West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 Apr 1906, p. 7

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system, such as - 1e and Sauow Cm"- ut. Feeling, Sir-v3. , Dyspegmia, Heart Memury. Unsteady ale W‘eakncs: csufi' qsiun of Spirits.“ Vitus’ Dance, Pimp- as of \Ltal Power surnames of 8 mr Mozwy Idea. to take our word a an accomplish. Try r don’t. do you gmd. key hack. Isn’t thnt he arrengthening, amilton’s Pills-~ ‘here the stom- re poor. In one creases and the n Strengthened. an Could write I. than Dr. Hamil. aka and Butter- in a yellow box, es for one dollar. I13.paying for thpm vb purchase we give r'n gnaw-ant". that i! if the Pilh. Rl‘cn'd. | find YUM hdvo ‘1!” their use. mm a. ly not halieve it. nevertheless that pain: DOvts. 'ARLING r7311 Pills enrich :5. was and invigurm- reducing in sickly, mien that strong,_ ing that makes life: mom: 3 pPOp: rt nbers C0318 years we have ' â€" DRUGGIST . ONT. T STOMACH :eof '16. together '5“ Id get your "“9130, us 6 boxes of I); 198 12, IR LAWS 38 sea 1:: every of the globe. med, gently Ayer’s Pills. Inc 00. Wig-q, er pills 8g?! cul- DI'O' 18 u” ,4; l. P. Telford. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. ETC. Office over Gordon‘s new Jewellery Spore. Lower Town, Durham. Any amount 0: monev to loan at 5 per cent. on farm Dropertv. A. G. MACKAY. K. C. NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION. 91'. Conveyancer, c. Insurance zfigent. . Money to Loan. Issueroof M81:- ruuze Lxcenses, A general financml bus:- ARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, GON- vexancers Etc. Money to Loan. Oficesr-In the McIntyre Block, over Standard Bank. neéé transacted. U tioneer for the County of Grey. Sales promptly attendeé t0. Orders may)» left at his Implement Warerogms, McKmnon 5 old stand. or at the Chronicle Ofice. a - Q] eased Auctieneer' for. 3he County of Grey. Land Valuator, 331118 of the 2nd Division. Court Sales and :11 other matters promptly attended to. Highest references tarnished if required. D MCPHAIL, LICENSED AUC- . tioneer for the County of Grey. Tems moderate and satisfaction gunn- teed. The arrangements and antes of edee cenpe made at THE CHRONICLE ef- fiee. Bondage and P. 0., Ceylon. Tele- phone eonneetmn. Dec. 3. ’O-Lâ€"lypd. OFFICE ty of _ Toronto. Graduate Royal Uollege Dental Surgeons of Ontario; Dentistry in at! its Branches. Officeâ€"Calder Block, over Post. Oflice O short distance east. of Knapp’s Hotel, Lamb ton Street. Lower Town. Durham ()tfice hours from 12 to 2 o’clock. J. G. Hutton, OFFICE AND I (iarafraxa a m mug“ Fort; mic: JIES o o 0 :Z); 3:12;. .: measure. Pr’feswmu‘s c s. 54. 00 pet Lyman. Mm directionswfllb: 110% an 33:11:11eg Ira? . zen! u- " 50: :a c. c2: - 5:. cc': - m 3am subsequent mw m AP advertncmcms u.‘ a“. b m advahce anttigct taxes '0: yrs“; THE JOB : : DEPARTHENT ”plicmign to the m "... addm-x, fir: O! "32.1 ,gc. to: SIX"; “'28 . . mnpay': aHeu-oadv‘ncebs'. so: In W. If 00! SO pain he 0...": to whuu c‘. Mm ll 3‘6 V'- (.f lJ :d t)! {‘10: 3'3"."015'" ,,_ mm w o 3» var m c :11'.!"_:c::1!3!aliatt¢ CI"! MW at the: -.).,'h).. uf '1." ',.CVJ:Jr:ClQT. V'I‘ Am Ben: C' ) 'A" .A- ‘I A: ":3 A“ advenisc m: week2 should be brou' normng. \s PUBLISBBD my faunsoAv "Olfllflo 0 mm mama: MUSE. mun mEE‘ THE 1111mm Bflfiflfllfifl pecmns Nov. 9. ’08. Drs. Jamieson . Maclaurin. AMES CARSON, DURHAM. LIC OHN CLARK. LICENSED AUC- J. F. GRANT, D. D. s.. L. D. s. rONOR GRADUATE, UNIVEBSI: FFICE AND RESIDENCE FFICE AND RESIDENCEâ€"COR DURHAM, ONT. (Lower Town.) fouling facilities work. , . OX be at Knapp l d9V in each m F-arafraxa and George Streetsâ€"at f hill. Oflice hoursâ€"911 a. m.. 2-4 Dr. W. C. Pickering Dentist. 3E: Over J. J.Hu EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. APRIL 12, 1906 MacKay 8:. Dunn. Medical Directory. Dental Diradorv 08- (SEE. S Legal Directory . Miscellaneous. ,. H. Jackson. W. IRWIN II Telephone N all N:; N ’I '{P for turninr: out nth )VVN DON W. F. DUNN. '9 hat! rsâ€" 1â€"6 9.11:. 