'z' Having gone through our entire stock we have * b found Bargains Galore. A number 0f lines which % i’ have been :lnw sellers. On these we put a price 3: E that will sci! them. Here is a few of them:â€" if No other Woman will ever Win your Q It you cook his meals with groceries that comes from are the delight of all good cooks. Try the following 3 cans PEAS for ...... 3 can-s CORN for ...... 3 cans TOMATOES for SEE OUR fur Bonds MEN’S HUSIERY at. 10c Ever since the bady days We sell the “kinds†you OI Are You a . . Suit Needer? Men‘ Youth’s Suits at $3.00. $4.00, $5 00 and $8.00. Boys’ Suits in $2.00. $3.00, 34 «)0 and 3-1 :30. 'on should see 011" Furs. st you. Only a Iew left .ice Coat; from us. As V t. 43.: a. :3 Grocery Bargains? 4 A 500 Dress Goods, all odors. 3 bottles 1235c Pickles fur ..................... 4 cans Peas for .................................... 3 cans Corn for .................................... 3 cans Tomatoes for ............... . ............ 4 packages Chinese Starch for ............ .5 lb. package Dunham’s (Jccoanut ...... 25c 25c 250 25c 25c 7c After Stock=taking Bargains IN .1005: proaperous. for ml prgces mask-s signs that. 3?? to undersmnd. : Suits at 323.00, $8 00, 3m 00 and $12.00, SATURDAY “The Big Store c. 15c. 906, 25c and 500 a. pair. VVOMEN’S HOSIERY at 100. ' Furs. The prices would inter GET WISE . for our goods ett. Your neighbor got 2 Ask her how she likes it ys Hosiery has been an important article 0t ought to have, and at prices that will make ‘ FOR- you can’t. 00, N. ’ at 100. 15:. 22:30 and 50¢ a pmr. CHILDREN’S HCSIERY at Sc 3 cans BEANS for ........... 3 cans PUMPKINS for ...... 6 tins SARDINES for Men’s Shoes at 90c. $1.00. $1.25, $1.50. $2.00, $2.25, $3.50 and $5.00. Women’s Shoes at 90c. $1.00. $1.50, $1.75. $2.25 and $3.00. Children’s Shoes from .30 cts. up. See tnem. mes from this store, because they following “Quaker†brand goods: in Your Husband If so. let us aiso invite vonr atten- tion over to the shoe side of the house. We are positive we can make it intexestinz for 3011 over then». We can ofl'er you perfeCtinn in shoe designing. length of wear and comfort, at about. any price you wish to (my. Ali our shoes are the. shoes 0' "now†and we promise complete satisfaction for boys. girls, men and women. We have just re- ceived an immense shipment for this. department the Other day, and we are now “ready†to meet the needs of the most particular. V I Iwmld mm to know who the bzys :were â€121' h-ld to mrrv the girh facrose the water coming from the ï¬ance the wher morning. and who :was if. that stumed for thv dance and ,had to mm hack. FOR 3: good black Galloway robe. see T. Smith. Helms some good ones at right prices.-â€"-l2/7/tf. Miss Della Valle-u: wmz thecuesr. of Miss Seuath Noble one dav Ins: Week Mr. ’I‘ G. Hutton hue ah». contract, - of putting the‘ Wood in a? the echool Barbe Miss Lizziv Courts vieicpd her "-- siswor Mrs. Elijah Armstrong. Paul; MN. Hopkins; \‘3i i and at Mrs J9hn LaWrenca’a mm «In hut week. Mr. Albert Nobfe is «m the winter months with Mr McLean. Mr Chas. Lawrence hdd a Weed be the, oxhur day and pun up a big piie. In the evening tho-y enjn‘vd them~eiv¢=s at dtfl’ereut kinda of games. Mr. Chas Petty is hauling brick for a new residence which he intends put-in: up in the spring. \Voad Le s are the order of the 1 Mr. Editor it l-as been along time since you have heard from the Hill so I thought I would do:- you down a few items. [yer’s Pills greafly aid the Cher Pectoral in breaking up a col . Because we make medicines for them. We tell them all aboutAy er 5 Cherry Pectoral, and they prescribe it for coughs, colds, bronchitis, con- sumption. They trustit. Then you can afford to 'thSt it. Ask your own doctor. Why Refgr to Doctors The best kind of a testimonialâ€" “ Sold for over sixty years.