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Durham Chronicle (1867), 15 Mar 1906, p. 7

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and mvlgorat. :ing in sickly, that stro that makes ’ g Sale business only >53le in a coal :1: which hid NV and shrin- ___Mc. Forest d. Sal \V MENTS AND 88111 LII :e our word g. 'omolish. Tn XOIBQV l). 18 int as», 0’ ‘ 1_s genrich th. DRUGGIST .zxiesy t0 ausineas, the pair evs.80d auk and quantity .ager : l business 11 in one No time mates of terested vo-year- at u i‘owey L set single num- 8 and N3 in alves; 3 bed- wash 6"81‘8 cz-der ssove )der; .ssey- L har- mg) a per; tone ties; zita her tire L461- cap DB OD 1D. 10 WY THURSDAY MORNING 13mm: mums H3035, W“ 8732 M” Tu: CHR mu y. will be sent to Alfrfl wdrc“ 27* CV pr‘ZlgC, ‘0' SLOC THE BMW Bfififlfllflfl WIERT!SNC “ ENE S. 00 pet anmrn gionswmbe t THE JOB : : WPARTHENT $9801 Will be at Knapp House, Durham. the 2116 Saturday in each month. Hoursâ€"lâ€"G p.m. OFFICE BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. ETC. Office over Gordon’s new Jewellery Store. Lower Town, Durham. Anyamount of monev to loan at 5 per cent. on farm propex-tv. [l - 2y. â€"ef ' anonto. Graduate Royal College Dental Surgeons of Ontario: Dentistry in all its Branches. Oflice.â€"â€"Calder Block, over Post Oflice Drs. Jamieson . Maclaurin. er, Conveyancerf c. Insurance Agent. . Money to Loan. Issuer .of Max:- maze Lxcenses. A general financxal bus:- ness transacted. A. G. MACKAY. K U ensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Land Valuator, Bailifl' of the 2nd Division. Court Sales and all other matters promptly attended to. Highest referances furnished if required. OHN CLARK. LICENSED AUC- tioneer for the County of Grey. Sales promptly attended to. Orders may be lefi “his Implement Warerooms. McKinnon’s old stand. or at the Chronicle Ofiee. U. tioneer for the Cpunty of Grey. Tours modersto sud satisfaction guaran- teed. The arrangements and dates of an be mas at Tm: 0830mm of- 8 Mango and P. 0.. Ceylon. Talo- fading facilitie: work. . G. Hutton. M. A. H. Jackson. NOTARY PUBLIC, COMM_ISSION- J. 1?. GRANT, D. I). 5.. L1). 5. [ONOR GRADUATE, UNIVE_RSI-_ L. R. C. P.. LONDON. ENG. RADULATE of London, Now York “nd Chicago. Nov. 9. ’03. Diseases of Eye Dec. 3. ’0Lâ€"1ypd. ARE AMI-ZS CARSON, DURHAM. LIC MARCH 15, 1906 DURHAM, RRISTBRS. SOLICITORS, CON- EDITOR AND Pnopm'rox. veyancers. 15;: :2“ noise}: Medical Directory . Dr. MCPHAIL, LIQENSED_ 4pc. Arthur Gun DR- GEO. S. BURT. Dental Directorv MacKay 8:. Dunn. DR. BROWN 1mm sanctum B PL'LLIéHl-l!) ! THURSDAY monumo as mezxc muss. mm 8783' DU RHAM , ONT. ‘W"\‘ Bank. Legal Directorv. AND RESIDENCEâ€"COR. axa >and_ George Streetsâ€"at W . IRWIN Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose Miscellaneous. AND . P. Telford. yrs. Etc. Money to' Loan. the McIntyre Block, over l'l . 0. Pickering Dentist. [elem ONT. (Lower Town.) , London Ophthalmicitfios. Sq. Throat and N036 HOB. Ear Nose and Throat. CSIVELY completely stocked up '0m 12 Hons f pmtage, for Shoo in advanceâ€"$3.50 I 1e date to which e by the numbvr or re lst Wednesday to 4 p. m. '9 Lnapp’s Hote ‘own, Durha' the 909m): of 11 >ENCE W. F, DUNX. ‘ LA GRIPPE CO ‘0'- hubby Mead and Master Percy Aldred ; Solos by Mabel Mead and Rev. Mr. Stephenson and a duet by lines Aggie Sirrs and Mabel Mead, and the choir song service piecea during the even- ing. Mr. John Aldred made a. short address but to the point. then Mr. W'm. Allan addressed the meeting for an hour or more in his usual good Style and Was listened to attentively. P80ple went away saying they had a fine meeting. A collection Was taken in aid of the temperance cause amounting; to $3.00. L“ U I‘ll I L has the worst afterâ€"eQFeccs. The first symptoms are Chills and Fever, Cough, Sore and Infiamed Nose and Throat, Pains in the Limbs, Side and Chest, severe Head. aches, Night Sweats, Lassitudeâ€"should not be neglected. PSYCHINE prevents and positively cures La Grippe, Pneumonia and Bronchitis. Ura} bein time this Wee} Mrs day. A goodly number of the young people spent. a pleasant time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McCrie For sale by all druggiets at $1.00 pct bottle. For further advice and information write or all at Dr. T. A. Slocum. Limited. 