West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 25 Jan 1906, p. 2

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AYLING a? .- chronicled by this would be reformer. No! No! No. 3, the maple of this ‘ community are invulnerahle to such All kinds or Repairing done ’ inimical vituperation and the ludic- neatly at the lowest of prices ‘ rous, sophistical manner With which '. ~-â€" â€".you have treated the question Will .‘ - I have a disparaging, enervating efiect ‘ in an opposite way to that which vou . W anticipate. In conclusion we shall ‘ Saws Gnmmed, 5“ 1 give 30. 3alittle advice, and it shoud | Locks Guns and Umbrellas {not be taken amiss since No. 3 is so "V ' , , good at giving it. - 7 1 § , . as. every little misdemeanour com: “Benw s Reva". Shop mitted all summer, has been duly Henry’s Repair Shop The Durham Yards have over 300,000 on hand 110“. Guaranteed 0'Ood “w â€"â€"- â€"a---- auuutus \ ‘ r ‘ Bet Tm turn, sores. bromhes. rheumatic pains. ore t.looseness of the hair, swellings After mm“ of the glands, palms of the hands scaling. itchiness of the skin. dyspep- tic stomach. etc. I had given up in despair when a friend advised me to consult you. as you had cured him of a similar disease 8 years ago. I had no hope. but took his advice. In three w eeks' time the sores commenced to heal up and I became encouraged. I continued the New Method Treatment for four months and at the end of that' ' . _ tune every symptom had disappeared. I was cured . years ago and no signs at any disease since. My bov- three mam-s Am zs an...” M... L--.“ ~ -Vouu .ucuuucul. {or tour months and at the 9" - 7‘7 . .. .. of that time every symptom had dxsappearedo I was cured . years av _ , and no signs at any disease smce. My boy. three years 0ch ie sound and healthy.‘ tainly can recommend your treatment with all my heart. You can reter any person to me privately, but you can use this te ' as you WiSh.” m ., w. . We treat Nervous Debnttv. \‘arlcocel-r. Strictr-a. Vital “gasket-l Blood and Skin diseases. Urinary Bladdc: and LP ‘ ‘ men and women. ’ mag-y complamts 0. Are you a. victim? Have you lost hope? Are on in ‘ BE‘DE ing to marry? Has your blood been diseased?y Havetend .any yeah”? .0“? xew methOd Treatment ffin burn unn xxrn.-.yo.‘ ' st opinion Free of Charge. Charges reasonable. BOOKS FREEâ€""The Golden Monitor. (illustrated). on Diseases of Men. Sealed Book on “Dlse s 0‘ Women” Free. R0 NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. and cost of treatment FREE. H “Xi-ewyou a. victim? Have you lost hope? Are on lnte - BE‘DE ing to marry? Has your blood been diseased?y Have 3?qu any weakness? Our New Method Treatment will cure 0 has done _for_others it will do for you. COXSlfLT_.\Ttn{r Uéugglat‘fi _A_ _ AA F. E. SIEGNER sale pricé.v9§cv."w- Chamber Rails. regular These are only a few of the many BARGAINS we are offering. Re- member the place. next to Tel. ofiice. unamber Pails. regular price. $1.40; sale price, 81.22 . Water Pails, regular price, 75c; sale . price. 65c. 7"â€" Dxppers. regular price, 30c ; sale price, 25c. 7' " .9. Fry Rang. regular price, 50c :sale przce, 40c. L saJe price. 500. Stove Kettles, regular price, we _ sale price. 750. Stove Kettles,n_re6ular price, $1.10 _ -- . â€"â€"nâ€"-â€"- y-uv. aw, sale price. 70c. Tea Pots. regular price. 45c; sale price. 35c. Tea Pots. regvlsr price. 50c; sale price. 40c. Stove Pots. regular price. 80c; sale price. 70c. Stove Ketylesulregular price. 