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Durham Chronicle (1867), 15 Feb 1906, p. 3

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T11 ce EULLâ€"BRED Q n tor Sale. Well wit so. bank r Sale. )ckâ€"aged 14 mos Building 101’. on 1 3K FARM 4 miles in ice brick house. stone good tences. abundance uperty comprises 150 h nearly all is cultiv ving up farming and; red at a sacrifice to a qfi {I}; email payment requ'nd [N THE TOWNSHIP , be sold either together b compri<es 10) acres good house. These miles from Durham and my cheaply. One is (1 would suit. anyone 1‘ and Maple s For Sale. Wanted .ene ~rms am arm for Sale. URNITURE (30., RTE bea 1e or Rent. for Sale. 1nd aCK AY 8: DUNN, Veudnr’s Solicitors Durban .ISHED 1869. f- ldi .atered, well? “1 1k barn an'l infi? rim: orchard 3h“ ghed, tour acres in 1 may be had aft. particulars app)". arm far Sale uaI Fire Ins. dines and conten‘ ants in towns and ‘ .n a d Welling i3 90“,. cuts of out-building”; the Garafraxa. 59' f Nurmanby. m ' n- particulus 89W 'AYDEN . HON, Prom} POMO-XA P. balance in Applyié ale ml.» Cedar”, ts of 42b :he balance selling and Small or a dairy f . at right p . ‘ proprietor _ .tudihpOSO 0f!” rthér DURHAM MS 02 AB \V. G. R,. the Town BUSLNEfi iii], 7 tools 31 For fur“ 'mpr ietor I RHAM, 0m Particfi Durbad AN. "I toreé ale with barn rude tia Dun 3t lNeW.... Resolutions MATTHEWS LATIMER Benrv’s Repair Shop Henry’s Repair Shop For Good GROCEREES Facts For. . . . Purchasers Clydesdale Stock Food and Remedies Locks, Guns {OY AL HOUSEHOLD FLOUR RHAM C. McArthur Any amount of GOOD BUTTER wanted. Bring it alone: while prices are good. V 32.25 per pair. ' ' Men’s Split Bluebersâ€"Men’s Kip Bluebers â€"â€" Men‘s Dongola Bmcbers â€" Men’s Dongola Oxfords. all at right prices. and ALL NEW GOODS. Remainder of our heavy course RUBBERS at re- duced prices. W omen’s Dongola. Shoes. pltent. logger too_cap, at $1.50 to TWQED eggs. regular We have the following goods to clear at the follow- ing prices :â€" “'" 50cmw35¢. GIRL’S BOOTS regular 81 00. now 50c. BOYS’ BOOTS, regular 551....) 9" now 75c. Skates Hoilpw Ground xsxr D008 10 CARsox's S. SCOTT alw THEOBALDS OLD STAND. at that you have resolved to Flour and Feed 1 Y EBRUAR F 0! Every person makes more resb and t. can. and. tom ‘13. 13* your New Footwear avg find our 'aws Gummed Groceries c: D92 ms and Umbrellas Repaired DURHAM assorted stm' per Bbl inning of a. new Of. We one of them be resolutions always keep the lowest HXTARIO irocertes 0! price price price Ma's Fain Balm. which enjoys an BXCPnalve sale. has me: with great «cc-ass in the treatment of this .liseaae One application of Pain Balm will relieve the pain. and ban dreds of auflerers have tesfified to permanent cures by its use. Why sufier when Pain Balm aflords such quick relief and costs but. a trifle? For sale st. Parker’s Drug Store. } Mr. Alex VanAlstine and family and Mrs. Jaseph Goodfellow sister 6! Mr. VanAISLine. were visiting at. Mr. land Mrs John Aldreds’ on Friday. Albert McCiinton is engaged with Mr Ed. Kress. He drives up and home every morning and night. Mr. and Mrs. Qinteu Pettigrew. .Ir.. who has been visiting around *this neighborhood for some time re. ‘turned to their home in the Wesc last week, and Miss Berth Pettigrew. daughter of ROM. Pettigrew, went with them from Toronto. â€"â€"r.â€"._.- ’I'i29r9 are few diseases that indict ;rmre- torture than rheumatism and 2mm is probably no discuss for which we}: a varied and useless lot of rem .» :2 9-2 have been suggested. To say it. 230 be Cured i3. the.efure a bold ~t tam-41’. to make», but Chamber- 2..iu's Pain Balm. which enjoys an 00., was put on the stand on the resumption of the trial of Greene and Gaynor yeszerday. He testified that Lachian Kellogg, oi New York. who has been attorney for O M. Carter‘ bmght, on October 12, 1897, $14,990 worth of United States bonds through his firm District-Attorney Erwin Said he would prove that these bonds Were bought from Carter and Greene Xinjor Cassius E. Gillette next. told of [b.