RY 8 1906 ssive Sale wear. . . . D83 ardigan prompt]; Shoes Laced and Gaiters.) .ain" Tables Mb at. I indow and if Goods. Mb AM done 00 DARLING In the Surrogate Court of the County of Grey. BRITISH NATIONAL STOCK FOOD . . . . . Dr. Chesney’s Heave Powder Dr. Chesney’s Cough Powder Dr. Dr. Chesney ’s Cleansing Pow- ders Dr. Chesney’s Purging Balls “ DAN PATCH†i: fed on In- ternational Stock Food every day and he never had distemper. He is always ready to go a {33" mile. Wood taken in exchange for Stock Food. If your horse has a: cough. call in and we will snpyly you with a cute. ed the 24th day NOTICE 8F APPUBATIBN Ill Chesney’s Dry Murrian Powder the Pauple’s Druggist FEBRL ARYb ,1906 The best and cheapesc Food on the market. Has been proved by some of the BEST FARMERS in the County. lent 0. Court ¢ a grant of >f the abov Thmnas ] Solicit Van the of itiOll * :lhOVP-mtmml ms Edwzirds. Glenelg. in tl 2131'. [united t sum payab Order nf F01 R ()f hrs for the Applicant, Murkdale. Ont. ll RH mm‘at Hm wilt hv u “I OI M r it Mt Jammrv. 1906. x)<)l W. BLACK. iV in the County :ed to the re- lvable by“ the NEI .\T} ()E Foresters to 20V X0. 51198 \\‘ .\RME the to §D\\'.~\ mm. “'1! 11') 1’3. n ,\ RDLI It v m 1mm ill DI.\.\' TI†rm Dr; The Annual Bums’ Anniversary Concert NH‘W EST 01“ '1'}! E NHW’! Tommy was absent from school for one entire day. But he brought a note of excuse the next morning. which would prove that be had been detained at home legitimately. The writing was hardly that of a iemi nine hand. and the note appeared to have been written laboriously. Fur- thermore. the peumanship seemed to be strangely familiar to his teacher. The note read as follows: “Dear Teacher: Pleese excuse Tomy for not comeiug to scool yestidy, he couldn’t come. I tore my pants Yours truley, Mrs. Mulligan.†SONS OF SCOTLAND Friday, 9 Feb., ’06 UPI [ht HIGH CLASS TALE? md the )l There is nothing 10 equal In- ternational Stock Food for fatten- ing Horses. Cattle. Hogs or Sheep. You get well paid for flesh if you warm to diupou of any animal. Ml \Vin i 1 road _\‘ rosters and 1’] follow this not. pm'tivnlars. '1 \\ ill be held in TO‘V) HALL, DU RH \M, on theabove dates. under the auspices of BEN NEVIS CAMP, 1‘0. 45. : : : : : REMEMBER THE DAT! MISS MA! I. R H YXI) J AM I ESON \I JUST ONE LAUGH. "IS 01': ll ATS RESEP Scottish baritmu' from Scotland. md I’x i ..\Y Upeu (“(Dlll trim siiST OF THE OLD! DIFKENSON 'm-t. TIL 0‘s Drug: ht l.~\N “ms Soon to will give full following md H 9 15101112, will ï¬fth. at 2 11c) ,l \' UPS . )tt ltclV Keep you' Lbowels regular by the use of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, There is nothing. better.‘ For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. An invesrigation of the characters of the above named gentlemen will convince anyone that they are good. sound commonsense men. the kind that are wanted to join this Associ- ation, in fact none Other need apply. No medicine can replace food but Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets will help you to digesc your food. It is noc the quantity of food taken that gives strength and vigor to the sysnem. but the amount diges- ted ana assimilated. If troubled with a weak digestion, don’t fail to give these'l‘abletsatrial Thousands have been beneï¬tted by their use. They cost a quarter. For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. Mr. Editorz~Havmg nothing to do this winter. and sitting in the house this ï¬ne day (Monday) looking: out of the window. I began to think about the