West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 19 Apr 1906, p. 9

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censusswwfle t *_ Handsome Gilt: and Silver Belts for the ladies. i? Handsome Kid and Silk Belts for the ladies. * Handsome All-silk Belts for the ladies. : Handsome Embroidery Plastrons for the ladies. g; Handsome Lace Collars for the ladies. 500 Men’s Cashmere Sex 350 Ladies’ Cashmere Hose 1.30 New Embroideries Big range of Soft Front Shirts at 90. 1.233, $1.40. The mftiest Neckties in the Town at '25, :30 750. 221m). Redpath‘s Granulated Sngnr 5 lbs. Prunes . 3 packages Dunham’s Cocoannt 4 packages Chinese Starch 5 lbs. Ginger Snaps 4 bottles best Extracts 8 bars best Soap The First Suggestion of Spring .. . . Our Store is . . Full of New Goods Bargains for Saturday We have just stepped into sprinox You p.')siti\'ely cumut :put Of that spring: suit any longer. Don’t let'the price worry you. We can showyou Dress Goods that will satisfy your taste at. a. vel‘V low figure. Comes With The New Dress Goods This is the verdicr of all Who have seen our display of New Dsess Fabrics. We certainly have the newest and most popular 0 ”wings to be seen. Visit this depai tment be one buying elsewhere. 3 was; DRESS ‘ GOODS Good Wear in Men’s Wear This Department sells everything that man would wish forâ€"comfort. appear- ance and improvement. Whatever you need come and see what our offer looks like. We’re ready to satisfy you every way, Our New Spring Stock has arrived and is meeting with favor among all smart dressers. ’ It includes Special Bargains in Boys” Clothing Dress Goods Accessories. ALEX. RUSSELL we THEY ARE JUST SWELL." Impossible to desm'ible their beauty. Come and see them. Leather Belts for Men and Boys. Men’s Furnishings. Bring; the “ Little Men ” in and make their hearts happy. The PeOpIe’s Store ROBERT BURNE’ Dry Goods. AND ALL KINDS OF NIFTY CLOTHING HATS, TIES. SHIRTS. GLOVES. HOSIERY Groceries. AND REMARKABLY GOOD PRICES TOO- i?%% .3 .0 .0 .0 9m 9.. 9m 9m fifié .050 321 lApplG~ Flour per cw: .. ‘2 Dumas-.1 per =ack. ‘2 Chop per cw: ........ 1 Live Hogs ......... . G Dre-wed Hogs th‘ cwt. 8 H5399 {391' 1b ........ Sheepskins ..... .. Wool........ . ..... . Tallow ...... Spring 0879 .. Peas .. Barley . Hay . . . Butter, ll. A brink c'ad home with Shep in conneC‘iun on (u‘rarafraxa s'rm‘at. Good business location. also let ad joinging about fifty feet frontage V 5 «ml! abh- on adjaiv ilHr lot. lit-1‘11" and sofr uaxex Will be sold en bloc. Applv on prmnises to Mrs. C. Botor or to Samuel Scott --2mc. For Th in, Poor Blood You can trust a medicine teSted 60 years! Sixty years of experience, think of that! Experience with Ayer’s Sar- sapariiia; the original Sarsa- parilla; the Sarsaparilla the dOCtOI'S endorse for thin blood, weak nerves, general debility. But even thin grand old medicine cmnot do its best work if the liver is inactive tnd the bowels constipued. For the but possible re- sults. you than“! take lmxive done: of Ayor's Pills while akin: the Sarupzrilla. szEE 255.5 .1537, Be: mquxkrr HOL SE AND LOT FOR SALE W0 have no secrets! W0 publish the formula of at our modicinoo. Mu¢_°k1m"s. Market Report. and. 3.0.1:" .mnu. momma: qers DURHAM. April lh’. 1906 HAIR VIGOR. AOUB CURB. CHERRY PECTOIAL. DURHAM CHRONICLE 11 T0 Y0 t0 to 5 to to to to t0 t0 LO t0 IO ()H OI Council met. April 14th. as a Court of Revision on Drain No. 3. and to consider report on Drains Nos. 1. 