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Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 Apr 1906, p. 8

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Wfi¥¥$e$WÂ¥$$¥¥eÂ¥W$Â¥ 5 ALEX. RUSSELL v. " 4:0: 232:; ‘2'. 392:9: 'Qué' ° ; "Ouzévwé 7% J;\ “A“ “a" 4.3? ’J‘? ?‘\‘ ’4‘? A? 7d? ’1“? The housecleaning season is again upon us, and it is up to us to make some little improvement in the appearance of our home. We can help you won- «derfully. Let us mention just a few of the many pretty things we carry. We have i213.“ wwmd into sprin0‘. You pasithely (‘2.2210t:put of that 5271:2111: 5211222112 1022291 Don’t let the , 2 ca 22 0112 2021. de can show you Dzess Goods th~2t will satisfy your 1: 2519 221: 22 2 er. low figm ~22? The First Suggestion of Spring .. . . This is the verdict of all Who have seen our display of New Dress Fabrics. We certainly have the newest and most popular omen-ings to be seen. Visit this department be- fore buying elsewhere. At our new CURTAIN STRETCHER. Best yet. Cem2s ‘Wim The New Dress Goods - a. ,. . ,~' ' \ 1' ‘- Q ,. . - §" IV f ESS GOODS ‘his Department sells everything that man would wish ance and improvement. Whatever you need come and se like. We’re ready to satisfy you every wav. Our N: arrived and is meeting with favor among: ”all smart < Special Bargains in Boys’ Clothing Tapestry Table Covers at $3.50 each. XVaHpapers, Paint, Alabastine, Jellstone. Carpetsâ€" Floor Oils in Widths 3 ft. to 6 ft. Linoleum in ‘2 and 4 rd. widths fARE JUST SWELL." mm: Have a Look Bring: the “ Little Men ” in and make their hearts happy ROBERT BURNETT The People’s Store AND ALL KINDS OF NIFTY CLOTHING. HATS, TIES, SHIRTS, GLOVES. HOSIERY AND REMARKABLY GOOD PRICES T00. In nice delicate shades. The newest thing in Curtain Goods. for bedroom and draw- ing rooms. The color is thisâ€"goods are guaranteed absolutely fast, to Sell at 500 per yard. In difierent colors and weights. in price tom $3.50 to $6 00 per pair. Frill Point-D-Spirit Curtains Frill Plain Net Curtains Tapestry Curtains At 20c and 30¢ per yard. Fancy Madras At 35¢ per yard. aid wish torâ€"comfort, appear- e and see what our offer looks Our New Spring Stock has smart dressers. It includes :3 Fall Wheat . . . . Spring Wheat . . Oats ......... . Peas .......... Barley ......... Work that tha othe’r fellow (Ices never seems hard A brick clad house with Shep in connection on Garafraxa Street. Good business location, also lot ad- joinging about fifty feet frontage. Small Stable on adjoining lot. Hard and soft water. Will be sold en bloc. Apply on premises to Mrs. C. Ector or to Samuel Scott â€"2mc. The children cannot‘poulbly hum hum: union tho bowels no :1 prOpor con non. Cor- not any _cons_tiga_§on_ yy :than 3mg)! lag-give To succeed these days you must have plenty of grit, cour- age, strength. How is it with the children? Are they thin, pale, delicate? Do n0t forget Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. You know it makes the blood pure and rich, and builds up the general health in every way. not an consn' don by gun: small laxzmvo douso Ayer’: ILAII veseu leangsr-couod. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE For the Children We he've no secrete! We publish the {crumbs of :11 our medicines. Market Report. m. In J. 0. Ar!!- Qo.. 1.01311. Mun. J. 0. Am Oo.. Lord manual-on or DURHAM, April 11. 