- poor material used in the work dour: bv the accused. Savannah. Ga” February 10,â€"- ClarkSun Runyon, of New York, a member of the firm of \V. W. Kelvin 00.. was put on the stand on the The excruciacang pain: character- istic of rhuumatism and sciatica are berlairl’ 5 Pain Balm. The great pain reiieving pow»:- of the linimeut has been cbw surprise and delight of thou saudi of atzflarers The quick relief from pain which it. afl’ords in alone worth many times its cosc. For sale a: Parker’s Drug Store. Mr. and Mrs. J. \V. Blyth spent last Weduasday «vening very pleas- autiy an the home of Mr. VauAlszine. Miss Nellie McAnulcy w“ the guest. of Miss Ella Pencigrew, of H01- mein, lasu week \Vulter McCrie is working for Mr. Ciark While home from the “’63:. He does not believe in being idie. We wish our townsman. \Villiam McCalmon. success in his new shop. Any person wanting anything done in the blacksmithing will find Billy an obliging and painstaking fellow. Melvin Hoy drove down from Flesherton a week ago Sunday to see his parents He brought. his friend Mr. Wilson down with him The Farmers Association is adding members to its list at a. great rate. A dozen or more at the last two meetings and still there are more to follow at the next meeting to be held on the 23rd of thi~ month. Mr. Mc Ewing. President of the Central As sociation. will be present and address the meeting. They say he is a. good speaker and a committee has been appointed to prepare a. pragram. A good and profitable time is expected f The Epworth League Social, Tues. , night last, was a huge success. The ? program consisced of essays given by , Miss Maggie McCalmou on “ Life of iJohn \Vesley.” Miss Ethel Morrison on “ Longfellow.” Rev. Mr. Stephen- . son on “ Success,” and Mr. Roy Al- ; dred on “Faults and Ideals 0! Young l Men.” Miss Aggie Sirrs gave a read .‘ ing. Miss Mabel Mead sang two solos. (Mr. W. Glass sang a solo, Misses l Mead and Sirrs sang a duet, Mr. Stephenson sang a. solo. the choir 'and Male Quartette also sang selec- tions. There was a goodly number from Durham and Ebenezer and all ,wenc home well pleased with the fevening’s entertainment. and every farmer should come and bring his family. We bezieve there wit! be a silver collectnou at the door to defray expenses. Wilbert and Eva Blytb and \Vin- nie Lauder drove down to Holstein on Thursday evening and attended the meeting. Before returning home they partook of Miss Ella Pettigrew’s hospitality. The Varney L. O L. brethren at:I their lodge meeting on Friday night 3 decided on getting a. new banner for! next 12: . We hear they intend tog get a dandy. ' There was ten of the Varney L. 0. L. brethren atterded the county meeting in Durham on Tuesday. Varney Lodge shows up pretty well for oficers in the county Lodge. the Deputy Master. Treasurer. Financial Secretary and Lecturer are all from the Varney Lodge. Miss Maggie Aldred went to Mount Forest last week to consult a doctor. Her throat has been giving her a lot of trouble {or some time back. Ton of the young people of this neighborhood went down to the Re- vivnl meeting at Holstein aweek ago Friday night. Miss Maggie McNiece bu been viso iting for the last few weeks with her friend, Prudence Baily, of Glenely. The Gaynor-Greene Trial About Rheumatism Varney. pain: character- and sciatica are applying Cham- The great pain I ‘.\"hile Eddie Piggott was amusing ibis audience at the concert on Mon i day evening in his selection " Come l Dance \Vith Me,” the word "fire” re- tsounded through the hall and in an instant nearly everyone was on their ifeet and making astampede for the i door. Allow us in passing to remark what a death-trap that Marsh hall would be in case of fire in that. build- ing; an audience of probably four hundred with only one means of exit -â€"one small door. Several persons endeavoured to quiet the crowd, the concert troupe came on the platform and sang “ God Save the King," but by the time the closing Words were sung the hall was half vacated The fire was discovered to be in the Mc- Farland block It was shortly after ten o’lock when Joe Walker a well , known citizen, went to the jewellery [store window of J. H. Stephenson to lsee what time it was by the regula~ itor, and dircovemd a dense smoke lwithin. Givmg the alarm search iwas promptly made {or the cause. gSome time was spent in locating the *fire. which was lounu to be working between the joists in the ceiling floor and had made considerable headway, but not before the contents of Ur. Campbell’s dental rooms and Miss Eagles’ dressmaking apartments were ruined. A hole about eight feet square was burned through the floor into Stephenson’s jewellery store and through the post otfice ceiling. These compartments are located in the west end of the McFarland brick block. Considerable damage was also done? to Mr. Stephenson’s stock. l‘he ori-i git) seems mysterious, but the 'nosti likely theory i.