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Durham Chronicle (1867), 8 Mar 1906, p. 5

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I 1’ aper ”O » style and “ DUTCH “LETS too, he best. Jet. ORE 881' 6: it with= HS ‘0 W37. 11 Shoe Store- heiping or the NEW States. 1dmades” ; how fine exacting .‘ Lter wear ‘ and bring l neatest. nd Stifi‘ > meet “EV S are cs of €111. are ~‘ Know Which we wit RED [EITEH SALE Genuine Snaps MARCH 8, 1906 M chairs, Lustres, Et Vestings in fine and heavy weights, in White, Black and white, Alice Blue, Champagne. Ducks in various colors, also white. Zephyrs,_ Voilettes, Crepe de Mousline De Lainettes, â€" Ginghams. Muslines, Organdies, Fancy Muslimsâ€"blacks and black and white effects. also Silk Mulls and Dotted Swiss. Jasmine Cord, the new wash fabric, in black and white. 1 vard wide, 1233c per yd The best and largest stock we have ever handled. 11 Japan '1‘afi'eta, Tamelines, Waist Silks in self stripes and fancy check patterns Don’t Forget the Red Letter Sale Still Goes On Irettoues. Alt Denims, Art Muslims, Taffestries, Art Sateens and Curtain Muslims in profusion. H. H. MOCKLER pairs Ladies’ Ribbed Cashmere Hose, wor per pair for ............................ yards mill ends Flanneletces. various weights and pat- terns, selling at. :20 to 25 per cont. below regular prices. garments Ladiee’ Underwear, vest and drawers. worth 60c, on sale per garment for ......... .. . ..... garments Ladies’ Underwear, vest and drawers, worth we, on sale per garment for ......... . ................. yards Print, worth yards Print. Special selling at per )ard New Laces and Embroideries That is the inference we must draw from the number of people who are taking advantage of the big reductions in many lines of goods which we are making during our This week we have t with newlines of 20C (10w Dal We have passed into stock over $1,000 dollars’ worth of new spring goods comprising Note These Low Prices (See Durham Review for further list of Bargains ) We shall be glad to show you these goods any time. The values are un- surpassed, and those who have seen them say the patterns, colors and general appearance are up to the highest de- gree of excellence. Many ether lines too numerous to mention.) New Wash Goods New Dress Goods .stres, Etamines, Sicilians, Henriettas, Light Tweed Suitings. etc. WHICH WE OFFER tabl New Kid Gloves New Art Goods Continue unti The washable kind. manner 26 to .140. on sale per yard lave filled many tables >ods marked away r in which our been cleared off in the End of Februaw 2550. on sale worth for 25 45 29 09 Form IIIâ€"Maggie Knox and Sara \IcLean eq Lily Walker. Rita Mc‘ Comb, Herb Campbell. Sadie Sharpe. Form IIâ€"Irene Latimer and Mary Edge eq . Lizzie Binnie. \Villie Camp- bell and Fanny Moran eq., Sadie Fletcher, Edith Allan. Form Iâ€"Sadie Ferguson, Jean Watson, Emma Smythe, May Glass. Fred Smith. Jr. IVâ€"Jeannie McGowan. David Nichol, Ida Hal-battle, Wiilie Brown- ing, Agnes Ramage. Sr. IVâ€"Vaddie Caldwell. Eva Bur- nett, Hazel Marshall, Nellie Hepburn, Laura. Seigner. Sr. IIIâ€"Jack Davidson. Reggie Sharpe, Edith Watson, Vernon E1- vidge. Bertha Harvey. Jr. III-~Devena VVarmington Nellie McLean. Bessie Saunders, Syd ney Holt. Fred Laidlaw. Hilderbrandt. Cassie Russell. Maud Kress, Pearl Mitchen. Sr. Pt. IIâ€"Frank )lpllraith, Ian Campbell, “has. Morton, John Har- bottle, Gilbert Gordon. Jr. Pt. II (a)â€"Marguerite Hutton, Janet. Marshall, Allie McGowan, Jessie Black and Jennie Kelsey eq.. May McKecbnie. Jr. Pt. II (b)â€"Annie Russell, Leone Pagan, Marion Calder, Zell Crawford. Myrtle Sparling. Sr. Iâ€"Frank Morlock, Gordon Gun. Rita. Torry. Roy Watson. Charlie Havens. - Jr. I-Sadie McKechnie, Nellie Fluker, Neil McMillian, Martha Mc Donald, Doris McAuley. Intermediateâ€"â€"-Mary McIlraith-f Norman Lenehan. 