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Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 Apr 1906, p. 3

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Maple- 'ed ’14 mos L in tow as and n} [dwelling 13 covereé pf out-buildings m- prod we generally. E3: fire or lightning; taco at. :th1 lowest res a year a Sydonhan. ED 1869. r. LEGGE‘I‘rl‘ arm for Sale articulais apply SECOND CON 1 Garafraxa Road Sale. | BRED {if EGG} DEN. Agent, DURHAM P, a Fire “13.63. )RD for Sale 4 mos. at on Br‘m Apply to 08‘ s sxtqate '06 miles I“ 150 contents. Dt I‘HIR HA M‘ than )urt unde wee at DG NE“: ale )5) GROCERIES TMTTHEWS LATIMER New . . . . Resolutions arm and Garden Seeds. Feed. Flour To our Customers .~_____ Everybody : . CAMPBELL, Agent. § }HE D T DES OF XI'I‘OBA ts nplemen C. McArthur Give us a. Call. It is a. pleasure to show goods, and the goods efl'ecc the sales. We do not attempt. in the space at our disposal. to enumerate or quote prices, but we issue a broad in- vitation to everybody to call. and we anticipate a great deal of gleasure in showing and selling our ROCERIES Our iucreaee in sales last year over previous yams has warranted our putting in a larger and more varied Stock of Spring Goods than heretofore. rost 8: Wood TWO INeW Spring Goods Sherlock Organs HARD ’M'L‘B 883‘!ng MECMMS me Separators True Easter Joy «Y APRIL 12, 1906 Government Standard Timothy and Clover. THEOBALD’S OLD sumo. at the beginning of a new year. Let. one of them be that you have resolved to S. SCOTT Svery person makes more lY your DURHAM, ONT. AGENCY. ‘W E W [SH DURHAM } Ogilvie's Royal Household Keewatin Five Roses all kinds for the m. the Home and Dairv 3:3 25 per barrel. good resolutions We always keep 1 our Groceries Ioweat ONTARIO ’7 ! Start to-day. Build up. get. new Enerve force, and overcome this pro } cess of decay. Use Ferrozone. which physicians consider the most vitaiiz- ling, uplifting tonic ever made. Think of the instant efiectâ€"at once the appetite increases, delightful color in the cheeks proves that rich. blood is being circulated. Tired mus- cles are invigorated, flesh and weight are added. Nerve force develOps, and bounding, joyous health is firmly es- ; tablishcd. Your limbs feel ”draggy” and ex- cessively weak. A night’s sleep sel- dom brings satisfying rest. Contin- uous headaches. exhaustion and ner- vous sensations destroy your health. Soon every spark of vitality is used up. Then you catch tuberculosis. Owen Sound. April 1 â€"Mies Kate Boyd. aged 22. daughter of Mr. Jas Boyd. who resides about three miles south-east of this town. on the 10th line of Sydenham. was found dead in bed yesterday morning, the circum- pointing Strongly to the conclusion that she had committed suicide. A note found in her room stated that she alone was responsible for the act. and asking that no blame be attached to anyone. It is currently reported that the coming marriage of an ac- quaintance was in a measure the cause of the act, though it is n)t sug- geSted that there was any duplicity on the young man’s part. An in quest will be held on Tuesday even- ing. The family is one of the best known in Sydenham Township. the father of the victim being a prominent ex- member of the Township Council. Yon snrely wouldn’t stop at a doll- ar bill to core that horrid sniffling cold? Go to any druggist and get “Catarrhozone” and your cold will be a thing of the past. There is alm03t witchery in the swift way Ca tarrhozone kills colds. But when you consider the penetrating healing and antiseptic qualities of Catarih ozone perhaps it's not so wonderful Certainly there is no remedy half so prompt for colds and catarrh as Ca tarrhozone Refuse a santitute and insist on having only “Catarrhozone.” Tired When You Wakenâ€"Langnid All Dayâ€"Nerves Worn Outâ€"- Snap All Gone. The dead body of Geo. Solomon, a middle-aged man. whose home is near Lisle. was found on Monday in a fence corner on Emmanuel Gallinger’s farm a short distance from the village. When found the body was frozen stifi. On Thursday last Solomon had been in Lisle and had been drinking during the afternoon. He started for home alone and on foot. and appears to have become bewildered. finally falling headlonz in the fence corner. where he died of exposure. On Friday Solomon’s continued ab- sence caused alarm and search parties were organized, but no trace of him was found until Monday.