West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 25 Jan 1906, p. 7

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eath .110 .., \ervousness, Sleeplessnesa, ired. \emnry‘ Depression of S' ') K nnA+I‘A rm-“_- “I . .:= .- {red Memory, Depressién of : spepsia, Poor Appetits, Impm JANUARY 25, "Uh-“re is no other remedy which will inkfi: restore you to health and 8M ‘1 animation as Dr.Harte’sCele1-y.h ‘39. and were is no other you can if :‘xc‘u is accompanied by t positive 6: tee of Cure or your money rem If you purchase 6 boxes of Dr. Hull fiery Iron Pills for $2.50, bk. 3 ha the Pi 113, and find you an deriving .119: from their use, you an return rumpgy boxes, together with the 3 be m have not opened, and get your no: pckfiVo fairer, aqugrer propglifion} zCk.NO f er been 0 Lmkingi er been n'Tered. 1nd we wouldn‘t“ making it unless we were confident a medy will do all that is claimed (a! By the aingla box tho Pint “ h arismg IEMIST Shorthand Education it is new you wish to receive the Best. Common t you attend the Bestâ€"- Positively Guarantee a WRITTEN BUHRHNTEE. This College is the Beat :- Because each etudent is taught septa! at his own desk: Because all difficulties are thoroue ’ lained as, they occur. thus avoiding time to the students and enabling :hu accomplish more than is possible In ch chimzz ecanzse each student receives speck“ ti m in his weak subiecta and maychfl subjects; ecause each student does his worki ndent of an ethere‘thereby establ‘i Ithe Oldestâ€"Not the largl Just the Best. ; classus, students graduate in 3 3h IC and at a small cost; Because its graduates are enjovincd n positiox‘xs in almost every Candi :1 American city: Because this College enjoys the ca nee of the Business Public. Because it. teaches Actual business in Wt to finish; Because its Shorthand students are doi ttvelluua work, some writing 2!” we! minute after attending only t‘ ibonfidence in himself; {ecause by atgeudmg the day_and er hlths: Because at the head of it is am will lificatluns as a teacher are uncles. whose ambition is to flee his “add 8 good eitizens. morally. socially: ncnally. pen July and August. usiness Colle; maintaining the positifin for"; (-8. But he 1'01!ch go no big ; the water rose an inch more tl Md be the end. He could breaq r betwc-eu the breaking waves nu he budy of the Mad; was swfl swd Eruptions, Poor Cite 1“», E’aipi anion. Dizziness, Show]; Fpmnl e W eakness,Nervous : .- _"I'i:1{'>3 of the Hands and F”? .1 Vital Power, General We : :»1111ty and 9.11 diseases and . .5 my. from a. run-down mndition?” rvous system or weak and - rm. ‘ 91's “'t HST. JNOA. DARLING DRJHARTE’S cum-mom PILLS 9? His head fell stâ€"he had fainta I of his undesired ng time he hung t] bbed away. can as left of the o! "3 H14 1162111 fell forward on :t~l;c' 12ml fainted in the 3““ 301’ hi 3 uudcsixed salvation. 1;; time he I 1211: there, andstin “bl-ml .1“ (n carrying with it “as left of the only two Who] 1 him. He was alone 11on m for that watcher lathe r awhile consciousness 1'01“" iagain, and after the E or renet there cam my :- terror, for he had w w error and anguish-d t died. He was alive _ __. .. hon The Mount Forest W'. T. CLANCY, Pri‘ r .â€" AND: DRUG-GI? D1 RHAM ONT. as before. “'35 he \" t‘t’f ach of his lip! blzwk was SW1 10 again. the h sed him upon 2: away tl {lastly M for the ti : only fol . lu“'€ro fl ’)t the What - waves lifted ‘a‘ ing. £81 liIlCd as but that they Dfiotfice over lGordon’s new Jewellery Store. Lower Town, Durham. Any amount of monev to loan at 5 per cent. on farm propertv. FFICE AND RESIDENCE A short distance east of Knapp’s Hotel, Lamb ton Street, Lower Town. Durham Ofice hours from 12 to 2 o’clock. Specialist: Bye, Ear, Throat and N000 A. G. MACKAY. K. C- 1 fice in the New Hunter Block. Ofice hours, 8, to 10 a. m., to 4 p. m. and 7 109 p. m. Special attention given to diseases of women and children. Residence op- posite Presbvterian Church. Dr. W. 0. Pickering Dentist. OFFICE: Over J. J. Hunter’s. D7 V veyancers. Etc. Money :6 Loan. Oficesrâ€"In the McIntyre Block, over Standard Bank. Will be at Knapp House, Durham. the 2nd Saturday in each month. Hoursâ€" 1â€"6 pan. OTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION- er, Conveyancer, c. Insurance Agent. . Money to Loan. Issuerpf Max:- nage Lxcenses. A general financnl bus:- ness transacted. U Garafrm and George Streetsâ€"at foot of_hill. Ofii__c_e_ho_urs-9;ll A§.m., 2 Will be at the Midhngh House lat Wednesday of each month. from 12 to 4 p. m. HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF- fice in the New Hunter Block. Ofice Late Assistant Roy. London OphthalmicflHOO. £13., and to Golden Sq. Throat and N090 Hon. fl â€" tyâ€" of Toronto. Graduate Royal College Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentistry in all its Branches. 