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Durham Chronicle (1867), 8 Feb 1906, p. 1

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75 Greatest >ods Artist h House. Dm- 12;; FEB. 9th : ::;. call at the EHD early. nwen ()( BY 1, 1906 Park Toronto, Limited lead up. m mt fas .00 p \V HT M. 'cmpees as a prevent; » 1 w I) 10 93ml? orenweni aiterw wards. ll nmer, n consult ' l‘ and to ch which he can-id self the beautiffl ”J Y sell you 0111i \V (GS, etc. s in confl Factory. r to theg we used 31' Store. v; H i6 he im‘ because of religion, politics or main!)- aliby. “'9 are truly a tolerant people. working together for the common good and fighting together for com- mbn interest. was given consisting: THE extremely mild weather of J an- uary: took a. very sudden drop on the first of the present month. The ther- mometer dropped to 12 degrees below zero on the 20d in Toronto. but was ruuch colder at several other points. L‘nndleznus day was bright, clear and -xtremely cold and if there‘s anything n the old saying about a bear seeing 'xis sh;-xdow he may go hark w winter gum-hers for another six Weeks. Such weather will not need to continue long 0 pruvide a harvest for the iceman .vho begun to fear a shortage in the A NIGHT with Rev. J. O’Neill, in the Baptist church, Monday Feb. 12th. at 8 o‘clock, will be profitable for all. MR. MCCAUL, Barrister, may be con- sulted professionally at his residence on Mill St.â€"tf. FARM FOR SALE.â€"-South 3 lot 26. con. 18. Township of Norman-by. Fine buildings. Must be sold. Apply to Arthur H. Jackson, Durham. 2m. “THE Gospel of Real Repentance” will be the Pastor’s subject at the morning service on Sabbath next in the Methodist Church and at the evening meeting the theme will be "Christianity 3. Holy Crusade." IF the lady who got the wrong fur ruff at the “At Home,” Jan. 30th will return it to Mrs. (Reva) Newton, she will receive her own Ruff back again. ”It mth BARGAINS in men ’s wearing boots-g FOUXD, a fur gauntlet. Owner may Mrs. Beggs. have it by paying cost. Enquire at -â€"-â€"--â€"- this office. ‘horuses and readings. Light. refreshâ€" ments wm'e served at the close of the wogrzun. Mr. Allan Bell was the #hairman and told acoup1e of “stories.” 0 a. n fiends. Du IN on his SGI‘V 98 lch \\' hool x ll Tm I‘m .u HT I hers L interesting readin; serial ever appear-in we want everyone 1 'ch Will give an "At Horn! mnage Tuesday. Februa} md programme will be I refreshments will be vybody will be made hear 9. A nominal admisaion cash )x‘itit ll)\Vt'Vt‘I lt W to LOCAL ITEMS it, wii VOL. 39â€"N0. 2030. V0111 LI stor The t .\l an mug: people of the Baptist we a. social evening in the nu on Thursday evening last little gathering of their A short pleasing program . consisting of 53103, duets. H ICE Linn-a! pz-ociivities. Soun- [1“ same haven‘t and «me m1. Nam: are disqualifis-fi hunts and when ki'ks s will come, io will not be :ligion, politics or nation- re truly a tolerant people. It t! Issue we cmnmcmce our ”'5' “Brewster's Millions." If the. most populatand bust rmmmce of modern 11 must men the qumtinn (I) )I'Y 0 sure of t!) the do [‘Ull 'l U Read Our New Serial, “ Brewster’s Millions,” Commencing Next Issue H W?) V suppl y bruary 13th. be rendered be served. heartily wel- \Vith BreW- 5" IS hnW tn by :mJ hww ) l‘ i will make.- This i4 the ”138 Bauer- ODt meant in ! MR. J. Rhynd Jamieson, the bari- nt the tone, sang his way to the hearts of his will be audience m “Loch Lomond” and “The ’ ‘ Land of the Leal.’ ’â€"â€"London Free s Press. In the Town Hall at the Son’s ethodist ’3 of Scotland Concert on 9th Feb.. with " at the i \Vill McLeod. Piper McDonald, Miss y 13th. i Mabel McDonald, and Miss Dickenson. mdered ; Tickets 35c. All seats reserved and served. 1 therefore comfortable. Plan at Mac- ily wel- f farlane‘s. Opens 26th Jan. at 2 p. m. u OI bat xper, n jnv ten If rendere: h’ as quite» y Sh “nus '1- sauna pt 3: a. mnntb k ! full hon: THE DmUva (7 ”1ch Girls CU. held: Having given up business in Dar- fux'rh in thv ann Hall. on Friday; ham, all accounts must be settled by «waning hut. 'l'hv prmyum was good, 1 cash or note, on or before Feb. 20th frmn first, tn Izht :md pronmztwcnl £0 he neXt‘ Otherwise they will be placed the hw‘tt given in this’ phce by an 0nt~ , in other bands for collection. 5149 company fur many a (My. Truly, ‘V. GUTHRIE’ we were». a“ diswpzmintml. “'6 have Feb. 8th°"2 pd. BLACKSMITH' all been Sn used m shening out our; little thirty-five m- fifty to listen Mi sunwthing neithwr elevating or wellim“m‘mI I't‘rnlw'el that Dellva's troupe (fame :h‘ qnih- :L St'n'pl'is‘t' m M'm'y‘h<fl}‘. The: 0 S21 unus O'Brien (-nmprmy. UHLIC‘K‘ the Blg January mum- prupx'inruz' is tn be here in about 5 N 0 :t umnth and fur it we expect to see a». ale O‘v n fun house. and its up to Dr. DCAlva to! ’ SOP he due-51ft fakv us to death on his; At Keeler S ! .. ”We.