Jr is not. a usual thing :0 reduce the price of Millinery so curly in the â€on. We want. to clear everything out. however. uml up to Christmas '0 will ofler any of our trimmed flock at 1 great reduction. WE WANT TO SELL THESE HATS and are oflering them at a low price. The cold weather will soon be here end you will want 3 Fur- nuce or Stove. It will pay you to call in and see our Stock. We carry the very best lines such as the Furnaces And Stoves Pease Furnace We will give you a guanntee with them. \Ve also carry HARDWARE and TIN‘VARB. We ate selling beautiful hate the: were 82 50, and 83,00 at the best value for the money we have oflered. Walker Pilot Range MISS DICK Tinware and Hardware Siegner 81.25? 7 The undersigned having been restored to health ’ by simple means. after suflering for several years 'with a severe lung affection, and that dread , disease Consumption, is anx'ous to make known to his fellow suflerers the means of cure. To ' those who desire it. he will cheerfully send. free or charge a copy of the prescription used. which they will ï¬nd a sure cure for Consumption. Asthma, Chatsnh, Bronchitis and all throat and lung Handles. He bones all suï¬erers will try . his remedy. as it is inva uable. Those desiring . the prescription. which will colt them nothing : and may prove a blessin . will please address ‘ Rev.BDWARDA. WI N.Broohlyn.N~wYorh A. 11. Jackson has been appointed tax collector. If you have not paid your taxGS; pay at once, or costs will be added. The town requires the money. Bcnrv’s Repair Shep Henry’s Repair Shop Men’s Fur Coats, for . . . . $20.00. Ladies’ For Coats at $28, 830 and ...... $37.50. A good range of Caper. ines Fur Ruï¬s from $2 up to. . . $10.50, Splendid Values C. L. GRANT Allkinds or Repairing done neatly at. the lowest. of prices Locks, Guns and Umbrellas Repaired Fm Men and Women Standï¬eld’s All Wool Unshrinkable Underwear. T0 CONSUMPTIVES. Skates Hollow Ground NEXT noon T0 CARSON’S TAX NOTICE Saws Gummed In Fms Mr. Will J. Greenwood was serious- ly ill all last week with plenrisy. but at time of writing is somewhat better. Good medical aid. a careful profess- ional nurse and the untiring attention of his wife. mother and other friends will soon put him on his feet again. we trust. Mr. Adam Robson returned on Fri- day from a fortnight’s visit to rela- tives at Toronto. Burlington and Beverly. Rev. Alex Minnie. the Evangelist. has occupied Zion’s pulpit‘for the past two Sundays and made a most favorable impression on his hearers by his earnestness, zeal and argu ments. Miss Ella Whittaker leaves this week to return to Caledon, before going to her home at White Fish, New Ontario. Thirty years ago last Friday, her parents were made one in the â€old home over the way.†Eight children blessed the union, all of whom are alive and lively. “Just two weeks till Zion’s Chriet° mas Tree,†we heard some kids about- ing on Saturday last. Everybody present is to be remembered and the program is being carefully prepared. on the 7th and 8th concessions. When Den. SWeeny, Jno. McNally, Geo. and Jno. Peart and another chap we know, all got skidding legs at the same time. the "Who- 00 can!†caused the earth to tremble. Reynard thought it time to remove his habi- tation. The foxes have cleared odt of the woods on the lots butting each other “Some weeks ago during the se- vere winter weather ,both my wife and myself contracted severe colds which develoned into the worst kind of la grippe with all its miserable symptoms,†says Mr. J. S. Egleston of Maple Landing, Iowa. “Knees and joints aching, muscles sore, head stopped up, eyes and nose running, with alternate spells of chills and fever. \Ve began using Chamber- lain’s Cough Remedy. aiding the same with a dose of Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets, and by its liberal use soon completely knock- ed out the grip.