65c; A straight 15 per cent. cut on all lines. and better on some for the next 30 Days. NO SECONDS. evgry piece of Graniteware first qualnty. Double Boilers. regular price, $1.10; sale price. 85c. Double Boileri.“ regular price. 85c: EVER KNOWN in the Town of Durham. for next TWO WEEKS. A straizbt 15 Der cont- out An all The Greatest . .. Graniteware Sale Skirts that were $3.50 now $2.75 Skirts that were 4.00 now 3.10 Skirts that were :3 00 now 4.00 l5 ladies’ Skins to Clear Clearing Sale Winter Goods at similar reductions. . Men’s, Boys’ and Children’sg Suits 6: Overcoats Now’s the time to buy your Winter Goods. We are selling all winter goods at. Reduced Prices ....... xzxr noon T0 CARSOx’s . L. GRANT Some of the Cut Prices: . Michigan Ave. and Shelby 8:. Dotro§.vMich. _‘ DURHAM . OP He was surprised at how the sore: healedâ€""1 took your New Method Treatment for serious Mood disease with which 1 had been amicted for tvelve years. I had Consulted a score of phy- sicmns. taken all kinds of bl 00d meuxcme, visued Hot Springs and other mmeral water re- sorts. but only got temporary relief. They would help me for a time. but after dxscontinuing the medicmes s, the symptoms ) amass USED WITH- WRITTEN COPSSENT. fl This is all we have to say this time' but it is only small compared with the amount held in reserve should the occasion require it. So No. 3, an revoir. Humanum est errare. A. E. Mclxrosn. Dornoch. Ont. [We do not understand the purport of the above article as we have not seen the article referred to as having appeared in the Review.â€"Ed ] F If No. 3 is going to reform this Econmunity let them begin at home and when they have eradicated their pride, selfishness and spirit of misan- thropy and thus become rehabilitated they will then be ready to begin the good work. It is an axiomatic fact that No. 3 don’t practice what they preach and the incongrnity of their advising others is apparent. In our must ha peas for imous o If it is a billi Chamberlain’s Sto: Tablets and a quick For sale at Parker’s from fault needed is a nine Stom They will strengthen you an app tablets act sale at. Par] For an Impaired Appetite. :3 of ap faulty 6 dis a. is Stomach Parker of appetite always results aulty digestion. All that is is a few doses of Chamber- tomaob and Liver tablets. vill invigorate the stomach. hen the digestion and give appetite like a wolf. These act as a gentle laxative. For me: DORN OCH '3 Drug Store billions an Stomach a. ions attack much and : cure is ce: '3 Drug Store 1: Willie 1 Liver certain. Itching. Blind. BleoQipg. Pxptrgdinz Piles. .-:...- -M __-l___2 The Council ad ' 10th at 10 a. m. Jourued to February â€"Tie C!erk was inatructed to ask {or tenders for the printing for 1906. Weirâ€"Blackâ€"That the following amounts be paid, viz.. P. Farrelly and A. Morrison. putting iron truss on Pomona bridge $2.00. John A. Mc- Millan two days $2.25. also trip to Elesherton withlteam $1.50 and Thos. McFadden overseeing $1.50.â€"--Car- tied. $2 00 for work.â€"Carried. jut The Reeve and Wm. Weir was ap- pointed to examine Treasurer’s sure- ties with instructions to report at nexc meeting of Councxl. In)“. Huntâ€"Blackâ€"That Thos. Lauder be paid $1.40 for registering deed of road from W. J. Hamilton.--â€"Carried. _ -â€" ' a." m McMillanâ€"Blackâ€"Tbat cheques is sue for the following amounts name- ly, Municipal World. election station- ery. 35.46; J. Ross Robertson, grant for Sick Children’s Hospital,â€" Carried. ried. \Veirâ€"Huntâ€"That the Clerk order seven capies of the Municipal World for 1906, and that. alcheque for $5 75 issue t};_erefor.