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Durham Chronicle (1867), 8 Mar 1906, p. 7

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£583,388 rm-down condition a m. or ml: and h, DARLING 1b ue woser to we } importance to m not see that rand he paid no nve little-just a lit asked. lightly RI »le might talk?” picuously pres- med. ) We are such so abso “" In giVing~ " they will e_s as Thu,“ 1m Brew Sallow ptions. enefit your 1 Harte; diifiden: an 054 Its. Dan}. :e.” turn- be upper half the. screen," nfortable t Mrs. UGGIS! .1 his. .18 not 8 still yv.’ 06m :0 have : back r they )0??? My roublo .-â€"the.’/ 9 been t, you it fell course In one, lm 11m [1111’- 99! lazy 381‘ )uld Di to {ill be at Knapp House, Durham. the 2nd aturdzv in each month. Hours-14 p.211. Specialist: Eye, Ear, Throat and N060 RADULATE of London, Now York and Chicago. Q! eased Auctioneer for the County of (Jr-es: Land Valuator. Bailiff of the 2nd Dwision. Court Sales and all other matters promptly attended to. Highest refotances tarnished if required. OHN CLARK. LICENSED AUC- tioneer for the County of Grey. Sales promptly attended :0. Orders ma. .be left ’3 at his Implement Warerooms, M old stand. or at the Chronicle Ofico. OF? D MCPHAIL, LICENSED AUG. . tioneer for the County of Grey. Tenn moderate and satisfaetxon gunn- Leed. The :rnngements and dates of m be made an Tan 0320mm.) of- ‘ Residues and P. 0.. Ceylon. Tole phone conneetwn. U short distance east of Knapp’s Bots]: Lamb ton Street, Lower Town. Durham Office hours from 12 to ‘2 o’clock. ‘J OTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION - L‘ er, Conveyancer, c. Insurance Agent. Money to Loan. Issuer of Mar- ‘iage Licenses. A general financial busi- rzess transacted. ”Faye.” etcâ€"39 can“ for first iuscnioa, 25 Cent each subsequent insert ion. A}! advertisements (“cred by szrangcrs must be pm. h to aim Contract mg for .Eym. misemcnu Punished bx Wimsipn '9 tbs' 052:. THE JOB : : DEPARTMENT V" ‘ine for thevfinst instruct); “043 m 3753 . o . line cad: subacqucm insextign-vmim: m Professional cards, not exceeding we inc? “.00 p¢r_annmn. Adveniwmcnzs witbou Ipcié’ W '9le MM t 1 forbid am! chum .14 m1}: _ Transient ~nozjccs_â€"-" Lost," “Found ‘3' All advertise nests. go ensure insertictun cane: mack, should be taught m not later than 5‘82.pr mung. AL_7 __ 7 m Till: Cm: )MIC‘LE will be an: to an; addms‘, {me of peatage, for SI.” pcl “TB . . o o yanpayabkc 'n advanceâ€"$1.50 mgri be shag-d if not so paid. The date to which even W 3 id is denoxzd by the numbcron m ”dress w .0 papa? (in a: nutmeg! unnl all area: are. panels.“ a: the Gum-u- oi Lhc proprietor. $5 PUBLxsl-mo ”‘8' THURSDAY “DINING cums W «was. mu m DUN-Mia, ONT. WE BMW} Bfififlfllflu Drs. Jamieson 8:. Maclaurin. Nov. 9, '03. AMES CARSON, DURHAM, LIC J. F. GRANT, D. D. S.. L. D. S. 'i‘rNOR GRADUATE, UNIVERSI- DR. BROWN L. R. c. P., LONDON. ENG. . G. Hutton, EEICE AND RESIDENCE Diseases of Eye. Ear Nose and Throat. be DURHAM, ONT. (Lower Town.) I( Flf MACKAY. K. C. iar at the Mid iangh House lat Wednesday of each month. from 12 to 4 p. m. Dr. W. 0. Pickering Dentist. SICJAN AN D SURGEON. OF- MARCH 8, 1908 Barron am) PROPRIETOR. Arthur Gun, Medical Dz’redory MacKay Dunn. Dental Directorv. ISTBRS of Toronto. Graduate ental Surgeons of Ontario; eutistry in all its Branches. Jalder Block,’ over Post stant Roy. Lo’ndon Ophthalmic’KHoo. to Golden Sq. Throat and N000 Hoe. DR- EH]. 8. BURT. afrax n the New E; AND RESIDENCEâ€"00R o 30 a. m., to 4] cent attention gi‘ and children. asbvterian Church $311K Miscellaneous. 3. P. Teiford. . H. Jackson. W. IRWIN s Etc. Money to. Loan. he McIntyre Block. 