- that a box of char 1 coal, which Sta- in the corner, ignited from the Stump of a cigar carelessly thrown into it. A few minutes moral headway would have resulted in the destruction of this large block anl there’s no telling how much more to the town. Too much praise Cannot be given the band of willing workers who deepite the blinding smoke, worked their way into the buiiding and fought the flames until the last Spark Was out. About an hour after this blaze was exringuished. fire broke out in the basement about forty feet from the scene of the first fire, but this was soon subdued. Watch- men were placed in‘the building and the electric service remained on all night. but no further trouble was ex. perienced. We understand the loss is partly covered by insurance.â€" Markdale Standard. BRICK for SALE A CONFLAG RATION AVERTE D The Durham Yards have over 300,000 on hand now. Guaranteed good at right prices. “Ogih'ie's Book for 21 Cook, " contains 130 pages of exc Dent recipes, some never before published. Your grocer can tell you how to get It I‘ REE. Ogilvie Fiour Mills 00., Limited. MONTREAL your grocer... Royai Household Flour therefore it is t considered as abs In Canada electricity is The electrical method is empl every big mill in the United States. But white bread is not necessarily pure because it is white. To be pure it must be made from purified flour. There is only one method of making flour absolutely pure, and that is by elecâ€" tricity. No impurity can withstand the searching, purifying work of this electrical process. Absolutely white flour makes the most seautiful white breadâ€"the kind we all like. 53V “ Ogi DURHAM CHRONICLE is the only flour that can be absolutely pure. lvie’s Royal Household” to he’ll do the rest. the only flour purified by i Some «lootors go so far as to say lthat indigescion 18 the national dis- ’esse of America. There is but one tnational remedy for indigestion end Ithat remedy is Dr. Hamilton’s Pills which accelerate the action of the .gastric glands and give tone to the tdigestive organs. They strengthen the kidneys and liver, cleanse and lpnrify the blood and thus add gen- ]ersl tone to every organ of the body. IFlesh and strength are fast restored and the patient can eat and digest ‘any food he pleases. Test Dr. Ham- Iilton’s Pills yourself.â€"25c. per box or five boxes for 81.00 st sll dealers. This is one of Thomas A. Edison’s jokes. NOt long ago a friend of his was looking over the inventor’s la. boretory, when a curious looking model caught his eye. It looked like a cradle with some kind of telephonic attachment. “ What on earth is that ?” inquired the visitor. “ I hope to make my fortune 03 that in- vention." said Edison gravely. "It is a rumor to run by sound. You attach it to a cradle and the louder the baby cries the faster the cradle rocksf’ Take LAXATIVE BROBIO QUININE Tablets. All druggmts refund the money if 1!; fails tocure. E. W. Grave‘s signature as an each box. 250 . en of the occupants of the adjacent buildings had their goods packed, and in some cases removed. fully believ- ing that the south hall of the village would be swept out of existence. Mrs Rutherford kept a fancy goods store. and Miss Rumley a millinery etorein the burnt building. Fortu- nately they were heth fairly well in- sured.