â€"Alliston Herald. Ferrozone cures because it can for nisb the body with suficient nutri menu and building material. This is certainâ€"Ferrozone rescores failing strength from any cause The eXpe:ience of Thos. Dowd, of Schreibwr Out“, prows this: “Househoid worries and cares had about. exhausted my strength. I lacked the siooally I Tth mv 1 ing couid tempt me to eat. Worn- ouc feelings, chills and chpontiency tilled my very being. I became an- aemic and dwindle 1 down to a. shadow. Consumption was very near. Ferro- zone out strengrh in my body with a. rush. It. buil't me up strong. virile anout exnausted my was weak and miserable lacked the Color of heat Fez-rezone cures sickness by curinz the real causeâ€"lack of blood and nerve tone It keeps people at their bestâ€"fit, ready and anxious for work. In 50c boxes only, six for $2 50. at alldealers. or N C. Polson 00.. Hartford Conn,, U S A... andtKings- ton. Ont. HOW CONSUMPTION STARTS. SELL YOUR COLD FOR 31? Found Dead At Lisle. Found Dead in Bed 3f heat ells of )een I, and occa rheumatism an M cheeks Get the Ramsay ideaâ€"Ramsay's Paint; are the paint: that latâ€"that beautify ad brighten up your houseâ€"that preserve and increase the value of your ropenyâ€"zha: do not fadeâ€"crack or peel. hey are economi- alpainuinthe color: you want andattheprice yonwantto pay. Ask your dealetinyout town. LimykSaCo-puy.lonlrcal. 3.4.05 7' Get the Right Idea in Painting. As we mentioned before the church of this section is prOSpering under the care of Rev Mr. Bice. They are now even commencing to discuss thr erection of a. nex church to be bulb in the near future. County Commissioner Allan was i Owen Smud last. week on thejudmiul audit. Mr. Wm. Marshall leased a part 0 Chas. Gray’ 9 place last. week to work in conneccion with his own. I‘he Assessor went the roundsof the neighborhood last week It is the first. time for many years that an. assessor has value-d {arms when the- ground was bare. Mrs. Etizaheth Crit'pnv'eu rpturnpd home on Saturday after a 3 months’ visit with Scarborough friends. Many of our farmers are increm-ing the acaraga of their farms thie \ear to try to gun more profit. out. of th men and general equipment it: n- quires to bill a farm uf any size. Anew school hell was placed i. the belfry of the school house 133' week. It gives a finished appearance to the budding. For some time past we have been trying to get a sight of the Varney Scribe Or learn some of his character- iStics for the purpose of christening him into the Chronicle Menagerie. and when announced last week the swell places he had dined when in town. we provided a package of snipe dust at once and randed him so Well that the Varnev Snipe will henceforth be readilv recognized wherever seen. Wood cutting bees have been an alm0>t daily occurrance for the put two weeks. Miss Verne Black came home from Milton :1 wee-k ago to Spend a. month wi'h her parent‘ Mr. Thus Jobnscon has placed him- self on the large list that has provid ed themselves with a first class driv ing outfit. Our young girls all 100k independent and important now tbm know they will be ir great demand this summer. Mrs. Wm. Allan is not as fast as we would like bur. there are good hopes covery. Mr. Robert Lennox, of Glascmt. has engaged for the summer with his bromer Joe, of this place. Messrs. Brown and Calvert, pur- chased Spring lambs mar. week for the Easter market paying from 12 to 15 cents per pound. Try Ogilvic’s Royal Household. Your grocer recommends it, bccausc it gives such good results. “Ogilvie’ 3 Book for 3 Cook. ” con- tains 130 pagw of excellent reci some never Kmblished before. on r grocercantel you how to vet 1t FREE. You can live without bread, but you‘ can live without any other food with less hardshipâ€"duh}: along these lines and the absolute necessity of bregd- comes home to you. Royal Household Flour has convinced the women of Canada that it is the best for pastry as well as for bread. When you plan your meals you new think of bread, yet you always have it, and if it is left off the table it is the first thing that is misscd. quality should be the bestâ€"quaiity in bread depends largely upon the flour. ogilvie Hoyt Mills Co., ltd. And because it is a necessity, its Corner Concerns. DURHAM CHRONICLE improving to see her, of her re- A Pause In the New Language and It. Translation. Books for the study of Esperanto are now printed in twenty-two difierent languages. They publish about twen- ty-five journals in the new idiom, one of them of a strictly scientific character. Several continental papers, occasional- ly or regularly, ofler to their readers