1 Class (a)-â€"Isaac Mitchell, FreaiFARMSTOCK‘IMPLEMENTSAND Catton- _ ; HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE OF Class (b)â€"Arthur Ramage, Ar metta McKechnie and Charlie Cam- eron eq. Jr. IIâ€"â€"Ieabel Stewart, Janie Peter. Geo. Peter, Joan Thompson. Sr. Pt. IIâ€"Walter Mont. Jr. Pt. IIâ€"Nelson Halliday Geo Forcney Joe Fortnev. s s so. 14, xoamgxay. IVâ€"Elsie Blyth. Sr. IIIâ€"G. Stewart, A. Stewart, J. Blyth, A Mort. Jr. IIIâ€"G. Halliday. Sr. IIâ€"J. Stewart,.(3. Halliday, M Blyth. Sr. Pt. Iâ€"Ella. Lewis. Thomas Stewart, Willie Thompson. Jr. Po. Iâ€"Annie Halliday. E. DAWsox, Teacher. ORCHARD SCHOOL. IVâ€"A. Brown G. Boy, P. Hoeflin. 0. Boy. Sr. IIIâ€"J. Hoeflin, J. Douglass. C. Lewis, J. Roy. Jr. III-J. Garvey, N. Dyers, A. Roy. R. Dickson. IIâ€"E. Douglass. M. Dyers, 'W. Hoeflin. N. Myers, J. Hoy. Pt. IIâ€"G. Pinder. Sr. Pt. Iâ€"N. Dickson, W. Dodes, B. Dickson. , s. 3. NO. 3. BENTISCK. § Vâ€"Fred Vickers. { IV-Bessie Park, John Corbett. tMaggie Derby. Charlie Reay, Robbie 'Lindsay, \Vilfred Livingston, Roy lVickers. Jr. 1â€"3.. Garvey, 1V. under, U. Roy, J. Kirk-y. Demerit marksâ€"J. Hoy. J. Garvey, Latesâ€"R. Dickson. N. Dickson. IIâ€"Spencer Edwards. Chas. Smith, Ivan Edwards equal, Edith Peters, Oiive Tucker. Pt. IIâ€"Mina Edwards. 81'. Iâ€"Emerson Peart. Jr. lâ€"W’innis Black. Lily Black, Sammie. Jack. Katie Cook. ELIZABETH SCOTT. Teacher. s. s. so. 5, GLENELG. IVâ€"Stewart McNally. Cassie Ryan Frank Ryan, Percy Hunt. IIIâ€"Lorne McNally, Eva. Mchally, \Vilfred Hunt, Tommy Cook. Sr. IIIâ€"Nathan Grierson. James Coutts.Gertie Corbett. Stanley Liv- ingston. James Park. Jr. IIIâ€"Blanche Wise. Kenneth Park, Ruby Alexander. Sr. IIâ€"Allan Wise. George Reay. Douglas Donnelley, Annie Lawrence, Lina Torry. Evelyn Coutts, Lily Torry. Agnes McLean. Jr. IIâ€"Jobn Derby. Amberzine Bailey. Norman McRonald. Evelyn McLean, Mary Adlam, George Adlam, Edgar Lawrence. Sr. Iâ€"Brigham Livmgston. Ffed Corbett. Cecil Reay, Maggie Hopkms. Eddie Lindsay. Jr. I-'â€"-Bex Lawrence. Edna Rea?- AVerage attendance 30. SnIVâ€"E. Hutton, G. Dunn, B. Lander. Jr. IVâ€"Florence Barber; J. Moll- vride, H. Barber. Jr. IIIâ€"A. Pettigrew. O. Morrison, M. Roy. B. Barber, F. Clark. A. Morrison, C. Pettigrew, '1‘. Button. Sr. lIâ€"M. Kerr, W. Blyth eq.. Ella HONOR ROLL. U. s. s. so. 1, N. AND E. H. S. DEE‘I'. P. S. DEPT. Garvey, N. Finder, 0. W. DAWSON. Teacher. DURHAM UHRON 1L] 1E Barber, Edith Morrison eq., H. Bar- ber. A. Pettigrew. Pt. IIâ€"Ella Morrison, Laura Petti- grew. Jr. Ilâ€"Fiorence Kerr, S (ham. eq.. Willie Hutton, Alister Lauder. Sr. 1â€"Wi11ie Eden. Cecil Barber. Jr. 1â€" Gordon Grant, Cecil Blytn Bad conductsâ€"A1. Pettigrew, A Morrison, H. Barber. Average attendance. 29. A. C. MACKENZIE, Teacher U. s. s. No. 2, annxcx AND GLENELG. Jr. IVâ€"Elias Edge. Sr. IIIâ€"Gertie Morton. Sr. IIâ€"Annie Ewen, Mabel Vessie, Ella. Leggette. Willie Edge, George Newell, Alfred Bartley, Noble Bart- ley. Jr. Pt. IIâ€"Léwis Newell, Stewart. McArthnr, Earl Vessie. Jr. Iâ€"Mary Hartley. KATE MCDONALD, Teacher. AUCTION SALE! The undersigned Auctioneer has been instructed to sell by Public Auction at 10: 29, concession 11, Bentinck TUESDAY, MARCH 13th, 1906 The Following: 1 colt, rising 2 years; 2 yearling colts; 1 cow. supposed to be in calf ; 2 heifers. rismg 3 ye.ars,tsupposed to be in calf ; 3 heifers. rising 3 years ; 5 three-year-old steers; 1 two-year- old steer; 1 yearling heifer; 2 brood sows; 8 store pigs; 8 breeding ewes; 1 lumber wagon; 2 cutters; 1 stoning machine; 1 root pulper; 1 land roller; ‘3 plows; 1 scufler; 1 pea harvester: 1 fanning mill; 2 sugar kettles; 1 cooking stove; 3 cupboards; ‘2 hur- eaus; 2 bedsteads; 1 sofa; 1 lounge; 1 sewing machine; 2 washstands; tables. chairs and a large number of other articles for farm and household use. A quantity of bay for cash if 'non previously sold. TERMSâ€"Sums of $5.00 and under. cash; over that amount. 