0 Hunter’s. EON, OF luck. Ofl’it stocked Iv 16 2nd an n 9 A lady and her little daughter were walking together when they came to a portion of the street strewn with straw. so as to deaden the noise of vehicles passing a certain house. “ What’s that for, ma?” said the little child; to which the mother replied: "The lady who lives in that house, my dear. has had a little baby girl sent her ” The child thought a moment. looked at the quantity of Straw and Said: "Awfully well pack- ed, wasn’t she ma?” hungry lookmg editor cleaned in his 1833 summer’s suit, with an old straw hat. sluwly aesumed a. peroaudicular posiziou. ”How is it. my friend.” asked the minister, "that you are the only man Nimble to meet his Obliga- tions?” "I run a Conservative news- paper.” he weekly answered, " and the brethren here who just Stood up are my subset-ions, andâ€"” ister "M adam keeper,"a radish 30: some?” "No.” answered Mrs. Noolewed; “it. would be no use to u.~; “d (1011’! keep a horse ” Suffered for Five Years with Kigney and Liver Trouble. Because at the head of it is a man whose qualifications as a teacher are uuexcelled and Wlsmv ambition is tn see his student: become good extizem. murafl) . suCiaUS and tiuaucnally. Open July and August. [Swan‘se this L‘Lllege enjuys the confi- dence ut the Business Pubnc. Beenuse 'it 1.933“.th Actual bUSixxess from 51qu to mush; Became Ila Shorthaud studenta are doing nmrvefluus \xork, suns uniting 200 words per minute after attending only two muutha' ' fiGCJ£UPU by attending “.0 day and even. 19;; chants, students graduatk: In a. 5110:: tum: and at _a amall oust; 15¢. canagjta graduates are enjoying the best puslgwus .lu ahuust every Canadian any Amerwaycxt}; If 5m] wish to receive tlge Beg-tpommercizl a! Shorthand Educatxun, 1: lo necessary that you amend the Best- Because each student 1s taught separate. 1y at Lia own desk; Bu'ause all diniculzws are tho: uughly explained as they wcur. thus avoiding 10» ot tune to the sludeuta and enabling them to accomplish more than ia possible In clab: teqchimz; Beca'uae each student 6118:) his work in- dependent m a)! qthemfihereby estabmh- in: cuutidence m hnuselt: Bgcagée egach studeu} receives Special at- teuu mOm hns weak subjects and may chc'ose hl§_subjccte; Not the Oldestâ€"Net the largest Just the Best. THEY BISSELL Business College To Cure 3 Cold in One Day Tuba Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. 6*: %érm mmmwbmnzm 111's signature. Sevumbmasddhpmlzm ‘ Let. us pray." exclaimed the min- Laud an‘zwmfizc aim. HIfiO S W. '1‘. CLANCY, Prin. The Mount Forest This College is; the Best :â€" \V as "an (13:. YV§ Five per cent. discount for cash if paid within 60 4 ‘* days from date of invoice And rememberâ€"should FROST FEXCES go wrong, from mechanical defects or workmanship 1n building, they are repaired, free of charge. an FALKINGHAM m . McLellan, Agent, Durham, Ont. l‘C the debts. st \\ ould yuu nke a years w: ObEigin 3. stand up." a care-worn, d _V Here‘s the way we will let you buy all the Frost Fence you nccdz-Onc third cash on delivery. One third by note. due Oct. 15:, ‘06. One third by note, due Hatch 1511. ’o-. Our prices for Frost Fence are only as much as the best fence in the world is houestIy worth. And we make the terms so easy that every farmer and stock- man can take advantage of them. It’s easgjo buy FROST FENCES 11' shop ! Never impeach a man’s \eracitv You might need the testimony your- .selt' some day. The only Disk thatfloes Twice the Work while half came:- on horsesâ€"a Record So: handled by anything else built for cultivating. A Success for mak- ing Seed Red on Fm flowed Land. For Summer Fallows or Stubble He after harvest. Look for the name “B SELL.” None genuine without it. For Sale by Agents and Manutacmred by T. E. BISSELL, ELORA. ONT. Drop a post card for Booklet “E." Sleep not only rests, but builds up the body. Cut. down the hours of sleep. and you cut down health in the same proportion. Rebuilding then ceases, nerves go to smash. you grow tired, weak and wretched. To restore sleep you must get more bodilv strength, more nutritious bloc-d, healthier nerves. Ferrozone solves the whole pxoblem. makes you sleep soundly. gives endurance. vim, ambition No more morning weak nessâ€"instead the fire of youth wiil rnnjin your veins supplying abun- dance of energy and vigor. Witch ery expresses the instant efiecr of Ferrozone; try it. BROKEN SLEEPâ€"TIRED NEXT MORNING. 