West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 25 Jan 1906, p. 1

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low tor Uampbell. rder bya few in the strength Ming and hem mu expressed pleasure in am- Lt ladies were now eligible Dmpanion Court had lateâ€" blished in Durham. He H also to note that, such [‘ht {0w ul 19 hould he hat :emh F. CON CERT exercise of H ll) ire-2:0! mlia hl‘ 8| \V else then think that u should rise and set. nhers then present at nld he hurled into Eter- it monwm's warning- .5? with Mr. \V. J. Ed- ll H n'hmni lock w ’nt \v;L.~'(1«.-.terlnined to ram. They didn’t :0 money, but favored ith the bcst. and mod“ mumble, at such 93‘ meals of the co ' " " entertainment, -r _ Ls all they ‘62 members an‘ hition. ' . only four deaths} Durham Court si the Order. Little )I fl Vene of a. very e47; instaliatlon cem T5 for the ensuing “ ‘ if ll ’1‘. 00an by \Vill 1. Miss \\ died by Dis‘ of LiStOWeL (1 like Clock. finish there H of lv‘oresters »n Thursday comfortably n the chair- . called the introductory Lb, growth, nefits of the w hose death piano selecâ€" I) ll ()wmg in ster sup- ;e dining umber of enjoyable min left .alled the ter town. \V I m1 m mi, 935K McKin )zu'ltnne .- may delight ft'l. ‘be us and m KSOD lpp Par- “'h H. H h PERU? 'L‘ "V (D “'ha hnugh hap U Pr he- 511108 19 did that X was mun- l! 1 no u - and add list 1% of 1n- tion 1 the *1 he over n his “'33 ren- .fter 1P- a. lOi she nd m he n- ho "4?an .l'mrl' {we-nfy )‘v hrs «if agi‘ shv l x. uzied \11. Dan th1 Lc Ltnn whv) sur- lcxxes her. Sime lxm umrringe she- Luus a xesident 0f Glenelg until five 0: lxix yeazs ngu whim sh: u-tired with {21m husband to this town. She leaves 3: family of four sons. Malcolm in Da- llx'ntn. Angus and Duncan in Chicago. and John on the farm. Also four llilllgbtexs. Jessie in To wont». Bessie lMx-s. Drinkwater) in Los Angeles. ,lfalifm'nia. Mary (Mrs. Drinkwfier) 3" lhzelpll. and \Its.Tl1mne in Detroit. 1118 family wicb the excepLiuu of Malcolm and Mrs. Dx-iukwater nf IAN. Angeles were present at Ll»- funerali Which took place on Sunday. the 14th I East. to Durham Cemewry. Thése ‘ "- tires were conducted lw her pxssur W. L. Newton. of the Btptist chm-eh l devoted .member. The illness mnem- of the liver. which resulted in hath wasp!" about a year’s duration.,l 1‘ THE singing of Mr. J. Rhynd Jamie- son, the Scottish baritone, was the feature of the evening.-â€"Bufl’alo Cour- ier. In the Town Hall at the Son's of Scotland Concert on 9th Feb.. with Miss Dickenson. \Vill McLeod. Piper McDonald. and Miss Mabel McDonald. Tickets 359. All seats reserved and therefore cmnfnrtafifle. Plan at Mac- 'i'.~u'l;uw's. Opens Jan. 26th at 2 p. m. \VE mni THE 28th annual me and Bruce Mutual Li will he held in the Re vcr. on Saturday. th THE Baptists of town will hold their anniversary services on Sunday, Feb. 11th. Rev. J. O‘Neill, of Paisley, has 1‘: ch occurred on Lsed was again been secured for the occasion, md will also deliver one of his fan» )us lectures on the Monday following. Pull particulars later. ”ISL, commencing at. 1 o’clock in t] tftez-noon. Duncan Campbell, Sec" u‘m ust MR. MCCAUL, Barrister, may be con- sulted professionally at his residence on Mill St.-â€"-tf. g to say of a. forum hich will interest he '11-. "Miss Derby. tlu ac Shm'phead scho at: is spending her ys with friends in G re You Right With Bad? SEE Peel’s window and bargain tables. There‘s something there for SEE Peel’s ad. for prices of mocca- sins. overshoes. cartigans, felt laces and gaiter shoes. T HE Ponoku Herald ha OUR flannelettes are ext 1'8 value S. F. Morlock. SEE our 50c. caps, fur lined band. This is a. bargain. at Grants. u home \\' A LITERARY evening of high edu- t‘mnul chzu'acter will be given in the navy Methodist church on February P2, under the auspices of the Epworth argue. See notice next, week. HAVE you seen the latest. Fox a good black Galloway robe, see Smith. He has some good ones at ght prices.-â€"12/7/tf. per i LOCA VOL. 39â€"N0. 2028. 1 nf Mrs. Donald Benton urred on the 12th inst. De- 3 a. native of Scotland where born sixty-six years ago. Ir! she came to Canada and ~Ten dollars, between the Post md the south end of town. will be rewarded by returning C. Morton, Durham. ver inven te- stron ge \VELS “I?