an article in Esperanto. Esperantist clubs or societies are to be found al- most everywhere. The one in Paris counts no less than 3,000 members, while those in cities like Marseilles, Lyons, Bordeaux, Havre, Lille, and so forth, are also of considerable size. Courses in Esperanto are offered not only in clubrooms, but in public insti- tutions as well. A few commercial schools have it on their programmes as a tree elective. In the University of Dijon they have organized an even- ing class, which is said to be well at- Not long ago Professor Carnot of the national engineering school (Ecole des Mines), in Paris, said publicly that he was thinking of introducing Esperanto in the regular courses of students. In England they have adOpted the method of tuition by correspondence. Esperan- to has already proved useful for pro- viding reading for the blind. A. sys- tem of stenography has been adapted to the new language. Many commer- cial firms use it for international tele- graphic communications. Several em- ploy advertisements in Esperanto and find that it pays. Esperanto.â€"-La internacia linguo Es- peranto estas facile lernebla, cc de la personoj nemulte instruitaj. Unn horo snflcas generale por lerni la tutan gra- matikon, kelkaj tagoj por legi, kelkaj semajnoj por skribi. Esperanto estas- efektive tre simpla, fleksebla, bonsona kaj vere internacia per siaj elementoj. Knn malgranda kvanto da radikoj oni povas fari tre grandan nombron da vor- toj dank a1 la praktika sistemo de pre- fiksoj kaj suflksoj. Tiu ci linguo ne havas la intencon malfortigi la linguon naturan de in popolo. Gi devos servi por la rilatoj internaciaj kaj por tiuj verkoj kiuj interesas la tutan mondon. Esperanto helpos la sciencojn. la komercon, kaj la vojagojn. Here is a passage in the new lan- guage and its translation: Translationâ€"The international lan- guage Esperanto is easily learnable, even by (of) people not much educated. One hour suffices generally to (for) learn ' the whole grammar, some (French quelques) days to read, some weeks to write. Esperanto is effective- ly very simple, flexible, well sounding and very international by its elements. With [a] small (not large) quantity of radicals, one can make [a] very great number or words, thanks to the prac- tical system of prefixes and sumxes. This language has not the intention to weaken the natural language of any peeple. It must serve for the interna- tional relations and for all the works which interest the whole world. Es- peranto helps the sciences, commerce and journeysâ€"Albert Schinz in At- lantic. Cost of a Wizard's Outfit. Now we knov how much it costs to set up as a sorcerer. One of these dark wizards has obligingly published a price list of his plant: Magic mirror, 15 shillings 9 pence; magic lamp, 15 shillings 9 pence; con- juring wand, 20 shillings; charmed sword, 20 shillings; bewitched spirit lamp, 24 shillings; divining rod, 24 shil- lings; Vervain of March 21, whatever that may be, 2 shillings 5 pence; man- dragora, 7 shillings 6 pence; virgin wax, 4 shillings; skin of stillborn calf, 6 shillings; special lint, 7 shillings 6 pence; Greek fluid for preserving the feminine figure, one bottle, 7 shillings 6 pence; anti-wrinkle milk, as used by Marie Antoinette, 5 shillings; water for complexion bath, as used by La Monte- span, 16 shillings. The invocation for calling up Satan, which can be done only on Saturdays after burning sulphur, sounds like Greek gone wrong. with a touch of Esperanto and Chinese mixed, and runs, “Again telegram ray chow stimu- lamaton y ezpares retragrammaton.” This last tip is given for nothingâ€"Par- is Letter in London Telegraph. A Thackeray Letter. A letter from Thackeray found among the papers of the late George M. Craw- ford, Paris correspondent of the Lon- don Daily News, establishes the fact that Mr. Crawford was the original of Warrington. “You will find much to remind you in ‘Pendennis’ of old talks and facesâ€"of William John O’Connell, Jack Sheehan and Andrew Archdecne. There is something of you in Warring~ ton, but he is not fit to hold a candle to you, for, taking you all around, you are the most genuine fellow that ever strayed from a better world into this. Warrington is always guzzling beer, but he has your honesty and, like you. could not posture if he tried.” Pullman Car Profits.