0fޢe.â€"Calder Block, over Post Office W T!!! Cmcwncv 9. vil' be bent to an addre», {we of poem, '2, tor $1. 90 p.- . . year, payable 1 cadVanccâ€"SI. so m. . 1: mt so mm. In: date to whiz}; even Mica b id is dram :d by he rumba or. m; ‘1de land 0 papcr d: «I “m ."0' [2.12.1 u. . anon "I’HB JOB : : DEPARTFIENT U. hence:- for I the County of Grey. Tenn moderate and satisfaction guaran- teed. The arrangements and dates of sales can be made at Tm: CHRONICLE of- fice. Residence end P. 0.. (”Aylon. Tole ts PUBLISH!!!) "HY THURSDAY MORNIIO 0mm mama 83085. mun STREE“ mute. Mesaiunal cards, 1 $4.00 pt! ownu‘m. Adver: 35‘ {tragicas v.31 b: pubiidxed t i gly Tran-23cm not?“ “ For bide, ' G:C.~â€"50 cents“ {or (“catch subsequcn: insertion. d V tioneer for the County of Grey. Sales promptly attended to. Orders may be left at his Implement Warerooms, McKinnon’s old sand. or at the Chronicle Ofice. “5,“- 1’51: advertiaements ordered by szmngcrs 1-1": h :0 advance. Contract rates for yctatly ac. misemcms {'1: Q9996“; go thg: office. d eased Auctioneer for. the County of Grey. Land \‘aluator. Bulitf of the 2nd Division. Court Sales and all other matters gromptly attended to. Highest referances urnished if required. ”HERBS!“ 3? ”TBS . . i1 06 paid. :33“ a: tin: both»: of the gnvprkkox phéne edn motion. '3? All advert’nte ne us, go cn<urc insertion i". : megshould be brought m no: later man In: mg. ‘-â€"â€"â€"â€".â€"â€"_â€".â€" ____-_‘____ __.. IKE BUBHHUI BHBUNIBLE Drs. Jamieson Mac|aurin. l. G. Hutton, M. D., C. M. Nov. 9, ’06. ARRISTBR, SOLICITOR. ETC. MacKay 8:. Dunn. ARRISTERS, SOLIQITORS, pox. om: CLARK. LICENSED A_U_C- J. F. GRANT, D. D. s.. L. D. s. [ONOR GRADUATE, UNIVERSI: FFICE AND RESIDENCEâ€"COR. L. R. C. P., LONDON. ENG. 'RADULATE of London, pr York and Chicago. Duane: of Eye, Eat Nose and Throat. -â€" vvu . . : I: completely stocked with PARTnENT all NEW TYPE. thus 3:. fouling facilities for turning out First-class DURHAM MCPHAIL, LIQENSED‘ é‘UC- EDITOR. AND Pnorm'ron. JANUARY 25, Arthur Gun, M. D. Medical Directory. Dental Directorv. DR- EH]. 8. BURT. DR. BROWN p. m. Telephone No. 10. Legal Directory. Miscellaneous. l. P. Telford. .. H. Jackson. 'or transit-n: EXCLUSIVELY ONT. (Lower Town.) W'. F. DUNS . Owing to faulty actions of the kid- neys and liver, the blood becomes filled with disease germs that imperil health. The firs: warning is back- ache, dizziness, headache and lack of vital energy. Act quickly if you would avoid the terrible ravages of chronic kidney complaint. Get Dr. Hamilton’s Pills to-day; they cure kidney and liver complaint for all time. No medicire relieves so promptly. nothing in the world of medicine cures more thoroughly. For good. clear complexion, healthy appetite, the proper treatment is Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. 25c. per box, at all dealers. Buggies are again in operation, at time of writing, Sunday. no cutters are visible, the runners will likely get a couple of days rest on account of the January thaw. Mr. Thos. McGirr of Lambton St. made a. business trip to Holstein one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Collier gave the young peeple of the neighborhood a swell dance last Vi ednesday night with the result that every body enjoy- ed themselves until the wee sma.’ hours of the morning. Miss Lizzie Firth of Glenelg is the guest of her sisrer Mrs. Geo. Ryan Jr. of Lambton St. Rev. Mr. Bice conducted a largely attended prayer meeting at the house of Mr. Jas. Edge on Thursday evening last. This Was Mr. Bice’s firsc ap- pearance before an Edge Hill audi- ence and all thoroughly enjoyed his discourse. We hope he may come again. We congratulate Squire Edge on attaining his eighty-fourth birthday. We wish that he and his estimable life partner may yet