9-“.- Some acnon shp .H m tgké-l: M ‘59 "Dominion ‘Dd PHWi-a'wl (".1 "riff I manta $0 suppmss Mp- sale- of pmui¢. i v o v . I 4 U I 0 v --_â€".- H .. â€"â€".-.â€". ... _â€"- -o...-.-â€"-- I A ions patent medic-.62.“ «1nd how H _v ernmen's are co: vvc M J nuLiuc: .1 duty by the put-Laud tepntts of their own anal” - W'iuiri my; u tinne to permit nanumus nonrnm'a to be palmed 05 l. :. t-ustmg puhnc Those mpdicims than c-vn'am «inn- gerous dl‘ugSWhirhgnxr .1 2'1! ; ‘3: iDValid that hP Om .. Kilnkr ' H and those WbiCh QUINN”: ‘ CthJ n: - :h proportion: as tn tn. -=\\ w..- 1w ~u.»d dipsomaniao hack imu :hw sln\w!‘\ he has escaped. Shuu'd mm 2:» perma'w-d tJ wear dnguise [5 u‘d M? al'-â€"â€" .md some of {burn are uf auch 3. (mar aCter that (hr) sh.~~.-st an!) Vw sul- ministeled by a pin ~irirll farmirar with their pmpern. .~ ,1. t the c- -~H- tut-inn nf fhfl indiv: 'u~.l ;y4!iya,’_-â€"â€"I‘uu', if SOId at all. they ~l. ‘vnhi h? WW!»- to confess the natuu- n." .'rqu' awn-ms on that bottle \"rnm-w ~. Th» Pratt hill before the 0mm: ngisfnrur‘e makes a. misrake in rr';~fi!t;.' ”'I' Dr” pnétary n‘n-dycine aim» for this siderrd The docmrs should be able. to pull along on the specia: legisla Lion that. already PXlSt-l lu theie favor If they seek more they may lose something of what they bnve got. for a thorough discussion of the arlwrary powers exercised by the medicrl Council over individual pracrim nmrs would surely give the latter increased freedom. Here in n swanâ€"t society whose rulers exerciSH over uwuzl’n-rs an authority sum-tier m rlw laws of the land. and keep in moxiuu a private tribunal as terrifying and lmplucnlfle as the inquisitlun (-f Spalnmallrging good purposes. bu: allt-glng nu betwr purposes than Other abuse“ of prer have done since the world loezun. l: is said that there are wveral (lL'C'Cl‘S avenicing trial at the ph-Mmt time4â€" linhle to lose their Hng m [zacdve *lwir lawful pTOfPS>lLIn to have the-1r lxvelihood tukru “Om thwm for bun-clues of Ollq'lh‘t7e lhal do Mr cm L‘ni ngws the bill the appenlam-o- . I framed in the interesxs of the we pron-Ssion. whereas it Is It.» I:c welfare alone- 111?: t :houhi Hâ€" ll th anE thllH (Toronto Saturday X ight.) A POINTED VIEW. th power The 18114 DO Ebordale DURHAM CHRONICLE the» can an 39"“ .« DOCh .l“ a), physic Hm; Heal (34H. abh- L g A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PIL During one of the hot contests for the North Simcoe seat in the House of C ~:mmons between the late D’Alton AJcCarthy and H. H Cook, both can- didates were making a strong person- a canvas. One afternoon Mr. Cook went to call on a cruSty old farmer, whose vote and those of his sons gen- erally went in the direction that the wind happened to blow during the last days of the campaign. There was no one at the house, but behind the barn he came across a daughter feeding a calf She informed Mr. Cook that her father was on the back lot cutting wood, but as she seemed to be having some trouble with the calf, the sturdy old lumberman stay~ ed for a while to help her. In the meantime Mr. McCarthy also arrived and in his turn Started looking for the owner of the place. It was his wife, however, whom he found milk- in: a cow. The animal was restive so he took her by the horns while he sought information as to the farmer’s whereabouts. He started to chat facetiously. “It isn’t every day,” he said, “ that you have a member of Parliament holding your cow for you.” ”Oh,” she returned noncha- lantly. “we are getting kinder used to that sort of thing