†These Tablets promote a healthy action of the bowels, liver and kidneys which is always beneï¬cial when the system is congested by a cold or' attack of the grip. For sale at Parker’s Drug A goml story comes from New Hamburg :â€"â€"A farmer living not a thousand miles from that place on entering his chicken house one morn- ing discovered that a number of his best birds Were missing, and on look- ing around found a purse lying in the straw in the hen house. Picking it up imagine his surprise to ï¬nd that it contained 880 in bills. He quietly put the money in his pocket and said nothing. Later in the day a wealthy neighbor called and asked if he had any chickens for sale. The farmer told him he had not but he insisted on seeing them anyway. But the visitor did not see much of the chick ens. From the time he entered the hen house his eyes were rivited on the floor. and the way in which he kicked round in the straw spoke more convincingly than could words. The Key that Unlocks the Door to Long Living. The men of eighty-ï¬ve and ninety years of age are not the rotund well fed. but thin, spare men who live on a slender diet. Be as careful as he will, however. a man past middle age, will occasionally eat too much or of some article of food not suited to his constitution. and will need a dose of Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets to cleanse and invigor- ate his stomach and reguiate his liver and bowels. When thisis done there is no reason why the average man should not live to old age. For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. When you want apleasant laxative take Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kennel] have rammed from Swan River where they were whiting their daughter; Mrs. Glendonning. Miss Mary Ernest is at present. un- der the weather from an attack of measles. Nearly all of the young people around here have had them. Wm. Sackett has returned from th e West and thinks that country is all right. Mr. G. Sackett has been ill {or some weeks. but is able tube around again. We regret to learn that the town of Dundallt is quarantined for small Mr. Editor, it is some time since there has been any news from this place, and even yet news around here is like hen’s teeth, rather scarce. We are pleased to learn that Angus Ferguson. of Hepeville, formerly of this vicinity. has recovered from a. severe stuck of typhoid fever. He has our sincere sympsthy in the loss of his wife from the same trouble. - Mu. Botettecn Haw. of Port Hope, in visiting her sons Geo. and Wm. Hm, of this place. - Grip Quickly Knocked Out. (Intended for last week.) SACKETT’S CORNERS. Traverston. .o .â€"-â€"-â€"-â€" The statement is made by those closely identiï¬ed with the Seldon House that in order to meet the de- mand for additional rooms that the directors will consider at the next meeting the advisability of tearing down the brick stable to make room for athree story addition in which to locate more sample rooms on the ground floor which was greatly need. ed, while upstairs would be devoted to a better class of sleeping apart- ments than now exist, to which would be added baths. The two months’ results are regarded as most satisfactory and demonstrate that a first class hotel without a bar adJunct can be made a paying concern. It is to the interest of every town to support a good newspaper, says the Atlanta Constitution, not through local pride alone, but for practical business reasons. A news. paper is constantly doing twice as much for its own town as it could ever hope to get pay forâ€"more than it could charge for if it would. "The more prosperous a newspaper is the more it is liable to do. Show us a good weekly paper, full of live locals, with a general cireulation throughout the country, and we will show you an up-to date and pro- gressive community. {"2“ ;.. \ 'Show us a communityflthat oper- sistantly proceeds on the idea. that the editor of the home paper can live on the “pi†that accumulates in the oflice. whose ofï¬cial bodies think it is a waste of public money to give him a bit of public printing occasion- ally at living prices. whose citizens have come to regard it as one of their inalienable rights to work him for long winded obituary notices and “in memoriums†with three inches of hymn book poetry at the end. to say nothing of an occasional notice of a lost cow, or some cottonseed sale. and we will show you a community that is livingï¬rom hand to mouth. and is always on the ragged edge of adversity. People ought to stop and think about these things. It is an important matter. It is their own good that is involved, the welfare and progress of their community. therefore of themselves. A local newspaper is absolutely necessary to any community. No merchant, no grand