead on the street. He was 37 years of age and unmar- ried.-â€"-â€"Harrisron Tribune by local applications, as they oannotl reach the diseased portion of the. ear ‘ There is only one way to c-xre dean!- ness. that is by constimrionai rem- edies Deafness is caused by an m- flamed condition of the mucousliuing of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling' sound or imperfect hearing. and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restor- ed to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases ,oases out. of ten are caused by Ca- jtarrh, which is nothing but an in- gflamed conéition of the mucous sur- ifaces. i, We will give One Hundred Dollars : for any: case of Deafness (caused by catnrrh) that. cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Send for circu- lnrs, free. â€" - â€" A For sprains. bruises. burns, scalds Sold by Draggists, 750. Turn Hall’s thily Pills for conati “ion. An Emergency Medicine Deafness Cannot be Cured CHENEY do 00.. Toledo, 0, Deena Spams-31 Furniture Saie m UNI St N0 quotatiuns am: given he of our goods is second tu nu Hit will flirt special values in their products. we are nmking‘ Big Reductions. We have a large stock ut' sideboards which must go, at a very low mm'gin m‘ proï¬t, as we need the room, also a large stock uf sp: has and mattresses we must clear. luumthms am: given here, but we guarante the quahty Jr goods is second t0 none at the prices we are askmg. "â€" -â€"_'-' any weakness? I'Hw I‘M." has done for 0612 -< 1* x' matter Who has 1?‘(‘:‘:'~'~' Charge. (Thames (illustrated). an tug»...- \Voznen" Free. 2‘60 NA‘OZh‘i 1’33"†ccniidz‘ntic'. (gum; r_. ,, Edward Kress which we are selling at a. low ï¬gure. It will pay you to examine our bargains before purchasing elsewhere WE PAY HIGHEST PRICESâ€"EITHER CASH OR PRODUCE. Bring Along your Butter 6: Eggs 3.": 3K5». ’RSO “gm ' :‘3" «2° m’ m Mimk’nï¬â€˜hi Cor. Michigan}; we. arm Snowy St.. Detroit. Mich. vw H C {Plnillf nth: in an $110W R(. 3 EGLIDAY SEASON. Call and investigate. um CROCKERY index' of this year We are offering ill kinds of furniture and upholstor mes are ï¬lled with goods that ml! Mable. and at the Holiday Hires intending purchaser to examine [e 5018 selling agents here for the A large stock of THE POPUUR 018†81035. 7W 2‘ .‘.‘.. ‘ Mk... .-J.flfm , Durham, Ont. ‘Oo'dk. 8:2“ 3k