k Momma, in lple~ Bale ale. “grade it RES POMOXA P. 111 Rent. JC He LACHLAN. ,’riceville P. 0 )llllfl Sale. Iratraxa. I panby, m ~A PI 0RD LFORD. ale. For sale ster 13 N ORTH r Sale 0x1) 008’- A 811883. own of Dar containing 4 and panic!» . Farm}: ldings wuh FORD, s H [P op H ’riceville- “fem PLY T0 the barn. 1.08 applv to- l‘Tls; mum. Durham. Durhafl- '30 001' In AND ’enn acres Ox'r ard. #mor nrico ll!- MATTHEWS LATIMER Plow Boot Sale for Saturday. March 17th Clydesdale Stock Food and Remedies Boots All in need of Plow Boots should consult. their best. interests by giving as a. call on SATLRD-XYMar.17th. ductions c Saturday; ROYAL Jest Talk about Saturday Bar. 'ains! This is the place to n SATUP DAY next. lace QDC Henry’s Repair Shep >U RHAM All sales for Cash or Pro- .ce. Prices are too close Dezmit Credit. . McArthur Flour and Feed Locks, Guns and Umbrellas Repaired OF INTEREST TIIBQBALD’S OLD STAND- hava thew in abun- in Whole Stock. Split 2-. Gaiters and Laced fresh a: Skates Hollow Ground Grocerles xsxr‘poon 'ro CAusox’s very person forget. Great. re- on these gooés on HOUSEHOLD FLOUR $5.25 per Bbl. DURHAM Saws Gummed rimming 0t have resol resolutions makes more always ONTARIO {anew iro< "13w an: uuuwum ............ _ - I The members 0f the Ontairo Agrl- SIN’IMEN’I‘ fails to cure in 6 to 14 days. icultural and Experimental Union are ! ! pleased to state that for 1906 they 9 â€"â€"-O-â€"â€"- are prepared to distribute into every . , l"l‘ownship of Ontario material for ex-l Darkle S COI'I‘ICI'S. 1 l l ‘ eriments with fodder crops“ r00ts,l : p o 0 V grasses. clovers, and fertilizers. 119' l Mr. Wm. Ector who has rented his wards of 1,600 varieties of farm crops farm for a, term m My, J33. Lawrence ! have been tested in the Ontario Agri- moved with his family to town last I cultural Cotlege. Guelph, for at 1835': week. l ï¬ve years in succession. These con- . . sist of nearly all the Canadian sorts ML TPSSLD “$11.3 of“ “1.13 3186.6 “i and several hundred new varieties. (Eompanie 'V 51.58 ‘ “:18 “V1.81 0d 1 some of which have done exceedingly ortage La Pr 8’" 1° Manitoba, "sue ‘ friends on the south line Glenelg, a . . f . well in the care ully conducted ex week ago Sunday. periments at the College and now lbeing distributed free of charge for co-‘ Mr. John Staples and his son-in l operative experiments through Ont- law Mr. James Wilson were in Flesh- ario. The following is the list of co- erton from Thursday until Saturday 1 l operative experiments in agriculture lof last wees, on a business trip. ’ for 1906‘ l Mr. and Mrs. James Lawrence 1‘? -_- 10 11 1 Three varieties of Oats. ...... 3 '3 (a) Three varieties of six-rowed Barley .................... o (b) Two varieties of two-rowed Barley .................... 2 :3 Two varieties of Hulless Barley C) Oooooo‘ 4 I‘vse satieties of .Spring Wheat 14 ‘, lurugs HIE†"1U Dhuwbbu Lu Uuu vuau or late Petaroes .... . . . .. "9 Three Grain Mixtures for grainghope of c-..;ng catarrh of the nose production .............. . 3 land thK‘O‘aT- The only true way of :30 Three Mixcures of Grasses and:curing catarrhal troubles is by the Gloverfor hay ....... 