†PILLS. HAIR V1008. We luvs no secrets! We publish the formula of 311 our medicines. , 15c and 25¢ a. pair BUTTON HILL SEE OUR Unuemear Vollett is busy getting :1er for his new barn intends building next SEE OUR 0t clothing. [:6 you smile. 0- A!†00.. Lovgn. mu. 0 3. no Flannelenes is engaged for DURHAM CHRONICLE Duncan ; Acting under instructions from Mr. lJohn Armstrong. county crown at- !torney. and armed with a warrant. Mr William Foster drove down to Holstein 0:: Monday and arreswd Mr. , Thomas J. Jordan. a dry goods mer- {chant of that. village. who has bpen Echarged by Messrs. Gordon, MacKay ? Co., wholesale merchants of To- ronto. with obtaining goods on false pretenses. Jordon was brought m 'Owen Sound on Tuesday morning and received his preliminary hearing be fore Mr. John Rutherford. J. P. Mr, Malcolm, representing Messrs. Gor- don. MacKay Co., was present and‘ gave evidence charging Jordan with talse statement as to his ï¬nanciali bail himself in $1,000 and Mr George Calder. postmaster at Holstein, for It :means that disease will soon attack the lungs. Wheezing is dis- tressing to the sufferer and annoying to his-friends. Nochmg half so cer tain in bronchitis and throat trouble as "Catarrhczoueâ€; it gives instant relief and cures even the wont cases. Bronchitis fairly ï¬ves under the magic influence of Cuarrhozone Which cures so rhourongbly the disease never returns, other reme- dies may reliet e, but “Catarrhozoue†cures bronchitis. catarrh, and throat trouble for all time to come. Sold everywhere. Listen For The Bronchial “Wheeze †Jr Pt. Iâ€"-A. Garvey. N. Finder. O. 505'. J Kirly, P. Yands. Persons with majority of demerin marks, J. Garvey. J. Douglas. J. Hoy. IIâ€"M. Dyers, J. Roy. W. Hoeflin, E. Dougias. N. Myers. Pt. II - G racie Finder. Pt. Iâ€"VV. Dodds. N. Dickson, B. Dukson. IVâ€"A. Brown, G. Hay. P. Hoeflin 0 Boy. Jr. IIIâ€"J. Garvey, A. Boy. N. Dyers. R. Dickson. Jr, lIâ€"F. Kerr. S Grant. “7. Hut too, A. Lauder. Sr. Pu. IIâ€"E. Morrison, L. Petti- grew. 8:. P5. Iâ€"C. Barber. W. Eden. Jr. 1â€"6. Gram. C. Blyth. Average attendance ‘29, Sr [1â€"3 Barber. M Ken. W Blyth,E. Morrison. H. Barber. A. Pectigrew. ___ â€"â€"vâ€"â€"v--“V.‘ Barber. Jr. III â€"0 Morrison M. Roy, A Pauigrew. F. Clark. B Barber A Morrison. T. Hurtou. C Pettigrew Informediateâ€"Nellie McKechnie. Mary McIlraitn eq., Jahu Duncan. Jx Aâ€"Etta Saunders and Jahn MC Guxuu eq . Isaac Mitchell. .1:. B â€"â€"Per.:y McKechuia. Arthur Ramaga and Charlie Cameron eq Sr Pt. Iâ€"Charles Havana, Rita Torry, Frank Moriock. Roy Watson, ‘ (Jordon Gun and Bert ansou eq. Sr. Iâ€"Sadie McKechnie hellie Pinker. Martha McDonald. James Wall Ermina Billings. Jr Pt II Bâ€"Elia Carson. Myrtle Sparling. Annie Russell Sadae Mc- D‘Juald, Erben \Vbitmo e. Jr. Pt. II Aâ€"Helen Ireland, Jennie Kelsey, May McKechoie. Allie Mc- Gowan. Emily Lloyd and eret- Mar- shall eq., Sr. Pt. 11 «Frank McIlraith, Ian Campbell. Lauisa McAuulty. John Harbo:tle, Wes Morton. CH ARGBD WITH FORGERY. Kelsey. I -_--_, Jr. II Aâ€"Evyline Levi. Uï¬e Wall, Gertie Campbell, Nettie Daniel. Vyvian