caw of the crow. and the gander Struttiug rouud. and getting lonelv for something to do thonght I would freshen up the burg. Sleigbing has come again and farmers are busy using in. Among other business transacted a. resolution Was moved, seconded and unanimously adopted in the fol- lowing form: “That this Associ- ation most emphatically denounces the presumptuous STEAL of the peo- ple’s money by both pnrties in Par liament, and would call upon H. H. Miller. M. P., as our part of the government. to support any and 6981’! measure brought forward for the repeal of the some.†Editor Irwin attended the Press Association meeting in Toronto on Friday and Saturday last, and is this week attending the meeting of the shareholders of the N. P. C. Co. Mr. H. H. Farr, late Superinten- dent of the Cement YVorks here, left Thursday morning for Sanduskey. Ohio, where he has secured another position. A very successful meeting of the Farmers’ Association was held on Friday evening, 26th inst.. in the V'arney School, as announced in your columns. Following are the names of those who joined the Association at that meetiogzâ€"Wm. Grant. Wm. Land- er. Conrad Krekeler. Wm. Morrison, Robt. Petty. Alf. McCabe, and John Kerr. Mr. Archie McDougall. cousin of Mr. Dan. McDougall. is very sick, and gone to Stratford for treatment. Mr. \Vm. Brown has so me very ï¬ne dry wood. He says when he puts on a ï¬re in the morning he can see the snow melting on the fences. The peOple around here are getting annoyed about the beer and card parties. It is not a very good way to bring up the young. During the January thaw the water got very high in the small streams. Ono old man was going home from one of the beer antl card parties and while crossing one of the Streams on a pole he thought he saw a big Li~~h. and, reaching down to catch him, he found it was his shadow. He got scared and fell in. and it gave him some trouble to get out Mr. Geo. E. Peenc, of the Buntin. Gillies 00., of Hamilton, was in town on business, Thursday iast. Mr. \Vill McGowan. who is travel- ling for a ï¬rm in Peterborough. spent Sunday at his home here. mm some trouble to get out A pie social is to be held in the school house on Feb 13th. Proceeds to go to library. Rev. J. O’Neill is to be here. Everybody welcome. We are going to take a trip through the burg and get. more news next time. Inspector Campbell has been con. ï¬ned to his bed for a few days from an attack of lagrippe. Mr. Peter Ramage attended the Press Association meeting in Toronto last Week. Mr. H. H. Muckler went to Toronto “Wednesday morning. Messrs. G. Binnie and \V. J. Young attended the Farmers’ Institute meet- ing in Ayton on Thursday last. The Association is trying to have Mr. McEwing, President of the Cen- tral Association, present, to give an address on the movement some time in Febrnerv of which due notice will be given. In cese Hr. McEwing can’t come, next meeting will be held in the same school on Pebrnery 23:61. Subject, " Ce-operetion. D. Mclnmbl. Pros. Ombud, Feb. 5th. .1906. Mr. E. T. McClocklin left \Vednes- day morning for Sudbury and Sault bio. Marie. Miss Jessie Allan. Mt. Forest. is vis- iting at Mr. S. Mch-acken’s. Miss Pearl Warner has returned rom visiting friends at Owen Sound. Mis$ Frankie Hampden. Mt. Forest, was the guest of Miss Eva Moékler. PERSONAL MENTION. For 3 Weak Digestion. Farmers’ Association. MULOCH. DURHAM CHKUN 1L1 1E l gray horse. good driver; 1 mare in foal to thoro’bred hackney; 1 Clyde colt, rising three years old; 1 Clyde