3 luse of Hyomei. which is breathed The leB of each pie: in each of the } through a neat pocket inhaler that first twenty-seven experiments andlcomes with every 0N5“- . .' ~ 0 n o z . . linkongniï¬dgolfi ?3 tiff?) rgdssi Hyomei 18 not a secret remedy, onegrod q car: W‘ 9’ 9‘“ m “0' "‘ ‘;and its formula is given to all reput- . ~1 'able physicans. Its base is the fa- Each persozi in Ontario who wishesl mouB eucalyptus 011. This is com- rojoin in the work may choose OXElbined with other healing aromatic . me experiments for 1906. andfgums and balsams, so that When us- .lpplv for the same. The materialiing Hyomei, the air you breathe is will. he furnishednn the order inlï¬lled with germ-killing. health-giv. whirl) the appllcwl‘)as "3 receivedling. curative powers. It kills all ca- until the supply 13 â€hwy-0d. IC'mrrhal germs and restores the mu. . . cons membrane of the nose. throat i «make a second choxce. for fear the and lungs to a perfectly healthy con- ; ï¬rst could not b9 granted. All ma" l dition l rerial will be furnished entirely free! . '0! charge to each aoplicant, and thel The complete Hyomex outï¬t. con- produce of the plots will. of course {Sisting 0‘ 8 118“ pocket inhaler, a “ecome the props,†of the person‘ medicine dropper and a bottle of Hyo. who conducts the ex eriment. mei, 00MB but $1.00, and extra bog. p ““3 mm he obtained for 50 cents, I [might be well for etch applicant to '- EXPeriments With Farm Crops» Store next the Standard Bank, Dur- ham. Best business stand in town for General Store. will be arranged to suit tenant. Heated by steam. Electric lights. Apply to 2-22-3t N. Helm-m Two varieties of Buckwheat. . Two varieties of Field Peas. . Banner and Spelt ............ Two varieties of Soy, So is. Japanese 399.09.... .. . .. Three varieties of flashing Cor n .......... 3 ‘I feeding purposes. . . . ...... .. : Three varieties of Swedish Tur- ? nips ..................... 3 , ‘ Kohl Rabi and two varieties of 1 ‘GQ'SPOSOd 3'- Pl . skilfui medical Fall Turnips . . .. .......... .5 Parsnips and two varieties of “’9 hope t'0 11831 CarrOts................... .5 . . ‘ ~- We are sort; Josepu Jacques in preference to inferior flour, buy health. Nothing contributes so much to the food you eat as flour, and therefore nothing should be more carefully bought. Ogilvie’s Royal Household Flour is the whitest, cleanest and most nutritious flour that’s milled. It is the only flour m that is absolutely pure. A Ask your grocer. iageCorn ........... .....o Three varieties of Millet... .. . 3 Three» varietine of Sorghum. . 3 Grass Peas and two varieties of Fertilizers Fertihzers V U‘ owing Three var EXPERIMENTS. I . BUCHANAN, Director. TO RENT with ICorn IO‘ iish T 5W’eet med]. PLors. arm el and Bean 3 xrue 01' 1 U )a‘ THE cost of living is an important thing in most homes. You may have to ï¬gure close- ly in these matters. A little extra on a barrel of flour may look big to you. 1'" C‘. d But there is a differ- ence between spending money wisely and spend- ing it foolishly. D “Sometimes'it is econo- my to spend Instead of to save. It IS in the case of Royal Hogschold Flour. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR FILES Those few extra cents a week, that give you Itching, Blind, Bleeding. Protruding Pugs, Drggo gism are authorized to _ Uh THENCE fails to cure m 6 w 14 days. Ogilvie Flour Mills (30., Ltd. “Ogilvie’s Book for 3. Cook," contams 130 pages of excellent recipes, some never published be- fore. Your oer can tell you how to get it REE. Mr. John Staples and his son-in law Mr. James Wilson were in Flesh- erton from Thursday until Saturday of last ween, on a business trip. Mr. and Mrs. James Lawrence moved onto the farm of Mr. \Vm.1 Ector recently. We welcome them as neighbors. The Keeler house on Lamhton St. is again emptv. Mr. McQueen hav- ing moved to town some time ago. The Pomona Reporter saw a crow perched on an elm tree near the San. geen on the 20th, inst. but claims that it was not the Darkie’s Corners Crow. That’s right friend, it was 'not us, but it seems as if that crow knew, that if he followed our route .he would not get into