Harvey. Jr. II Bâ€"Alex Hilderbrandt, Earl Mclxnald and Roy Farquharson eq.. Maud Kres-t, Annie Vollet, Cassie Russell. Sr IVâ€"-Vaddie Caldwell. Laura Seinner, Willie Gadd. Nellie Hep- burn. James McLean. Jr. IVâ€"\larion Currie. Gertrude McComb. Jeannie McGowan, Mary Wright. Agnes Ramage. Sr. IIIâ€"Jack Davidson. Gladvs Whitmore. Reggie Sharpe. Maggie Mitchell. Elma Hole. Jr. IIIâ€"Nellie McLean. Devena Warmington Mack Saunders. Bessie Saunders. Earl McCalmon. Sr. Ilâ€"f‘day Cliï¬. Mamie Mountain Vinian Crawford. Mark Wilson, Susie Form IIâ€"Mary Edge, Sadie Fletch Pr. Lizzie Binnie, Fanny 3.!oran. Efï¬e Hunter. Form Iâ€"Sadie Farguson. Jean ‘Vavson. Emma Smythe. Bessie Pel- (0:13,.1 L. McDonald. Form IIIâ€"Ram McComb, Maggie Knox. Herb Campbeli. Sadie Sharpe, Liiy Walker. ' U 53 so 1.\'. and E. Sr.1\'-â€"E Hutton, B. Lauder. G . i'v'mH. Barber. J. McIIvride PUBLI 1 L SCHOOL DEPARTMEN T . HIGH SCHOOL D EPA RTMENT ORCHARD SCHOOL DU REL-1M SCHOOL. C. MACKENZIE. Teacher. HONOR ROLL ‘V. DAWSON. Teach or as: :9- '9'» or TOUi’EE, which “ill hide all tmces of Baldness and take the place of your own hair? Doctors ative for colds in the head, catarr will fit you on the spot and show ya __‘\ Professor Dorenweï¬d As all men know, disfigures and adds an aged expression to the face. \Vhy remain Bald whom Professor DOz-enwmd can ï¬t you with a VVIG mnf?-\nn - ï¬rst qua. ity Hail Good- 37?? f“? Baldness . . . ‘4»:- $34 .3. or. .1 9: ya. 9 a? Custom Work We have some sizes in which we are clearing lucky purchasers. SP. crowded from top to arriving stock and will in making room. Al: early and get a share of .;. ‘..-".v .. _ , ,1 ‘13:. ‘ o.\. . ~ “ t ' ‘ “ ,.'_""' - t '-I :‘ f: I.“ “. ‘ .: ._ , ‘ '; x i‘. 4" ‘ ‘- _' '~ _- ,1. : Y on will never have a better - ~â€"___‘_ $15.00 Cash. t0 PrOp'ez-r; in this disrr' emphatically endOr invescment. and has harm of Fort William, local Bank r . nPI‘ Jinn. ----l _ professional men to get in on the arc ed possibilities as a PRQFE§SORADOIZENWEND can Durham Furniture Co. I Syndicate Park FORT WILLIAM HICH- is the only preperty subdivided that actualiy adjoins the J. 1. CASE Offers an unrivalled nnnnrtnn-H-n rm ammo STRAP sUPPEHS Remember the Date and don’t fail t9 call at the Hotel and see PROFESSOR DOREN WEN D early. [31V W EN 1) 00. of Toronto, Limited 103 AND 105 YONGE ST., TORONTO. 3's an unrivallpd opportunity for the the ground fl.)or in a nronagirinn nr 9 sizes in a few lines of Oxfords clearing out as price; umr. u?†'IT .. ... .. 10W “[185 OI uxtords and Scrap Slippers ili save money for the _ , ' in and we are t?) buntom. We require room for the NEW W1 1 be p!eased to have you land a helpino hand All WINTER GOODS AWAY DOWNS Call m “at nm “A -. and Show yo ‘ recommend these Toupees as h and neuralgia. Professar I: u j ust how you look afterwards LADIES--Read All WINTER GOODS of the good thing-s. money maker. TERMS CASH LIMITED. 1 I This visxt gives you a. chance to consult, Pp DORENWEXD about your Hair and to (1180' from the stock of Hair Goods, which hv cm 1? with himâ€"just what: you require. * 0F Altll â€aux nuu (16-01080 {(9 ' {1“}? a retaii' business in (:(‘H‘Eii‘ftf- tion with on: Flam} WC beg: t : announce to t3 9 genâ€" etal public that M, have. many lines 111 Fur: ntnzc and Household Goods that we are low margin. 