Mr. Cook’s out behind the barn holding the calf.” The late Justice Lount, who was stumping the riding. told this story on the platform at the expense of both candidates, thereby adding to the gaiety of the campaign._-Satur- day Night. as life lasts The Stains will not. out. All the myrrhs of Arabia won’t. wash it away. The lesson is plain and simpl â€"~ Honesty is the best policy.” tie who runs may read. m'glu nu uver again. halltiii'tdppEQ bf, rim THC: Ih'd he is a returned convict 2L (Hon. a, man whom most men will naturally shun. and Whom few. if any. wou'vd ever trusn in a poszciou of xefiponsibiiity. be'ore that evil day on which he was tempted and feil he was looked upon as a man of promise, mas respecned by his {HHOW ofi'iuials in the bank, had many friends and no doubt the {urine looked bright. '1 he day after he was temp- t -d and fell the scene (hanged He was a fugitive from juSLice. an out caut. a dishonest. man. a person with out a character. a criminal in the eyes of the law. Punishment enough on» eon'd think. Yes. Butchereis more to follow. The crime that. he committei wichling to him as long Another sign of spring is barn. The lambs are Sporting round tbelr dams. ‘ Th9 spedinz time will soon apanr. And Sturdy farmers till the land. U \\ The winter was a pleasant on“. It. passvd without its usual strain. How thankful then we ought to be. That we’er Spareâ€"d to see. the spring agahn We can 1mm the humming of tinD train, We mm see it Yenve its smoky Ctrnak. Thar meane Hm pnginn is‘ going: again To haul the mar! {row Wilder’s lake. A BEAUTIFUL spamG Pom: DEDICATED ' TO THE CHRONICLE, If the. au'hcr of thin readers wig) to find. Just keep 'hem guessing it while. V011 knmv. {espectfuily 3001‘s. right hem we’ll Sign. For a long long time we sadly thouuhc \Ve ne’er woum hear that Whigs-zit: MOW. Ac the railu ay crossing to the sou'h. For 'he miii, some said. was sure to go. Th“ Chronicle it did its share. The mill is there the marl is too. To hold the cement plant, on ”:9 SQU‘AY'P, '1'th s'nc’; to their grand, Sir. good and true. '1‘! The result of it a” we unders'and, Wu: a suit for libel in 0 mm Sound. The Editor lost the cace‘ but then In the fam» of it all, he’s a grand 03d man. T}°e cementoflicials hustled round. No marl! nomarl! It was: their cry: But the local Daners smod HEQEI‘ w the local papers Stood the}:- grow: (1 Brawl) totig ht for the cause ordie. nu 5 EV?)' TRICKS OF THE TRADE. THOSE WELCOME SIGNS. Blind. Weedin * authorized t‘ XSE OF B e Durky Carney-’9 Crow. (CUM; E. I’rmrm’l in}: nrefuncl mm nail the 10 ‘W [1 ll Piles. Drug «‘3' if PA ZO TTFR WWW W .. ”824W ' wmwmmtwmw 9’3? 0 I {TEE HOUSEWIVES DELI EUGW ® QNVR ANQQS John to “at in on the 9“.)6137" fl ~0r in :1 ed pussimiltiks as u mummy maker An Ad. in the Chronicle is a Paying investment. Our .3»: g 03.! quartzite: as we}? Kate Cochran; Agent, Durham, Ont. Syndicate Park FORT WELLIAM ‘32: in ‘ a HIT! ofiers “ I ‘ - ,.. .V , ('9' Sui.-." ‘3‘; ) I.» D ‘ » ~ K .rn‘ The wdmén rfiieTRe kfl’ckmi so kT Them 'udquheH 3" {3 , A :63 . ~ .3; ,. . 31;; verd KT l5 TM 6 Souvcmsz j- ;wi’“ Rama. beaTs Them all - :;}.---~'1iâ€"~'~34-'-"-t:~,_-~' saxefiime: J'roub‘e a coal bins "5“4:';'=‘=;m‘3;3 Througmke use CT The. C. v "J :3)“ (I: .651 rs always under pefi‘ea cofifrou at 3.72573 THE nousswnves’ o1 '. m C “I. ”0-‘-\5 and Ll I. The (3.1:: S. Mortimer, n U .. . . Vb {A124 ,n.‘ ..' ”:9 nu‘y DrOpprry mz'ndivided into residental lot. U H 770 have 1h adj 1':th the 1'. I CASE COMPANY'S SI'IJE unrivaH- d oppu‘tunity for the small inxestor med (1 .or in n propafidon of 211:. can unbound ice from O ’n(\ Lam. uxau stcrs as that ofthe wet-330°: with evory «on Tf‘r'm Company E St, Toronto. Toronto Vancouver “outrun :r i-' an absolumi" smzm uphanca’ I\ end )rsed hv diumuers, and wading! haze: on View. V. $05.00 no. IT 01} a: In 5.00 permionth. mutton 6.- I”) 6': 11 or write gilt-Mlged be M ayor 7.? 18 55 and 'JN W5 5‘3;

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