be Spared many years of health and happiness. Mr. Thomas McGirr we omitted to mention has recently purchased the farm owned by Captain Jas. McGirr, for which he paid a handsome figure. In reporting the sale of the Keeler pronerty on Lambton St. we commit- ted an error. the name of the pur- chaser should have been written as Mr. N. McCannel instead of Mr. Mc- Queen who has it rented for the present. from Mr. McCannel. Miss Sarah Harley visited friends on the 8th con. of Glenelg. over“ San- day laSt. Mr. John Bell is the lucky investor in the purchase of the O’Donnell propertv from Mr. W. J. McFadden of the Farmers’ M’fg. and Supply Co. of your town. An article has recently been com‘ municatcd to us. concerning the stealing or attempt to steal annmber of antiges attbe Auction Sale of Mr. 7-- “vvuv “uVVl-VM ”DIV UL “‘t W'. J. Ector on the 5th of January 1906. The fact evidently reached the Varney Reporter who does non like the idea that any party or perties would be guilty of such a base con- duct. however it is too true we regret to say. The undersigned wishes to rectify a. mis- understanding in the minds of the public regarding his business. . While I and my son-in-law Mr. John Shmtz, bnve a. mutual understanding regarding our. work we do notfform a business partnership in any way or arm. A fine colt coming three years old. belonging to Mr. Thos. Morrison died very suddenly last week. Mr. Morri- son was giving it some medicine from a bottle and a portion of the fluid "went down the wrong way” causing choking and almost instant death. This entails considerable loss to Mr. Morrison as the the colt was of the heavy draft type. one of the well known Bufialo Bill colts. A number of the neighbors were most agreeably entertained at a party at Mr. John Collier’e last Wednesday evening. GEORGE WHITMORE. Durham. Jan. 19thâ€"3tpd. Mr. Thos. Ritchie sold a fine horse to Mr. Duncan Smellie at. a good figure. Miss Fanny McNally is home from Durham for a couple of weeks. Itching, Blind. 'Bieeding or Protrndin Piles Druggiats refund money if PAZO OINL‘MEX fails to cure anv cue. no matter of boa long standing. in 6 to 14 days. First application gives ease and rest. 50c. If our druggist hasn’t it send 50c in stamps an it. will be forwarded poet-paid 1:? Paris Medicine (30.. St. Louis, Mo. Insures farm buildings and contents. dwellings and contents in towng and vil- lages. Everything in a dwellingoxs covered by one sum. Contents of ont-bmldinzsjm eludes all the farm produce generally. Stacks and live stock from fire or lightning; the widest range of insurance at the lowest rates. If your insuranceexpires this year it will pay you to insure in the Sydenham. A GUARANTEED CURE FOB. FILES Itching. Blind. .Bleedmg or Protmding Piles Sydepham Mutual Fire Ins. Co. ESTABLISHED 1869. April Nthâ€"6m. Drop a card to “WMWhleMs. Noticfio the Pifil‘i'é.’ Darkie’s Corners. The Blood is The Life- J. H. McFAYDEN. Agent, Edge Hill. D [BEAM PO Disease Prevalent Now, But Can be Quicky Cured with Hyomei. One cannot find in this country a parallel {or the remarkable progress of The Toronto Daily Star during the last five or six years. It is a fact perhaps not yet fully appreciated that from modest beginnings it has grown under its present management until now it is n0t only the mOSt widely-read afternoon paper in Ont- ario, but there is only one morning paper in all Canada that exceeds it in circulation. There was a time when people thought they had to get a morning paper if they wanted all the nBWS. but that prejudice has given away to aconviction that to really get the news while it’s hot and crisp you must read a live afternoon daily like The Toronto Star. The advances made in printing machinery and tele- graphy are largely responsible for A great many people sufier more with catarrh during the {all months that at any other season of the year, the changes in weather seeming to have a bad efiect upon the disease. If you cannot obtain Hyomei of your dealer. it will be forwarded by mail, postage paid, on receipt of price. Write to-day for consultation blank that will entitle you to services of our medical department without charge. The R. T. Booth Company. Hyomei Building, Ithaca. N. Y. Some of the cures made by Hyomei seem marvelous when one remembers that the patients