'l‘hisxsu great chance for intending pm- chasers. We have aheady disposed of 3. Mt of goods, and early bet3‘ers get the best selection. ° ' mes ot Oxfords and pri084 thaw Wili save HAVING pm‘clms-ced tin: _ Stock and good. wiéi ut‘ the two Furniture deuic's in Durham and decided {i0 4 W21 )portunity for the small invesmr a. prOposition of almost unbound- an absolutelv sound. gilt-edged Ltcaily endowed by the Mav or gem, and leading business and at the Down-v be depended upon to America’s Greatest Hair Goods Artist FEBRUARY 8, 1906 divided into residental lots QASE COMPANY’S SITE. town Shoe Store. Call or wr zte as a prevent, r Dorenwend s'r, 94$ s12 ting. Mr. \\'. .1. Sum» .. by of the ltride, pet-Eln-nwl :1w 4,2 grotnnsuum. the l)!'i(l°‘ .- 2:1; m. ~ by Miss Germ-utlv ii I: m. ‘ Forest. The bridw in“ wry ingly attired in a hung} . 4' of cream Sicilian “if; H'mm ?- chiiftm. applique ~nci :z‘ilm-z- Her Handling sui' w ~< . :' ' ladies’ cloth, with M rw- of silk l and picture hat of hmwri wit h ostrich plumes. Mr. ml Mm. lefttm the afternoon (hill) for to Toronto and Hmuiltnn. Thi timate friends of the hri le- zmd 2‘1 accompanied them to he smtiti shower them with rice and best wii On their return they will resiti town where they are well and {i :1 L o c learn that a few days I fair road to recovery :; n fling well. and back agai‘ i' tinck relatives. A QUIET wedding w.1< the Manse. \Vedm-«i; - last week, when Mr. .3 ) united in marriage, tn )1 b'lrne, Rev. \Vm. Rm; 1 JLV enter-t:1innum1. Pices 0f tho 1“r'1'!ll(’3‘.~.- be given in the Van: on Fridav evening. I“: ,O’clunk. sharp. Mr. dam of the (.‘reniral 1“ tion. of the Dominion promised to be prcsvn dress. As Mr. Mcifl m posted on all untfxt-Lvu 5 farmers’ Weifaru. w. reasonable dismncv. special effort, to 1):: 1 him. Ladies cordial tend. Sih'er COHECLEH help defray expense<. MR. P. G. A. VV’EBSTL‘R. Lhi‘ jeweller who succeeded M 1-. G031: a. man of some knowledge and e ence with the World. In a. shc terview with him we learned I] served in the South .M‘rimn mu Eng gone out. with the ï¬rst. cousi from Toronto. In ("Annex-Lion his business he has had consid practical expm'iencv :mzl i< 3, gm of The Canadian Hm- )Ingi‘fll [I tion, of Toronto. H-- was >11 wounded in South .‘u'ri -.-:. ’uu ‘Vebstor is satisfied ;.2* 131-3. ::=1 enough call. elevating. The music. whid greatly appreciated, could nn but baveareï¬ning and inspiri fluence upon everyone. Splem der was 111:1.mtained throughoq entire eveninq. Collection tat door amounted to $6.3). THE Canadian ()id ill have an "At. _ curt Room, Calderk 7' vening, the? 3M1 ms: ' , nd a good program :5 for the occasion. §and their ladies cor 11;; Emission 35 cents. THE Varney Motlmdist clmr ï¬lled with an :lppl'mirilix’e at who greatly enjoyed the Nam-a Musical program given by the E1 League on Tuesday. Feb. 6L1). essays. readings. unï¬t-(u inns. cu: not only interesting hm, mlucati THE Annual Meeting of the I Furniture Company will he 119.1! Town Hall, here, on Friday < i-the 23rd inst., commencing a lb’clock. All stockholders are 1 ed to attend. +- PROF, CAMPBELL. Phi-on lmisc, and mind reader. w? ï¬e Knapp House for the ne weeks, and press notices in Llw ï¬tates and Canada speak of §3cond to none. Room 2.1.121 inn to the sitting m )m. 1, ‘ I 5‘. r» THE Durham Furnituu-- LR has a. good stock of logs on h.‘ sawing operatiotx may he exp the early spring. L. SAW logs are being cut ow now at Smiths’ saw mill at the the foundry. HAVE you sent your Valenti VOL. 39â€"N0. 2031. nd 11 if it}. i)1’l!) H hm i Led 1U he hi x: )1'01 NI m Md ity. ill a {V O n Hll (l t 0 3H