West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 25 Jan 1906, p. 8

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£2. goods to make 100111 for spring goods. ( Jmtk why we have (0 plan well in adv: Winter must muve out. There has been ppst few weeks. Have you missed Wh in! The pro [7 ressive merch «rm Goods 13 on. We are con- stantly hearing satis- fied expression from our customers. and better still our sales testify that our dis- play is all that the most particular could ask for. ‘1 bot'tlé‘s- Extract for Our opinion is con- firmed again and Laciies’ Mantles, Ready=to-wear Skirts and a 2:130 at cost or under. We have not spac winter goods MUST be sold. We do not purpose carrying OVCI‘ .:_.e-;.. heavy goods. They must be sold at any price. It is much .. 15 .r to count the money than take stock of the goods. Anticipate 3.9m needs. Supply your wants. Save so per cent. by taking advantage of this great offer. THE GREATEST EVENT OF THE SEASON .u’- laud Come mid Share i Qadies’ Heavx 2 Men's Coon Coats ..... were $5 Fame)r Wrapperettes ...... were Fancy Wrapperettes ...... were Fancy Wrapperettes ...... were Prints, 1 yard wide ...... were Roller Towels. each ...... were F orceful ant’s dream is to clear m not: :uitiugs, regular $1 {:2le \HitinLrs wgnlar I :ack \ultmm re: 'llnl‘ 1. ALL HEAVY DRESS C (JOBS AT 3130 4 lbs. Raisins fox 2 )0 les. Rice for .. Sc 5 lbs. best Japan or Mixed ’lea for $1. 00 ~â€"-snop HERE the stores in Durham for ail our big stock of Furs as to enumerate prices. am on Burnett's. The the very best quality. a genuine discount sale of good goods to al‘UUae the enthusi- asm of people who was in every depart- ment. sz’ui think if was the day bafore Xmas. SEE OUR Underwear DURHAM CHROAT I OLE NEIL McCANNEL. Tnmzâ€"All sums of $5 and under. cash; over that amount 12 months’ credit will be given on approved joint notes. 5 per cent. per annum 05 for cash in lieu of nates. l lure». 6 years old: 1 mere. 6 years old; 2 fillies rising ‘73 years; 1 filly lrising 1 year; 1 bull. Shorthorn. 2 .s'ears old; 1 cow, with calf by her lside; 1 cow, due to calf; G cows, sup- posed iu calf; 2 heifers supposed in calf: 4steers. 2 years old; 4steers. ‘1 year old; 4 heifers, 1 year old; 11 calves; 1 yearling ram, LeiceSter; [3U ewes; 2 waggons. one nearly new; 1 pair bobsleighs. nearly new; 1 demo crat: 1 road Cart; 1 binder, 1 mower; 1 seed drill; 1 sulky rake; 1 sec Spring tooth barrows; 1 two furrow plow;i l scuffler; 1 wheelbarrow; 1 hay rackfl 1 fanning mill. 1 set double heavy lharness: 1 sec double driving bar has; 1 platform scales. 1000 lbs; 1 blacksmiths’ vice; 1 buggy pole; 2 cross cut. saws; I cook scOVe; 1 can: book; 1 sewing machine; 1 broad axe; 1 Spinning wheel and reel; 1 adze; a quantity of fowl; scythes, forks. neckyokes. whifletrees and ocher articles too numerous to men- HOD. the following valuable implements :â€" Thursday, Feb’y 8th The undersigned Auctioneer heun inetructed '0 sell by P Auc'iou at. Lot 35, Con. 23, S. I: Glam-:12, on FARM S i 01' have thin hair, should call on ,‘ Prof. Doren wend, at Middaugh House, i Durham, on Friday, Feb. 9th. and see his wonderful devices in Toupees and \Vigs worn on over 75.000 heads. Ex- planation and demonstration free. Private apartments at Hotel. Don’t fail to see his new invention . patented all over the world. “'0' A resolution condemming the action ‘ of the Dominion Government on the salary grnh was unanimously carried. both sides of the house being, but the Government side in particular for having introduced the measure. SALE AT 1 O’CLOCK p, VHWU. AV\II'lr'Q '2nd. Shortaddresscs were made by Dr. ,Jzunieson, ‘Vm. Allan. R. J. Ball, W. Laidlaw and others. It was explained that Mr. Downey’s absence was on account of the unfavorable weather and the probability of nnlya smalll attendance being at the meeting. I 7 ...._.V.\‘\,l\.t D ' selves. Glenelg-(leo. Arrowsmith lst, ‘ Ritchie, 2nd. Durhanrâ€"wv. D. Mills, 181;, Seigner, 2nd. Sullivanâ€"dos. Pringle Chatsm lst, Wm. Smith, Desboro. 20d. DundalkuS. Bell, lst. Chas. N h happens to call there. drive if m pastures n to soak him with the kick end of a fifteen cent hockey stick and send him home in an ambulance, wondering if the world has come to ° an ordinary seven-story building, lot and all, dropped on him, we fail to see. it. One fifteen-cent shot out, of a. hockey stick wdl generally fix them, It takes several out of a whisky bot- tle. and they recover quicker. Owen Sound is a wonde if Jnseph‘s coat of happens to r} .1- :7 ' - . Surely rful place, and many colors ever all there, opposition will l Dunkley “take out an accident policy before he attempts to referee another game for Owen Sound.” This is quite an inducement to the team to play I good clean hockey, something the O. E H. A. Oflimals have been trying to en- ; force the past couple of years, and ‘ quite a contrast with the sanctimoni- ous stand taken by the same journal in the recent local ‘option campaign. There it stood for humanity’s sake, and it's every influence was used in support of local option. Now, if it’s any greater sin or wrong to send a man home with a skin full of tangle- foot throat mixture singing “Show Me the “'ay to Go Home, Babe,” and happy in the thought that he’s worth a million or two, at least, than it is to soak him with the kick end of a! [DEA CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION OF STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS LNNEL. Proptietor. I. IcPHAIL, Auctioneer. (Continued from page 1.) CREDIT old; 1 mare. 6 years in; 2 years; 1 filly bull. Shprthom. ‘2 , with calf by her they have decided them- . Arrnwsmith lst, W132. 