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Durham Chronicle (1867), 1 Feb 1906, p. 1

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nerica's Greatest ir Goods Artist daugh House, Du "“5 \Y. FEB. 9th : : . all to call at the NWEND early. )O ING his! 0 up. $5.00 per Month. OI rtimer, .é n2 is. s in an'mtl Guuds that. 1 to clear at a. This is . iture Co. OH a!“ Pto consult Hail and to 3)“ )ds \Vthh he ca at!“ )l i run we have FIH'XHIUI'B and “is that, we are flaw at a very [his is a great trending pm" have already lot of goods. onto, ‘ pee: as a prevent, Aesszlr Dorenwm :ex-wzu'ds. use” 88 fOI'V. we the beautiful \ 7" (I 11 you 'thGP‘S in [U « pen mzmec- .imited the iil of the on}, MR. MCCAUL, Barrister, may be con- sulted professimmlly at his residence on Mill St.-â€"-tf. L05T-Ten dollars, between the Post Office and the south end of town. Finder will be rewarded by returning it to T. C. Morton, Durham. THE aside. bv DRESS goods seliing at half price Mockler‘s Red Letter Sale. PIE Social at Mulock 0 Feb. 13th, Rev. J. O'Neil v put and deliver am address ASK us how to get ° Ogilvies Booki TAUBESOX, eyesightspecialist will ora. Cook"f1ee. A. \V.\Vatson. the I be at Palkers Drug Store on Wed. gaker. ;and Thurs. Feb. 7th and 8th. H tion as assm {Ronni W1 xy Night. iark. who hurch n “Ch nos i brax'y OUD \V V. "11 IS u tettes. choir s ll Dt H 0H) m x ll HEN you have ‘5‘ m'ne Sm VOL. 39â€"N0. 2029. LOCAL ITEMS NDRI l( the annual )US \V » Durham \Vednvsduv and Thurs- H hand] ) \V I1 1‘ All The time for renewing is here. We have good clubbing rates. Look at them )U it! 3L )1 M 1' Id 11 U] N. \V. ( Mineral-y and musical pro- )eing provided for Tuesday "ehrumfiv (S. in the Methodist I) {I‘DE‘S‘ \\ worth In: Him: at 19 ()1 lll with the Di 1 read 1 n 1H Mulock on Tuesday, I. O‘Neil will be pres- (l I] 1":th onslstmg of essays inns and [deals of ings and recitations )H “(I ll 10h en md 8th ingof the Public 13: officers were ohn A. Graham : ‘1‘ f t1()1 ppzu'd. wh H H N 0! yes examined. the benefit of e. Parker’s men ts ladies (.l (1 [IE H ,1 U 1 at, door H nto Satur- Ihc Son etc of town! FARM FOR SALEâ€"South 7.3-. lot. 26, returning con. 18. Township of Normanby. Fine buildings. Must be sold. Apply to k Arthur H. Jackson, Durham. 2m. U H By order . if your point to U lll unto on should possible Cement Mock- male All ) fox m (' V \V l:ti(1 U 1C9 pm H l) DE ALVA}: College Girls will be at the Town Hall. Durham. one night. only. This company comes to the town recx_)uum-ndmi by the press as one of the strongest shows that has ever played in Canada. They carry :25 people. all special scenery. a. lady band and orchestra. It. is strictly a. high claw attraction catering specially to ladies and children. The company will give a. parade at noon. Plan now Open at. Macfarlane‘s drug stone. W's understand that Mr. Alex. Gor- don has sold, or is about to sell his jewellery business here to a Mr. \Veb- ster of Toronto. They are taking stock this: week. Mr. Gordon thinks of going “'est for a. time. Hill C count THE Canadian Press Association meets in Temple Building. Toronto, this week from Thursday till Saturday. Morning and afternoon sessions Thurs- day and Friday. €‘X(.’lll’ei()ll to Guelph Saturday to visit- the College and Mac- douald Institute. HEAD aches come from eye strain. If you are troubled that way consult Taube Son at Parker's Drug Store, Feb. 7th and 8th. S;\(>a;\.\11‘;.\"r.u. Services will be held in the Methodist, Church on Sabbath next at, 10:30 a. m. The evening sex-- man on "The Revelation of our Lord as a Healer" will be followed by :1. G05- pel Song Service conducted by the Pastor. OGILVIE’S Royal Household Flour 35.2.5 per bbl. Other high gr nde Mani- toba flour at $4.75 and $5.00 per bbl. at \Vatson's Bakery. THE Canadian Order of Foresters will have their annual “At Home” on Friday evening the 23rd inst. The hrethre-n will please take notice. MR. J. G. ORCHARD, of London, spent a'day or so in town this week, and gave the. Chronicle 3. call. He cannot imagine why any one should even thing of moving the lenient Mill. \\'E had a brief call last week from Mr. T. J. Lawrence, of Ravolstock. B. C. T0!!! left, ht'rv :dmnt six or seven years ago and is engaged on the Can- AUCTION SALE.