â€"Carried. '9- “ea; v" ‘_ ou of April, and- that the Clerk remit the same to the County Treasurer,â€"â€"Car- McMillanâ€"Weirâ€"Thac the .Clerk be instructed to receive the amount of taxes against lot 13, con. 12. for 190%), amounting to $5.05. providing the same is paid before the 30th day iHuntâ€"oM‘c'Millanâ€"Jbat- Bylaws Nos. 460, 461 and 462 as filled up, be: now read a third time, signed, sealed ; and engroesed on the By-law Book.â€" a Carried. .. SOSSOI‘. ‘ By-law No. 460, Auditors ; By-law No. 461, Health Oficers; and By-law N o. 362. Assessor, was introduced and read Mint and second time. Council went into committee on By-laws. Council resumed and reported By-law 460 as filled up with the names of R. T. Edwards and W. J. Ritchie as Auditors, By-law 461 was filled up with the name of Alex. Ellison as member of the Local Board of Health and Dr. Hutton as M. H. 0., while By-law 462 named Thos. Davis asAAs- The newly elected Council of the Township of Glenelg met January the 8th as per Statute. Members pres- ent zâ€"Thos. McFaddan. Esq , Reeve ; Messrs. W'm. \Veir. Edwin \V. Hunt, John McMillan and Malcolm Black. Councillors. Each member made and subscribed to the necessary Declara- tion of Qualification and of oflice, and took their seats. the Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. Communications read as follows: From John McDonald and Thos. Davis applications for the oflice of Assessor; from W. J. Ritchie application for the ofice of Auditor. oweNiR ‘RANGes are The cvlmim‘tion 01" 62 years experience . in The ma nufedfi re . @3 year: K greaTer seiisfadion 19 1:14;; or??? 4 ’19: , ' ~ gfl‘o‘“ My Ofl'fl‘ W96 . go“ The market _u~ . . ( (". 'TWI LL PAY YOU TO ' fiwjzgfiflxgd " INVESTIGATE TH IS a: The Gurney. Tilden Company manufacturers um O M1103 Winnipeg Toronto Vancouve: Montreal '\ Q , j I Our personal sweat.» as well as that. ofthe mskere goes with every stove; ‘ ’ ‘ ) We have Souvenir Ranges on view GLEN ELG COUNCIL. They (:0 0k bcficr and give qmaTer sadisfadion Thom any oTher range on flu: market . 3. BLACK. Clerk, KATE COCHRANE, AGENT, Durham. Ontario. .nd By-law The Memorial of the Municipal )duced and Council of the Township, of Egremont l. Council County of Grey, humbly showeth l By-laws. That whereas, we, your memorialists ted By-law believe that it would be in the Public sums of R. interest that a change be made in the Ritchie as . County Councils Act, so that the 3 filled up ; members of that body, and the busi- Ellison as ; ness they tranact would be in close -117 an t DUREAM CHRONICLE {THE CHRONICLE Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken in- ternally. and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the sysmm. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY, CO. Toledo. 0. Sold by all Draggists. 75c. Take Hall’s Eamily Pills for consti- pation. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of Dec- ember, A. D. 1886. STATE or Omo. CITY or TOLEDO, 1 LUCAS COUNTY. J ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney 00.. doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLL- ARS for each and every case of Ca- tarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Posted in Counvil t January, 1906. his 8th day of Therefore, we your memoralists, would pray that the County Councils Act be so amended that the member- ship of that body consist of the reeves of the various municipalities, and such deputy-reeves as the equalized valuation of the municipality for County purposes would warrant and your memorialiets will ever prayâ€"- " Resolved that the above resolution be forwarded to the Hon. N. Mon- teith MiniSter of Agriculture [or the Province of Ontario.” And whereas the amount of money that this Municipality contributes yearly as County rate is equal to and in some years more. then what we spend as a local Tp. rate and that it is desirable that a fuller explanation of this expenditure should be made to the ratepayers who contribute this money. â€"â€" v-VUV touch with the ratepayers of the Municipal Corporation from which they receive most of their revenue. MR. EDITOR,â€"Kindly give inset. tion to the following and by the dis- semination of our thoughts, and ex- changing ideas, good results will come: (SEAL) In buying: a cough medicine for children never be afraid to buy Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. There is no danger from it and relief is always sure to follow. It is eSpec- ially valuable for colds and Whoop- iag cough. For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. ;: " a If?“ M A Safe Cough Medicine for Children- Is the People’s Paper. Aré you one of the Peepie? \c cvlminaftion years experie in The ma nufad LETTER TO THE EDITOR. FRANK J. CHENEY. A. W. GLEASON. NOTARY PUBLIC. W. HASTIE, Reeve. DAVID ALLAN, Clerk .18 n o 106 firsteclass business being done. Everything complete and in good running order. Ca- pacityten thousand feet of hardwood maple per day. Small payment down. balance arranged to suit. purchaser. Possession given at once. For full particulars apply personally to Shingle, Saw. Lath and Planing Mill ‘1v1m'- A A - Jan. 11â€"-‘ sale. enther separately or en bloc. Will be sold cheap to a quick b terial, toqls and Jan. 8th.â€"5Wpd. A “L0' 17.]. ation at the rear of Durhzr; F‘o’undry. Persons having logs to cut will receive our prompt attentxon. T. C. MCGIRR, Jan. l7â€"2tpd._fi“ Lambton St.. Durham â€".â€"â€"vv‘ U 15th of March. Also a few White Leg- horn Cockerels. Apply to ON BRUCE ST., DURHAM, NE“? brick house. 30x32; 2?; storeys high: double cellar, cement floor in one half, furnace in the other half. Small barn with stone stable under- neath. Convenient to station, Furniture Factory and Cream SeparatorVVorks. Will sell cheap to quick purchaser. The owner is going West. ' For further particulars apply to WM. LEGGE'I'I‘M, J um 14. tt. Box 92, DURHAM. OWâ€"DUE TO CALVE ABOUI‘ 15th of March. Also a few White 1.90- Business gsgblispegl fourteen .‘o. A'Afi..‘- .‘VLU-Lu .l of Saddler street 1; 7113'}an of Dur- ham. in the county of Grey, containing4 acres more or less. For terms and particu- lars applv to _ . ____-.... vvv ‘4 1.1 miles north of Priceville. Farm in first class condition. Good buildings with running stream convenient to the barn. For further particulars applv to DUGALD D. MCLACHLAN. Jan. 28â€"tf. Priceville PJO. Dec. 2.