jury, no town council that Spends every year all it can afford with the bane paper, whether the expenditure is absolute- ly necessary or not. makes a wiser. more proï¬table investment. They are not giving the home paper some- thing. On the contrary it is earning every cent it gets, and more. pro. viding it is a paper worth picking up in the road. And if it is’nt that sort of a paper it is usually the fault of the town in which it is published. For sprains. bruises. burns, scalds and similar injuries, there is nothing so good as Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. It soothes the wound and not only gives instant relief from pain, but causes the parts to heal in about one third the time required by the usual treatment. Sold at Parker’s Drug Store. Just now. when our readers are considering the question of their reading for the fall and winter months. it seems opportune to call; attention to The Weekly Globe and? Canada Farmer. Each week it gives all the news in an easily accessible form. and includes aheautifully illus- trated magazine section. Its able editorials have high literary quality, and summarize currant public opin- ion. Its agricultural ,commercial and home-makers’ departments are care- fully written, and supply valuable in- formation for the farmer ahd his household. Its stories. leisure hour reading. and special topics for chil- dren and young people make it a wel- come visrtor to the family circle. Its page of selected western news appeals to all who are interested in the grow- ing west. In brief, the history of The Weekly Globe and Canada Far- ;mert‘overingaperiod of over sixty years, tagetuer with its hiah char- acter, interest and value to readers of all ages. make it one of the greatest and most popular family newspapers pnblished in Canada. THOUSANDS 1m: 01‘ consum- mm†1101'. 2: No condition causes so many in~ curable diseases as constipation, It not only prevents the kidneys from eliminating the poisonous wastes. but causes anaemia, stomach trouble and indigestion. Why won’t you use Dr. Hamilton’s Pills and get cured? This excellent medicine restore, normal bowel action in one night. Thou- sands say so. Your system will be pure and clean. you’ll be free from headaches. no more sour stomachâ€"in short you’ll have joyial spirits and perfect good health. Dr. Hamilton’s Pills are sold everywhere, 250. a box. Get the genuine. STBAYED from the premises of the undersigned, during the month of October, e red yearling steer. Any iniormntion lending to hie re- covery will keenlgblly rew_erded. 3pd WINTER NIGHTS READING. THE LOCAL NEWSPAPER ‘JL! An Emergency Medicine. Steer Astray HUGH Rmï¬m. Dornoch. D signed, lot 21, con. 3, E. G. R., on or about Sunday, Nov. wth. one black faced ram; also mark on one ear. Ow- ner may have same by proving prop- erty and paying expenses. 12-7-1 THE HANOVER CON VEYANCER NEW ADVERTISEMENT. H. H. Miller 100 ACRES. south-west of Varney. in Now MANBY. An extra good farm and well improved. Owner anxious to go West. 159 A_CRE§_. .BENTINQK, gong. oi_Allan MONEY TO LOAN at lowest rates. Park. Well improved and offered very cheap. 125 ACRES. on 18th Concession of NOR- MANBY. Well im roved and well located Offered cheap. ill rent if not sold. 100 ACRES, BENTINCK, near Rocky Sen een. Good farm withglgood timber ill sell cheap. DURHAM RESIDENCE, belonging to Mr J. L. Byowne, photographer, offered 'at snap price. INSU‘RANQES PLACED in No. 1 $001!:- panics at low rates. DEBTS COLLECTED. 5 BUSINESS DIFFICULTIES arranged. C. P. R. TICKETS for sale toall points. Always Ptomptâ€"Never Negligent. H. H. MILLER. Take Care of Your Horses Feet ..... trayed to the premises of the under- -2.._.