had suffered from catarrh since childhood and that for for years they had been unable to get a good night’s sleep, on account of the disagreeable tickling and dropp- ing at the back of the throat caused by the offensive disease. A few days’ treatment with Hyomei brought quick relief, and its continued use made a complete and lasting cure. THE TORONTO STAR’S WONDER- FUL GROWTH. The complete outfit coscs but $1.00, extra bottles 50 cents. Compare this small eXpense with the fees charged by specialists. By breathing Hyomei through the pocket inhaler that comes with every outfit, all the air passages of the lungs and throat are filled with air laden with Nature’s own remedies for the cure of catarrh. All disease germs are killed, and the irritated mucous membrane is healed. .. In‘lSSQ he returned to Boston and marriedMiss Barber of Toronto, and the year following, went back with his wife for an eight months" stay in the Orient. ()n returning to Canada he. settled in T oronto and for six years went each summer, surveying and doing other engineering work in the North-West. It was far away from the whirr of humanity; lonely. often having no roof but the starry sky, no bed but his blanket, no restaurant but his pouch. He met trappers and guides sometimes. grew to know and love the animals better. and his splendid stories of Canadian life and charmingly sympathetic animal stories would never have been written but for the payment of price in months of isolation. His first story was published in the "’ Detroit Free Press,” and a few others soon afterward gave him that first rich taste. of literary creation. He went each year to the North-West with greater reluctance as it cut out his time for writing, until finally reluctance led to rebellion and then to revolt. and he turned his back on it all forever and consecrated his life to literature and art. Mr. Fraser has had the honor of hav- ing his paintings hung on the line with the work of professional artists. Entered according to Act 0! the Fulfilment or Canada. in the year 1905.1” w, 6, Mack. at the Department of 3:“th man, as well as of Fraser the author. His books are himself; he writes because he loves to write, because he cannot help writing. Born in Nova Seotia in 1859 of Scotch parentage, his earl school Javs were spent in Boston and later in New York. His unusual artistic a )ilitv earlv became manifest. and it seemed that he was destined for a sculptor’s life," but the death of his father changed his plans. He now paints scenes in his novels in vocabularic colors instead of with a brush. It was with regret that he temporarilv gave up the oils of art for the oil of commerce and made a specialty of petroleum; but he was thorough and a second time mast-cred oil. In 1881 he went to India as an expert for some English capitalists, and later the British government employed him on some mission in Beluchistan. Nine years he spent in India, Burma and the neighboring countries, not studying the country idly from an armchair, but in nine. years of constant travel, where he saw everything and forgot nothing, and it is the splendid fruitage of these vears that _is garnered in his stories of India. . Knowing the life of \Hluam A. Fraser, the books he has written seem in“ evitable. Each is the harvesting (if certain (listirxff. years of his living; renewed, revivified and transformed by L23 individuad T he. nervous intensity of the writing. the incisive. forceful phrases, the keen observation, the humor, the origi- nality, the sympathy with nature in all its phases, the artistic genius in catching instantly the essentials of a scene or an episode are characteristic of Fraser the man, as well as of Fraser the author. His books are himself; he writes because he loves to write, because he cannot help writing. //’_-_‘ f FAMQUS PEOPLE ' ~ 4» ._ .52 BY FANNIE M.LOTHROP G: )3 FALL CATARRH I'UU W. A. FRASER Canada's Author, Artist and Engineer. DURHAM CHRONICLE this. Once it took all night to get the previous day’s news into print. That was othe morning paper’s era. Now The Toronto Star publishes all the news of the world up to within an hour of the time the edition is printed. On account of the difierence in time. Its cable news covers the events of the Old World until there is practically nothing fresh left for the next morning’s papers. Mrs. Archie Johnston. an old lady who lived in Lucknow met with a terrible accident on Tuesday evening from which she died on Wednesday evening. Just how the dreadful accident happened will never be known but it is supposed she lighted the lamp with a piece of paper and was in the act of putting the paper into the stove when her clothing took fire. Mr. Frank Ham who was passing on the sidewalk at the time noticed the flames and ran to her assistance, but before the flames could be extinguished she was terribly burned.