TO“‘N SHIP 30]? {either together or )rises 100 acres and house. These farms rom Durham and gm eeply. One is near- }d suit anyone look. ‘90" funher particu- 1? Sale ‘ comp rises 150 set“ rly all is calm 1p farming and the L sacriï¬ce to a. quick 11 paxment required F LOTS 02 AND 11. 2, W. G. R,. ad- n of the Town of nsists of 42% acres x1131, ti}? balange 8:01; we mg an gs. Small orchard. for a dairy farmer Sold at right price q the proprietor in- ishes to dispose of It. 'ETT. Proprietor : DURHAM, ONT tn. 7. Glenelg. 7th November. 3 :er may have same 99"â€. pavmg ex- :her away. r. 1 pr. lynx-old ing steers, 1 2-yeu‘ beauty, 100 sound M So each, purcha- 1R)! 4 miles £3“ :1: house. stone fang. laces..abu1}§§nee i or Rent. )l’ ?RAXA ROAD 28 1905 SECTIO Sale '1‘ Sale. “1118 PS app]? tr he. 'or Sale. '01:) Durham. 3. Good land ETABLE DWELL- ’RAYED s aDDly W inwuws. Ebordglo. LFORD. Durham; premises for Sale. lot For sale W \f JAS. Ammo! ted. N N0. 4, licitors Durh Cream [1 cheap to x is gaing rarm in ings with the barn. e. holding Is tq cqm' apphcatxon her half [9 under station. . NEW storeys 1001' m of the 1AM. Must well mick um \OV 12 CG Council met in the Clerk’s oï¬ice Hanover on Friday. the 15th day of December. 1905, according to Statute, Members 31! present; the ReevJ in the chair; Minutes of October meet.‘ ing read and passed. The Reeve re Ported havingexoended 3102-5 50 on new and repairs to old bridaes since last meeting. The Road Commiss ioners reported expenditure on roads since last. meeting as follows: In division No. 1, $74 :55; Na 2. $31.27; No. 3. $12.25; No. 4, 34 80. Reports ordered to be received uni cheques issued. The Reeve presented his report to the Board of Haultn which was ordered. to be renewed and chequeeissued for the vXpeuses of the Board amounting to $25 60. By- law NO. 7 3t) appvjtnt Deputy Re. turning oflice 's and name places tor holding Municipal flit‘CZI)H in 1906 having been duly rend won. urtlm'ed to be passed. signed and. ““3““: Polling pzaces and Do; Otï¬ccrs [using same for The following accmm to be paid: John Min $2.75' The licuvc am'i Cauumllor “.iiiis $1.7... ench ac; com. 1‘:- c .zl-itj lin; deflation; Treasurer 553. [0" 90331;» and Stationery. *2 Were granzei'w the Sentinel; Agricuwural Socierjr. On monion acciou in regard to Mr Smita excavation was Raid over for future considexacion. the council no: haying had time to verify measurements given in McKay Dunn’s letter of 12th inst. Council DECEMBER 28 1905 Souvenir! â€916%.? E )Dtnï¬ BOULTER. DAVIES COMPANY. KATE COCHRANE, AGEN Durham, Ontario. mp! yard of Hahn which E the now: 0 be: recatved and I town a. w for tilv.‘ c-Xpeuses ofgof his 09 mm: to $25 60 By- ‘ his wife appomb vaJLy Rd ! Pr I6 8 and name placws '0?! . m! thy-cum fâ€- 1906 a bemctf Slim “6?!) {j Tend “ids urdnz‘ed - . in" t slgnnd and we quad; 20:8 ‘3†ml 06' at.» Kt. turmu ., “ 9 g wife S‘ "De fur 1.1«3 nzvct|00.t d ‘ Cdjuuts wexe Ofdl'l'ediau 0J3? u f-liwhell. prantiag “ 000â€â€œ Stark Sta. storage? of uresent" winter $1 50 Ipay Wh» afuod of Smmce lunar } smv the rul xarx ma, SIG resent Mute fund of Stan.- 0d 0:" Sta! u u L490! :2 and Councdlo: u com. he cant; regs-are: 85¢. [0| ionery. ., $20 Were ninck Agricuécura telephone St. W. Toronto. Central Out-arc Agents Merchants .. .wck ready for quick delivrziv 3. “hits, telegraph telephone to Factory or Toroulu. Boulter. Their superior cooking .