1906 HAIR V1003. AGUE CURB. CHERRY PBCTORAL. DURHAAQCHRONICLEa 00 11 to 5 t0 t0 t0 CO to t0 t0 t0 t0 to t0 t0 800 60 00 VJ l0 11 ‘mmscnm AND UNGENI‘LE- Jury at Inquest of Death of Miss Kate Boyd Thus Describes Conduct of Her Man Friend. On Tuesday evening the inquestinr to the death of Miss Kate Boyd, who committed suicide last Saturday morning. was continued in the police‘ court in the fire hall. The place was. crowded with persons intereeted in. the parties concerned and with those who came for mere curiosity. Dr. Dow, coroner, presided over the in- quest. and Mr. John Armstrong. county crown attorney. examined the Witnesses. After the examination the coroner asked the spectators to withdraw The jury then arrived at the following verdict: “That deceas- ed Catharine Boyd came to her death by poison administered by her own hand while laboring under 'nental depression caused by disappointment in love and in the Opinion of the jury the conduct of the young man Who was keeping her company while en- gaged to another was very indiscreet and ungentlemanly. The first Witness, John Frost, when sworn, said he had known Kate Boyd sit ce she was a child. Saw her about 1.15 on Saturday morning. she having been out with him. He met her by appointment about 4.520 p. m. on Garafraxa road. They then drove to Robt. Dunn’s where they spent the evening. Returning they left about twelve o’clock driving to Owen Sound where they called at Wit- nesses’ livery barn and then to the girl’s home. "I got out of the buggy and lifted Kate out. She left for the house. I did just as usual. She was not sick and dld nOt complain ofjany- thing. She said "I’ll be in on Mon- day afternoon to see you off on the train.” Kate and I had been talking about me going West. She knew l was going to be married in about three weeks as soon as I knew my- Self. I told her when walking up street in Owen Sound. We had been friends for years. We were close friends. We have not been regarded as lovers for two years this month. on the night of the tragedy. She Q never came in late except when out é with Frost. She kept company with 3 Frost against his wishes. Be fore- f bade her going: with him a year ago ;P:e'ious to that he sometimes re- mained all night. \Vhen he came he i on: his horse in the stable before he 'Came in. Witness nuderStOOd’lFrOSt I told her I was going to marry another girl. I never asked her to be my wife. I was a frequent visi- tor to her house, taking her out. We have been together frequently by appointment. and spent a good deal of time tOgether. The meetings were for a pleasant hour. I called on several other young ladies ” \Vitness went on to say that he had driven Miss Boyd home the pre- vious Wednesday evening. He also told of other meetings. When he talked of going West she did n0t appear to be disturbed He had no correspondence with her except a ietter over two yeaas ago asking her to meet him in Toronto and a few notes making appointments. He did n0t know any reason that wouldlead to her action of Saturday morning. Deceased had never eXpressed attach- ment to me for two years. He had never bought a ring for her, and did not know where the ring she wore came from. He did not think Miss Boyd and the girl he was engaged to ever had any correspondence. andthe girl. would he married but had no reason for thinking so. Kate never had any quarrel with any of her own family. He thought she- had committed Suicide over dis- appointment in Frosn Dr. Cameron. who conducted the post mortem was called and said that death was caused by poisoning by strychnine. He submitted the re- port of autopy upon the body. Mr. T. C. Hatcon testified to hav- ing sold strychnine to Kate Boyd. for killing ratS. Mr. James Boyd. father of deceas- ed. was next witness. He told of having seen his daughter laSt on Friday at 3 p. m. Next morning at «5.40 he Was called to her room to see her dead in bed.