10 months’ credit. will be given on approved joint notes. 60/0 per annum off for cash in lieu of notes. Everything must be sold as the pro- prietor has rented his farm and is going \Vesc. Tuos. A. BOYLE, ROBT. BRIGHAM, Pronriecor. Auctioneer. The Bread Bill We Satisfy . . . Our Customers While we make a specialty of bread we also bake many other nice things such as Cakes. Doughnuts, Cookies, Buns. Pies. etc . etc. Alwevs fresh. Model Bakery. D divisions of lot 16. con. 1. E. G. R., Glenelg. 100 acres. The {arm is situate at the Rocky Saugeen within three miles of the Town at Durham. well watered. and fenced. For particulars apply to Feb. lSâ€"tf. Choice Glenelg Farm for Sale EING SECOND AND THIRD Sale at one o’clock, sharp. G. H. STINSON Is one OUR. customers are always glad to pay. So well that they like to spend their money here. Credit J. P. TELFORD, Durham. 0N Durham, Ont. SPECIAL TRAINS FOR SETTLERS With live stock and effects, from Toronto at 9.00 pm. Se ttlera travelling without live stock should use 1.45 p.m. tram from Toronto daily. on Tuesdays. Wednesda Fridays and Sat- urdays. Cost or sleeping s as follows:â€" Winmpeg - $4.00 Regina - 00 Moose Jaw - 5.00 Calgary - s(55:00 “Settlers“ Guide” and “ Western Canada " booklets of practical use and interest to set- tlers, with rates and full information. free upon application to nearest Canadian Pacific Agent: 0; wnte to C. B. Foster, D. P.A.. NDER and by virtue of a power of Suit contained in a certain mort- gage which Will be pmducvd at the tm Thursd at one All and singular than Certain par- cel or tract of land 2nd premises situate 15 mg and beiulr in the Town- ship of Jlenelg, in the County of Grey and Provmce of Ontario. con- taining Fifty acres . .ore or less. be ing composed of lot number twenty- cwo. in the third concession, South of the Durham Road, in the Towa- ship of Glenelg. TERMS OF SALEâ€"Ten per cent. nf the purchase money to be paid to Vendor’s Solicitor at the time of sale. and the balance as may be arranged in conditions of sale. The property will be offered for sale subject to reevrved bid Fur. ther conditions will be made known at. the time of sale. For further particulars apply to the Auctioneer or to J. P. Telford, Esq . Durham. or to McMurrich, Hodgins McMurrich, Vendor’s Solicitors. 103 Bay Street. Toronto. AUCTION SALE Toronto, February 27th. 1906. me of caie there wi al-a by Public Auctic lark, AuC‘ioncer. at. MARCH AND APRIL COLONIST cnns ATTACHED i As our time for quitting this store draws nearer ‘ we are more anxious to clear out our stock. t Moving goods is a very costly business. For this ‘ reason we are cutting prices so as to make the Whole stock do the quick exit act. Come with. l | the crowds and buy. It’s your chance. Cut ‘ prices rule on every article in our store. EVERY TUESDAY DURING Prices . . . Slaughtered TOURIST CARS .IN THE TOWN OF DURHAM a c’clock 1n the a following; farm pr Toréhto. NO EXTRA CHARfiE FN'PRAT the] 5th“ Day of March A. D. 190 roManitoba Alberta and Saskatchewan 0N BUST ' NUT BEBAHDED NUW [ht ernoon.the arty: John 0r Darling’s . .' DRUG STORE Horse and Cattle Mecfiiciaes ‘ DaIIiDO’s Imp toved Conditicm P0“ (181 Dr. Che Dr. Chesnew’s Couch Po“ dear Dr. Chesney ‘s Cleansing ders. Dr. Chesney's Purging Bane BRITISH NATIONAL STOCK FOOD . . . . . DARLING Wood taken in exchange for Stock Food. Chesne} Powder The Peane's Druggist. The best: and cheapest Food on the market. Has haen proved by some of the BEST FARMERS in the County. s u _ esneV ’s u. Li C (0 V8 Powda' M um

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