‘ Most people who patronize the Pull- man cars have no conception of the enormous profits accruing to the com- pany, says a New York letter. The net earnings of a sleeper on an ordinary run are from $10, 000 to 31.12.000 a year, or about two-thirds of the cost of the car. 0n limited trains between New York and Chicago the net earnings are as high as $18,000 a year. The mileage paid by the railroads is practically suf- ficient to cover all the expenses of op- eration, including the investment and depreciation, so that all receipts from passengers are in effect net profits to mePnllmancomnany. . ESPERANTO. £Spring Term Opens Apr‘ f i The undersigned having been restored to health by simple means. after sufiering for several years with a severe lung afiection, and that dread disease Consumption, is anxious to make known to his fellow sufierers the means of cure. To those who desire it, he will cheerfully send, free 0! charge. a copy of the prescription used. which they will find a sure cure for Consumption. Asthma, Chatarrh, Bronchitis and all throat and lung flaiadies. He hopes all sufierers will try his remedy. as it is invaluable. Those desiring the prescription. which will cost them nothing and may‘yrm'e a blessing. will please address Rev.BD ARDA. WILSON.BrookLyn,N°w York oss‘mmssr‘0 The Bread Bill We Satisfy . . . Our Customers 2 yards long, 27-inches wide. 3 2% yards long, '27.inches wide, 25 yards long. 30 inches wide, 3 yards long. 37-inches wide. 3. yards long. 37-inches wide, 3.,- yards long, 50-inches w1de. 3i.- yards long. 54oinches wide. While we make a specialty of bread. we also bake many other nice things such as Cakes. Doughnuca, Cookies, Buns. Pies. etc. etc. Alwavs fresh. 54-inches wide. 250 a yard. The Big 4 SHEETING. Heavy Twilled Cotton Sheeting, '2-inches wide, 25(: a. yard. Large 114 size Flannelette Blankets, grey and whise, $1.20 a pair. OILCLOTH. Table Oilcloth 45- inches wide, 250 y: F 1001' Oilcloth 1.1.1J and 2 yards “1119 a square yard. Model Bakery. NEW PRINTS and GINGHAMS now in. American Press-Cut Glass Preserve Dishes, somethmg hue, 25c and Sue each. Crystal and Gold Imitation Cut Glass,” piece Table Sets, $1.75 each. Double Glass Egg Cups, 75¢ a. dozen. China Egg Cups, 30c dozen. Best Nest Eggs, 2 for 50. W. H. BEAN Content yourself in the ordin. ary walks of life when you can better your condition by taking a course in this school? We give a thorough, practical edu- cation and assist our graduates to good positions. Write for particulars. HAVE PURCHASED THE ’Bus and Dray business from Mr. John Vollet, and wish to announce to the people of Dur- ham and vicinity, that it will be my aim to make the business. so successfully carried on by my predecessor for the past- two years, more successful than ever. HE SELLS CHEAP T0 CONSUMPTIVES. To the Public G. H. STINSON Why Should You Elliott Mclachlan Call and See Us. STR ATFORD. ONT. Is one OUR customere are always glad to pay. So well than they like to spend their money here. CALDER BLOCK LACE CURTAINS TABLE LINEN. PRINCIPALS. DISHES. 683351-63 wide, 50c yard. Durham. Ont. an... mm. 11 yard pair. pair. pair. pair. pain pair. pair. 26c Ogilvie’s Royal Household Flour Other High Grade Flour, per bbl., 3: $4.75 and $5.00. PUFF PASTES, LADY FINGERS. MACCAROONS. CREAM PUFFS, AND MINCE PIES The school is thoronhly equipped in tow ability. in chemical! and Gloom-:03! supplies fittings. eta, for fuh Junior Leaving and Mo- ulation work. The followiog competent and m in charge : Confections and Canned Goods Always in Stock. MISS FLOSSIE MCKER’RAC‘HER. FirstChu Ceroifloa e and third; year undergraduate o! Queelzlan’s University. Science. History and Gao- gran Yo English. Intending students should- enter at the begin- ning of the term if possible. Board can be ob- mlnedat reasonable rates. Durham is a health and active town, making is a. must deei place of residence. A. W. WATSON DURHAM BAKERY Fees, $1.00 per month. WM. JOHNSTON. C. R AND PROVISION STORE ~ The People’s Grocery No. 1 Fancy Red Clover. No. 1 Common Red Clover. No. 1 Mammoth Bed Clover. No. 1 Alsike Clover. No. 1 Alfalfa Clover. No. 1 Timothy Seed. Local Timothy Seed. All Kinds of Field and Garden Seeds. Clover and Timothy Seeds Mts. A THOS. ALLAN. lat: Class Cbnmcate, Prin. MI§S L. M. FORFAK. Classics, Modems all. DU RH A M SCHOOL. High Class Wedding Goods Ask us how to get an Ogilvie to order on shortest notice. Give us a call. Prices right. $5.25 Per Barrel. $5. 25 Per Barrel. For Government Standard STAFF AND EQUIPMENT. Five; Roses Flour Chairman. lex. Beggs 81 Suns DURHAM, ONT. ‘ , Cook Book Free A SPECLA LTY . C. RAMAGE.

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