@ qua] ich and snmpk c0 (ï¬lm; 2cm â€3' A Sovmï¬n'Raaec is a“ â€that aTirsT dass range. SkOU‘d b6: are “fame U5 To r ATIHE AHD COAL 5335?? . The Game J£90f Duplex Grates, Awaited h3,; oveniockcd Tops,DirccT Draft Pamper, and special A ï¬chox all combine: in g makmg 2*: V H ’71:; Sovveam ; flaws? ms The bcsTon 12kt mew T?- .m-zr r‘ 1" Meaford has a good large elope- ment sensation. and for the third time within a few weeks the police force of that town has stirred itself into making a d-sriu; capture. w- Aboutamonth ago a fascinating young man of tine appearance blew into Meaford. He was good looking an excellent musician. and at once found a place in the town band and a position in the new Cleland wheel- barrow factory. The upperten of Meaford received him with open arms was not long before he joined him- self to one of the church choirs of the town. Before he had been in town a week he intimate-1 to many of his new friends that he expected his «vife in a short time. - 1‘;- man enough, abauc two weeks ago a beutiful young maiden of about 16 LL A MEAFORD ELOPE WENT. Chem. A. Davies. mas spent. the night. The grief stricken father arrived in town on the following day. The young couple said they intended to get married, so the father consented and the Rev. Mr. Brown made the two man and wife. The young man is said to have come from Beeton, Ont. The young lady left home last September to attend the Toronto exhibition, and since then has not. sent. a line to her parents, who have Spent over $500 in trying to locate her. She is under 16 years of age. The couple have settled down in Meaford.â€"Owen Sound Sun. 'to appendicitis. In one day you’ll feel the tremendous beneï¬t of Dr. {Hamilton’s Pills. By purifying the 3 blood and cleansing the syStem they gprevent headaches, lift depression F and drive away Weariness. No medi- :Pllls, sold everywhere in 250. boxes {with yellow paper cover; get the ; genuine. The commonest cause of appendi- citis is constipation. \Vhen you re- quire physic don’t use cheap drastic pillsâ€"get Dr. Hamilton’s Pills which strengthens the stomach, regulate the bowels and prevent any tendency WHAT CAUSES APPENDICITIS. A. peculiar thing happened at Wal- laceburg recently. Thirteen years ago a man went to the residence of a farmer near that iown, and asking shelter was allowed to stay over night. The next day the farmer in question missed his watch. but as the suspect was out of sight. and the loser had no means of knowing where the culprit had gone, he promptly forgot about the affair, At least he did until one (lav laSt week, when on seeing a man who had come to town a“. u Innnihél‘ (H' Lllr! CFC“: Of a. bOut. he i The life of the hall-sick man is pitiful, in faca, almost crimnal. when I . . ibounding strength is so freely de- . rived from Ferrozone. This nutritive tonic is guaranteed to strengthen all men, women and children. Weak organs get new force, vital energy is generated. Muscle and fat are added, healthy color is rescored, the blood fairly I tingles with new-found life.‘ Your Conntenance Indicates the .. w“; Body’s Awful Struggle for Health. Impossible to work or think clearly when there is no reserve of vigor, no nourishment in the blood. no supply of nerve energy. [Innocent Indulgence Often -- Brings Trouble â€"Simple Means ,3 of Escape. The consequences of violating pizy - eical law are often as unpleasant as the breaking of a moral rule. The innocent of overeating brings conseo quences that amount to real suEer- ing. Indigestion is not natural; it is am right; it should not be. We oEer a means of escape in Mi-o-‘na tablets that is simple and practical. These Simple tablets are composed of such