any kind of | mischief. Mr. S. 80thwell of Manitoba. visit I Mr. S. Bochwell of Manitoba. visit ed at. the home of Alt. and Mrs. Allan Mcb‘innon recently. We are sorry to learn that. Mr Josepn Jacques is feeling somewhat indiSposed at. present, but. under the skilful medical attention of Dr. Gun. we hope to hear of his speedy return Mr. and. .drs. John WeirSr visited at. Mr. and Mrs. Jasepn Atkinson’s Sunday afternoon. town is at present engage the inside woodwork of Ritchie’s dawning; house. Messrs. Will Szaples and R. Hewitt visited at. the home of Mr. William Jnches last. Sunday. Hyomei Cures Gatmh by Breathmg Aromatic Healing Air. 4. YJJ Cunnkt 4:10:11 to risk perma- new. 1‘.“ m’ haaltix by taking; strong drugs men we stomach in the vain hope of emuâ€: catarrb of the nose and throat. The only true way of curing cararrhal troubles is by the use of Hyomei. which is breathed through a neat pocket inhaler that. The complete Hyomei outï¬t. con. Sisting of a neat pocket. inhaler, a medicine dropper and a. bottle of Hyo- mei, coats but $1.00, and extra. bot- tles can be obtained for 50 cents, making it: the most economical meth- od of curing catarrh, as well as the most reliable. If you cannot obtain Hyomei of your dealer. it will be forwarded by mail, postage paid, on receipt of price. Write to day for consultation blank that will entitle you to services of our med1cal department without charge. TheR. T. Booth Company, Hyomei Building, Ithaca, N. Y. .‘Jr ON’I‘ DOSE THE STOMACH. \IcDougaH painter of your L present engaged painting DURHAM CHRONICLE Mr. James Brantford is the Birthplace of the Tel- ‘ LZ’Z/a ephone. So says the Inventor, and the Americans Must Give up the Claim ' THIS At the Annual Boardof Trade ban gut in the city ct Bran'fard. ,OurN maid on Friday evemug 134:. an ad- irese of great hisromcal intvat was ielive red by Mr Bet! the invento: of .6 he telephone. and the cqty of Brant- ' 'ord has clinched its claim to be i “.nown as " The Teleph ~ne Clty." The 'loronto News. whose Editor; 9 e J. S Wnilison. Was among the guests. . 'pomed in Senor-135’s edition of that S caper as follows :â€" “ Prof. Bell. in rising to respond-‘ was accorded an ovation. After sev-i eral minutes of cheering, he was able} to open his address At the outset\ he eXpressed gratitude for the recap--I tion. and went on to say that to Brantford he owed a great deal, in fact. his life. He explained that all of his brothers had died in the Old Land. and that, given only six , months to live by the physicians. he lhad come to this coyntry in 1847, with his parents. He had come here to die. but had developed into a healthy specimen of manhood. HOW? THE TELEPHONE WAS BORN. “ Removed from all associations' with the ’phone for many years past, Mr. Bell said he hadalmost forgotten'1 t that he was the inventor of it. The ? Speeches of the evening. however, had refreshed his memory, and he proposed to give the assembly the exam {sets of the inventien, now told. probably, for the ï¬rst time. In detail he then entered into a consideration of the invention under two heads: ', First, the birth of the idea of the ’phone, and second, the develOpment of the invention and the ï¬rst actual £896. In 187-} Mr. Bell. then residing in5 Boston. Mass, came to visit his father. He had been studying tne science of sounds for the teaching of deaf and dumb. and on this occasion brought with him a human ear, which had been taken from a dead personp, One day on examining the ear for special discoveries of the eEect of sound on it he noticed that when he spoke certain bones in the ear seemed to vibrate. The air currents caused