2. The members subscribed to requir- ed declarations and Court was opened. Clerk certified tbs: no appeals had been filedâ€"Joe. Belcon paid $150 60; Geo Harris $25.06; W. Woods 85.00; being full amount of their assessment on said drain. McArthurâ€"Ferguaonâ€"That Drain ago By law No. 3. be now read a third time; signed, sealed etc â€"Carried. PhilpsuFergusonâ€"That thie Coun- cil is satisfied that the requirements of said Act respecting nocices to Ass’d parties to consider Engineer’s report re Drains 1 and? -, have been fully complied With. â€"Carried. Fergusonâ€"McArthurâ€"--'I‘hat the following aoc’ts. be paid and charged to Drain No. 3. Engineers acc’c. for survey 3126 00; J. A Lambert print. mg By law 310 00; Clerk Serving no cices on parties interesced o5.UO; do oosmge 7H crs. Report, on Drian No. 2, was read etc as above and no names with- drawn. 1. That an additional survey br- made designating and numbering the village 10:5. and also marking bound aries of said village R:bbâ€"Philps-â€"That Court of Re- visnon now close.-Carried. Report on Drain No. 1, Egremont and Proton was read, and an eppor cunity given for any party to with iraw his name. All were satisfied. Fergusoanobbâ€"That By-law--- to issue Debentures for Drain No. 2 be now read a first and secmd Lime. â€"-Carried. Robbâ€"Fergusonâ€"That report on Drain 1’0 :2. be adopted and a By-law be introduced to give it efl'ect â€"-Car- vied. The reeve as inscructed han inter viewed 'l‘p. Solicitor re Holsmix. Police Village and reported as follows: Robbâ€"McArthurâ€"That Engineer’s report on Drain 1, be adepted and a By-law be introduced to give it efiect. â€"-Carried. Robbâ€"Philpsâ€"Thac By-laWâ€"to issue Debentures for Drain No. 1 be be now read a first and second time. -â€"Carried. 2. That. an amended Bylaw to more clearly designate the boundaries ofsai' Pox'ce Village be passed by the County Council n a. That the Police Trus e33 mtk': Application to the Council to submit a By-law {or this purpose be intro .luced and given two readings with an order for publication. fixing date and p we of pelling. Said tolling to be conuucted by the Com cii. lf vote is favorable the Debentures may be disposed of on the By law or after the County Council has passed the‘amen ded By law as necessity requ'res. Robbâ€"Philpsâ€"-That we now ad journ to May 19th as a Court of Re- vision on Drains No. 1,9 ., at. 1 30 p m. and the By law for said Drains shall be published by service bv the Clerk as provided by section ‘22. of the Municipal Drainage Act, and Council shall meet at. 10 o’clock a. m for general businessâ€"Carried. D. ALLAN, Clerk. McArthurâ€"Robbâ€"That the reeve’s report be adopted and he be paid $3. for his services and the Tp Solicitor’s acc’t. for above of $2 ()0 be paid.â€" Carried. On Wednesday of last week John Orr Little and wife. Mono Road. left home intending to be away all night .\I r. Little happened to drop a remark to that eHect to some of the neigh- bors in the hotel shed at Mono Road and the conversation was overheard by two Others who were present at the time. About five o’clock on Thursday morning the hired man, a young Englishman who was alone in the house heard a noise downstairs and thinking Mr. Little had returned called out : “ Is that you boss?” Getting no reply he went downsrairs and found a strange man preparing to decamp with a valise full of goods which he had packed up. The hired man grappled with him anu after a struggle in which he was badly cut about the hands. with a knife drawn by the burglar. and bruised about the bod5, he managed to secure the val- ise. but the man escaped. Two watches and a number of articles of silverware were in the grip. Crown Attorney McFadden was notified and the county constables are on the look- out for the thief, but as yet no arrests have been made â€"Exchange. Tea or twelve years ago Maurice Dowd was one of the most prosperous and respected farmers of Arthur Tp. hut in an evil day for himself and his family he disposed of his fine farm and entered upon the career of hotel keeper at Arthur village. Soon he fellinto drinking