0V8? ml Directory. EXCLUSIVELY Over J. J. Hunter’s. an md George Streetsâ€"at ce hoursâ€"911 3.111., 2-4 Telephone No. 10. . SOLICITORS, CON- SOLICITOR. ETC. I: completely stocked win all NEW TYPE, thus a! for D1 turnina‘ out Fixr-cias. )ter Block. Ofica 4 p. m. and 7 to 9 given to diseases ‘ Residence op- Graduate Royal '9 .ew Jewellery Any amount cent. on farm W. F. Dvxx. Ofli "‘“; Business College Mr. \Vm. McNally is busilv engag- ed moving to his farm on the 8th con. We regret to see Wm leaving: as he has ever proved himself a good. hon: es: cheerful and obiiging neighbor. W'e wish him all success in his new home. We had a brief but pleasant inter- view with your Glenelg Centre poet, who passed through the burgh one evening recently, and were assured that we would soon hear from him through the Chronicle columns. Mr. and Mrs John Hewitt visited at Mr. and Mrs Wm. Hewitts’ on the Sub con. of Glenelg a week ago Saturday. \Ve regret very much to learn of the illness of Mrs. Geo. Aljoe. but we hope to hear of her speedy return to health again. If vnu wish to reco‘aive "1.9 86:31: Commercial 3118 Shortband Educatxon, 3t is necessary that you attend the Best- Miss Ferguson. of town. called on friends on Lambton St. one evening recently. Becausgfits graduates are enjoving the best pompous _m almost every Canadian and Amerxcan cmv; . Because by attendin, 19;: classes, students I tune and at a small ens Because this College enjoys the confi- dence of the Business Public. Because it teaches Actual business from start. to finish; because each studen depend?!“ u: all other: i112 confidepce m himse Not the Oldestâ€"Not the largest Just the Best. Because its Shorthand stqdputs are doing marvellous work, some wrmng 200 words per minute after attending only two months: Because at the head of it is a man whose qualifications as a teacher are unexcelled and whose ambition is to see his students 00d eitizens. morall . social! and financxeafiy. y y Open July and August. This College is the Best :- l Because each student is taught separate-l ly at. his own desk; Because all difficulties are thoroughly explained as they occur. thus avoiding loss of time to the students and enabling them to aceommlish more than is possible in class , teachuur: ' Because each studenp receives special at- tentimom Ins. weak subwcts and may choose his subjects; Messrs. B. Sharpe and S. Nevin. (f your town have taken thecontract of cutting twenty five cor isof wood for Mr. J'aS. Atkinson. All Druggists PSYCHINE. although it was three times the price of :my other medicine I had ever bought. yet every dose brondht permanent relief. _ _. v_-‘- u ‘1‘.“- the doctors said. originated the trouble. Itriedecoresot remediesz. My roomxt :home resembled morcadrug store. with many glibly adver- tised no-etrnms winch I had bought. Eventually I twed For six or seven yams I have been troubled With ind!- gestion and dye pain. Too tpuch‘ acidity of}: e stumach. Mr. Arthur Tmison. To- onto. writes enthusiantically of the merits of rSYCBlNE fox-5}}! stpmach troubles. with Me TEE, BISSELL Is a permanent cure for Pncmonia, My, Consumption, La Grippe, Bronchitis, La Jsitude, "Wasting Diseases and ad Throat and Lung Troubles. The Mount Forest Darkie’s Corners. A, B. McLellan, Agent, Durham, Ont. . T. CLANCY. Prin. 0R. T. A. SLOCUM. Ltd. 179 KING ST. W.. TORONTO. CANADA Laxative SEEK SAFETY IN PSYCHENE :ending the day and even- ad uate' in a Shért .98 his workjn- vreby estabhshb You are surely weary at remaining in sickness and misery ; why not cross over to Health and Happiness ? These stones were carefully laid ; each is perfectly sure and safe. PSYCEINE was produced bv skill and science and is the outcome of the highest Medical Knowledge. Lse it as a stepping stone and \011 can thus cross ov er the stream 0! disease 1n safetv and land on the further side where Health and BrightneSI wiil greet 33.011 P§YCHHNE I; is so easy to cross this stream if only you sac. C156 care and attention. Be careful where you stap. as a false you in the dirty and Ion! waters. One Dollar The Greatest of Tonics A GUARANTEED CURE FOR FILES Itching, Blind. Bleeding. Protruding Piles. Drug gists are authorized to rqfund money if PAZO UINTMBNI‘ fails to cure in 6 to 14 days. 50c. M153 Jane Ritchie is home after a. lengthy visit with friends 1n Toronto. A: last. a. report from Aberdeen ! The Ostrich. don’t you see, Has taken his head out of the sand, And is chasing after me. Mr. Jacob