ï¬illy. rising two years old; 1 ï¬lly colt, six months old; 3 newly valved cows; S cows in calf; 1 three-year-old better in calf; 1. mo year old heifer in calf; 21 ewes. mostly well-bred Shropshire; 1 Sliearling. Oxford ram; 1 ShrOpsbire ram lamb; 2 brood sows. to {arrow Ist. of March; 1 McCormick binder; 1 Massey-Harris mower; 1 Wisner seed drill; 1 sulky rake; 1 hand or power cunning box; 1 scuï¬'ler; z? wagons; 1 long sleigh: :2 pr. bob Sleighs; 1 top buggy; 1 open buggy; 1 good cutter; 1 robe; .1 bay rack; 1 pr. horse blankets; 1 fanning mill; 1 Fleury plow; 1 set spring tooth bar- rows; 1 sec iron barrows; 1 grind- scone:1 roor. pulper and slicer; 1 folding ladder; 1 wheelbarrow; 1 bnggv pole; 1 crosscnt saw; 2 sec of single harness; 1 set of plow harness; 1 set of double harness; 52 set of Whiï¬â€˜le trees; 1 pair of skidding tongs; chains, forks, shovels, neck- !okes. axes and other articles too numerous to mention. wi 11 the best blood puriï¬ers. acting: direcdy on the mucous surfaces 'l‘bp perfect combination _of the cm ingredients is what produces such wondnrfu} results in curing Catarrh. Send {or tesrimonials free F. J. CHENEY C0 . Props, Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists price 752. Take Hall’s Family Pills for con- Stipation. TERMS:â€"-â€"All sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 11 months’ credit will be given on ap. proved joint. notes _Five per cent, 08 face of nates for cash. R. T. Emnnns. n, with LOCAL APPLICATIONS. .e! they cannot reach the seat. of the disease Catarrh is a blood consdtu- 1 tional disease, and in order to cure it, you must take internal remedieS.} Hall's Ca'arrh Cure is taken inter 3 nam. and ac's direcrly on the blond?» i and mucous surfaces It, was prP SCI'NbHd by one of the brass physicans in this country for yeaw and is :a. reguiar prescription. It; is campowd . of the best tonice kn0wn. conubinuit Finn. and Health. The superiority of London over Paris In the matter of health, and especially in the matter of tuherculur diseases, is due principally to the fact that there are fewer flats in the English metropo- lis than in the French. The excessive elevation of buildings designed to be let in flats prevents the sunlight from reaching the lower rooms, and 80 makes these the breeding places of ev- ery form of diseaseâ€"Paris Journal. AUC‘WON Sï¬LE FA RM STUCK. IMPLEMENTS, ETC Bonbon Baskets. Baskets of. drawn sugar make an en ceedingly dainty ornament, with flarin. edges and a long handle. They are woven from strands of variegated col- or or they are entirely of satiny white strands, with perhaps a ribbon of pink or blue sugar fastened at the top. These baskets are employed to hold bonbons or petit tours, no other recep- tacles appearing on the table. A host- ess tells the caterer the color scheme for her dining room. and he furnishes the sugar decorations in accordance. Carpet Sweeping. In sweeping a carpet make long ,even strokes with the I): cum, not little jerky dabs, which me hand on the caxpet and the Wieldor of the broom as well. Don’t Tuesday, February 20th, Scratched Furniture. It is asserted that light scratches or marks on polished tables or chairs can be efl‘aced by rubbing the meat of the common black walnut over them. After the oil of the nut has been rubbed in it is hardly ossible to ï¬nd the scratch. If the fur ture is black walnut this would seem on the homeopathic princi- ple of “similia similibus curantur." Heliotrope Sachet. I-Ioliotrope sachet is one of the best that is made, and