himself and in a few years he became a helpless drunk- ‘ard. From Arthur he" drifted to Fergus and thence to Teeewater where his course as hotelkeeper was wound up last year There are six or seven small children who have been living with relatives since the mother became insane through the wild career of her husband. Dowd’s experience in hotel keeping is a touching object lesson in temperance He was Worth fifteen or twenty thousand dollars on the farm, but to- day he is financially worthless. his children are dependent upon friends. his wife is. in an asylum and be him- self is a wanderer in the west.â€" Grand Valley Star-Vidette. EGBEIOHT COUNCIL' THE THIEF HEARD IT. AN OBJECT LESSON. on friands. nd be him- 10 west. -â€" 5* Graduate of the Canadian Horological Instltute. Â¥*%*fi*%*******%¥fi***% 9% *- 5X6 Nearly every mother’s son of us and daughter, too. expects the Stem ach to accustom itself to all manner of ill-treatment. but the time comes when we cannon abuse it with im punity. How much better it would be to take Sto‘ph at once to Strengthen the Stomach and prchnc further Lroub e. Use ME o-na now and s othe t] 6 it inated walls of the S‘nmacb, 9.1 d strengnhen the gastric follicles Su Here in Durham. as in other cities and towns, dySpepsia or stomach troubles me eusnariug victims m a insidious way. tum they will pOur out their daxly sugply of digescive materials with regu arity Then 1he headaches, sieoplessness. SchkS before the eyes. poor appetite. Hred feelings and 161'- vousness will di82ppear. and you «an eat what you want at any time ycu like. Steps Should be ITaken at Once Prevent Further Trouble. The Durham Furniture Co. A call and inspection solicited. No trouble to show goods and give prices Mi 0 119. IS a combination of term- dies, some of which are but little known in this country, and is a posi- tive guaranteed czre for ail diseases of the stomach excepting cancer. Just one little tablet out of a 50 cent box before meals, for a few days, and you will soon regain per- fect health and strength. and have no fear of indigestion or stomach troubles. If you cannot obtain Mioo-na of your druggist. it; will be sent. by mail. post-paid, on receipt; of price. Write us for advice on your case from a. Voiding stomach specialist which will be sent. free. The R. '1‘. Bomb Company. Ithaca, N. Y. Miss Dick Choice Millinery ENSNARING VICTIMS. Bedroom Suites Sideboards Extension Tables Parlor Tables Parlor Suites Couches’ DIAMOND HALL. %%<= PEARL BROOCH or STICK PIN Easter Orders are coming m rapidly. but with our competent head trimmer, and large staff of assistants, we hope to be able to meet the requirements of all. “The Best ever seen in Durham” was the Opinion of many who visited our Openings on Wednes- day and Thursday of last week. We made more sales than we ever did previously on Opening days. Examine our goeds before pur- chasing. We are confident we can please you. â€"_:_:___â€"â€"â€"-____.-â€"â€"-â€"â€"::_::-:_ LIMITED WAREROOMSâ€"ONE DOOR SOUTH OF POST OFFICE IN All STYLES, FINISHES AND PRICES Pearls are always in season and are bound to give entire satisfaction. And there is nothing so acceptable for a. lady or gentleman as a nice Percy G. A. Webster THE JEWELER. DURHAM ONT. Notice is hereby given that the Board of LiceuSe Commissioners for the License District of South Grey will meet on Township of Normanby, Township of Bentinck, Township of Glenelg, Townahip of Egremont, Township of Proton, Town of Durham, Village of Dundalk, Town of Hanover, TO HOTEL KEEPERS Monday, April 23, [906 In the TOWN of DURHAM, at the Inspector’s Office at. 1 o ’clock p.111. \Vhen applications for Licenses for the License year of 1906-1907 will Le considered. Township ot Normanby, Township of Bentinck, Township of Glenelg. Township of Egremont, Township of Proton. Town of Durham, Village of Dundalk, Town of Hanover, ,4. Q: at. a, H H N) to All petitions relating to the grant- ing or refusal of Licenses must be filed with the InSpector at least 4 days before April ‘23, 1906. Parties intereSted will govern themselves accerdingly. Desirable property on Elgin St... Durham. Good house. hard and soft water. First-class stable and 3; acre of land. \Vill sell cheep tc quick purchaser. For further parti- culars apply to JOHN McARTHUR, Edge Hill April 19th.