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Durham Chronicle (1867), 8 Mar 1906, p. 3

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balance in g tend well fen k barn an‘l impb’. 'ing orchard. about bed, four acres in may be had after particulars apply to BATON, Prop., POMONA P. 0. r Sale. and Rock rdmg to q“ afi: le. RM nted Sale. K30 'aple‘ for Sale. Ol’ r Rent. Rocky Sunnis. ECO)? D CON. Barafraxa M rmanby, in the niculaxs split! ‘9 ELFORD. for Sale 1'15 r Sale. ire Ins. Co. ieroad 50 4 miles from 39 stone foun- abundance of ises 150 acres is cultivable. mine: and the the to a quick mem required 1869. .ter. Durham- 3t lq. . harm .in azldmgs math to the barn. SH (3101mmâ€" 513E335. he made]:- spat-ate o a. quad; tools and r further m. 01w sale met or as and efarms md are is near. a Iook~ )articu~ ti)" acres nee un- 11d good rchard. farmer It. price nor in- se of it. ORTH of Du:- aining 4 particu- )ADâ€"â€" 200d . Must N E \V than). cam n to fing 1m m tlf. OI 1i OF INTEREST To the Ladies I iNew . . . . 3 Resolutions For Good MATTHEWS LATIMER Clydesdale Stock Food § and Remedies l Henry’s Repair Shep DURHAM. -- GROCERIES lienrv’s Repair Shop ROYAL HOUSE HOLD FLOUR All kinds of Repairing done neatly at the lowest of prices C. Mc Art hur A150 3. fine dispi ty of ladies’ Boots, Shoes. Sixppers. Rub- bers. and a. few pairs of Cardigan Over-shoes. The cloth is worth from 81 0) m 82.50 per yard. and we sell the skirts at Call alga see thoge skirts and can. pare wnh apythgug you ever saw 1:) thzs hue. Girdles at 50c. StandoBy at 50c. D. . A. Corsets at 750, I31 8; $1.25. We have just received en assortment of skirts made Specially to order, out of our own cloth. MARCH 8, 1906 Skates Hollow Ground always find our Groceries fresh and clean. hand, and an the lowest S. SCOTT xsxr noon 'ro CARSOX’S Also see our corsets. oossible prices You will $3 to $7 each 13 our and EnmLD‘s OLD STAXD. weil assorted Stock on CORSETS Groceries °-‘ 935“? . Ifthis Saws Gnmmed Footwear DURHAM per Bbl fléfl HELYDESDALE TOCK moo col we always keep DDII ave I’L’SOXVBG n mak Feed ONTARIO of 18m a new more t0 i Perhaps the simplest and most efl'ective method that has been de- vised for killing these attached spores is to sprinkle the seed grain with a dilute solution of formalin, made by pouring half a pint of formaam into ten or twelve gallons of water. The formalin can be procured at almost ‘any drug store for 25 cents. The seed grain should be Spread out on a tolean floor or wagon box, and the lformalin solution sprinkled over it lby means of a sprinkling can. The :seed should be thoroughly shovelled Eover and mixed while it is being ESprinkled so that every grain receives } some of the solution Ten gallons of solution will sulfice for '30 or 2:3 ; bushels of grain Into a second barrel pm. 25 pounds of fresh stone lime. and add with stirring small quantities of water to slack in. W hen fully slacked make up to ‘25 gallons by adding water. Every gallon of milk of lime in this second barrel contains one pound of lime. Make a stock soluaiou of bluestone by dissolving ‘25 pounds in warm water in a. barrel and add water to make up to ‘25 gallons. Every gallon of this solution in this barrel contains one pound of bluestone Now, smut is very prevelent in many oat and wheat fields. and the loss to the province by this disease alone amounts every year to two or three million dollars. Smntty oats and wheat are caused by planting seed oats and wheat that have smut spores attached to them. These spores are so small that it is impos sible to see them on the seed with the naked eye. W hen the grain is dry put into clean bags to entrance of fresh spo: which are always floati 88! second jUSC before blossoming. the third after blossoming and the fourth two or three weeks later. If the season is a wet one. it is advisable to give another application in July or August. The formula for Bordeaux Mixture is as follows: Copper sulphate (blue Stone) 4 pounds Fresh stone lime. .4 “ Water. .....40 gallons PREVENTION OP 3m AND AP- Spring is approaching and farmers will soon be planting the seed for the season’s crop. With some crops clean seed means good crops. and dirty seed poor croos. It is impor- tant, therefore, to take a few simple precautions. especially when