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Durham Chronicle (1867), 8 Mar 1906, p. 8

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i New Wallpaper ”‘35”? We Wt ALEX RUSSELL? 3'9 9' 9 fivxsafimfisflfi£fl€sfifi KEEP. IN CLOSE TOUCH WITH THlS STORE AND ITS PRICES The most exclusive designs ever shown in Durham. Scenic Bor- ders, Panel effects, c. Also a large stock of cheap papers. There will Always be Something to Interest You. Watch Our Centre Table for' .5 Bargains. 2 Paint for the least Money?” 11..., special grocer}; bargains we offer for Friday and Saturday should bring " unit-eds to this store. We had a great run on Canned Goods last week. {was Z,>«J;~.;.,..-.it freelyâ€"and came back again and bought, and said that they never no: the like before. That’s the way with “our” groceriesâ€"once used. always used. Now, ladies, if you want to chase the kinks .out of your hus- band's face. buy your grocery requirements here and you will be surprised how the wrinkles will smille and fall off. Buy Where you get the bestâ€"here. 3 cans Corn for ............ . ...... . BeansPeas for 3 cans Baans for ...... . ... ........ 3cansTomatoesfor..... ..... ..... 3 cans Pumpkins for .............. . 3 cans Blueberries for . . . . . .A ...... . . 6 tins Sardines for........... . . 3 tins No. 1 Kippered Herring for. . 2 tins No. 1 Red Salmon for ...... . . New Spring Goods A Pleasure to Show them to You specxal grocer}; bargains {reds to this store. We Come and Get a Color Card. A earload of Redpath Granulated Sugar will arrive next week. The People’s Store ROBERT BURNETT SOMEBODY NEEDS THESE ALL THE TIME r.... .0...- O... .00... broocooooo.otoo'.ocooo For..... ooooooo oo- ed Herring fora... lmon for.... GET WISE Grocery Bargains Friday Saturday daily in all Departments of this Store- â€"â€"-SHOP HERE ’ _, E; 5'. nu'.._ ' ‘ 3 jars Jam (assorted) for .......... . 6 lbs. No. 1 Figs for ............... 4 lbs. No. 1 Dates for .............. :2 tins Pine Apple for ............. . 2 cans Clarke’s Corn Beef for. ...... 3 cans Clarke’s Pork and Beans for. 6 bars Pure Castile Soap for . . . . . .. . ‘3 bars Sunlight Soap for ............ 6 bars Pure Carbolic Soap for . . . . . . ‘ A few of the young folks gathered at the home of Mr. Willixm Hazlet one evening lately and spent a very pleasant time Mr. andM rs. John Brown anufam~ ily have moved into their new home lately vacated by Mr. Davis. We welcome Mr. Brown into our burg and wish him great success in his new residence. The Coach Bros. have a farm down in Bruce and intend to go down there in a few days to prepare for work. Good luck. boys. Mr. George Weltz intends to rent his hotel for a while and trv farming on account of his health. We understand that. Mr. William Brigham has sold his blacksmith shop and Mr. McNeil and family leave on the first of April. Mr. Herbert Livingston has rented his farm to Mr. Frank Wise Herb intends going WeSt to Spend the summer. feeling quite safe that he has the right man in the right place Success to the both of you is our wish. Mr. and Mrs. James Davis and foamy have moved to Hanover. We are sorry to lose Mr Davis and fam- ily from among us as they were kind. obliging and good neighbors. We are very sorry to learn that Mr. Henry Willis is dangerously ill at present with cancer in the bone of the leg. Drs. Gun and Jamieson have little or no hope of his recovery. Miss C. Merchant. of Eeremonc, was visiting at. Mr. James Sumpton’s lately. This is the ant question your doctor would uk: “Are your bowels regular?” He knows that duly action of the bowels in ubeolutely eueuual to recovery. Keeg your liver active and your bowels regular y taking land" doses of Ayer’s Pins. Then your blood must be in a very bad condition. You certainly know what to take, then take itâ€"Ayer’s Sarsa- parilla. If you doubt, then consult your doctor. We know what he will say about this grand old family medicine. Pale, Thin, Nervous .7 Ws hsvs no socrsts! W's publish tbs formula of s11 our admin“. Allan Park. ..... ........... 254 . ....... ....... 25¢ ... .... ..... ... -5 ffor... ......... 25¢ [Beans for.. ....) for............. 25 pfor............ 25 CWYPBCTODAL. DURHAM CHRONICLE 29c 25c 20c -00 -00 25c 25c 25c Mnand Mrs. M. Donnelly. Allan Park spent Sunday at Mr. D. Don- nelly’s. Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Campbell visited the latter’s sister Mrs. T. H. Lawrence recently. Mrs. John Bailey visited friends in Durham lasu week. Mr. John Tucker and brother Willie of Walkerton spent a. couple of days with their cousin Robert. Legate. Miss Mary Vickers is spending a couple of weeks as her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Herd, Allan Park visited their daughter Mrs. McCul- loch the week before last. Mr. Coutts lost one of his valuable horses last. week. Mr. Lytle Hutton has gone so the West, where he intends to remain for a time. “I slipped on an icy step and Sprained my right ankle very badly. writes Miss Minnie Burgoyne of Glenwood. It swelled LO antremen- dous size and caused intense pain. I applied Polson’s Nerviline and got prompt relief; the swelling was re- duced, and before long I Was able to use my foot.” For sprains, swell- inzs and muscular pains Nerviline is the one sure remedy. Strong, pene- trating, swift to destroy pain-what’s Poleon’s Nerviline. Fifty years in use. Mrs. James Bailey of Shallow Lake is visiting a: Mr. Thos. Bailey’s. A number of the young peOple of Hutton Hill spent a. very enjoyable evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Matthews, of Glenelg. Mrs J. W. Vickers Spent last week with her daughter Mrs. R. Smith, Durham. Miss Annie Lawrence, teacher of Hutton Hill visited at Mrs. John Lawrence’s one evening last week. We are sorry to report that the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lawrence is ill. but hope to hear of her Speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Roseborougb, of Brookholm, were visiting friends in and around the burg lately. Mr. Matthew Campbell had a very successful sale on Tuesday lass, Mr. Robert Trafford has not been enjoying good health this fall and winter. La grippe has been his trouble. We hope he may gain his health again. Miss Alice Boyce and Miss Laura Hutton, of Crawford, Were the guests of Miss Hattie Hutton over Sunday. Mr. R. B. Hapkins is on his rounds with the assessor’s roll. He says he has met with Splendid success so far. Some of the lads from Hanover came over here for a. load of saw dusr. They loaded their saw dust. and then loaded themselves and Started. One fell 03 on his head and the Other fell A few friends and neighbors gath- ered at the home of Mr. Edward Bailey one evening and Spent a pleas- ant time for a. few hours. John Bailey, of Vickers. and John Lynn. of this place. swapped horses title other day. and both gat the best 0 it. “1 have been using Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy and want to say it is the beet cough medicine I have ever taken,” says Geo. L. Chubb, a mer. chant of Harlan, Mich. There is no question about its being the best, as it will cure a cough or cold in less time than any other treatment it should always be kept in the house ready for instant use, for a cold can be cured in much less time when promptly treated. For sale at Park- er’s Drug Store. on his back and the homes ran the wagon against the verandah of the store aed nearly tore it do wn. M1. Neil Dunsmoor is visiting his father Mr. John Dunsmoor. Chamberlain’s Coagh Remedy the Very Best. The Grand Lodge Ancient Order of United Workmen of Ontario, which holds its twenty-eighth annual meet- ing in Toronto on the 213t of March next in the I. O. F. Temple building. shows a very excellent record for the I year 1905. After providing for all deaths reported up to December 3lst, 1905. there remained in the Benefi- cary Fund a balance of $142,000 ; 3100.000 oi the amount was trans- . {erred to reserve. making the reserve fund $614,000 at the end of the year. At the end of January this fund was increased to the extent of $617,000. and the balance in the beneficiary [fund to 370.000, Slim-Wing a surplus \overall claims of $68¢,000. The ses. 