179 King Street West. Toronto, Canada- _ If 3'01) wish to receive the Begzt Commercial an Shorthand Education, It is necessary that you attend the Best- Not the Oldestâ€"Not the largest Just the Best. Became each student is taught separate- !ygt hxs own‘gieglfin ' Because all difficulties are thoroughly explained as they occur. thus avoiding loss of time to the students and enabling them to accomplish more than is possible in class teachixuz; ‘ Becausgsjts graduates are eujoving the best 003190113 .111 almost every Canadian and Amen-lean ext}: U Beca'ixse eaph student does his work inâ€" giapendept ot a)! qthers thereby establish- mg conhdepce m hxgself; Because by attending the day and even- ing classes students graduate in a short time and at a small cost; Becauos'e each studen} receives special at- term-311.111 Ins weak subyects and may choose his subjects: The Mount Forest Business College “Because this Cbllege enjoys the confi- dence of the Business Public. "Béduse it teaches Actual business from start to finish; ‘ Bécause its Shorthand students are doing manellous work, some writing 200 words per minute after attending only two months: Because at the head of it is aman whose qualifications as a teacher are unexcelled and whose ambition is to see his .students tgecome food eitizens. morally. socnlly and hnancu 13‘ Open July and August. [32] ' To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinim “ms“ 6 Q‘érm MMWWhmlzm 111'; W: THE“? BESSELL STEEL ROLLER This College is the Best :â€" W. T. CLANCY, Prin. thorouz' IO pounds A. B. McLellan, Agent, Durham, Ont. C are SO 3 :2 later. a}? the t (PRONOUNCED SI-KEEN) Frost Fences Are Strong All Around galvanized ~that c 3 WiZ'CS TRIAL BOTTLE FREE 7:4 or lateral 3 Frost Fence 18X] acco are trlen H116 3V are High Carbon No. 9 Hard Steel Coiled Wire, be broken until the strain reaches from 1900 to me No. 9 wire. with the Frost Locks. m rcctionsâ€"up down and diagonally. “’9 :cs are the strongest and best that wqguarantee c_ that goes wrong. That‘s fair, isn‘t at? ”al/ .5120 Miss Ada. Reading is visiting- at James Patty’s at present. Sam Caldwell Durham {at w bushel. My 1 peas this year Robert Morice. ex-reeve of Nor- manby, has moved into the house on the place that R. Petty sold to Al- bert. Marshall. There are so many going out Wesr this Spring that. I must confess I feel a little lonesome, but I guess we will get; over it. as long as the Cement Mill remains in Durham. Miss Dollie Hapkins. of Hutton Hill, was visiting with her friend Ethel Morrison. from Friday until Monday, and was at the party Friday night. About twenty of the Varney peo- ple attended the social in Knox church on Friday night and was well pleased with the entertainment. If reports be true wedding bells will be ringing around \‘arney before long. Walter McCrie left on Friday morn- ing for the “763:. The girls wiil miss him. Mrs. J. M. Hunter was visiting at Mrs. J. W. Blyth’s one day last week. Miss Winnie Lauder was visiting her aunt. Mrs. W. E McAllister. We heard some wondering what happened the young man who started for the party and got. as far as Var- ney Store and could not get any far- ther. Wm. McMeeken has moved into one of Dr.Leeson’s houses. We wel. come him and family to our midSt. There are two houses on this farm, Mr. McCabe lives in the ether. One is near the road and the other is back a piece, and after Billy moved out a. person telling another person about who lived in those houses said Wm. McMeeken lives in the front house and Mr. McCabe lives in the other house (but he didn’t say " other.”) Alf lives in the nicest house but it does not sound so nice. With Three Drums and Strong Rigid Frame. Some improvements are: lleavy Steel Axle. Thick lleavy Steel Plate, Drums Riveted u to stand any strain Roller Bearings. up: like a. bird: Fuli ELL.e'germine i’ithout the name Lookout. for it. Address Cameron Lauder has been helping Walter Ferguson to out wood for a One of the worst of Bron- chial Diseases, because it )u T. E. BISSELL, ELORA. ONT. Write for Booklet “ E.” iéalgx‘Qâ€"f-rBâ€"e-Si nigh. 6:1;st 3'66!" dealer; IA “'h for whicn “v lands l1 any 01 him he got 74 as: j ands, there is money I”? (‘11 bl [0 attenc DURHAM CHRONICLE the blacksmitl movu with \V m Bob he KG few days. W9 hear he has hired for the summer wi:h James Burt. Our villege blvcksmith has treated himSeIf to a dandy souug driver Hr is teaching it how to go during his spare time. Alf likes a good home. Richard Barber went to the county town on the 5th to act as juryman. Mr. “m Glass OCCUDIPd the Var ney pulpit on Sunday morning '8” and the congvegavion was (la-lighter: with his discourse. He is qun-â€" a favorite in Varney. “7e are glad to see Master Archie Gray able to be around again afrv' being confined to the house for 3mm- time with watar on the lungs. mon uccurrance as dVing in Ind That’s the propm‘ pmce for a perform auca of 'bat kind and the most pepu