it is known that these precautions will save much money. . be prevented by Sp with Bordeaux Mix plicatious Should be To prepare the Bordeaux, empty {our gallons of blueStone solution into the Spray tank or barrel. which already should have ‘25 or 30 gallons of water in it; sm the milk of lime} thoroughly and empty four gallons' of it through the strainer into the spray barrel with constant Stirring; the-n add water to make up to 40 gal-I lens. ~l The Uodliug Warm mav be control. led at the Same time if 6 oz. of Earl's green are adde to every barrel of the Bfis‘deaux \iiXIurv used in .the appli Cation madu after blossominz. and in PPLE (By Prof- W. Lockheed.) 593895 0 Every rubber has a Maple Leaf branded on the sole, and this brand is our guarantee that the rubber is perfect in every way. SCALE i eaves a before Insist on your dealer giving you to prevent the 1V . . . . 40 gallons :rzun W of the most to im ortunitieé, on t mm. It. can p g !dose of the cat and a mg the trees stone heap I; doe Four ap Iscoundrels to call "1 n â€"‘he first ’ \Vhere the facts are s {OMEN-{a the temporary describes. sommg, ‘he do active. to sav the 1 1d the fourth tely useless. The obj "”3 _ If the those who persistentl; adVIsable to nnl‘ nnAnOn-“fi On Ar: pm z in the air Madeforeverypurpose and to fit every shape and style of ladies’, men’s and children’s shoes. shou'fdjae )8 [DOS iseeking in prohibite. [0w-iliquor by pleading ch 1 be of his alleged family charge a gains: the so ""‘" man. who moved to nost {to importunities. ous: ' Why suffer from rheumatism when ,one application of Chamberlain’s Pain [Balm will relieve the pain? The {quick relief which this liniment affords makes rest and sleep possible, and that alone is worth many times {its cost. Many who have used it limping only for a short relief from ‘suflering have been happily surprised l to find that after awhile the relief I became permanent. Mrs. V. H gLeggett of Yum Yum. Tennessee, U. S. A., writes. “I am a greatisnfierer \irom rheumatism. all over from head l to foot, and Chamberlain’s Pain Balm ; is the only thing that will relieve ithe pain.” For Sale at Parker’s Just-one little tablet out of a 50 cent box before meals for a few days. and you will soon regain pet-feet health and strength. The so-called cares for indigestion Ayton, March 1.â€"A serious ex- are almost as numerous gs the vic- plosion occurred at 5.15 this evening time themselves. and scarcely a day when the lime general store of Aaron passes without the hopes of thou Wenger was almost completely deg. sands of sufieters being raised by the troyed by the accidental explosion of discovery of some novel method of Ike: of ,powder, from which Alex. cure for this prevalent disease. Wenzer. clerk, was weighing some Until a-combination of unusual out, wrecking the entire building. remedies, heretofore but little known, W333“ ‘3 seriously hurt and the in this country, was made in Mi-o-na damage to the building and contents tablets, no certain cure for indiges~ 1' about two thousand dollars. tion had been found. and it is there- ~â€"â€"â€"-oâ€"â€"â€"- fore hardly to be wondered at our leading druggists who have the Bar ham agency are selling large quan- tities of Mi-o-na._ It is said that in searching a draw- er in his barber shOp recently, Frank Wood of Syracuse. New York, dis: Mi-o-na is a guaranteed cure for all diseases of the stomach excepting cancer. If you have pains or dis- tress after eating. headache, belching of gasses, sour taste in the mouth, dizziness. heartâ€"burn. specks before the eyes. fun-ed tongue, sleepless- ness, back ache debility or weak- ness, it shows that the stomach needs to be strengthened with Mi o-na. If you cannot obtain Mi-o-na of your druggist. it will be sent by mail post-paid on receipt of price. ‘Vrite us for advice on your case from a lending stomach specialist which will be sent free. The R. T. Booth Com- pany. Ithaca. N. Y. man. who move to impartunities dose of the cat. scone heap. I to importunities. ought to be given a dose of the cat and a month on the stone heap. It doesn’t help such scoundrols to call them detel‘tives. Where the facts are such as our con- temporary describes, the work of the detective. to sav the least. is absolu- tely uSeIess. The object, is to punish those who