by speech set the membrane of the tear in action, and in turn the bones moved as if in the transmission of sound. The process proved interest- ing to Mr. Bell, and he made further tests. He placed a straw behind the bones. and. laying the ear on a piece of smoked glass, continued to Speak into the membrane. He found that the movements of the bones and Straw recorded peculiar marks on the smoked glass, varying in size and shape, according to the tone and vol- ume of voice. Pondering over the experiment, he conceived the idea that if sound vibrating on the thin membrane would cause the heavy bones of the ear to move and appar- ently record the sound. why could it not be possible to get a heavv mem- brane to get iron to vibrate before a magnet. with the same resultant ef- fect in the recording and transmis- sion of sound. “ Out of this thought,†said Prof. Bell, " instantly came the conception of the telephone. I conceived that idea in Brantford,†he continued. It came as a flash and Brantford is. therefore. the birthplace of the tele- phone. Two years passed during which Mr. Bell had considerable difï¬- culty in praccically carrying out his conception. He returned to Boston, Where he secured instruments of one kind and another, but it was not un- til the summer of 1876 that the ï¬rst accual transmission of speech was made, the ï¬rst in the hiscory of the THE TELEPHONE CITY. world. It took place over the telegraph wires of the Dominion Company, ex- tending from Brantford to Mount Pleasant, a distance of ï¬ve miles. Mr. Bell was at the Mount Pleasant, or receiving. end of the wire, the messages being transmitted only one way as the instruments would not permit ,..' reciproCal serwce. A gthn time was fixed when his uncle should speak into the transmitter at Brant- ford. At the receiving end, Bell waited patiently, and when the time came he heard quite distinctly his uncle’s voice the miles dietant, the ï¬rm. words being "To be or not to he ††It was a case of to be.†the speaker remarked amid applause. OLDBI‘ similar teets followed in va- rious parts, and the inventor then gave his attention to perfecting the invention. This was done in the States. In closing, Mr. Bell turned to an- other line of invention, on which be is now working, that of the flying machine. He declared that a machine had already been invented that would fly '24 miles in 38 minutes. In the near future the invention would be perfected, and before long, he added, flying machines would be as common as telephones are at the present time. These machines would be particular- ly valuable and dangerous for use in warfare.†- " But Brantford’s claim cannot be diaputed,†he continued. Tue idea of the ’phone had its birth in Brant- ford. and the ï¬rst actual transmis- sion oi speech in the history of the vorld took place from Brantford. Essentially, therefore. Brantford is the home of the telephone. PROFESSOR BELL’S SPEECH. wâ€"Wmï¬ ï¬aowbw O<w~w hr Hmrï¬mgaozm. FLYING MACHINES ARE COMING IDEA CAME AS A FLASH PRINCIPALS. o “ a» m mo.‘@ 3 Elliott Malachlan g The Big 4 Implements THIS SCHOOL has become the leading Commercial school in the West No similar institution is doing more to thoroughly equip young peeple for responsible positions. Our courses are thorough and prac- tical While the teaching is done by exnerienoed Instructors. All graduates get good posi- tions. You may enter at any time Write for catalogue. Ihe Sherlock Organs Sieï¬â€˜vnaï¬aï¬ Sewing Machines Meimte Separators The undersigned having been restored to health by simple means, after suflering for several year: with a severe lung aï¬ection, and that. dread disease Consumpfltion, 18 nnxious to make know , l3 â€"â€"â€"- m- \LLDUGDO vvlluuu-VDIVH’ by w“..