-- - â€"__. _.â€"â€"._â€" 3 O 0 ¢ 1 1 :l. mnnth and fur it we expect to see a full house. and its up to Dr. DcAlva to see he doesn’t, fake us to death on his next, visit when we are of the impresâ€" sinn that. his is " the best what is.” takes over the business carried on by the former for the past thirteen years. Mr. Guthel-ie goes \Vest in a. short time, and thmigh sorry to lose him. as a. business man, we wish him success and lnts or it in his new home where- ever it may be. To Mr. McCalmon we ext end a hearty welcome, and as he is no stranger here, he will no doubt get his share of the patronage of the peo- ple of Durlmm and vicinity. ANNIVERSARY SERVICES will be held in the Baptist Church here next Sun- day morning and evening. at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. The Rev. J. O’Neil. of the LAST Thursday Messrs. Glztherie and McCalmon, blacksmiths, of this place, concluded a deal by which the latter MR. Moon’s MCFADDEX of Macfar- lane Co.. druggists. is at present laid up with what is thought to be typhoid fever. For the past month or so he has been feeling unwell, and on Thurs- day last, his condition became worse, he was removed from the Knapp House to the residence of his brother on Lambton St. “7e are pleased to report that his condition is not at all serious and his case so far an exceed- ingly mild one. Paisley Baptist church. who delighted all a. year ago, will again be the speak- er on this nccasinn. The chair will render appropriate music at each ser- vice. Free will olfex-ings will be taken. On Monday evening the above speak- er will deliver his humorous lecture on “Lights and Shades 01' Married Life." Go to the Baptist church Monday night: and hear the humorous lecture by Rev. J O’Neill on “Lights and Shades of Married Life.” The choir will assist. Admission, a special of- fering to the church. Go and enjoy an evening of pleasure. DR. BROWN, eye, ear, nose and throat specialist will be at the Knapp House on Saturday Feb. 10th from 12 THE party who took a granite pail from Parrot‘s hardware store on Tues- day is known, and, to save further trouble. is requested to return same at once. LSEWHERE we an 2-“ Bank, 11' S Durham. - Ontario. ’ Iv“%“mml ' â€"~â€"â€"â€"::___-â€"~__â€"â€"â€"~__â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"______. o g H. WW suns; 9 Watches, Clocks, 0 Jewelry, Silverware, China, Books, Stationery and Fancy Goods. “\v” W'hich is the desire of one and all. Take the trouble of visiting Prof. Dorenwend’s private show rooms, at Middaugh House, Durham, on Friday, Feb. 9th, and see the many inventions m Styles of Human Hair Coverings. Wigs, Bangs, Switches, etc.. and in- spect his new patent structure. We have the satisfaction of feeling, nothwithstanding the efforts made to choke us off, that we have during the whole fight, been honest with ourself and honest with the stockholders. The town is of course anxious to keep the mill in Durham, but what would be the use of a. cement plant, covering five or six acres of ground if we didn‘t have the raw material to feed it? At considerable expense we have satisfied ourselves, there is material in abun- dance, and we are confident our con- tentions will be fully established by the reports of the experts engaged. Now we re off to the annual meet- This campaign has now gone on since the issue of November 9th. We shall not be called on in future to write at such length in all probability, but we are still determined to keep stockholders posted on the working of the plant so far as it will be to the in- terest of the Company and the stock- holders to know the facts as we can get them. The annual meeting of the National Portland Cement Co.. is being held this week in Toronto, but the results I are not available for this week’s issue. :The dying directors are putting up a ; big fight. but so far as we can at pres- ] ent see from the popular feeling of the . stockholders there is but very little chance for their return to power. Of course one can never tell till the last ballot is counted. The circulation of a printed letter asking stockholders to revoke their proxies was a mere roor- bach, and though some may be influ- enced by it we feel it is too old a trick to carry much weight. An opportune time was taken of course, as we find in all such tricks, and no opportunity was given to make any denial by the public press. To discuss the contents of the letter in question would be no use now, but had we the opportunity of doing so we would be able to show it a mere trick, and almost, if not al- together destitute ot‘ truth. \Vhat- ever the result of