persistently break the law and eventually, to drive them out of business. The man who is imposed upon by a pitiful tale of sickness may or may not be a persistent law-break- er; probably the man who is contin- ually breaking the law would be on his guard. and would not fall into the trap. At:nllevents isolated cases of this kind prove nathing The general character of a hotel must be well known in the neighborhood, and especially well ,known to the license commissioners and the insnector. and they ought to have the means of se- curing convictions for oflences that are typical of that general character; I‘he so-colled cures for indigestion are olmost as numerous as the vic- tims themselves. end scarcely a day passes without the hopes of thou sands of sufieters being raised by the discovery of some novel method of cure for this prevalent disease. ferred to by the O “The man who 5 seeking in prohi'o liquor bv pleading An Easy Way from Standpoint to Con- Why Suffer From Rheumatism? 01‘8 STOIACH CUBE. DURHAM CHRONICLE It is said that in searching a draw- er in his barber shOp recently, Frank Wood of Syracuse, New York, dis- covered a certificate for five shares of stock of the Bell Telephone Company. for which he paid $5 twenty-two years ago. and which is now worth between $16,000 and 20.000. The great value of the certificate is due in a measure to the accumulation of dividends. Communicating with Al- bany. Mr. Wood found that the stock was registred. and was isaved bya Bosmn Company. 4 w«.~.~' While a billions attack is decidedly unpleasant it. is quickly over when Chamberlain’s Stomach and leer Tablets are used. For sale at; Park- er’s Drug Store. The most successful way of ward- ing off the approach of old age is to maintain a vigorous digestion. This can be done by eating only food suited to your age and occupation. and when any disorder of the stomach appears take a dose of Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets to'correct it. If you have a weak Stomach or are troubled with indigestion, you will find these Tablets to bejust what you need. For sale at- Parker’s Drug Store. A Collingwood girl Who was an in- valid for years has grown strong and vigorous since becoming engaged to be married The way she accounts for it is that the love microbe has driven all others out. of her system. Aaron Wengu‘s Store At Ayton Wrecked. s.'s. x0 2. EGREMONT. Sr. IVâ€"Stanlev Mead. Sr. IIIâ€"Esther Tucker. Joe Mor- rison, Archie Allan. Ethel Dennet. Jr. IIIâ€"Edna Dennet. Archie Black Jr. IIâ€"Margaret Woods. Sara Al. Ian, Sam Morrison. Andrew Gary, Earl Mead. Partâ€"Willie Gray, Bridges Woods, Mary Allan. George McLaughlin, Willie Woods. Sr. IVâ€"Edward Lawrence, Chas. Lawrence, Bessie Milligan. Jr. IVâ€"Florence Mountain. Agnes Petty, Sadie Langrill. Marion Petty. Rebecca Grierson Jr. IIIâ€"Maggie Mountain, Victor Noble. Leila Vollett, Jean Picken. Robt. CuEe. Sr. IIâ€"Maggie Donnelly. Joseph McCoslin, Nina Noble. Herben Noble Eddie Hutton. Jr. IIâ€"Clara McCaslin Bert-ha Ay- ling, Grace Petty Sr. Iâ€"â€".William Volletc, Maxwell Griersou, Lorne Mountain. The editor of a Kansas paper says that he picked up a Winchester rifle one day recently and started up the street to delrver the weapon to its owner. The delinquent subscribers got it into their heads that he was on the war path and anyone he met in- sisted on paying what he owed him. One man wiped out a debt of ten years standing. On his return to the oflice he found a load of hay, fifteen bushels of corn, ten bushels of pota- toes. a load of wood and a barrel of turnips that had been brought in. Jr. I Irene Vollett, Theodore Ay- ling. Cecil Mountain Average attendance 26. Axxm L. LAWRENCE, Teacher. Why allow this filthy disease to poison you system? It drains your Strength, ruins digestion, pollutes the breath. makes you repulsive. The one certain cure is “Catarrho- zone," it cures because it destroys the cause of the disease. cures thoroughly because it goes wherever the catarrh is, {cures every case be- cause its vapor destroys the catarrh germ instantly. To get well and stay free from catarrh get Catarrho- zone and use it; satisfaction guaran- teed. Sam Hough. Who was convicted two years ago of putting obstructions on the railway track near Tara, and sent to jail, was