-â€"See notice of Neil )h-Cannel‘s sale in this issue. t-U (‘I'V 511(‘(1 THE Quotation Banks. ”gr" 0 fight till ‘ E Quotatiun Books. a nice little nix of Dm°,ham compiled by the n- th Lzague of the Methodist 2h, is now on sale at the store of a: secure one u: unher- isz limited at. this ntfice. and is generally n m' as a heat little job. It. (2015. shout, three hundred quotations hull. hy members and friends of ~:1;.:ue‘ and is nicely illustrated mrtmit,.snf citizens and places in Proceeds to be applied to the fund. Smglecopies35c. If you ~ se-cm-e one urder at once. as w on sale at the store of xzcimer. The work was 1H“?! \vhi U ;f Eige Hill. after 953. It. was a. sur- ns no mw semxwd till the announce" 11 Friday Inst. In- I] now Occupying )1‘. H935 down (1 friends here )l entm-ml the 5 home here of typhoid ; that be de- mtg-has and ugh he was }l>llll Om death of 0 [.10 the 1 Keclmic It is not our intention to say much this week about the cement question, and by the time our next issue is out the question of the board of directors will in all probability be settled for 1906. There is a strong pull for of- ‘ The old directors are working ,tooth and nail to get back on the I‘ooard, and the large body of share- holdexs me just as determined that they shall not be. returned. There is a danger that too many self seeking aspirants will he in the field and divide, the vote so as to f render it ineffective. Elections are like horse races, you can never tell till i the winning post is reached, what the ‘ result will be. There should be con- ' certed action on the pa1t of the stock- . holders and as w e have already stated i we should be willing to concede many . points in order to have effective action. 5 So far we have not mentioned any Enames in particular, except Mr. Mc- E Kechnie, for the next board. Last week Mr. Hodgert, of Exeter, was in town looking up votes with a View of getting on the board of direc- tors. From what he said he was opâ€" lposed to the present board, and was strong on getting a new set of directors. The Exeter Times of the 25th of l January reports a meeting of the local ‘stockholdels. MI. Cobbledick and \II‘. E'Ram w e1e present and spoke as d11ec- tors. At the c lose a motion was pass- l ed. The Times says ° “The meeting l - -.. â€"-_---' .f‘.-. -.r _-â€"_ .. --â€" n... was b1ought to a close by a motion made oy \V. l). baundeis and seconded l b) A. E. Hodgmt. that the thanks of | this meeting be tendered to the direcâ€" 5 tors present for the. able manner in 0 Watches, Clocks, 0 Jewelry, Silverware, g China, Books. Stationery , and Fancy Goods. ' ._.______________._:__________._____._._.__ o i“. UELEM SW A Sunni. wiil be given by the young people of the Baptist Church this Thursday evcnixw at 8 o'clock. A good pmguun. Light; :wfrvshments. Admis‘aitm I wrs present for the able which they have handled of the company during the tb Funn'lxu Juv \theler confederate cavalry leader Jan. 29th at Brooklyn. N. A RARE chance to huya good cluthcs cimnp at Mockler’s Red Salt: Mr. H. H. Farr, who has been super- intendent of the Cement \Vorks since they began operations, resigned his position and leaves this week to enter on duty at an early date in a cement mill on the other side of the line. Mr. Farr was very popular with the em- ployees of the company and was al- ways regarded as a hard worker and a good citizen. 0! late he has been de- termined in decrying the chances of the mill, and in condemning the niarl. In view of the good report put in by Mr. Wood, the independent expert, we cannot understand why he should have done so. We respect Mr. Farr for getting out when he felt the tide of opinion was turning against him. \Vho knows but he may have been misled ? I'H‘TY pmr 1;th (loves worth from oiling at, 190. a pai getter Sale. Wu and two m Big January Sale Now On At Keeier’s ! m -~~4rw~m~xwau>l nd your prnxies in to Gilbert Mc- THE CEMENT QUESTION. mm man whom we sec-under of tin Get a first class writing FOUNTAIN BEN m; Keel- er’s this week for ‘25 Cums. Only one hundred left. Sq you will have to hurry if you want. you. GREAT BARGAINS aw you here in DURHAM, 0NT., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1906. (:en from 2'30. to 50c. a pair, :l pair at Mocklers Red ladies‘ and children's {KB f0 mic manner in led the affairs the past year.” move motion is 2 refer to above. of (31 died the great, suit of Letter nit Mr. Alex. McMillan, of Priceville, Was in town \Vednesday and gave THE CHRONICLE a. call. Mr. Ralph Traynor, of N. \V. '1‘., ‘is visiting relatives and friends 111 and around town. Mr.