--tf. J. P. TELFORD, Durham Feb. 22nd 1905 â€"-tf __ ' uâ€"vvâ€"n- U about six miles from Du‘rham. Good title. Possession at once. Good land. Must be sold. For particulars apply to Â¥ ’ H. BURNETT Proprietor Jan. ‘20 1905. â€"-tf. I’DURHAM, ONT Bining the Cor oration of the Town of urham. The arm consists of 425 acres â€"-about 4 acres woodland, the balance un- der grass. Comfortable dwelling: and good comfortable outbuildings. Small orchard. Just the kind of place for a dairy farmer or market gardener. Sold at right price and on easy terms as the proprietor in- tends going west and wishes to dispose of it. M J J. W. CRAWFORD. Also several building lots. 1y all in gragggha‘avaalfgfit‘ 55557331:- lng for a grass‘farm. For further particu- lars apply to Manx 2‘1 04 TWO LOTS IN THE .TOWNSHIP OF GLENELG will be soldzeither together or separately. Each com rises 100 acres and on each there is a good ouse. These farms are about seven miles from Durham and are offered for sale very cheaply. One is gear- l" a]. :n man-on a...) -m---IJ ___, ONTAINING 100 ACRES, BEING Lot 14, Con. 4. N. D. R.. Glenelg. About 85 acres cleared, balance in good hardwwd bush. Well watered, well fenced, good frame house. bank barn ani imple- ment house. Good bearing orchard, about twenty-five acres ploughed, four acres in tall wheat. Possession may be had after Ma 5‘] st. For further particulars apply to ‘ “- “DONALD BEATON, frop..§‘§~§7 AFINE STOCK FARM 4 miles from Durham. with nice brick house. stone foun- dation barn, good fences. abundance of water. The property comprises '150 acres of'land, of which nearly all is cultivable. The owner is giving up farming and the property is offered at a sacrifice to a quick purchaser. Only small payment required uown. _. Jan RICK OR FRAMEâ€"APPLY TO f C.. U imported stockâ€"aged 14 mos. 4-year- old Clyde mare. Buildmg lot on Bruce St. Brick house on Bruce St. Apply to W. LEGGETI‘E, Jan. 25th--tf. Rocky Saugeen. OT 51, 52, 53â€"Sideroad 50, I} l Mn“ ”Nu. - EING Good Farm for Sale. Park Lot For Sale. Houses for Sale. Custom Sawing. URHAM For Sale or Rent. THE GARAFRAXA ROADâ€"- 20th FOR SALE. Sir r’ARTS OF LOTS _Ben_tinck, Con. 2, W. Farm for Sale‘ Farms For .. P. LEGATE. Ceylon Farm for DONALD BEATONM 1906â€"tf '3'“ POM' For Sale. J. P. TELFORD Vendor’s Solicitor. Durham . CONKEY, Priceville. For Sale. BULLâ€"BRED FROM MACKAY 8: DUNN. Vendor’s Solicitors Durham to station, ' and Cream ”Will sell cheap to le owner 18 going ‘. SMITH. Sale Sale W. G. R,, ad- the Town of 0'2 AND The undersigned having been restored to he by simple means, after sufiering for several 3' With a severe lung aflection, and that d: due?” Consumption, 18 anxious to make lm to has fellow sufierers the means of cure. those who desire it. he will cheerfully send. 0: 01131129. a copy of the prescription used. '1 the Will find a sure cure for Con m» Chunk, Bronchitis and all @1093“ ““38 Handles. He hepes all euterers '11,] his remedy, ts it is invaluable Those d092,: “1° Pmption, which will cost. them no:i find me rove a. blessin , will pluse ed!“ Renal) ARDA.WIU(§N.BMXJID.N" ‘ Take Care of Your Horses Feet ..... DEBTSECOLLECTED. W” BUSINESS DIFFICULTIES arrange C. P. R. TICKETS for sale toall points. Always Promptâ€"Never Negligent. MONEY TO LOAN at lamest rates. I ;(_U ‘M:‘A .â€"A 125‘ THE HANOVER CONVEYANCEE I Now ofl'ers the following: 100 ACRES, south-west of Varney, in N02 .MANBY. An extra gopd farm and we - 1m proved. Owner anxxous to go \K (351., . n--.- 150 ACRES BENTiNCK‘fid‘nh 02 ET}; 13...]. 11v I . 1 Priceville 1’. ’ Executors ( DANIEL MCDOI GALL ....