valuable medical agents as ibismuth subgallate, which is su- zperior to all remedies for stomach gtroubles. cerium oxalate, and ton- ‘ics and correctives which promote lthe action of the digestive organs. i strengthen the Whole digestive tract, ’and make it possible to eat What you llilte and when you like; n3 3 l __ i If you snï¬er with headaches. indi- : gestion, fletulency. hear: burn, dizzi- ‘ ness. sleeplessness. back-ache, or de- ; bility and weakness. begin the use of ' Mi-o-na at. once. Just one tablet out i of a 50 cent box before each meal. land you will regain perfect. health 3 and strength. Read the evidence of Jno. Carter, of 424 King St. East, Toronto. who says: “-Aftera severe attack of Grippe my health was almost shattered. I suffered constantly from nervousness and dyspepsia. At night I would Waken with terrible palpitation and heart pains. Work became a great effort. At ten in the morning I was so tired and weak I could hardly work another minute. "Then came a bad attack of rheu- matism. which laid me up in bed. I could scarcely lift the weight of a pound. and to stoop or bond was im- possible. My druggist recommended Ferrozone, and he knew what he was talking about, for it rebuilt my tite, better blooi. and new nerve energy. The rheumatism has dis- apdeared. I weigh more, feel re freshed and vigorous. and am able to work ten hours a day. Ferrozone did it all.†You Will be steadied. toned and strengthened for all time to come thh Ferrozone. Get the genuine in 50c. boxes or 2.5) a: all dealers, or \. C 1’)lsouUo. Hartford Conn., 13.5. A. or Kingswn. Out. If you cannot obtain Mi o-na of your druggist. it will be sent by mail post-paid. on receipt of price. Write us for advice on your case from a leading stomach Specialist which will be sent free. 'ljhe_R. '1‘. Boom Com- PALE AND ANXIOUS iSIN’S C )HSEQUENCES DURHAM CHRONICLE \VO me: his own In the diï¬er- Ll say nonhiug Large Photographs Given Away - - B have all lines of the best quality and at right prices. FRED W. KELSEY Christmas Cold Weather is on MATTHEWS LATIMER NEW PUMPS AND REPAIRS. WELL DRILLING, R3 Gamma up momma done with Canon concrete. 3' ALL ORDERS taken at the old stun near MoGowan’s Mill will be promptly at tended to. ALL WORK GUARAM'EBD at “Live and let live†PRICES. If It Is :1 Suit Tweed Goods Pumps. Almost every day we are asked “Do you still give that large photograph With a doz- en cabinets?†\Ve have decided to give it once more for a short time. DURHAM. One Dozen Photographs will make twelve nice Christmas presents, and besides, you will have this large 12â€x14" Photograph, worth $1.50 or- dered alone, but given free with one dozen Cabinets, Clydesdale Stock Food and Remedies This is a Real Bargain, and may not come your way again. And is you want real comfort you should buy some of our Underwear. All wool goods at other places. You want we have some we will sell at cost; also a number of wearing pants. First come, ï¬rst. served. DURHAM ONT. [BEG LEAVE TO INFORM MY CUS TOMERS and the public in general that as: prepared to furnish And You Want Groceries That are good tweeds Will be sold at old prices. In fact: we will sell everything cheap as we think of retiring from business. Flour and Feed THEOBALD’S OLD STAND. . SCOTT Groceries ONTARIO. 