subsequently remove ed to the asylum. He remained in the jail for a whole year, and was so well pleased with his treatment that he has ever since been anxious to get back. A week or so ago he managed to give the asylum authorities the slip, and on Monday bobbed up se- renely in Walkerton, He was taken to the jail again. and was as happy as aclam. But his happiness was of short duration, for next day a guard from the asylum appeared on the scene, and waltzed Sam OK to the asylum againâ€"Telescope. Sr. Iâ€"Alicer-ay. Willie Finnigan. Jr. Iâ€"Harold Baird. Howard Baird. CLARA E. ALJOE, Teacher. KEG OF POWDER BLEW UP. How to Ward Of? Old Age. Be Done With Catarrh. HONOR ROLL. BUTTON HILL. Elliott Mclachlan PRINCIPALS. O s~sm a» “9“.0 The undersigned having been restored to health by simple means, after sufiering for several year! with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease Consumption, is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To those who desire it, he will cheerfully send, free of charge, a copy of the prescription used, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption. Asthma, Chatarrh, Bronchitis and all throat and lung l'lalndies. He hapes all euflerers will try his remedy as it is invaluable. Those desiring the prescription, which will cost them nothing and may prove a blessing, will please address Rev. EDWARD A. WILSONBrookmeew York The Sherlock Organs EEfl'V‘ifi’é’x’; Sewing Machines Malone Separators 2 yards long, 2.1. yards long, 2; yards long, 3 yards long, 3% \‘ards long. 3;. yards long, 33 yards long. THE CHRONICLE Frost 6: Wood D. CAMPBELL, Agent. 54inches wide. 25c gyard. Implements The Big 4 Heavy Twilled Cotton Sheeting, 72-inches wide, 25¢ a yard. Large 11-4 size Flannelett‘e Blankets, grey and whi :e, 31.20 a pair. Table Oilcloth. 45-inches wide, 25c yard. American Press-(gut Glass Preserve Dishes, something hue, 25c and 350 each. Crystal and Gold Imitation Cut Glass, 4 piece Table Sets, $1.75 each- NEW PRINTS and GINGHAMS now in. Floor Oilcloth 1.11. and ’2 yards wide, a square yard. W. H. BEAN THIS SCHOOL has become the leading Commercial school in the West No similar institution is doing more to thoroughly equip young people for responsible positions. Our courses are thorough and prac- tical while the teaching is done by experienced Instructors. All graduates get good posi- tions. You may enter at any time. Write for catalogue. Double Glass Egg Cups, 75¢ a dozen. China Egg Cups, 30c dozen. Best Nest Eggs, 2 for 5c.J Is the People’s Paper. Are you one of the PMole? HE SELLS CHEAP T0 CDNSUMPTIVES. Call and See Us. STRATFORD. ONT. of all kinds for the Farm, the Home and the Dairy. CALDER BLOCK DURHAM, ONT. LACE CURTAINS. TABLE LINEN. AGENCY. 27-inches wide. 27-inches wide. 30 inches wide, 37-inches wide. 37 inches wide, 50-inches w1de. 54-inches wide. SHEETING. OILCLOTH. DISHES. CStinches wide, 50c yard. aaaaa mwm.w. 11‘ . ()3. Other High Grade Flour. per bbl., at $4.75 and $5.00. PUFF PASTES, LADY FINGERS. MACCAROONS, CREAM PUFFS, AND MINCE PIES Ogilvie’s Royal Household Flour $5.25 Per Barrel. Confections and Canned Goods Always in Stock. DURHAM BAKERY The school is thoroubly equlpoad in teachin abihty, in chemical and eleccr'cml supplies an fittings, em, for full Junior Leavmz anxl Matric- ulation work. The following com potent staff are in charge : MISS FLOSSIE MCKERRACHER, First Class Ceruifica. a and third year undergraduate of Queesn’s University, Science, History and. Gao- gmphy. Intending students should enter at; the begin- ning of the term if possible. erd ca, 1 be ob- tainedat reasonaole races. Durham is a health and active town, making it, a most desirabl: place of residence. A. W. WATSON MISS L. LI. FORFAR. Classics. Modems and English. Fees, $1.00 per month WM. JOHNSTON, C. I MIS. Alex. B'eggs Sons J.M. HUNTER BLOC K‘ The People’s Grocery AN D PROVISION STORE Look ! Look ! Boots .55 Shoes DURHAM SCHOOL. High Class Wedding Goods A SPECIALTY. THOS. ALLAN, lat Class Certificate, Prim Ask us how to get an Ogilvie to order on shortest. notice. Smashing Bargains 15 per cent. off all Men’s wearing boots for the month of February only. STAFF AND EQUIPMENT. Chairman. Cook Book Free AT THE IN C. RAMAGE. Secretory.

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