Harper and sister, Miss Emma. from near Mount Forest, Spent a. few days visiting the Edge families in this neighborhood. There has been considerable srck- ness in the neighborhood for some time. Nearly every family has had some of its members off work for a day or so. Mr, Jos. McNally lost a Valuable cow this week. He was giving her some medicine when some of it en- tered the windpipe and went to the lungs causing death in about five minutes. Mr. W. R. Edge has undertaken to teach another immigrant how to farm. Will will soon be quite quali- fied to act. as an immigrant. agent. Mrs. Isaac Fetch. who has been visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Eat-or. for the winter, returns Mr. Thos. Greenwood delivered a. fine horse to Mr. Robb. Beaccy near Berkelev on Monday lass. aka”? amonzfamerau aha Best 019k uric. because it has the and", the «lathe Get There. which others lack. '1‘?“ the Bissell (ox-making agoodSeed Red or pulverizinz Corn or gloat Ground ‘m- â€"for pulverizip Com or loot Ground. or for any toughjo It’s the beat b51315 Nona genuine.b mthont the name “ ISSELL. Sale by Agents. anlactm-ed by T. E. BISSELL, ELORA. ONT. A number of the young people from Zion spent a very pleasant time at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. George Ritchie on Friday evening lasn. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Maxwell. of Paisley. spent their honeymoon with friends in this vicinity. There are plenty of jungles at Aber- deen, The crews are chased around there, And as for the crows I pity them, If a shot ring through the air. Mr. Joseph Atkinson visited at Mr. W. L.‘ Falkingham’s. of Haywards Falls. one day last week. We omitted to mention in our last budget that ‘dr. Samuel Wilson from across the line, Spent acouple of days the guest of the Staple family recent- ly, and made time fly pleasantly as he had bxs gramophoue with him. Mr. Thos. McNally. of Traverston has rented the farm of Mr. Joe. Wil Iiams for a term and is moving in We welcome him to our midst. her home in Edmonton Alca., this (Pronounced Si-kcen) Ask for Edge Hill. "“Lm‘fla‘ yfi‘ u, , I, .‘ R _ ‘_ . ‘0 .afisAafalse step will land DURHAM CHRONICLE Free Trial -â€"THE CROW. We are sorry to hear that Mr. Stevenson, a pioneer settler and very highly respected citizen. is likely to have a limb amputated to prevent the Spread of a disease of a gangren- ous nature. His daughter who has been ill we are pleased to saw, is re. covering. A social gathering in the home of the Sins family this Tuesday night will enliven things for the young people and be very acceptable indeed after comparative quiet for a few weeks. Mr. Noble McCallum. of Carmen. Mam. visited at Mr.Jas. Tucker’s last week. Miss Sarah Tucker ec- companied him on a. visit to friends in Huron Co. She will remain a few weeks before returning. Speaking of auction sales remind» us that a sale in our Tp. which rea lized between a thousand and fifteev hundred dollars at which there Was onlv nine purchasers and only two gave notes in place of cash. t wa~ well back in the township out of reach of the many concerns which are ultimately going to make farmers rich who invest monev in them. Mr. C. B. Wainwright of Lemon City. Fla,, has written the manu- factures that much better results are obtained from the use of Chamber- lain’s Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in cases of pains in the stom- ach. colic and cholera morbus by tak- ing it in water as hot as can be drank. That when taken in this way the eflect is double in rapidity, “It seems to get at the right Spot instant- instantly.” he says. For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. Evangelist Hunter: I think every man should make a Wlll. The trouble with some men was that they left all to their sons and allowed their daugh- ters to make out as best they could. Why should any man leave his son a well stocked farm and turn his daugh- ter 03 with a hornless cow or an old organ that he wanted to get rid ofi? â€"Harriston Review. Miss Belinda Dennett. of