-â€"-Tara Leader. On Sunday. January 28th, as all the churches in Lions Head were holding their usual evening services the cry of fire was heard. Soon the congregations found their way to the street, and it was learned that the double Store between Moore’s large three story building and Burn’s hard- ware score was on fire This build- ing. together with Burn’s workshop was de3troyed. Owing to some vig- orous work, and the assistance of Moore’s hand 6021118 the fire was con- fined to buildings in which it origi- nated. The sash. frames and cornice of Moore’s store were destroyed, and some hundreds of dollars worth of goods injured bv water, Half a doz- Sandy McKay (coming out of the public house and meeting his minister face to itce)-â€"-Gosh. sir its an awful deceivin’ thing. this mist. D’ye ken (impressively). I wandered in there the noo, thinkin’ it was the grocer’s? ~London Telegraph. Scene. a. town in the north on very misty day. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY An American Disease Thin as the Mist. employed by Honeycomb Wool Shawls. in white. black. red and grey. at 50c, 75c and $1.00 each. Black Sateen Underskirts, $1.00 each. (Good value.) Large 114 size Flannelette Blankets $1.20 a. pair. Men’s Cardigan Jackets, $1.00 each. Bed Comforters 60x72 in.. $1.25 each The Best Values. The Big 4 Any 01d Worn silver? If so, I am prepared to reâ€" plate it. Bring it in now while [have the time. All work guaranteed. Prices Moderate, and Strictly Cash. HAVE YOU? The Sherlock Organs D. CAMPBELL, Agent. A handsomely Illustrated weekly 1m mutton or any scientific a ye_a.r, tour youths. $1 50 bynl; W- Anyone send? a. sketch and desert as! quickly ascent. our opinion free 1' ethe! an invention 13 probably patentable nuns 33:11ch mnfldentlal. Handbopk on Pm “7-â€" â€"v ‘v-v- vvvv vâ€"Vâ€"vvâ€"w “â€"â€" w 'â€" oem. frée O'Mesf agency 15? sec-firing:fiscal:w 7 ' _-___ Patents taken throuzh Mann a r meg-fat notice. without cigagge. In thq The undersigned having been restored to health by simple means. after entering for several years with a severe lung afiection, and that dread disease Consumption, is anxious to make known to his fellow sufierers the means of cure. To those who desire it. he will cheerfully send, free of charge. a copy of the prescription used, which they will tind a sure cure for Consumption. Asthma, Chatarrh, Bronchitis and all throat and lung l'laladics. He hopes all sufferers will try his remedy as it is invaluable. Those desiring the prescription, which will cost them nothing and may‘Jyrove a blessing, will please address Rev. 80 ARDA. WILSON.Brooklyn,New York M“m4 c ~~~mm<b~‘v Do you want a good position in the Commercial World? The surest and shortest road is via this school. We give a course of training that is not surpass- ed by any Business College in Canada. We give individual instruction therefore you may enter at any time. Write for free catalogue and get full particulars. Elliott Mclachlan PRINCIPALS. E i l i Implements Frost Wood Scientific H’merican. Don’t Forget The Big; 4‘ lll’fl Cofimm- New Rd on... O I It. Valium». HE SELLS CHEAP A full line of the best Groceries. . . T0 CONSUMPTIVES. CALDER BLOCK of all kinds for the Farm, the Home and the Dairy. STRATFORD, ONT. DURHAM, ONT. AGENCY. . BEAN Geo. Yiirs. One Price to All MIS Alex Beggs Sans J M. HUNTER BLOOK. Boots é Shoes AND PROVISION STORE Look 2 Look ! The People’s Grocery Intending students should enter at the begin- ning of the term if possible. Board 0.1. . be ob- talnedat reasonaole rates. Durham is a, health and active town. making it unmet desimb place of reszdence. Fees. $1.00 per month WM. JOHNSTON. C. I MISS FLOSSIE MCKERRACHER. First Class- Ceruificve and third year undergraduate 0f Queesn’s University. Science. History and 600- graphy. MISS L. M. FORFAR. Classics. Modems and English. The school is thorouhly equ'poed in teach' ability, in chemical and electr cal supplies an fittings, etc., for fat: Junior Leaving am Matric- ulation work. The following: competent, stafi no ‘ 1 an n Infinn _ in charge Confections and Canned Goods Always in Stock. $5.25 Per Barrel. Other High Grade Flour. per bbl., PUFF PASTES, LADY FINGERS, MACCAROONS. CREAM PUFFS. AND MINCE PIES Ogilvie’s Royal Household Flour DURHAM BAKERY DURHAM SCHOOL. THOS. ALLAN, 151. Class Certificate, Prin High Class Wedding Goods Smashing Bargains 15 per cent. off all Men’s wearing boots for the month of February only. Ask us how to get an Ogilvie Cook Book Free-w to order on shortest notice. $4.75 and $5.00. STAFF AND EQUIPMENT Chairman A SPECIALTY . AT THE WATSON

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