lar and fashionable way of winding up our earthlv Carer-rs. If the edito “'2“! announced the demiae of a fellow citizwn under thp glaring head lines “ found dead in bed" had added that ho- died “ with- out the aid of a physician” he couni he excusml. but we cannoc forgives him for making so conspicuousacom Why sufl'er from rheumatism when one application of Chamberlain’s Pam Balm will relieve the pain? The quick relief which this linimrnt afi'ords makes rest and sleep possible. and that alone is worth many times its cosr. Many who have used in Stanley Telford left this Monday morning Week honing: only for a short relief from suffering have been happily surprised to find that after awhile the relief hecame permanent st. V. H Leggett of Yum Yum. Tennessee. U. 8. AL, writes. “I am a great‘sufi'erer from rheumatism. all over from head to foot, and Chamberlain’s Pain Balm is the only thing that will relieve the pain.” For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. should be rewardpd with a life Saving medal. Mr and Mrs. Grace called at the Williams home on Monday eVenâ€" ing and presented the little hero wifh :4. beautiful silver watch and chain. as a mark of gratitude.â€"-Acton Free Press The Ontario Parliament opened the other day with the usual nonsensical ceremonial apeing the courtly pro ceedings of monarchial Eurone. The excuse most generally put forward for this bombastic flummery and monkeyshines is that the ladies insisr upon it. A new species of Women’s Rights we presume. It was ever thus since the world began. Father Adam blamed his Wife for his trans- gression. and it has been the conven- ient excuse of mankind to blame all folly upon the ladies when possible The simple facs however is that men like to strut about in gold lace and boys’ knickers and show their shapes quite as much as the ladies delight in displaying handsome gowns and fine millinery. and it is small business to blame it all on the fair sex. Take any swell function or parade. where a man gets out ofhis business clothes he justs gets giddy when he puts on a cocked hat and a sword and some other regalia. and wants to prance around like a peacock and is happin’ mad if everybody isn’t looking at him. But this whole nonsense at the opening of the Ontario Legisla. ture might be cut out. Black Red and his supers could be given some useful employment, and if the ladies and gents (and gen ts) want to exhibit themselves let them go to the horse show or the Woodbine races Par- liament is an essentially business place. and hat an exhibitien of frill and furbellows for the favored few for which the people have to pay.â€" Harriston Review. Mr. C. B. \Vainwright of Lemon City, F151,, has written the manu- factures that much better results are obtained from the use of Chamber- lain’s Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in cases of pains in the stom- ach. colic and cholera morbus by tak- ing it in water as hot as can he drank. That ;when taken in this way the efiect is double in rapidity. “It seems to get at the right spot instant- instantly.” he says. ._ For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. On Saturdav afternoon a quartettp {five-year old ladq were playing on Iorporation Pond when one of thew’r umber. Master Winston Grace, son fE. W. Grace, butcher. follinto one! {the oven spaces: were the icemvn ad been harvesfinu. Two of the MiS.‘ Lottie Eden was visiting at. S iark’s from Saturday till Mou- Why Suffer From Rheumatism? A LITTLE LADN‘ PLUCKY 'er Melvin VViHian e \Villiams, pluck ttle companion am the ice succeeded of his place of peri tionmen were wor ndthey hurried to glad. but are the: young \Villiams Z772,“ box. 250. A Good Suggestion. RESCUE \Vil for Toronto to spepd a 91b \â€" ‘i? ii? 932 41%». %§ $3? VA“ qr, b... \Hfi.‘ .m%: HIGH is th9 only property subdiviiei into residental lots w that actualiy adjoins the J. I CASE C()"~J1t’..a’Y'SSITEN offers an) unrivallpd opportunity for tho: small in\ estor to get in on the around flnor in a proposuion of afrnost unbound ed S‘OSSih'liBiGS in a money maker. Preperty in this discricr, is an absolutely sound. gilt-edged investment. and has been empbancaily endorsed by the Mayor of Fort; \Villiam, local Bank Managers, and ieadina business and professional men. ‘ Do not deiay. These lots are selling fast Call or write to-day. Map and full p..z'ticulars on application. John S; Mortimer, $15.00 Cash. Syndicate Park FORT WILLIAM 34 McGill St, Toronto. Price from $65.00 up. {7’4 «‘1'! 3’5: 3232. $59 “A .1.- ’k‘ ”51‘ $5.00 per Month.

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