North Dakota, came home a week ago for a. short visit. She will return again soon as the pralrie hold< charms for her she would not like to give up. Mr. Jae. McMeeken’s sale on Fri- day was a fairly good one despite the raging storms, over 31.000 Was real- ized. Horses bl‘OUght 3111, cows $41. sheep $7.50. In fact. the cidermill nae the only thing that went dirt cheap, peOple are not sure under local Option whether it. would be right or not to squeeze the juice from an apple and drink it. They certainly would not violate the law if they knew it. Mr. “'11). McMeeken is moving: r Varney and his brother Bob is mox ing into his house as he has rente the farm. McLean’s gang of men have about cleared the timber from the swam: he bought of. Nichol Bros., conse. quently camp has broken up and chief cook Willis has returned t. town. Sawing the stock will soon he proceeded with. C. Gray’s sale of stock was a suc- cess. Live Stock is What counts 3 a sale The prosperity which the prairie peopie have enjoyed fur a number of vears in succession has causeda fee} ing ot unrest among our farmers and many are renting Ur selling out, {or the purpose of trying their luck in the \Vest. We have no idea. to What extent it. will be carried this Sprinu as much negoriating is being carried on. Some say is reminds them a: twenty-six years ago in reepecr to immigration West. As the various Farmers’ Associa- tions of the country have been in vit- ing the M. P’s of their conscituencies to attend some meeting to give ex- planation of why they voted for the additional $1,000 salaries. Varney As- societion is also trying to make at- rangements with Mr. Miller, but he asks that the meeting be held in Durham. and it is but a natural re quest It is reallv asking too much that a member of thr Dominion Par liament drawing a salarv of $2.500 per session should condescend to ad- dress an audience in a little countr} school house. Farmers may continue to call the salary grab a huge steal of public funds or what they choose. but M. P’s are not gomg to View the matter so seriousl) or feel in an) Way small over the afl’air. The}, have con the {11000} new and will ex pect to receive the promideuce tlxa' wealth is apt to bril-g and we should not ask our members or even eXpecr that he will (mplain to us that he considers his actions in the afiair merely a little example of Secret thrift. Rev. C. L. Campbeli. B. A. B. D.. of Dromore. is «aimed in anonhwr place which cougd no doubt anrd greener remuneration and more we Sponsibility. Should he be removed from this part we wiil all regret his departure and yet be vie-used to know of his promotion in the work. Mr. Wm. Allan ‘was in Toronto week before last as a delegate on matters pertaining to the welfare of agricultural socieeles. and on Thurs- day will be in Verne; as lecwrer in the cause of Temperance.' Corner Cuncerns. A Good Suggestion. ' x. Li" 913%?*é%%§%%fifi%3%%fi%fiéafi%%fiwfi%% ‘3? $15.00 Cash. HICH is the only prOperty subdivided into residental lots that actually adjoins the J. I. CASE COMPANY'S SITE, offers an unrivalled opportunity for the small investor to get in on the ground floor in a proposition of almost unbound ed possibilities as a money maker. Property in this discrict is an absolutely sound, gilt-edged inveStment, and has been emphatically endorsed by the Mayor of Fort William, local Bank Managers, and leading business and professional men. Do not delay. These lots are seniug fast. Call or write to-day. Map and full particulars on application. 199w: waste you r u. vvuo vnn'un (104.125 9 Guarantee m 63mm aimm'mo Wervaus fiefi‘aflé 5:23"; flgaeznf' “arcs I‘D A I .QQQQ? - . Q 3%. gamut...“ umflwfla game m. {rm 5?»? 3 nwmmamfiwmwwg ilVl bran. RNA-u»). taaflu fihumnauzuua ill-:3... II Syndicate Park FORT WILLIAM {:‘I J: VF mu... -..--- ...... “.7: 9.53%.. fimfik , as, 1. (Q. «Nailcffilv. . kart»: f. «G gm“. wan. 3m 3. gm... WRECK “WWW 34 McGill St, Toronto. Price”from $65.00 up. \- .40 wawww $5.00 per Month. 3kg; 25?;

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