it imparts a delicious fmgrance to clothing. Make it thus: Mix well together and pass through a coarse sieve half a pound of orris root. 8. quarter of a pound of ground rose leaves, two onnvos of powdered ton- quin beans, hair a grain of musk and two drops of essence of almonds. To save the wear of stockings, take a new piece of wash leather and gum it inside the heels ei‘ shoes. This will, by preventing friction, save the heels of stockings immensely. Mothers of boys and girls should take advantage of this hint, for it will spare them many stitches. sweep from (110 side to 4110111 11' but from the edges to“ 11.11 the 111iddle. And don’t forget to raise the windows so that the (lust will blow out if it can be managed. Th9 pronerty of the late \V. J Edwards. at, Lon 8. Con {-3 Township of Glenelg. on . . Catarrh Cannon be Cured W. J. Epwuns Esra-rm GEO. NOBLE. Aver-1mm at one o’clock. sharp. To 53 v0 Stockings. CREDIT {J} h} TM, d‘W‘ THC.“ A QMHLH ï¬wï¬gg gflhroig LLWGOQO 9 LG 9 or c @000 c. .5 gave Nothing But Bargains in the Clothing Department Come yourself and bring your boys and clothe them and yourself at manufactur- ers’ price or less. 54in Black Frieze, for ladies’ suits or overcoats. Was $3.25. sage price 65c. ‘ 5440 Black and Colored Dress Goods. plain and fancy, were $1.25. sale price 65c. ' ' Colored Suitings and Ladies’ Cloth, was 35c, sale price 22c. Grey Flannels, were 30c, sale price 250 yd. Grey Flannels, were 356, sale price 270 yd. Grey Flannels, were 40c, sale price 30c yd. Blanket Cloaking, was $1 25, sale price 75c. Men’s Heavy Tweed for panting, was 750, sale price 50¢. Men’s Hea‘Vy Tweed for panting. was 750, sale price 65c. Cloth and Best Trimmings for Men’s Suits, sale price 5.: :o 9511. Ladies’ Skirts, grey tweed, were $5. sale price 3.50, Ladies’ Skirts. black. were 5.55, sale price $3.50. Ladies’ Skirts, black, were 86, sale price 34 .30, Ladies’ Underskirts. black and colored. were $22, sale price 81.50 ; were 31.75 and $1 50. sale price $1.20; were'3L‘25, new $1.00, Sale Terms, Cash or Produce at Market Prices All bargains marked down in Big Red Letters. There can be no mistake. We are certainly cutting prices. HOW’S THIS: 200 yards up-to-date Dress Goods. colors Black. Navy, Royal, Dove. Green and Brown. Many pieces suitable for Spring wear. Word: from 400 to 750 per yd. On sale for 250. Every Day is a Red Letter Day IN OUR. 100 garments Ladies’ Underwear, good value at 35c and 40c. 9;.§;~:43§..(See our north window). While they last, We per yd. JAMES IRELAND 14 Ladies’ Coats, in various styles, at half price. 1232-0 VVrapperettes. Ginghams and Prints at BC per yd. We have had great selling since our sale began, and now have broken lots and sizes in many lines of Winter goods. Everything left in Winter Foo‘t wearâ€"Long Boots, Felt and Felt-lined Boots, etc. Leggins, Lumbermen’s Socks, Heavy Mitts. Wool Tuques, Shawls, Clouds, Men’s and Boys’ Overcoats, Cardigan Jackets, Men’s, Women’s and Children’s Sweaters, ete, ete, are going at Slaughter Prices. 5.: 3:51:22: WE CAN’T QUOTE THE PRICES 0N EVERYTHING IN or R IMMENSE STOCK BUT TO GIVE YOU AN 1132.: ~ . 2V1 Egngo ciear 0ut?0u:' entire stock we‘re selling everything regardless of cast This is no fake sale. We mean business. \Vhen you buy goods with the Red Ticket on you're getting them below wholesale prices. Note These Savings Laid law’s Old Stand. _ . V ‘ 114.314. 1‘ t 0 066060660 r FEED nc>§§§~3uHcrLHuh LU». (PC... boflm F NEXT THE TOWN HALL. @flï¬fflï¬rï¬vPC».M$.C>...V.§#H4 H, H. WEEK