“ {Braid hm the follow- t’urmer Durham girl vst her many friends by the popular teach- ! SLhOUI for the past ; her ('hristmas holi- s in Calgary. Before made- the recipient of w prpsf‘nts' in; her Js, Mi.» Dvrhv has ”2' the coming term. my that Miss Derby ha-r subscription to for arm; her year and i est \\' meeting of the Grey Life Instuance Co. Reid House, Hano- the 27th January, at 1 o’clock in the 2 latest. It‘s the nu] cheapest ice 9d. Price 50c. at \V.‘ l 1‘ U l‘.‘ Pau' and In the paper letter ac- \Vhich is the desire of one and all. Take the t1 nuble of visiting Prof. DOIH’ennends priuzte show looms, at w - . Middaugh House, Durham. on Finiday irl , Feb. 9th. and see the many inventions ds i in Styles of Hmnan Hair Covexingso M r. and Mrs.‘McIntyre. Of McIntyre, Township of Osprey. and Mrs. John Mane. of Wellwood. Manitoba. are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moore. The Misses Sudden. of Chatsworth, spent the past. week pleasantly with chuir Sister. Mrs. Fred McClocklin, and other friends in town. Mrs. J. M. Hunter returned Monday night from the \Vest. where she has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. E. Smith. for the past month. Miss Bertha W'alpole. of Markdale who was here on a visit with her brothers returned home on Thursday Mrs. Alex. Graham (nee Hutton) and her sister. Margaret. are guests of their sister. Mrs. C. P. Kinnee. M r. Mark Ludlow of the Cement plant returned to his home in Pat-ma, Mich. on Saturday last. Mr. W'. L-welle came up from Strat- ford last week and is renewing old friends and acquaintances about town Mrs. Langdon and son. Mr. W Langdon. 0f Mount Forest. spent Sun day with her son. Mr. E. \V. Langdon 413' nipeg on Tuesday morning. Mr. James Boulder) and daughter, of Elmwouzl. visited friends in town over Sunday. Mrs. McC-ml left for Guelph Monday toasteml the funeral of her mother, Mrs. \Vebster. \anf Mrs. Pan-0t is in Haunilton. .‘II‘. J. D. Pun U \VigR, Bangs, Switches. etc.. and in spec-t his new patent, structure. firm-P THE Furniture Company has opened; a retail store in connection with their: business, and the ware-rooms former-, 1y occupied by Mr. Kress. next door to I the post office are now packed full. An addition giving about fourteen hundred feet additional floor space} will be erected at the rear in the' i course of a few weeks. 5 THE “Death of Moses” theme of the pastor’s discc Methodist church on Sum next. An Evangelistic 5 follow at which Rev. Mr will sing some of the hyn the Torry meetings in Tort M r 91’s Drug tended to MR. R. S. SHAW, of Toronto, piano tuner for the Nordheimer 00., is in town. Orders for tuning left at Park- er's Drug Store will be promptly at- E. A. BAKER, piano tuner for Heintz- man 8.: 00., Toronto. will be in town this week. Orders may be left at D. Campbell's. â€"â€"v.- u‘ tVV “U, con. 18. Township of Normanby. Fine buildings. Must be sold. Apply to Arthur H. Jackson, Durham. 2m. HAVE you seen the new spring ging- hams at S. F. Morlock’s? ‘ BE sure and read the news of H01- stein’s great Revival. AUCTION Snugâ€"See notice of Neil McCannal’s sale in this issue. "':' Peel’s, Cum FOR SALE.-â€"â€"South .5. lot 2‘ PERSONAL MENTION S IQ Ladies Look Younger I). P0019. of \Villiscrnft, C‘ visiting his sister. Mrs. A. 1 axsun returned to “Win- ch Rev. Mr. Stevenson 30f the hymns used at rch on Sunday evening angelistic Service will visiting her daughter run to. will be the lurse in the lay evening I r. sizes 1 I The Owen Sound hockey team play- ;ed atie game with Ornngeville. on *Thursday evening last on the Owen f. Sound rink. Orangeville beat them ; the previous Week in the latter place, won the game. accordingto best report we can get”? and Owen Sounders are “extwemev ly indignant dontcherknow," because their chappies Went down to defeat. Again, the home team was (as usual) out of practice. and it’s possible the referee from the Orange town was re- sponsible for that too. One of the‘ Owen Sound papers suggests that Mr. 5 (Continued on page 8.) i P N. B.