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-Sewell, Markdale, boarded the morning train here, \Vednesday morning for Listowel. Mrs. J as. R. McLeod returned home last, week, after spending a. month with be:- parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Saunders». Mr. and Mrs. Hahn and son, Oscar. were in Berlin Monday. Oscar has entered the Business College there and has entered on his work. Miss Annie McLean, of Pricevillez is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. McDougall. Miss Dot. Brigham of Allan Park, is the guest of her cousin Mrs. Robert Burnett. Miss Ida Martin, of New Orleans, is the guest 0t hencousin, Mrs. Wm. Black. The number of members added dur- ing the year was 23. Removals by death or otherwise 19. Number of congregation on the work of the year. He emphasized the need of prayer as the chief factor in all success. If all the christian people of Durham "cried more to God,” greater success would attend their etforts. The meeting was interspersed with excellent selec- tions by members of the choir and closed with a dnxology and the bene- dictiun by Mr. Bice. “ The Missionary Society gratefully acknowledges the handsome legacy of $1189. 76 left by Mrs. Jas. Calvert to the Mission Schemes of the Church and the unostentatious yet joyous manner in which Mr. Calvert has car- ried out the Wishes of his deceased wife. \Vhile this large sum is not properly a congregational contribu- tion, it is, notwithstanding, a substan- tial addition to the amount contributed during the year.” baptisms 19. of marriages 15. Total membership 310. The retiring Managers were Messrs. Daniel Edge, Thomas McGirr, Camp- bell Milligan and R. Macfarlane. The two last were re-elected for the next three years. At their own request the two first were allowed to rest after a long and honorable service of some 2-1 years. Many were the complimentary remarks passed by the brethren on these long years of willing, faithful and capable service and a very hearty and special vote of thanks was tender- ed them by the meetino. In their places, Messrs. Wm. \Veir and Dan McArthur were elected for the next term. day last and the congregation is re- joicing in having passed another an- nual milestone in its history with the Winning flag still unfurled. Our Re- ports, presented in printed form, of the various organizations through which the Church is carried on showed not only a successful year financially and numerically, but from the interest manifested throughout the year, the harmony prevailing in all departments of the work, the good-will towards each other and towards the sister de- nominations, and the generally regular attendance of the congregation at the regular serviCes of the Church it is be- lieved that the higher interests of the congregation are also in a flourishing condition. During the year the Manse property was purchased and the ex- penses were necessarily higher on that account but the contributions rose proportionately so that in due time the congregation will, as before, be free from debt. The net contributions for all purposes were as follows: Sab‘ bath School SSS-1.63, \V. F. M. S. $69.81, Missions about $.31)”. Guild $107.49, Record $14.75, Manse $959.51), (iezlvral Fund 551660.87. Total about $3,315. The following I'):ll':lgl':-Lpll from the Report. of the Missionary Society spraks for itself and for the devoted- ness of the deceased donor and her esteemed husband to the cause Of Christ upon earth. After the business was over the un- nuul social tea was partaken of in the basement by those present and others. Short congratulatory remarks were then made by a few of the members and Rev. Mr. Bice in a few pleasing words complimented the Pastor and The annual meeting of the Durham Presbyterian Church was held on Mon- Mayor Hunter is in Hamilton. Presbyterian Annual Meeting. PERSONAL MENTION. ed of prayer as mccess. If 2111 Durham "cried success would The meeting excellent selec- the choir and Number of 2.90....“ mmmmmmmmmm $1.00 PER YEAR.

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