'sion 18 not likely to be a protracted one, as the only important matters to come before the body are’those of biennial sessions and reduced repre- Lsentation. The Order in Ontario is purely independent and Canadian ; has nathing whatever to do with the United States. having severed its con- nection with the Sapreme Lodge in 1897. _ Since its inception in Ontario in 1877 it has paid out to the benefi- ciaries of its deceased members be- tween ten and eleven millions of dol- lars. ~ The Order has‘a record second to none in this country. . ‘ Sprained Her Ankle. Hutton Hill. Vickers. Telephonesâ€"Main. 5708; Main 117 The Durham Furniture Co. Citx‘ St. Thomas. Onto, Feb. 28â€"'Phe acetylene gas machine used for light ing the Springfield Methodist Church exploded last night and is now a complete wreck For purposes of safety it had been placed in the shed over a year ago. The caretaker had lighted up for choir praccice, and as it was not working well he Went to investigate. When it excluded with a report that shook buildings at. the far end of the village The shed took fire. and it was With diflizzultv it was extinguished. Caretaker of Church in Elgin Bably Burned as a Result. The caretaker. J. Artzinaon. was badlv burned about the) arms and head. The back windovvs of the church were smashed. 3‘-O \‘V/ ’m‘ .31]. ”0“ “It? v.2 9,» w, «(gr 4/, 97;? w 5 I 4% MI % DIAMOND HALL. gag Webster’s call and inSpection solicited. No trouble to show goods and give prices] Bedroom Suites Sideboards Extension Tables Parlor Tables Parlor Suites Couches GAS MACHINE EXPLODED. Specialty Jobbers in all classes of High Grade Boots and Shoes. erehants Rub]: ers __.___..â€"â€"â€"â€"'â€"â€""â€"â€": LIMITED WAREROOMSâ€"ONE DOOR SOUTH OF POST OFFICE BOULTER. DAVIES 8’ COMPANY IN All STYLES, FINISHES AND PRICES The only place to get the worth of your money. . . Tenders will be received up to . ‘ Saturday. March 10th for the ewe": tion of a caretaker’ s residence on tbe~ a cemetorv property. Plans an“! Specifications may be seen ‘m M” in: on the un dersigned. Phe lower: or any tender not. necessarily :iC._'ept€i:;- JOHN H. Buowx. . Feby. ‘21â€"3c. Durham. All who have 31;“ rned and H inwnd *.0 Sign the; Service R0} South Grev Rifle Assoc 'i herehv requested to go w- n ‘Ve don’t sell 10kt. rings here for 18kt., and as I have :he largest stock of such goods on the market, it would be Well worth your while to get prices before buying. We make a Specialty of Engagement and Wedding rings and Silver- ware. . We keep nozhing but. the best. Give us a trial. %%%%“%§{ifii%i Odd Chairs Fancy Chairs . Springs Mattresses Iron Beds Baby Carriages Cradles O ‘24 Front. Sc. W., Toronto. Ont.- TENDERS WANTED. MARCH 8 1906 NOTICE BY 0R1» D to nd take THE sermon for the Baptist; pull ‘ " Sunday evening by Rev. \V. ~ » Newton will be ”Cruelty to Animal "If“? ; FOR neat and fast shoe 1‘ epairing -‘ . Peel the Shoe Man. OUR groceries are always on t n ove, because they are fresh. Huh urnett. i9? ,. FOR SALEâ€"Aged horse. sound a {in good condition. Apply In C. Grantsâ€"1. . IF you want a sewing machi‘ “which runs my and does perfe 3 work, get a McVVilliams. at Barclay Bell’s. COOK and housemaid wanted 1' éfity. Apply to James R. Gun. , THOSE wishing to purchase sho‘ fhorns should read \V. A. l.i\'ing<tut ad on page 8. 7 { FOR clover seed, timothy seed. an {garden and field Seeds of all kinds 0:1 Lon Geo. Lawrence.â€"-2-22t,f JUST arrived a. Cut-load of Redpatk sugar, at Robert Burnett’s store. IT’S time you were thinking aim your spring foot wear. Peel‘s ha! mades are the choive. A CAR 'Jf “ Five Roses Fiour,“ h and shorts just arrived at Matthew Latimer’s. Also a full stock of time and clover seed. THE first Sunday evening in Ma was Roll Call, 00 nsecratiou and ception service at the Mebhm Church. Varney. Nine pet-sonsuni with the League as associate memlu We rejoice in the interest taken this noble work. An Epworth Len; (library has just been commenced. CREDIT AUCTION SALEâ€"At Lot Con. 3. Egremont on Monday Mal 26th. Archie Baird. Prop" John Cl: Auctioneer. See bills and full not in this paper at later date. THE Temperance meeting held‘ Varney Thursday evening last was i only elevating and instructive lm great blessing. Mr. “"111. Allan livered a stirring and practical :uldrl on Temperance. The recitations a1 music all bearing on the subject wh being greatly appreciated, strand emphasized the plea for the nnitedl forts of the people against the a evil which is destroying so many f boys of our community. A cullm:t was taken in the cane", m’ temper m THE Band gave, its second and l carnival of the season nn the rink Friday evening Ms". wlwn .1. 1w number of mackers gulwrol L. m pew fur U10 pl'iZsN «)iffl'vd. The 1 lowing are the 1.)X'i'/,"-\\’iIHl-<w~: H V historita.‘ «msfzmtv. Tali“ .lwssi.» 1. A. Halt-m: fancy, girl. ' mmdlest girl in cosmmn Hut-con. Open raw, \\ Moore, A. Saundw'sx S h§ rib \' CDT he Chronicl LOCA VOL. 39â€"N0. 2035. W. L SI u tV

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