0‘~~mm©~~a Frost Wood if). CAMPBELL, Agent. Term 13* \ I an Implements The Sherlock Organs EEs‘ï¬Bfl‘é Sewing Machines Meimte Separators HA‘JE YOU? Prices Moderate, and Strictly Cash. Geo. Yiirs. You can if you will. Our courses which are up-to-date and practical will qualify you in the shortest possible time. All our graduates secure good positions. We get far more ap- plications than we can meet. This school has gained a con- tinental reputation for thoroughness. Write for our beautiful catalogue, it will in- terest you. You may enter at 'any time. CALDER. â€"â€" BLOCK â€" DURHAM The Big 4: At the Big 4 withabigload of rake: LAXATIYE 31.10310 «211mm tablets. Suitable for everybody. Be sure to call and see him. All (lugging refund thé mdne‘fif'n fails to édfé; E. W. roye’s signature is on each box. 250. The Chronicle’s circula- tion is over 1600, and is rapidly increasing W. H. Bean TRADE MARKS DESKiNS Copvmca'rs Ec- Any one send a sketch and desc Ina! quickly ascerta our opinion tree w ether an Invention is probably tentable. Communion. uons strictly conï¬dent Handbook on FM sent. free. Oldest agency to: _secur1_n;: patents. _- -Al“ Any 01d Worn silver? If so, I am prepared to re- plate it Bring it in now _Wh'11e [haVe the time. "All work guaranteed. “U LAO“ Uluvu- I..-‘ any; -V vvv-ow rwvvâ€"m “Patents taken through Mann Co. magic! notice. without ($3138. inthg A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest culaflop of any_§cie9}1flg 1031119.]. Tam s 1:31â€"1:15on Ehf‘séi'e‘hiiflé chi-nail; Terms" 5 a zgar. tour pogths. $1. 80 byall_9ewad_e_aleq mama mm Néw my: mo QSFBLWuhmmD» TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Scientiï¬c Hmerican. Elliott Mclachlan PRINCIPALS. Christmas Presents and Games of Every Kind STRATFORD. ONT ARIO. Make Your Life A Success Santa Claus Has Arrived of all kinds for the Farm, the Home and the Dairy. DURHAM, ONT AGENCY. Ogilvie’s Royal Household Flour. $5.80 per barrel. DURHAM BAKERY Other High Grade Manitoba Flour $5.40 and $5.55 per barrel. McGowan’s Family Flour at stam dard prices. Choice Bread . . and Confections A. W. WATSON MISS FLOSSIE \ICKERRAC HER. First Class Certiï¬cate and third year undergraduate of Queesn’s University. Science. History and Geo- graphy. . .. ‘5 Mi The school is thorouhly equipped in teaoh' ability, in chemical and electrical supplies ï¬ttings, etc., for full Junior Leaving and Mattie. Illation work. The following competent stafl are in charge : MISS L. M. FORFAR. Classics, Modem and English. :3"M‘ZSS MARY G ors, graduate of O matics snd Eng} Intending students 311011 ning of the term if possib talnedat reasonable rates. and active town, makiu place of residence. VIM . JOHNSTON, Chair mar DURHAM SCHOOL. The People’s Grocery and Provision Store THOS. ALLAN, 181 Class Certiï¬cate, Prin. Mts. Mex. Beggsï¬ a. M. HUNTER BLOCK. We Deliver to Any Part of the Town. CHRISTMAS CANDY Bean Westlake’s bon bons and Confectionery of all kinds. CIGARS 7 King BuEalo Cigars. .....250 7 Clam Blake Cigars ........ 25c 7 Fly Cigars ................ 250 4 Eldoradoes ............... . 25c NUTS Mixed Nuts, in pound lots Almonds “ “ ,‘ Filberts “ “ “ Walnuts “ “ “ BARGAINS IN TEAS 5 lbs Green Japan Tea.... 5 lbs Black Tea...... ...... SHOES Men’s Wearing Shoes, worth from $1.50 to $2.75, selling from $1.25 to $1.40. FLOUR We will sell on Saturday, the 23rd only, 100 lbs of pure Man. Flour for $2.25. And What. We Say WE DO Constantly on hand and deliv- ered to all parts of town daily. STAFF AND EQUIPMENT. PROPRIETOR. Fees, $1.00 per month Flour. ORI)O.\'. First; Class with hon- ntario Normal College. Maths- [Sh ts should enter at the begin- possiblc. Board 03:: boob- : rates. Durham is a health making: it a must. desimbo G mm mar durihg Model c. RAMAGE, . Secretary. $2 .00 $1.00 lac 150 10c