â€"-â€"3tpd. And all Whom it may Concern Inside Corporation of Durham. The number of Licenses issued {or the year 1905-1906 was: Odd Chairs Fancy Chairs Springs Mattresses Iron Beds Baby Carriages Cradles The applications for Licenses for 19061907 are as follows : For Sale or to Rent. APRIL 19, 1906 Bull for Service. NOTICE THOS. DAVIS. INSPECTOR. XVM. WALL. Prepmetor , ONT lagL'I‘he Chronic XCHEQUES from Andi-m (21 y are not common here but one " his disbursing office fox tllc amo $750 reached VViaIton on \1 It was drawn in favor of R Atcheson and was Carnegie‘s towards the $1500 pipe organ re installed in St. Paul's church. philanthropist will probably enjoy listening to the music organ. But the present. and th generation here will thoroughly the gift. This will no doubt be faction to him.-â€"-Wiarton Echo. gLOCA E: HEAR the lecturo fin Church 011 Mm. bth. Admission ‘ , IF 3'« Scall at ,‘owing THE Hutton Hill 1 School which has hcvn the Winter mumhs. wi ‘iL‘May 13m. ., OUR new hats and raps and are the (‘01P?(t thing Cinema ‘ Stlfi hats \IPth‘su h! Shad see them at (nu-1m s. i hit. take vex-3 littletixm and as sure as the sun sh $3 men’s patent Blm he1~ :1 ahead of all the 111st. DON'T forget the illuqt mu «1 km in the Preshvbex 12m Chmch «m - day evening. Apt 11 30th on the (‘ “Vest by Rev. Mr. Md‘ nilmw} V‘E‘Harrismn. Admission 15 and It A MEETING of the S. G. Wow Institute will be held at the bum Mrs. Thos. McGix-r on May 3rd. I Topics “Housecleaning” and “Gar iing.” All ladies are invited to att MR. George Lawrmme sold stock of groceries as well as and shop fixtures to Messrs. M 8: Latimer. Mr. Lawrenvc : intend going \Vest in the m' few weeks. WALKERTON Dramatic (‘luh sented a comedy on the 19th entitled “A Pair of Lunatics." performers were all “lmmwhx'i and it isn't likely thew will 1y kick about " ringers." BUTT ER : {116 eggs \\':1 THE Carson family will will sc good-bye to Durham and fun: ties of friendship in the west. ' mise of Mrs. Carson has broken old home and Miss. Sadie 3000!!) 'Mrs. Hopkins to \Vim'lipvg; :1 m: weeks ago Where shv will \‘i: Sister Mrs. Czunm-nn. however, she will x-us Hopkins at Saskatmm. in Durham as yet. but few weeks. This fnmil many friends in Ham Durham who will my theirremovu}. -~I’n.-t. H( ITOS reduced ’V A ‘VH.\'I“S illc 11>“ I: NG\Vsp;_1pm's mm in u‘-\' w lic against :uw-qfiihi menu (:uins \Vliivix mu most Worthless. 'i‘izv out, and so will 111w v“ ing goes out zlgnith’ and fakirs, hut tlu- >1} finds l‘KS of (mo-n 1! ready waiting In hizv bait. The giwn g m victims and snmv u! ’ land in jail, but Llwr ready for operatimi. wrong to engage in 5;: if any one is smart . them they may he “ othgr fellows, but 2. Stuart; to be caught. some of them do emu: in a hundred 83mm smart Alcck is guin; dredth sure. \Vm'n in and again about the v. less handling 0f gm ‘lnibe, gasoline, and) explosives, yet ace-id: curring and usually 1 mess in doing the may 8 we shouldn’t: do. if H adventurers were the suffer the loss would 11 but it, isn’t; right to freak to run loose to U sensible community. bed a coward than to prch afool. VOL. 39â€"N0. 2041. .0 buildin urni tun want any )I’t lV h itim 51 m IN 3t ‘OU I‘SG and 1th hi O 11‘

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