9‘“... HAPPENINGS, ‘S DEW] stock and ck and send him 3 wondering if an end. or just Uhatsworth, 9 [906 has O} )1 9, Fred The You will never have a better opportunity assortment of S‘VITCHES, BANGS. POMPA which Professor Dorenwend carries with him, traces iof Baldness and take the place of your own hair? Doctors atin‘, for colds in the head, catarr will fit you on the spot and show vo s“? O ’5'; 73? .‘ff, PROFESSOR DORENVVEND can first quality Hair Gamis. Baldness 35 .v I' 5%: «Y5- 2 QKL Custom Work R31 Latest and Be ‘ ~ Do not delay. These lots are selling fast. to-day. Map and full pgrticulars on application. Pl‘OpeYtj in this disrricc i inveumenn. and has been map! of Fort VJilliam. local Bank Ma; professional men. As all men know‘ HIGH is the only prOperty subdivided i that actually adjoins the J. .CASE 0 ofi’ers an unrivade opportunity for t to get in on the ground fl >0r in a proposition 0 ed possibilities as a money maker. Your choice of a Mack or grey (eurl i In the good old winter time. in the; Swelling down the Icy streetfi wi She holds your hand you keeo your W‘L A ‘ DOREN WEN D CO at‘s a very good sign £0051 Old winter time. . “w." ,uux Hang you keeo your feet and th That you have got ICE CREE PE R8 in the never have a better opportunity to ’ SW’ITCHES, BANGS. POMPAD 501° Dorenwend carries with him. see for yourself the Inez: OURS, W'AVES. W! (:‘S Remember the Date and don’t fail to call at the Hotel and see PROFESSOR DORENWEND early. pm», 111 11119 (1:8?ricc B. and has been «3pr 'Iliam, local Bemk M q] nnon is an absolutely snund. basically endorsed by anagers, and ieading bu {93: x ’1' (. "/2 63' a? (/1 «a O ‘\\ Q1 0‘40 ‘ . .R‘ 4...ng (.1- de .pairs of Ladxes' and . 1- g.-. Pr me from «I isfigu_res and will hide all nd take the r? Doctors recommend these Toupees as . head, catarrh and neuralgia. Professar I and show you just how you look afterwards LADIES--Read time. in the good ures and the face. ’rofessor 1 a WIG hide all streete with your b d HAVING purchased {:23 StOCk and 200d Wm Hi. the two Furniture dealers in Durham and decided to ( 1:011 a retail business in connecâ€" tion with our Factory. we to Use genâ€" eral public that we have This viSIt gives you a chance - .‘ END about; your Hair and DORENW from the with him stgck of Hair Goods, whic h ‘. H) ('h h“ (jd IS COMING guy suomwded into residental lots the J. 1. CASE CO \iPANY'S SITE. opportunity for the small investor n a prOposition of almost unbound- 'vnn $65.00 up. to Middaugb House, D urham FRIDAY, FEB. 9th : :. ' old wmter time be depended upon to Try a Pair and be JANUARY 2 5) .“I lisus $5.00 per Month. 'aby mine, 6!: sound. gilt-edged dorsed by the Mayor ieading business and Intending pur- have already L- lat of goods. -town Shoe otore. umiture and Call or write Safe sell You the a V6 ’autifuj S. etch 741$ ‘Wfiié mm succ' tennis :1- utten’. inn WI; the q: M 3' but he}. ' gm. foll‘nv, and ix times uwused :1 many years Ems i (Idfboriat! w 1'2 to :' i: «lay Night. His Clark, who far (-i sition as :Lssuciutt journal, but for : engaged un othm' Toronto Star. J Tm; aside In JUGICIOUS will malu who are 5 didn't handle bore down 1:: stick he's for {GViifiV nffi we In )3‘. served sun 1K 1\ O AT the annual meeting ‘ Library the folbwing u elected : «President. John : lst Vice. N. \V. (hmmhvll‘ Thoé. Allan: Dim \V. Irwin. \V. .I. 1nd nmth ill it; i mmd REMBmmR t \ isit to Durban day, Feb. 7th eyes bother y< consult; them. )(f! 'U the 7th ins bear the date be present at, \‘f w. THE am: ua (70:11pm) y “'3! 0V9! le:- S HUNDRED underwear. ‘ rl LOSTâ€"~Tcn dollars. bet omce and the south (1 Finder wili he 1-mv:-1.rded it to T. C. Morton, Duth PIE Social at Feb. 13th, Rev. em; and deliver of committee. MR. MCCAL’L, Ban-ism sulted professimmlly at on Mill St.-â€"â€"tlf. tor a ( I aker M arment, sellin relatiw (“VS am h “’11 EN w) In DRE: ooh I( HEN Von nave vmu 'aube it Son, you gt K0 Dr. (in H. Jac 0 M r. 1' m 9 < i ’L M VOL. 39â€"N0. us how t00k " f: VUUU H' goods selling (4 5 Red Letter Sal lis ft \V m H uuws' ['E l \Ved hard cm It ”(:1 ex pc {11(1 J. O'th m add: H 1t; 19 Cm. \Vus' Mu] ll make HG .W U nesd. 8th. OCR It £11 ll MN. ll! rv (.‘1

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