- He said that Frost had kept company with her for four years. Rarely was she out with any other man. and‘ not at all recently. He did not know Frost was engaged to anocher girl. His daughter had three large boxes and one trunk filled with utensils for,housekeeping, which she 'prepared during evenings, etc. She procured those out of her own savings. \Vitness identified bottles as the ones found in the girl’s room. He did not hear Miss Boyd come in The other Witnesses. Mary Ann Dolphin, Catharine Rowland, Thomp- son Malcolm. Robert Dunn, Robert Boyd and Jamie Malcolm corroborar ted the statements made by former witnesses. Mr. Thos. Lanorgan, provincial Constable at Chapleau, Ontarionays: ”I caught asevere cold while hunt- inga burglar in the forest swamp last fall. Hearing of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, I tried it. and after using two small bottles, I was com- pletely cured.” This remedy is in- tended especially for coughs and colds. It will loosen and relieve a severe cold in less time ‘than by any other treatment and is a favorite wherever its superior excellence has become known. For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. Caught Cold Whil‘e Hunting a lar. A call and inSpection solicited. No trouble to show goods and give prices The Durham Furniture Co. An Eminent King's Counsel Expresses His Opinion of Canada’s National Newspaper. In addressing a jury at Cohourg last week in the libel action of Coyle v. The Globe, M r. W. R. Riddell, K. 0?, counsel for the plaintiff, gave ut- terance to the following sentences:â€" H’I‘here is a paper known as The Tor- onto Globe, a. paper known to every- body in this country. It has an enor- mous Circulation throughout the length and breadth of the civilized world, Ithas an enormousinfluence; it is 9. paper which at least one half of the grown individuals in this country desire to see, and upon which a. very large prOportion pin their faith. 80 influential wasit that some of the Refoz'mers said, instead of ‘Give us this day our daily br'ead.’ ‘Give us this day our daily Globe.”’ \Vhen ignorance to be foolish. i S bliss, There are lots of people who would be able to raise the wind if hot air could do it. You hardly call it a miracle when you go into an orchard and find a few peaches picking cherries. Happiness for some peOpIe seems to consist in getting and keeping what the other fellow wants. Miss Dick \Ve excuse all kinds of pranks in a good looking girl if they are directed against some other man. There 'are some peOple who seem to keep their affections in cold storage. Choice Millinery Bedroom Suites Sideboards Extension Tables Parlor Tables Parlor Suites Couches DIAMOND HALL. A PAPER OF INFLUENCE. Easter Orders are coming in rapidly, but with our competent head trimmer, and large staE of assistants. we hope to be able to meet the requirements of all. Examine our goeds before pur- chasing. We. are confident we can please you. “The Best ever seen in Durham” was the Opinion of many who visited our Openings on Wednes- day and Thursday of last: week. We made more sales than we ever did previously on Opening days. w LIAIITED WAREROOMSâ€"ONE DOOR SOUTH OF POST OFFICE .c““%%. {fig :3? 'r‘" . , “I h _ w__.3;.~ viz], T-L.‘ ”A. I _ V V; IN All STYLES, FINISHES AND PRICES DURHAM 031‘. TO HOTEL KEEPERS Notice is hereby given that the Board of License Commisaiuners for the License District. of South Grey will meet on Monday, April 23, 1906 In the TO WN of DURHAM, at the InSpector’s Office at. 1 o’clock p.111. When applications for Licenses for the License year of 1906-1907 will 10 considered. Township of Normanby, Tavern Township of Bentinck, “ Township of Glenelg, “ Towmhip of Egremont, " Township of Proton, .. Town of Durham, “ Village of Dundalk, “ Town of Hanover, “ Township oi Normanby, Township of Bentinck, Township of Glenelg. Township of Egremonc, Township of Proton. Town of Durham, Village of Dundalk, Town of Hanover, Mr. E. B. Stuart, the new store keeper at Kilsyth had a serious ac- cident on Tuesday afternoon. He was unpacking a trunk in which a loaded revolver lay among a score of Other articles. In movxng the 2001.15 something: must have struck the re- volver. {orit discharged. the bullet paSSing throngh the centre of the palm of his left hand. He was driven to town where Dr. Middlebro dressed the injury. No bones we: e broken. and