-- 2 \Iulock P. 0 or to their Solicitor, J. P. TELFORD. "‘" ' Durham PIC; t0 1. Estate of Hugh McDonald, late the Village of Priceville. in the County Grey, deceased. offer for sale. the lands the estate, consisting of lots numbers; and 44, in the second Concession, S. D. l. in the Township ofGlenelg, 1C0 acresf: tender. Tenders will be received up tot: lst of February A. D.. 1906, when they“; be opened at Mrs. Butter’s Hotel, at. t: Village of Price ville, at '2 p. m. The highe or any tender notnec assarily accepted-m TERMS OF SALEâ€"~10 per cent. ca~ down, and the balance in 60 days thereatt: without interest. . L. .- THE EXECUTURS OF TH: Estate of Hugh McDonald lam Executors’ Sale of Lands V_~-_, LUU 6100‘ Estate. are required to pay same at. _I‘L Standarfi .Bank of Canada. Durham, wzz‘: out recexvmg further notlce. u.u111x;u EDDIULAD 14.08101111’1112 T4 photographer, ofierod , â€"-;- .- AL‘ V“, HUI Lu U1 J11“ Park. x-Well improvfd and offered, vet Cheawpo , \ *\' ‘ a. . I ”m. ‘ .;‘¢.-v =h~ “ “*(>:,-â€"~ " ' ‘ panies at low rates.‘ â€"--"‘-.' Bâ€"ACRESI on 18th “Concession 0f 'xo MANBY. Well improved and well locate Ofl’eredgllgap. Will rent if not sold. -mr‘ “ -â€" In the! Estate of Hugh IMcDonalt late of Priceville. Deceased. . 3 Hemlock, Spruce and Cedar-$5..) to $10.00. Basswood, Soft; Elm and Rock £15 â€"$10.00 to $15.00, according to quality Beech, Birch and Maple-881%): $12.00. ’ any of whom tenders may be deliver" Dated January 15th, 1906. :IJ cession Wegt of thq Gafai'ra;a 1n‘ the Townshxp of hormanby, ; County of Grey. For particulars a} For particulars apply to Jan. 3, 1906.-â€"tf r xu 11113.19 uuArwrr: OF A FARV house. Three cows to miIk. and .7, house work to perform for my>elf and ‘5' of 13 years of age. Apply to :ADAM HOLLEY ) 9. l mrnelev. (,.. Jan. lO.-â€"3tpd. 4t Uppei- Tidév'nrioâ€" Tenders Will be 1 day. of January. :1; Dated Jan. 17th, 1906. Dated Jan. 3rd ~â€". ORTHE REMOVAL -‘ . E Stable. from W. D. 483ml} FEAR T0 cousunin-zs. in levelling and bait inc your horse’s foot.I hi! the Scientific Horse F0 Leveller which is the late and best contrivance for £11 purpose and will guaranfl satisfaction. W. GUTHRIE, LL. PARTIES _OWING PRC lOT 21â€"IN THE SECOND 00x npggmn Wad n4 Hm (1.... NEW ADVERTISEMENT. Housekeeper Wanted. __ 3 TAKE CHARGE 01" A P: missory notes due to the aim Nurmanby Farm for Sale JANUARY 25, DURHAM FURNITURE Cu. Tenders Wanted . Miller Logs Wanted ARCH’D MQQUM”, . H. MILLE '. PITELFORD, Solicitor for Executora The Black smi? u; uuxulauoy, m 15‘ For particulars apply: J. P. TE LF OR D31: . " W Barnster, Durham “IV-.2” '7! 1.- L'rn ALL WORK Gunman-men at “ let. live" Pincus. NEW PUMW AND anms. Pumps. MATTHEWS LA DURHAM. GROCERIES G‘ ALLUKUERS canon at. one near McGowan'a Kill will be pl tended to. DRILLING. Ru~Ccnmm AND Pa: done with Cmumw wumebe. DIT RE A M I BEG LE¢VE [0 (Shut)! I‘UMERS and the pub‘ic m gdw an premium to mnnuh For Good New . Resolutions CIydesdale Stock and Remedie ROYAL HOUSEHOLD $5.95: per Bbl. “ Whiskey's bad for the Men 0' ‘ And a” ither folk ye see. S) if ye want to wet ye whistle Yer safe with TARTAK T n alwavs find our or fresh and clean S. SCOTT possible pric a weil assvrted st hand. and Boots and Shoes. Rubbers, Legging-s We have a the above \\ ing at a ~ them out. From us. “'0 alwa buv your that you hnvr: 18.8.01 We also give spec year. Lu: one of at the hvginniz; THEOBALD'S 0w sum or less " good xesm “’6 are coqstantl lines to Best bulk 'Black Tea market. for 25 cents EVPry' person mak Flour and F‘ JANUARY 25 GEORGE WRIT)!1 GROCERIE Groo We Have It! menace to Many pan he quality. ew odd 1i: .ch we an ES. y addi our the ONT gof att

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