the meeting may be, we hope next week to be able to re- port a new directorate, and we hope the choice made will be a wise one and that the mill may continue in the fu-‘ ture as it has during 1905, to run on a? good paying basis, and yield a hand-1 some profit to those who spent their I money in bringing 1t into exnstenoe. THE CEMENT COMPANY’S ANNU- AL MEETING. Get a first class writing FOUNTAIN PEN at Keel- er’s this week for 25 cents. Only one hundred left. so you will have to hurry if you want you. GREAT BARGAINS await you here in The Busy Store on The 303! Corner. Ladies Look Younger DURHAM, 0NT., THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 8, 1906 NOTICE MOUNTAIN-*1!) Bentinck on Thursday Feb. lst». 1906. Mrs. Peter Mountain, aged 41 years 9 mos. MCQUARBIEâ€"In Bentinck on Friday Feb. 2nd. 19%, Donald McQuarrie aged 86 years. BRowxâ€"Jn Egremont on Saturday Feb. 3rd. 1%. Hrs. Ellen Brown, aged 75 years. An American has a. project to link1 the Dunn. and Dneipex rivezs in Russia, ' by means of a. canal, and thus connect the Baltic and Black seas. The thanks : of the universe will be due him if he can further some scheme to unite the Czar and the maple. ‘ i Will Evans, Ban J ohnson’s new baseball umpire, tells of a. game he umpired in Ohio. The home team lost and he had to run for it. He was slow and the crowd caught him, and mud, stones, sticks, fists, and in fact every- thing that could inflict an injury were called into play. Hesays there’s noth- ing could equal it for rowdines. Evi- dently he never refereed a lacrosse game in Owen Soundâ€"when Owen Sound lost. Stratford people are short of fiction. They should encourage some of our politicians to become residents, espec- ially those who will persist in giving you the reason “Why we voted for the Autonomy Bill.” weather to talk lacrosse too. Well. we’re not going toâ€"not this Week any- way, but there’s no reason Why you shouldn’t, if you expect to go into the field next summer. Three or four months wifl soon slip by and if you don’t start in soon, it will be a hard matter to get going right. We have no hesitation in saying that Durham can and will support a lacrosse team if the team themselves pitch in and show that they’re out to win and mean hus- iness. Just think it over. If it’s good. call a meeting, and if its not, suit yourselves. But there’s one thing you can paste in your next summer’s hatâ€"- If you’re going to play lacrosse, you‘ll have to work, and get into some kind of shape before the first schedule C. L. A. game is called. You got: fooled last year. Don’t let 1905 repeat itself. W ell, boys, here it is February soon it will be March, then comes April and after that May. Probably some of you know this, b'ut we are just telling you in case you don’t. Seems a long time doesn’t it? And rather cool Mrs. Chas. T. Yerkes, widow of the late Chas. T. Yerkes who died a. month ago, is reported to have been married to \Vilson Mizuer of San Francisco. She says its a lie, and Mizuer and the preacher say it isn’t. Perhaps they had better do it over again and make sure. A German gun-boat is about to make an important trip up the Parana. river to Asuncion, South America. Presi- dent Roosevelt.will now find it nec- essary to call his advisers together to determine if the trip will interfere with the Mon roe Doctrine. ..\.\'Gâ€"-S\\'1.\'BL’R.\'E-â€"â€"At the Manse, Durham, on “"ednesday Feb. 7th. 1906, by Rev. Wm. Farquharson. Mr. J 0hr. Lang, to Miss May Swin. burne. The News and Star, Toronto, have had a. slight difference of opinion as to which paper is the better authority on hockey. Cut it out}. There’s no one knows anything about; our national winter game except the sporting editor of the Owen Sound Sunâ€"that is if excuses for “\Vhy “’3 Lost," count; for anything. They’re dandies, read them. Though apparently soaring Skyward in its ideas, as evidenced by the local option vote of a month ago, Owen Sound must, at present he almost as hot as the other place gets credit for. The hockey team, that which they have spent monts in organizing, also months in bragging about (before the ice came) has lost. Orangeville has beaten them twice, tied them once; Collingwood, ditto and Mcaford re- peated the dose before they got back home. Surely the referees must be rank to allow this. Of course it was not to the poor playing of the team the defeats are due, merely partiality on the part of the referee.â€"â€"â€"So say Owen Sounders. Chauncy M. Depew has resigned as a. director of the Equitable Life Insur- ance Co. Evidently he‘s trying to be philanthropic in his ideas and believes in passing a. good thing around. SOME HAPPENINGS. MARRIED. DIED. $1.00 PER YEfiB V n

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