Mr. Stuart will: recover fuil use of his hand Mr, Stuart comes from Lions Head and only recently pur- chased the Store from Mr. J. H. Eby. â€"â€"Owen Sound Sun. All petitions relating to the gran:- ing or refusal of Licenses must be filed with the Inspector at least 4 days before April 23, 1906. Parties intereSted will govern themselves accordingly. THOS. DAVIS. INSPECTOR. And all Whom it may Concern. Odd Chairs Fancy Chairs Springs Mattresses Iron Beds Baby Carriages Cradles The number of Licenses issued for the year 1905-1906 was: The applications for Licenses for 1906-1907 are as follows : Shot Through The Hand APRIL 12, 1906 NOTICE .. The Chronic] l- LOCA AT the home of Mr. “'illiam Me] tosh, Crawford, Aprillth. hiseldt {60:1, Peter, of Dakota. was married .Miss Margaret Pust. 0f Bentiné Rev. C. E. Pineo, officiated. Joi ‘McInbosh, bx other at th? g1 «mm vs best man and Miss Lena Irelmnd w “bridesmaid. After the marriam . .élaboratel supper was served. Amo Elbe manV guests were Dr. and M Smith, of Donny-.11 Thv px-vsuu Were mam and useful. PIAXO RECITAL to-night. 'l‘lim'sda in the Town Hall. Plan at Mavf: lanes’ Drug Store. Admission 2.") a 35 cents. The following will appe we the program: Mrs. Newton pia ,, Miss McLeay. leader" , Miss Cm rd, Dr. Brown and Mr. \\ ill Ian. I soloists. This promises to be the in treat of the season. Go and enjoy evening of real merit. ‘ IT is interesting to 'resent dramatic sense he greatest Shakespm :5," any years. NO 1855 H reat Stars have px-mi ork and the px-im-ipa‘. ~‘ ,anadian citigs. must «‘ ';.iece_s of the greatest nf fists. “’11“? in Ixmt hree fam'nu m-tm-s hav it 0108 to parked house f“ithin a stumm thrm‘v he Durban} Drmnzzti'r uce “The .‘vah-nn « any 3rd in the Tuwn i enes and beautifu! my be acting Versim) Hf Y: " in BOOCh. .A'lspirtu NEW fancy vests and neckwmu‘ ju 1‘ Lin at H. H. Mockler‘s. n GBOCERIES for sale- at cost prices. G. Lawrence's. _ IF you want any furniture 0': carp: can at Furniture store. Big I'L‘dllt.‘t.i owing to building operations-r a 1:2 THE place to get your spring I {at H. H. Mockler‘s. \Ve carry ARTHUR H. Jsmxsux issuer of Na fiage Licensesz Durham. â€"»â€"4 i. PEARCY’S Pure Paints are the try them. Macfarlane Co. WE specialise in dress gunds. 1 gturnishings, underwear and hosiery H. H, Mockler. b, “How under Him who raisvs :u bulls down nations at, His pleasure fine to \Villiam Prince of Orange LT ligious security and llappinvss of t} gnglish people.” will be thv suhje greased by the pastor in the )[vthudi phurch on Sabbath eveni Hg H ext. A “t . . . proprmte musm by the chon'. g THE school xeopens Blond u m ml we have been asked tn xeql Eh ildren to be on hand the first day . ially these commencing tlwir sch 'areer. “76 have much sympat largest stock twelx 9 mm ‘Derbys just 3.1 rix ed as well new things in soft 1111s. iiof regular and punctual attmuiazu fiet the little tOLs out on Mundav a; get them become initiated into t 'work at once. LAST week we bility of tree p1 spend nearly an ”IPiI' apprain'mfi )1) making a [N‘I’IINHXH‘H juh Ht‘. (1 street or even a. piece uf .‘t «NM. :1 then continuing the wm'k in fat! years till the Whole ground 1w cuvcn Think of the amount of wax-k that 1 been done on our own front su-e took at the mud holes in springa fall, and then say if you will that. c system of road making is a huge s‘ peas. ,Doa little and do it well i: Wplan. we’ll throw out it him? ~ L“VIN“ do you kmm' .w 119;?"9 Win he thv qxxvrjc itatute lahux- mom. 1’ {now much. but m- >pinion that pet-mm: small piece of mad 9 )ring quicker resu ! rs ti 'nethods of tinkering (w 0 H 1 . portion of the publir .ngixv Liter year. Even in Lawn he': .ieve our town fathers w mH Ltea. good nmvemen!‘ if ti: spend nearly all their amn' PIANO RECITAL to-night, Thursda VOL. 39â€"940. 2040. $83801 ll L“ L! \V I \V Pl!

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