â€" to his fellow suï¬erers the means of cure. To those who desire it, he will cheerfully send, free or charge, a. copy of the prescription used, which they will ï¬nd a sure cure for Consumption. Asthma, Chilton-h, Bronchitis and all throat and lung Handles. He hopes all suï¬erere will try his remedy as it is invaluable. Those desiring the prescription, which will cost them nothing and may prove a. blessing, will please address Rev. EDWARD A. WlLSONBrookmeew York 2 yards long, 27-incbes wide. 8 2.1; yards long, 27-inches wide, 25 yards long, 30 inches wide, 3 yards long. 37-inches wide. 3.5 yards long. 37-inches wide, 3* yards long, 50-inches wxde. 31. yards long. 54-inch» wide, 3E 3* a rds long TABLE LINEN. 54 inches wide. 25c gAyarq. SHEETING. Heavy Twilled Cotton Sheeting, 72-inches wide, 25¢ a. yard. Large 11-4 size Flannelette Blankets, grey and whi e, 81.20 a pair. . CAMPBELL, Agent. OILCLOTH. Table Oilcloth. 45-inches wide. 250 yard. Floor Oilcloth, 1. 12,; and 2 yards wide, 20¢ a square yard. NEW PRINTS and GINGHAMS now in. DISHES. American Press-Gut Glass Preserve Dishes, somethmg hne, 25c and 35c each. Crystal and Gold Imitation Cut Glass, 4 piece Table Sets, $1.75 each- Double Glass Egg Cups. 75¢ a dozen. China Egg Cups, 30c dozen. Best Nest Eggs, 2 for 50. £4 w. J. wmuua ‘3 Lower Town, - Durham, Ont. STRATFORD‘ ONT. T0 CONSUMPTIVES. 1 ’Bus and Dray business from Mr. John Vollet,- and wish to announce to the people of Dur- ham and vicinity, that it will be my aim to make the business, so successfully carried on by my predecessor for the past two years, more successful than ever. All Inrders prcinpflyvattendgflfl to. ’Phone No. 13. HE SELLS CHEAP HAVE PURCHASED THE ’Rn: and Drav hnginpsg frnm Is the People’s Paper. Are you one of the People ? of all kinds for the Farm, the Home and the Dairy. To {ha Public Call ’and See Us. DURHAM, ONT. AGENCY. CALDER BLOCK LACE CURTAINS. w-â€"v (38 inches wide, 50c yard. . BEAN 33 mm. 1! .Oa pair. pair. pair. pair. pair. pair. pair. DURHAM BAKERY Ogilvie’s Royal Household Flour Other High Grade Flour. per bbl., at PUFF PASTES, LADY FINGERS. MACCAROONS. CREAM PUFFS. . AND MINCE PIES Confections and Canned Goods Always in Stock. A. W. WATSON the school is thorouhly equipmd in teach' ability, in chemical and electncal supplies an ï¬ttings, etc., for full Junior Leaving and Hattie- ulation work. The following competent stafl m in charge : MISS L. M. FORFAR. Classics, Modems all English. MISS FLOSSIE MCKERRACHER. First Che! Ceruiï¬ca‘e and third year undergraduate d Queepn’s University. Science. History and Goo~ graphy. High Class Wedding Goods A SPECIALTY . Intending students should enter at the begin, ning 9f phe term if possible.“ Board 03. l be ob' _ _,LA_ .-..l-..... :.\ n Lnn‘o‘fl “Inf, UL UMV Win... -- 'v -------- taluedat. reasonable rates}. Duéha’m is a. health and active town, makmg it amost desirab place of residence. DURHAM SCHOOL. WM. JOHNSTON. Chairman. THOS. ALLAN, lst Class Certiï¬cate. Prin. $5. 25 Per Barrel. The People’s Grocery to order on shortest notice. AND PROVISION STORE Ask us how to get an Ogilvie Look ! Look ! MIS. Alex. Beggs Suns J.M. HUNTER BLOCK. $4.75 and $5.00. Boots §E Shoes Will be to your interest to call and examine the superior Disc Drill Disc Harrow Now at the showroom of BARCLAY 81 BELL STAFF AND EQUIPMENT. ivea Roses. Flour Smashing Bargains 15 per cent. - off all Men’s wearing boots for the month of February only. Cook Book Free Fees, $1.00 per month Middaugh House Stables. IT AT THE IN C. RAMAGE,