-â€"Gorrie Vidette. A sad misfortune happened to Mr. and Mrs. Leo. Ruth near Hepworth on Monday evening. when their in- fant son was smothered to death. Mrs. Ruth was visiting: at her brother- in law’s and when preparing to leave for home in the evening wrapped her child up to keep it warm. When she Opened the wraps-on arriving at her home she found that it Was dead, it having been smothered to death by the close wraps. Mrs. Ruth and her husband are almost heart- broken.â€"O. 8. Sun. You can get The Toronte Star and the paper you are now reading for one year for $1.80. A Chicago Alderman Owes His Elec tion to Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. “I can heartily and conscientiously recommend Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy for affections of the throat and lungs.” says Hon. John Shenick. 2‘20, Peoria St., Chicago. "Two years ago during a political campaign I caugh cold after being; overheated. which irritated my toroat and I Was finally compelled to stop, as I could not speak aloud. In my extremity a friend advised me to use Chamber- lain’s Cough Remedy. I took two doses that afternoon and could not believe my senses when I found the next morning the inflammation had largely subsided. I took several doses that day, kept right on talking through the campaign, and I thank this medicine that I won my seat in the Council.” This remedy is for sale at Parker’s Drug Store. 100115 11:1 11:13 “nutcn seem 111‘ . “1.11.5 of his living; renewed Tm: nervous _intcnsity_ of the Pbo‘o‘ by Lyon“ -Toronto. All Druggists For six or seven years I have been troubled with indi- gestion and dys epsin. Too much acidity of 1. 1e stomach. the docwrs said. originated the trouble. I tried scores of remedies. My room at home resembled more a drug storc‘ with many glibly adver- tised nostrums which I had bought. Ex‘entuuily 1 used PSYCHINE. although it was three times the price of any other medicine I had ever bought. yet every dose broudht permanent relief. Mr. Arthur Tennison. To- ont-o, writes enthusiastically of the merits of I‘SYCHINE £01191] stpmach troubles. Nothing I Ate Agreed with Me Want your moustache or heard abmtiml brown or rich black? Use [Aler’s Pills THE V BISSELL Is a permanent cure for Pneumezzia, Pleurisy, Consumption, La Grippe, Bronchitis, Eassitude, Wasting Diseases and all Thran and Lung Trouhies. OR. T. A. SLOCUM, Ltd» 179 KING ST. W.. TORONTO. CANADA SEEK SAFETY IN Psycmmz PSYCHINE was produced by skill and science and is the outcome «'11 the highest Medical- Knowledge. Use it as :1 stepping Star a. and 3011 can th' 13 L 10$: 03 or the stream of disease 111 snfot3 and 1: nd on the further side \xhcn Real“: and Brightness will grecc 3011 PfiYCHENE You are surelj, weary of remaining in sir.- kncss and miserv; why not cross over to Bean!) and Happiness? These stones were carefully laid: each is perfectly sure and safe. It is so easy to cross this stream if only you 6326‘ use care and attention. Be careful where you step. as a false step will Land you in the dirty and (on! waters. One Dollar The Craziest 01 Tomes has made a. great record throughout all Canada» There are good reamm; Why this is so. Balanced Right -â€" Docs pot. hump up. Improved Plate-Cuts and turns 50:! over. Hitches Well Back Easy draught. This‘ D151: has sexjeral Imitxvtors but no â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" â€"â€"â€"-v “Viv-w C “LU "LV U“U ilk: '35.]. None genuine wi£houb file name “ ISSELL." For Sale by Agents. 31am;- tach-ed by T. E. BISSELL, ELORA. 053?. Ask for Booklet “E.” (Pronounced Si-kecn) Act Hirecdy on the live They cure constipatio biliousness, sick-headset Sold for Gdeax-s. m Free Trial

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