â€"The music for the above will gbe out on Feb. 7th next and may be ; had on application at this office. out.” Since then we've found. yes. lots'fof it, And when that’s done some more Been classed A1 by one who knows From the town up on the shore, And as for Mr. Ludlow, like The Super, he an doubt ‘Vill be farther south than Varney When But he couldn't get the borer He was told right to his face, And as to gettin’ on the lake ’Twas simply out of place: " W'ell hasn’t, he an awful gall " Did the Superintendent shout, "To doubt Us when we told him That " Talk about'excitement. . \Ve had it here galore. ,W’e had to figure how to keep 0 1 The wolf from the front door j \Vith the children all a starvin’ i And the mud works ’way down South i ‘We’d have to work in Holstein But we weren’t caught a nappin’ For we had one director, W'ho to solve the muddy problem (Well. he couldn’t have done better) \Vent down to get the augur, For he said he had his doubts, And he‘d scramble round and find more Mr. Lndlow is a man they say, \Vho‘s always in the right, And as a marl analyst, He's simply out of sight. There were groans, regrets in general, W'hen one evening he did shout, We’ll have to take the works to 001- borne, They‘ve been wranglin’ and a. jangiin’, ’Bout the whole blamed constitution, And say the Board and Management Is a. darn poor institution. They’ll move the plant; to Colborne, In the spring. no doubt, And we‘ll have to move to Varney “It’s wonderful how a. fellow can accommodate himself to circumstan- ces," said Geo. Lawrence the other day.” “Take my own case, for in- stance. Iflnd it justas easy now to get up at eight o’clock in the morning as I did to get up at four when I was on the farm." “"hen \Vhen v w L‘ E11189 \Vhen When the Marl Plays Out. SOME H APPENIN GS. the the the the the the DURHAM, 0NT., THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 1906. 000 marl marl's marl marl’s mar; marl plays played played played We have good clubbing rates played av out. out. out. out. out. From the very first there are evi- dences of crookedness about this mill moving business. The refusal of the mlglll'. the appointment of scouts to keep our men 03 the lake. and the {ridiculing of everything tending to- 'wards the continuance of the plant here are all fresh in the memories of ! stockholders, and the best thing we can now do is to use our influence and ballots against the return to power ofa single director who advocates the mov- ing of the plant. Let any person with a grain of common sense go through our magnificent works here, which (Continued on page 4.) Notwithstanding the favorable re- port made by Mr. \Vood, some of the present Board of Directorsrare circul- ating reports to the effect that his re- port was not favorable to the continu- ing of the works here. Any thing of this nature let us say is absolutely false, and wholly at variance with the report placed in the hands of the Dizi rectors. \Ve have endeavored to get a copy of this report in order that we Imight give it word for word to our readers this week. The absence of Superintendent Farr who is still draw- ing his salary, and the absence also of Mr. Ehrhardt who is reported to be out fishing for votes for some of the present board of directors places us in such a position that we can not even have the satisfaction of being refused by the official bosses. [map is now in the hands of the Com- pany, and we think it is only fair that every stockholder should he provided with a blue print so as to be able to see exactly the result of the investiga- tion. If such a blue print be not given let us as stockholders insist on having the original map at the annual meet- ing.‘ A similar test was made of the ‘ rsame lake before the mill was started ‘ here and some of our own citizens. 1 who were engaged on the work, had such vivid recollections of the former test, that they could not be forced to imagine for a moment that the lake was so nearly exhausted. Hence the determination of the town to examine the lake first, and at a later period to go over the other deposits and ascer- tain their value. TFor Nine or Ten Years at a Very Conservative i Estimate. rm The Annual Meeting to be Held in Toronto on February 7th. 8 made of the II was started own citizens, TIIE 808? 8TORE ON THE BUSY CORNER { We Wish Our Customers $1.00 PER YEAR.

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