-.1 I_L 01 --_ 0 ‘D n D We Make Men Manly in their appear-- ance. Use men right, and they will act the man in return. We enâ€" deavor to suppy the Latest Patterns, Shades, and Best Quality to be had for the money An up-toâ€"date garment in style, and workman- ship. Anything you wantâ€"trom the heavy, wearing Tweed, to the ï¬nest quality in Cheviot, Serge, and Worsted, in Fancy, Black or Blue. ln Men’s Furnishings we are right upâ€"to-date in flats and Caps, Working or Fancy Shirts, Ties, Collars, Sox, Gloves, Umbreilas, Suspenders, Underwear, Sweaters. In fact everything that is found in an up-to- date furnishing Store. J. L. FLARITY We Guarantee PRICES RlGHT Give us a. call and be satisï¬ed. in levelling end belmc in: your horse’s foot..I have the Scientiï¬c Horse .Foot Leveller which is the latest and but oontrivence for thet purpose and will gnu-eat» utieieotion. BAH STRAYED. Now offers the following: W. CIUTHRIE, ' The Bluhmith. Merchant Tailor. ’0 MORE GUESS WORK N. MELOSH. I Rocky Saugeen i, A FINE STOCK EARL! 4 miles {rm Durham. with nice buck house. stone 1’ (lotion barn. good fences. .abundoneg 0'; voter. The lEu'operty comprxges 150 m of land. of w ich. nearly .11 up cultiublg. The owner is givmg up iarrpmg mm the property is offered at a sacrxbco to a quick urchaser. Only small payment required Ownogâ€"E‘Oa‘. :Il' .-‘...... m- .Qdfaï¬â€˜: TWO LOTS IN THE TOWN 81111' :or GLENELG willbe soldzqnther together or separate! . Each can "see 100 acres and on each t are is a good ouse. Thaw fa mm are about seven mules {tom Durham and are offered for sale very cheaply. 0110 is near- ly all in grass and would sun an)" w 1min. lug fora gruesifarm. For {1111le Inuit-n- ars apply t." Durhem. The {ï¬rm consists of 42:} acres â€"about 4 acres uoodlund. the. balance un. der grass. Comfortnble dwelling and good comfortable outbuildings. Smail orchard. Just the kind of place for a dairy farmer or mnrket gardener. Sold at right price and on any terms as the proprietor ia~ tends going west and “tubes to dispose of it. H. BURNETT. Proprietor ' EING BARTS OF L015 «.2 AND 63, Bentinek, Cpn. 2. W. G. R" ad. igini‘ng themCorporatlon 9f‘ tbg prn of Jan. 20, lamâ€"ti". U about six miles from Durham. Good title. Possession at once. Good land. Must be sold. '1“ or particulnrs apply to 0T 51, 52, 53â€"Sideroad :30, 1} miles north of Priceville. farm in ï¬rst class condition. Good buildings with running stream convenient to the barn. For further particulars applv to DL'GALD D. MCLACHLAN.’ Jan. 28-tf. Priceville P.'_U J. P. TELFORD. ourhiï¬. Feb. 22nd 1905 --tf. N BRUCE ST., DURHAM, NEW brick house. 30x32; 2; storeys high; double cellar, cement floor in one half, furnace in the other half. Small barn with stone stable under- neath. Convenient to station. Furniture Factory and Cream Separator Works. Will sell cheap to $9,1le purchaser The owner is going 1 Durham. Four lots on the West sideof Albert Street. for private residences. Now is the time to get these lots. For further informntion applv to .I. of Saddler street in the T mm o ham. in the county of Grey, cuntai acres more or less. For terms and p: hrs applv to For further particulars apply tr Wu. LEGGE'I‘TL J um 14. tt. Box 92. DURBAH. J. M. HUNTER. 1 April 12. MIL-ff. Dec. 2.â€"tf. Sept 17, 4 tc. "18. stable smallorchnrd we}: located an urban: Willsellcheap to quick purchuer. App yROBERT SMITH. I. _ -â€" 08.8. 8. NO. 13, BENTINCK mule or female. Duties to comment .I.‘ male or fomfle. Duties to commem‘: Jan. I“. Apï¬lv. stating salarv to Ben R. RIDDELL. Stteyed to the premises of tin undersigned. lot 36. Con. 2. E. G. P... on or ebont the 7th November. 8 white eow. Owner may have some by proving property, pevnng el- peneee end coking her ewey. Nov. 11â€"4 pd JAB. A'rxxxsoh' 03 SCHOOL SECTION NO. 4. A Glenda. Mtle or Female. holding: Second-Clue Certiï¬cate. duties to um;- menee Janmry 190a Personal lpplicatxcx. preferred. W. J. KERNEY. 1 3-year-old near. 1 pr. 2-year-old steel-I. 1 pr. yurling steers, 1 2.314! old colt ï¬lly-n bounty, 100 sound an!†fence p00" u 8c ouch, much? or to hull than. . 21x1. B. '1‘. Enwam, Ebord-le- RICK OR FRAMEâ€"APPLY 'I‘O J. W. CRAWFORD. Also several building lots. N THE CENTRAL PART OI ‘01' 51, 52, 53â€"Sideroad House and Lot For sale N THE GARAFRAXA ROAD. ‘ARK LOT NUMBER 1:5 ’. 1‘), 04 ~44 Good Farm for Sale. Town Lots for Saie. GOOD COMFORTABLE DWELL- For Sale or Rent. Park Lot For Sale. Houses for Sale. Farms For Sale. Teacher Wanted. Teacher Wanted. For Sale At lot 8, con. 7. Glonelg. House For Sale. Farm for Sale 80W STRAYED J. P. TELFORD, Vendor’s Solicitor. Dur “\IACKAY DI N‘x‘.’ Vendor 8 80130310“ 21 1905 DURHAM, Om Wsudby. Om Dornoéh Durham NORTH 11 of Dar. St. Vitus’ Dance, v ’ . w. cut: {01’ ttnal “With: :1' hi. onsuch diseases to THE] W Street. W., Toronto, (I laid! seller an obtain fur you WuehonM“ ‘ Rubbm‘d. Wuwfluwd‘ w. h†mm M 0! rd: Foo QUALIT 10100“ Boulter. :c. W. 'l‘orOI b!0( Tarot! [98. an ll